gosh user you're such a loser
Gosh user you're such a loser
Season 3 when?
Thanks user love you too
What did she mean by this?
It's supposed to be "fucking faggot," not "loser," reddit-kun
>outing yourself as a newfag
>not knowing about Kofukuposting
I also am aware of standardized meme formatting, fellow user.
Where can I find some cute girls to sexually bully me?
Well that was an embarrassing attempt at fitting in. Try harder next time.
Never. Japan doesn’t care
How do you feel now?
Get a load of this loser, god.
Quality thread right here guys. Dont miss it.
gosh user you're so smart!
can someone tell me why all I can find on sadpanda nowadays is either weird body horror or emotionally masochistic shit
has everyone moved to nhentai and fakku?
Its in talks actually, but the manga is movin quick im so glad i got back into it
what's about her that turn me on so much, it's that curly hair? the clothes? why there isn't more porn of her
Isn't she the one who specifically brings ruin to everyone she meets
Why do you think she knows you're such a loser? She knows you can't get any worse being around her.
Do you prefer verbal humiliation of physical beatings?
give me the fucking season 3 already, I can't handle any more mangos
The first leading into the second.
it's the sex hair, it's so lewd
Yes. No reason to use ex now that its constantly getting take down notices
I mostly use nhentai and sankaku for /ss/ webms. Ex still have good stuff like game CG galleries and hard to find image collections of certain artists like Pandora's Box.
>stop user, you can't pass through here unless you admit that girls are better than boys
>yeah, and you have to bow to us too!
>*puts her hands on her waist after you refuse* oh, you don't want to? What are you going to do about it?
>thought so, bitch. Run along now
>the next day, same thing, but now they're blocking the only exit
>so what'll it be, user?
>user gulps, looks around to see if no one else is close
>g-girls are better than boys
>what's that? Didn't hear you.
>girls are better than boys OK!
>now bow
>user begrudgingly does a slight nod
>losing her patience, she suddenly punches user in the belly, causing him to bow in pain
>that's better! Now you can go
>user walks forward almost stumbling and out of breath from the punch while they laugh
Best god
Isn't she just leeching of some other god's superior reputation?
damn that's legit saddening
I assume nhentai doesn't comply with the notices? I think I'll just keep using exhentai and torrent fakku content from now on
yeah all the good stuff is on fakku now
t. Loser
Yeah, and what're you gonna do about it, faggot?
>damegami talking shit
all the good vanilla is on fakku
Nailed it.
Fuck off Daiz
>recess time
>each one suddenly sits on each of user's sides on the bench
>one of them lays her feet over user's lap
>user instinctively pushes them off
>immediately regrets it as she forcefully grabs his limpy wrists and slams her foot again over his weak skinny thighs
>"ow, that hurt! How can your thighs be so bony? You better massage my feet now"
>feeling helpless, user complies, though he sees some people noticing and smirking, which makes him turn red
>the smell of girly feet and the long minutes of humiliation make him blush even harder, both girls comment on it giggling and pinch his cheeks to make them redder
>"I take it you've never felt a girl's smell so clearly before huh you pervy bitch?"
>"OK that's enough massaging, now say the words before we let you go"
>by this time, more girls have come closer to see what's going on
>user closes his eyes, but surprisingly doesn't hold back: "girls are better than boys!"
>smirks from observers have turned into laughter
>"that's right, and don't you forget it!" she says, before letting user go with another pinch to the cheek
>desperate 2d slutwhore warps space with her ass while user doesn't give a shit
no u
MORE BITCH i'm not hard yet
Anime this meme came from isn't even that old how the fuck are you THIS new
I like your style user.
>fast forward a month
>user was abused like this every day
>secretly he was lifting all this time
>bitches come to him again
>user is ready
>main bitch is about to start the usual
>user grabs bitch boob full force
>squeeze twists it like trying to open a stuck jar lid
>bitch #2 attempts to pull him off
>user backhands her full force on the nose
>bitch #2 collapses
>user works other boob over too
>turns around to leave
>kicks bitch #2 as he walks over her
I love lewdposting about femdom.
I want to suck those toes
>user has a harley parked outside
>goes to #1 beauty of the school
>"come with me if you want to really live"
>rides into the distance
You decide if beauty decided to join him.