How do you feel about this, user?
SCP Foundation light novel
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SCP is really taking off in Japan...
Those sjws must be so mad right now.
Might still be salvageable there because in the west we lost SCP to the tumblr degenerates ages ago.
I hope someone translates this.
Unfortunately Japan SCP is most "Look how awesome and cool my OC SCP guy is" on the level of SCP-777-J except serious.
why would they?
No different from 076 back in the day. They'll grow out of it. There is a cat.
Which scp's do they talk about in the novel?
SCP has always been big in japan. They even have their own scp site with their own OCs.
did somebody say scp?
This is the yotsuba doujin isn't it?
Don't fucking do it.
What the fuck is SCP?
sausage and cheese pizza
I could tell you but then we'll have to wipe your mind after that.
Or you could just google.
>no more Boogiepop
>shitty fanfiction stuff instead
Some of you MPLS are alright, don't go to the world tomorrow
I thought about as much from the Japanese. Most of their SCP creations would mostly revolve around shallow isekai stuff I'm sure.
So, no red sea object? Pass.
The difference being there is one scp 076 and its mostly kept around as a deterrent against more so they can say "We already have an edgy gary stu guy".
Basically site full of OC fridge horror and weird stuff in the form of a secret organizations data files. Started on /x/ a long time ago and became its own site.
Is it true that the current site is shit now thanks to sjws?
I never could finish that one. One of the most uninteresting entries. If that's all you're interested in there are dozens of stories like it that aren't SCP related that you're better off moving to. The best ones will always be the humorous, not always lethal objects like that basketball video tape.
>ADD and a shit taste
poor user
Why and how?
So what's the story behind their apparent interest and ruining of the material/site?
scp = neo lovecraft
you literally can't refute this
I literally can.
What Happened To Site 13?
>a poor taste
Your opinion is invalid, third-worlder. Go consume more isekai like the drooling subhuman that you are.
Its beenout for almost half a year already. No one has posted anything about the story
I read that "Akira" guy novels about girl with spoon, and it was not bad at least. Is there a translation of this SCP thing?
There is no Site 13. There never has been a Site 13. It never went in construction, Site 13.
Ignore that building over there. That's not Site 13. It never was Site 13.
and in the trash it goes
We will be playing the free SCP Secret Laboratory multiplayer tonight with anons at user server, the ip is
The game's free on Steam.
You can check the ip and playercount at and if you want, you can join the user group "scp chads" by googling it and joining its chat for real time colonization announcements.
A while ago, there was an SCP heavily related to trans issues, which was super controversial because of the site's perceived SJWness. Later on, the site replaced the logo with a rainbow-themed one for one day, owing to gay pride day. The people upset about the aforementioned SCP saw this as the sign that the SJWs have pretty much taken over the site, and left.
Personally, I don't think it's ruined at all, I think it's a dumb meme. It's one SCP, out of like 4000+ ones. It's not like every new SCP has to be about social justice or anything, the majority of new SCPs are still about weird/scary/funny shit. And frankly speaking, the quality of the newer entries (3000+) is not beneath that of series I-III. If anything, it has gotten better. And getting assblasted over a logo is real stupid.
you dropped your dilator
This need edit where commander talk about how they need to focus on killing dclass and blow up facility
SCP-191 a CUTE!
Cute indeed.
Is oversimplified scp any good? Or is the manga better?
Slutty doorknob.
Well that was a read.
I am so mad
Lurk moar on what's going on in the SCP Foundation website and compare it to the Japanese SCPs, then you'll find your answer.
Translation fucking when!???
Colonization in few hours. Now is perfect time to download this FREE game on Steam to get ready for SCP multiplayer mayhem fun with other anons.
>lurk more around sjws
hmm what if I say no?
Then that's your problem, buddy.
Indifferent. Call me when there's a light novel for Holders.
How was it uninteresting? Did you not even get to the test logs?
SCP aside, I really like Shidu's art.
Last year they changed their logo to rainbow for Prode Month, and mods started acting like assholes and banning anyone who objected. Then some alt-right e-celeb found out and made a video about it and every little instance of social justice he could dig up, blowing the matter out of proportion.
At least one mod lost his position after the incident, but the site now has a bad name in right-leaning places.
You mean Neo Delta Green
Hopefully they put in some other english SCPs besides Iris. I'm personally hoping for SCP-2786 but I'm not sure how they'll fit that in, so my expectations are pretty low. Which SCPs do you guys think are going to be in it?
Not really, any shitness and sjws infestation is blown out of proportion but /x/ and other anons (and redditors) who dodn't even read stuff beyond what controversial thing somebody linked (if ever they read much Foundation stuff)
No need to guess what's in it, just read the ToC.
BTW even in objective sense logo change was bad idea. Not only it broke immersion but it also make little sense that organisation like this would care about this.
Or worse, that Foundation really cared about this it would be more like shady organisation putting PC hat while to sake of cheap PR (people compared it to CIA doing similar pro gay stuff as public stunt), while still guilty for really bad stuff in past and present. Not to mention that Foundation is cooperating with anti LGBT goverments and may use D class who become one just for being gay.
That's convenient, thanks!
Japanese SCP series would only work if the MC is an SCP director or an agent.
>It's one SCP, out of like 4000+ ones
Cept its not just one and they are modifying old ones and banning anyone who says anything slightly not PC
so what was this about?
and who drew for it?
There is a cat
>J scp
>Its a 4000 yo loli/ magic girl/ self insert that can destroy the universe with a flick of the wrist
>Its a monster that does spooooky shit
>Its something out of a junji ito story
>still liking SCP
It really has declined.
>no comfy scp nichijou anime with a KnT/mushishi/black mirror vibes
>tfw no comfy chapter about SCP-1230
it all started with a transgender doorknob i shit you not.
hopefully this will some thinggs up.
A sexy doorknob, not a transsexual one. The tranny was the satellite
my bad
How about you actually give him an actual answer? "Lurk moar" applies to Yea Forums not telling people to go off to a community they don't want to be around to find out an answer you can very quickly answer you cock breath
A while ago, the site was transferred to new admins, who reorganised things and banned a lot of older users.
Previously there was a rule against SCP entries which required referencing other SCPs in order to make sense, under the logic that it repels newcomers. Referential media goes in the Tales section, which you're not going to notice until you've been on the site for a while.
Under the new rules, this has been reversed. SCPs and Tales are now distinguished only by format, and writers are encouraged to split stories up across multiple pages while cramming in as many references as possible. The admins have stated that they don't want people coming to the site because they like SCPs (saying those people tend to be assholes) but instead want established writers to move their works to the SCP site and bring their fans with them.
The setting has also been changed so that most SCPs are the result of magic, which is a widespread and widely understood thing. The Foundation encounter and use magic constantly, but insist it doesn't exist because "their blind faith in science drives them to oppress others". One of the introductory Tales for the setting's new magic system features a trans character being transformed and lovingly welcomed by the Global Occult Coalition who say stuff like "According to science you just *think* you're a woman; that alone is proof science is a lie". It's also implied that mental illnesses are created by the "aura of oppression" radiated by science, and that the only reason the Foundation succeeds in containing SCPs is because of all the science draining their will to escape.
thats hilarious
Alot of this is just nitpicks or made up bullcrap
I only recently started checking out some SCPs and I havent seen anything like this at all but it sounds a tad... much.
Is this post even supposed to convince anyone?
This is a joke right? Are things that bad that this abortion is a legitimate SCP?
Read both, Oversimplified is for goofy fun even with spooky shit like the mask that weeps corrosive fluid, takes over people and starts doomsday cults, the anthologies are more "serious" in nature.
>Tranny satellite.
You got to be shitting me.
It loves Homestuck too.
Is this real? I love SCP shit, is it based on the regular SCP website or the Jap specific one?
Judging from the ToC here I assume it's the regular one. Japanese SCPs have -JP in their name.
No, the real SCP-3127 is a weird pig-thing that the Foundation created by accident when they tried cross-testing multiple SCPs against each other.
Yeah but is it going to get TLd?
Someone post the Dr. Brea(Brai? Immortal Doc) chapter for larpghs.
Not to be confused with **|*****|**|*
Why doesn't it use conventional SCP classification like 2721-1 and 2721-2 instead of that special snowflake naming?
Because it's shit, it should have been deleted long ago
I think that at the very least, they should have forced the article designations to be 2721-1 and 2721-2.
There's at least one SCP where they had to use a format like that because it can be summoned by reading its name.
It's fine if there's a reason, but as far as I can tell, 2721 has no reason behind these unique designations.
And shove those "blogpost snippets" into a collapsed block. There's no reason for them to be in the main article like this.
Lurk more.
>page is protected
>no rating
>700+ comments
gee i wonder why
wtf is 2721? This is awful on so many levels.
How am I just now figuring this out?
This Holders was great and had no sjw shit in the fandom
The author is a complete prick, too
> Still no creepypasta manga with SCPs, Holders, Slenderman and the other monsters.
Japan is the only thing that can save the creepypasta Fandom. I pray that a mangaka finds it and creates something of value with that world.
I only know a few JP SCPs but 488-jp and 835-jp is for sure my favorites.
should an SCP manga try to create it's own SCP's, or purely adapt existing ones?
Who's Reko?
Adapt existing existing ones. It would be pointless to make up ones since they would never be as big as the existing ones.
I feel like its own original ones wouldnt be so bad, but putting focus on existing ones is gonna be key here.
Did the show 682 or that one that give's ya a cup of joe?
oh god oh fuck
The fuck is th
>No guys please don't believe this guy he's totally making this up.
Stuff like this is why RPC exists. People are done with the admin's bullshit
Why would you do this?!
Well good bye other Anons.
れこ, not to be confused with the ねこ sitting over there.
Oh duh. Must be that cat thing then.
Jap SCPs are pretty good. My favourite is the retroactive black hole. More creative than basically anything the western counterpart has made bar a few entries.
>Lurk moar
>around SCP fans
no thanks I don't have the 'tism
>mr merkour
Fuck off
RPC is shitfest on its own.
Angela did nothing wrong even though I still dont know what the fuck she did.
She just wanted to document the world, experience what it's like to be a human, and be with you. She did nothing wrong and never betrays you.
Only if manga have some narrative what would require it or manga was about operations of Foundation agents or other groups (GOC or Chaos) and you could create anomaly, person, creature or object what could be destroyer or lost in some way without worrying about messing lore or picking some canon.
Don't lie user even i know she did some sketchy shit, she's just to wonderful to hate her for.
The worst she did was push for there to be more efficiency in the company. She genuinely cares about you and is joyous about how good you are at your job. She could replace all of the other AIs, and the company would only improve. She is your secretary, adviser, and trusted confidant. You can tell her anything you want.
Where the fuck is my SCP dating sim already stupid nips?
>He didn't get the Cassie end in the SCP dating Sim
If you are interested in the SCP stuff, you might like the book "The Breach by Patrick Lee". It's not creatures but random artifacts that come out of a portal. It's a bit like "Roadside Picnic" (the book the STALKER games were based on). It has some very strange items that have very strange effects on people and the world.
It's a three part book series with book 2 being the weakest, but still good.
Also Roadside Picnic if you want to get the STALKER feel.
thanks user
>he didn't get the secret 682 ending
They are drastically rewriting old famous old entries for no real reason except that the admins friends think their OC reimagining is better. The most notable being the slaughter of 049
I thought scp had some kind of licencing that stopped people monetising work based off of the site writings. Do nippons have a work around or are they just assuming a bunch of internet trannies arent going to do shit
trannies ruin everything. Trannies should be their own SCP.
Sick Cunt with Potential
user please, if you love someone that means you Also have to accept theyre faults as well. Now tell me what exactly was it she did at the end with the light cause I dont have any clue what it was.
Create a library for all the world's knowledge and let the other AIs die.
Curious to read what anons' thoughts are on 2845
I don't particularly like it myself; Greek mythology references and GOC aside, everything's too "spelled out." There are SCPs of other things the Foundation had to contain because the GOC couldn't destroy them, but those have some air of mystery to them, a bit of intrigue as to why the Foundation would want to study these things instead of just researching ways to neutralize them on site. They've already got a bunch of other reality warpers in the library, and I don't think 2845 stands out among them apart from its convoluted Containment Procedures.
I'd probably like it more as an article on the GOC site than on the SCP site.
Hod and Melkath deserve better.
They wanted to die, don't worry. She granted them that.
Shut up, this wasn't the end they deserved.
Does this have a translation yet?
The official translation will be released in 2020, January. Since we're already halfway through 2019, a few more months aren't that bad.
Im not gonna write paragraphs for a fag that cant even lurk more.
Iirc the site operates under a type of copyright where basically anyone can use anything posted to the site for whatever reason, even making money off of it, but anything they make with the material is free to be copied and used by anyone else in turn. Or something similar to that at least.
>Later on, the site replaced the logo with a rainbow-themed one for one day,
For an entire goddamned month while they fucked with the characterization of the organization to push their narrative.
>It's not like every new SCP has to be about social justice or anything, the majority of new SCPs are still about weird/scary/funny shit. And frankly speaking, the quality of the newer entries (3000+) is not beneath that of series I-III. If anything, it has gotten better.
Name them then.
Since this is an SCP thread, I'll just leave this here
There's going to be an SCP Secret Lab game on the Yea Forums server tomorrow. Should be a thread posted in Yea Forums to correlate. Friday's game lasted 7 hours, so there'll be a lot of time
Also, is the LN more serious in tone or is it lighthearted like other Japanese SCP content?
From what I've read out of the prologue and chapter 1, it's shenanigans. Iris pranks a guy by slipping a photo in every book he reads and he eventually gets isekai'd into a foundation facility.