What's the worst Manga you've ever read from start to finish?

What's the worst Manga you've ever read from start to finish?
Pic very much related. What a shitshow. Not even the waifus could save it.

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Fire Punch. What a piece of shit.
Dropped Gantz and Deadman before the end, otherwise they would be defihite contenders.

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This or Code:Breaker

Masturbating to a manga doesnt count as reading it.

Black Clover

I read the first three volumes, so far I like it a lot. It's super fucking edgy though, so I understand.
I somehow love all Manga that involve immortals doing combat: Ajin, Immortal Hounds, Fire Punch, there's a couple more I think. Ajin has the best balance of clever writing and edginess.

Was this the one with constant rape and high school kids looking like 40year old Russian bodybuilders?

Waifu doesn't mean 2D girl.

Is there a single manhwa that isn't garbage? I think not.

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Yes, it's miracle that I read it to the end. Never read something more bad than this one.

Code:Breaker isn't a manhwa. But yes, something like Dark Air, Shin angyo onshi or even 4 cut hero (which one is webtoon)

fire punch is a kino the first half, something you can't say for gantz.

Ajin is based, I agree.
Fire Punch starts off with an interesting premise, it's what kept me going... but man, it really falls off like little else imo.

Its still on going but i agree its shit

Destroy and Revolution, which was really surprising to me considering it was from the same author as Holyland. The art is the same but the story and characters are complete fucking trainwrecks. I've read worse manga but this is the worst one I bothered to finish.

Code breaker and new waves look like crap, could have sworn they're manhwa. Something about how the Koreans use blacks...
I'll check out your suggestions. Koreans are definitely a lot worse at writing than the Japanese and the Japanese aren't very good to begin with...

Code:Breaker and Breaker are different series. But at all you are right, almost all korean titles are shit.

I wasn't expecting that but I really enjoyed the 1 volume. I thought this could be a hidden gem.

The 2 was like a straight punch right between my eyes, fallowed by a kick in the balls.

The 3 and thankfully last tried to be better but ended up as a total shitshow.

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I love tower of god, should I leave Yea Forums?

the author was pretty based for having a full volume of the hot milf getting raped. But yeah it was shit.

I liked Yongbi, its art was really good. Im a sucker for martial arts shit.

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Deadman Wonderland was pure kino

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