The Promised Neverland 132 Spoilers

Spoilers out

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Other urls found in this thread:

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reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist

Fuck d*mons.

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I have no idea what this panel signifies.
Oops fucked up the spoilers. Hopefully mods can fix if its an issue.
Based lowercase user.
Fuck off Barbara.
Dubs of death confirm that you will die.

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Why does Norman look 20 now? Was it the experiments?

glad to see that the owl is being fed well

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Every fucking thread.
Because Posuka can't into what 13 year olds look like.
And because he's playing the role of an adult. He looks younger when not "Minerva"

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I bet it's an illusion

Probably something like that.
Maybe some test bullshit they have to past to get to [redacted]?

>Just according to keikaku

More butterfly symbolism.

The gf was a ruse (ruusu); that feel when no gf.


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This is obviously going to turn out not to be the case as Emma will get what she wants after some trial or something and she can't win if the demon God is against her.

>GF house.
The path to the Seven Walls is through the HQ.
>Isabella next chapter.

Norman is fucking hot

I want Norman to cum inside of me right now.

There is absolutely nothing hot about this 13 year old boy.

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I want to pin him down and do many things to him!

You must be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums(nel), Emma. Stop samefagging.

I hope Ray says yeah this chapter.

>after some trial
For a moment i thought you were talking about an actual trial, Ace Attorney style.

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Norman's butt

Is for ___


reminder that ray x Reglavalima is endgame with Norman and Emma becoming their buttlers.

Also nice demon tiddies.

>nice demon tiddies
I can't believe Ray will be able to touch them. Based!

Ray asks Emma to be his GF

I wanna get mad but this made me kek

>see this
What do?

Attached: D4SCOMWUwAISbFY.jpg (1200x867, 152K)

cum on emmas hair and make it sticky


Nothing. If it was Ray though, that's another story.

norman x musica is the endgame, a political marraige between leaders of surviving humans and demons

Ray x Musica x Reglavalima is the endgame, accept it already faggots.

I just want them to fug.

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The more I think about it, the more I'm certain this is the Demon God fucking with their mind as some psychological test.
>Emma learns about Ray's secret next chapter

>Tifari is in two months

It's finally Ray's time to shine as BBQ!

He'll finally get the best birthday gift.

>Leslie's butterflies.

He's dead, Isabella.

Something tells me that his 4d chess plan will backfire, and hard.

Of course it will. Emma needs to look good when she saves him and proves him wrong. That's what he gets for not being the MC.

Why does Norman look like an adult man

Why do you ask the same shit every week


what an adult

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Because of symbolism that doesn't really work well.

T-This is my first time in these spoiler threads

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Why is Norman so hot

That would just make Emma agree to the demon genocide

Back off, that is my husband.

Wait, who's that in the bottom left?

Who will win?
>the entire armed forces of the demon world
>edgy and hormonal teens that banded together to form Cattle ISIS

If they have their own language as shown here, then why did the two employees who butchered Conny spoke to each other in english? Same with those demon siblings in the village speaking english to one another.

I assumed it was some ancient or obscure language only Musica and her groupies knew.

Norman is extremely, extremely sexy. Despite the erradication issue.

Same here. Norman and Emma fugging is pure, they’re too sweet to each other for rough sex.

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Fuck, I love Barbara. She's the best.

Why can't they do both?

Norman can't handle it. Too weak.

Patrician taste. They are for sweet love making while holding hands.

But how else will Emma fuck the edge out if him?

I sometimes think that Nornan literally transforms into Minerva. Art is so inconsistent or is it intentional?

Humans did beat demons so badly they we're afraid of extinction at one point right?

I feel like it's intentional, he looks like a kid when he's with Emma and the others for the most part.

With love and kindness, of course! It takes a gentle touch to soften Norman’s edges.

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Jesus Christ, Norman is sexy as hell (no homo)


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It's okay to be homo, Ray_

>Emma will never ride you

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Finally caught up with this manga, are all threads usually this shit?

There's plenty of threads for you to choose from, you don't have to be in a "shit" thread.

I’ll take that as a yes, you fucking pedo. I’ll stick to Reddit

Have a (You).

>Musica will never ride you

>wanting a filthy demon to ride you

Based as always, Norman.

>wanting an earless antenna freak to ride you

Emma is cute and human.

Shut up Barbarian

Why would Barbara encourage Norman to let Emma ride him?

She lacks an ear.


You know I’m not Barbara, shut your whore mouth.

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Relax, Emma

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Why would Emma be happy about Norman badmouthing her friend?

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That’s Norman speaking? I’m sorry I called your mouth a whore, I’m not entirely sure what a whore is but Ray said it’s bad. That’s terrible, Norman! Barbara is our friend!


A whore is someone who sleeps around. Barbara is most definitely a whore, just ask Cislo and Vincent.

That's gross.

You're gross.

No, as I have both of my ears.

You also have shit taste.

I won't mock your earless fetish.

Thank you.

Is Shirai trying to make demon queen allude to Isabella?

I suddenly am on board with Ray fucking her.

Ray sucks

>Dude we're living in 2047 with all kinds of scientific advancements but fuck guns and modern weaponry and lets use spears and literal cavemen technology for our millitary instead!


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God I hope we get Isabella showing up again, so maybe Ray can finally get some relevance

Do you people think they're ACTUALLY in GF?
This user is almost certainly right
How the fuck would it make sense for them to be in GF? What would they possibly do there?

How is Norman so cute, bros?

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It's the short hair/big eyebrows/wimpy body combo. Perfect for gentle tender loving with Emma, and milking.

Bemma making WHEN

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Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist

Too late, you've been impersonated.

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>There's two now.
Three if you count the times I did it.

How do you people not get bored, I tried spamming don x Emma is endgame and got bored so easily.

>How do you people not get bored of shitposting
Why indeed.

This artist really goes in for the Chadman angle with Norman, not that that's a bad thing.

Shitposting is an art. You must innovate or it gets stale the more you do it. The "Yeah" posting? Fresh and spicy but I could never do it for two years in a row, user.

Please post Emmas.

So a anime is all it takes for it to start pouring in.

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I wish I could beat you up for posting that.

Next doujin festival is just around the corner.

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This reminds me.

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Only wholesome lewds allowed.

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Mostly agree, but for that particular meme I think it's gone on long enough that it just wouldn't be a TPN thread without it. It's just obligatory.

Someone tell Norman you aren't allowed that many pawns in chess.


Demons did nothing wrong

They didn't do much right, either.

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/ss/ is forbidden

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It's okay, he got better.

Unironically if this happened this series would jump from a 7/10 to a 9/10 for me

Unironically commit the stop living.

Imagine having this much shit taste

>Emma getting the cardboard cutout that says yeah every few panels makes the series better
Is this, dare I say it, some masterful bait?

Not Emma getting Ray you retards i couldn't care less about that, Norman becoming the villain

And? My post still stands. Commit the stop living.

Why wouldn't Norman becoming the villain be great

Too bad Norman has become the antagonist unironically. When did the first part of the post become a trigger warning, anyway?

Norman is fine the way he is. Reducing him to hurr I just wanna kill demons, I will stop you Emma! is dumb and pointless.

Because it would make the eventual saving from Emma even MORE cliche and stupid. At least him respecting her point of view and letting her express herself justifies it more. You can't change a character's characterization to the point where they aren't themselves anymore and think it's good.

The problem is that brainlets don't understand that antagonists are not necessarily villains. He wants him to be a villain, not an antagonist. Norman isn't a villain. He's not even a good "antagonist" considering he openly gave her a chance to change things.

You're confusing antagonist with villain. If Emma found Musica and tried to make demons not need to eat meat, he wouldn't let her go through with it.

The entire point of his appearances in the last few chapters is to show that he has changed from his past self and wears that as a mask in conversation with Ray/Emma
However these guys are right, I used villain interchangeably with antagonist which was wrong

No, I'm not. user literally said he wants him to be a villain. Opposing Emma is fine, becoming the actual boogeyman isn't.

The entire point is that he didn't change. He's doing the exact same thing he did in GF, it just involves more people now. He opposed Emma's wishes for her own sake then too.

Quite the opposite, user. Ray and especially Emma realized he didn't change at all, that's why she is refusing to lose him again to the same deal he almost died for last time.

>dabs on the editor

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Satanic Emma! I love her, even if she is a demon.

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>four sixes
Emma confirmed to be more powerful than Satan.

Emma is the only demon worth saving!

>It's that time of the week again.
>Noumu and Bayon's territory is the most targeted by Norman.
>The high-class demons think it's low class demons doing the attacks
>Queen has retractile claws as weapon.
>Kills Isabella's butterfly.
>All according to keikaku. (tl: keikaku means bait)
>Tifari will actually be in 8 days, not two months.
>Norman will use Don and Gilda to get to Musica.

>Don and Gilda getting paneltime
Fucking disgusting

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Missed a Yeah. This is how they communicate now.

Please die, please die, please die, please d

Is the yeah Ray's? I need more shitposting material.

Three Emma's one Ray's. All in the same page.

I wish Emma was irrelevant so I could use that for shitposting but the Ray one will do. Thanks user.



Chapter 133 leaks:
They just say yeah the whole chapter

Emmmaaaaa give me attention, not him.

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Norman getting them killed somehow and that being the catalyst to get him out of edge mode would actually be a win/win

I'm that user, and I think there's a possibility that the entrance to the Seven Walls is at the point 0 at GF.

>*at the point 0 at GF as well

God, please, as long as they die I'm happy.

>Don and Gilda
>being relevant
>Ray still saying yeah and not moving the plot
Okay, now I'm actually fucking mad.

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He's went alone with Emma for the GF trials.

Yeah and that's exactly why we already know Emma's gonna steal away any protagonism he could've had AGAIN.


Asshole. I mean yeah.



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We saw the entrance to the 7 walls last week by all probability.
How would it make sense of Emma and Ray to be at GF now plotwise though? What would they do there?

>being used as bait
Okay, it might be a step above yeah posting


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I mean, it is more relevant than what Ray is getting. Musica is necessary to advance the plot so fetching her advances it by extension. And she's certainly not just around the corner.
I'm a bitter Rayfag, let me grieve.


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I get what you're saying, but if the 7 walls IS a test of some sorts, Ray might actually get to do something useful.
Getting used as bait is just humiliating.

The seven walls could be the seven seas, and they'll have to find [redacted] on the human world. The HQ being the way the Ratris use officially to cross between worlds.

Who the fuck are you?

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>something useful
Like dying?

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That's irrelevant. My point is that there's no way they're at the real GF and not just an illusion or something right now.
>Emma having dumb ideas
As expected.

I want Don and Gilda to die so bad but they're used to this wild life already. Is it possible they could bite it? I'm desperate. They're the worst characters in this manga.

No, Ray will forever be cucked from death.
Though it would be hilariously hypocritical if after all this fuss over not letting Norman sacrifice himself they just had Ray do it.

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Stupid emmafag

I wanna get mad at Don and Gilda but none of the GP kids know Musica and Ray and Emma are gone. Obviously it would be them.
Not that that makes it less annoying but it makes sense.

Except he wants to live, now. So he'll be cucked out of staying alive.

>liking Don and Gilda
Please commit sudoku.

>but none of the GP kids know Musica and Ray and Emma are gone.

>Emma I'm going to kill myself to please the demon god

He means none of the GP kids know Musica. And Ray and Emma are gone.

The Goldy Pond kids didn't meet Musica so they can't fetch her. Ray and Emma are the best of the GF squad but they are gone. The only ones who can get her are Don and Gilda.

Right Emma?

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Prepare your anus, edge boy.

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Why don't I get a yeah reply???

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You wanna be lumped in with RAY?

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Because it's a skrit klub.

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>surround yourself with innocent butterflies
>kill them just to show your powers
I suppose it's a reference or foreshadowing.

I just want you to help me kill all the demons. Yeah?

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Normaaaaaaan, that's WRONG

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Haha nice try I know you aren't Emma and Norman.

Shut up, I just forgot the name field.

The best thing is that either if it's a illusion or the real thing, we're getting Isabella next chapter.

What the fuck is that and why does it look like Adam fused with Emma?

Butterflies have been used with imagery involving characters getting harvested by demons (Krone, Leslie, debatably Zazie) in the manga, it's probably like butterfly collector = demons in power.

But what will I do with my secret lair full of demon body parts????

Attached: everyone has one of these rooms, right?.jpg (1366x1000, 369K)

>The Queen: Regula Valima
>Five Regent Families: Duke Ivelk
>Five Regent Families: Lord Bayon (Current head of family)
>Five Regent Families: Lord Doza
>Five Regent Families: Lady Noum
>Five Regent Families: Lord Pupo

>Let's destroy these criminals
>We'll settle this before Tifari.

>Just according to keikaku. (Translator's note: keikaku means plan)
>If we attack the farm the people's dissatisfaction with the monarchy will rise. Although it will be unpleasant, the monarchy will be compelled to counter this by suppressing the rebels.
>This is good.
>After all, we're aiming for the necks of all those in the five houses and the royal family.
>Even attacking Giran, their immense army's numbers were a nuisance.

>We'll execute the plan 8 days later.
>Right in the middle of the Tifari, we'll kill the royals and nobles.

>Right before their eyes, the nostalgia of their home

Why don't you ask the REAL Norman?

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Donate them to the poor demons who can barely afford food!

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>Series turns into Berserk


Don't come back!

All those butterflies are around her because her hair is a flower.
t. spoilerfag

Norman, I'll suck your cock if you stop the genocide!

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Spoiler: It`s all a Dream in a Dream in a Parallel Universerve in the Future of the Past

By the end of all this, who'll have the hole most stretched out by a demon, Norman or Ray?

Ray. Norman's hole isn't for demons, only his hands.

Norman pleases old demons for alliance. Ray lets himself be bred by [redacted] in Emma's place.

Norman getting raped by Ray

Ray getting raped by Norman while Emma watches.

How much are these things normally? Found one for the equivalent of 50 bucks for the toy + shipping.

Fuck off, Ray is the one getting raped and it's by Reglavalima, you damn plebs.

That'd be hot, honestly.

Isf someone who looked like Isabella touched Ray, it wouldn't be rape.

>Bayon vs Norman

muh dick

>Ray is a demon cock slut just like his mom

She also has human-like features similar to Musica.

He just has mommy issues.

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daily reminder that isabella being alive would be an asspull

Be quiet, random Mama from another plantation.

Why? She's a scarred adult, might as well use her to keep popping out more peak high qualities like Ray.

>tfw this probably never happened

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Ray deserves death

Death doesn't deserve him.

Without a doubt it never happened.

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*death is too good for him

>Hello Emma and Ray
>Did you know there's something called the "Intrumentality Project" in the human world

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That's expensive, but no surprise. I've been doing some window buyfagging myself recently and have found similar results to yours. On Yahoo! Japan, Rakuten, and Mercari (where I primarily search), prices range from 2,000 to 5,000 yen, averaging around 2,500 or 4,500 yen. It's expensive only because Emma is so popular. I'm waiting for the prices to drop so I can snag her and Norman when he releases. I'll set them together on my shelf until Ray's nesoberi comes out and he can watch.

Ray? More like Gay and irrlevant. Amirite?

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Stop being so down on yourself, Ray! You overcame death, so you have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Believe in yourself and believe in our plan!

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Norman. He pleases old demons, and Ray is too irrelevant for lewd.



Norman ONLY offers them his hand. Ray is a slut who'd sell his body for screentime.


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She was able to produce the best humans, why get rid of her

>Ray is a slut who'd sell his body for screentime.
There'd be no buyers, though.

He gives them bodily fluids too.

Where can I get a demon bf

But not the fabled Normanus.

I'd buy it.

Gilan got a nice dose of it.

'k everyone
Time to close shop.
I found the best Neverland fanfic ever.

If your hand is your anus then seek medical help urgently, user.

>10 kudos for 44 words

I see there are men of culture in this thread.

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Giran a shit and I washed my hands with bleach after the handshake.

That's one for every four and a half words. It's probably the highest ratio I've ever witnessed.

Extremely based.

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Tell me where the fuck you got this user

Fuck you Minerva-lite, the deal is off.

Are they any Norman posters in this thread in need of an Emma gf? I’m lonely, and I don’t have a Ray to give me “yeah”s of support. I’ll slay the demon in your pants and save you from yourself. I love long walks on the beach while handholding.

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Do you give nice cuddles?

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Absolutely, I love hugs for short or extended periods of time. Anytime, anywhere.

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Cute and wholesome, I want to pinch your cheeks.

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I’m flattered, user! I love wholesomeness.

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Please stop talking about Giran and Norman, it's making me sad.

Be quiet Emma, you have a mission to accomplish.

So how hard will Norman fuck up?

>Norman posting his fantasies

We know he secretly enjoys it.

It's gonna be bad otherwise Emma's MC saving powers won't look as impressive as they should.

Emma posters are the best and the cutest!

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Aww. But no, Norman posters are the cutest!

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I wish this thread was me.

Korean scans when?


don't die desu

Just finished watching the entire anime after ignoring the series for years now because of the children protagonists, guess now I can see why it's considered one of the new big three in shonen jump.
Is there any significant difference between the anime and manga? Do the mangafags think the anime is a good adaptation?
Going to catch up to the manga chapters now, but if there isn't any difference I'll just start from where the anime ended instead of from the first chapter.

>Daisuki Ono for Minerva
>Kenta Miyake for Lewis

The anime adaptation would be okay if not for one choice that makes it considerably worse than the manga, and that is the complete removal of inner monologue. The manga has plenty of it and it lets you know the characters' thought process much more clearly. I suggest you reread the Grace Field escape arc as well to see the difference.

Chapter's out.


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The anime is good and has atmosphere but the manga is more meaty, and people here complain the anime is ruined because they don't use the inner monologues and rely on expressions and direction.


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Imagine actually believing this.
The argument has always been that they're cutting a lot of information. Yes, they're cutting information, but they're not replacing it with anything, they're simply skipping character moments, investigation, and deduction.
>and rely on expressions and direction
No it didn't. The anime failed to capture the most intense moments of the manga, every expression was simplified and robbed of impact. Mama's jumpscare int he hallway, Krone's rapefaces, Emma's more extreme faces, Norman's determined faces before he was shipped out. They were all simplified to the point they lacked the emotion the manga had. Hell, one of the most powerful pages is the panel of Krone's dead body held by a demon claw. The anime decided to have her lay down on a grey floor instead.
The direction was abysmal, too. There were dumb decisions all around. There's a reason everyone was laughing about the cinematorgraphy. Since a lot of the denser parts of the story were removed, they filled a lot of the episode with meandering shots that did nothing to build tension or mystery. Not to mention all the scenes that hilariously miss the point of the manga.
It was well animated and had a good soundtrack, but the anime was a shit adaptation, user.

Next chapter Emma and Ray get to watch each other being mind raped by [redacted] and being mind raped by that.

So hold up a second, after the anime(that was total shit) I started reading the manga(that I actually fell in love with by now) and I just catched up to chapter 47, if everything they have said about the world is true, doesn't that make Emma and company the villains of this story???

no, because they're victims of an oppressive system
how the hell do you take away that the kids are the villains?

So the world is divided in two by a treaty of peace between Humans and Demons, if this is true then what Emma and company are planning to do is to break this treaty and start a bloody war sending the entire world to the shit, that's a pretty bad thing to do you know.

yeah, you can say that

it's a bad thing that the treaty was made in the first place

>humans and demons killing each other forever
>"hey, let's just, you know, you move to your place and we go to this place and everyone is happy"
>"hmm, well ok"
>1000 years of peace
>"fuck this, me and my friends don't like it"
>millions die because of this kids
That's pretty much the situation, at least to this point, the treaty sounds pretty good, but Emma and company aren't taking it in consideration, they are just thinking in saving a few dozen of kids, at any cost. I guess I just keep reading, though i'm done for today.

millions were already dying, user
you dense fucker
the demons actually don't even need to eat humans, the bourgeois is fucking them up

There's a difference between hundreds every year and millions every year you know, starting a war is never a good idea, but like I said, I need to keep reading, maybe they avoid this war somehow, but at this very moment, Emma and company are not even taking it in consideration, a better idea would be sure, escape, but stay hidden somewhere in the Demon world, not trying to go to the Human world and give an excuse to either side to fuck shit up.

Why do people still read this shit? I am at chapter 63 and the story has gotten too boring. All sense of danger is completely gone, all mystery gone, no suspense whatsoever. Obviously Norman isn't dead either. What's the point? Where is the story even going?

I'm liking Dozza so far.
I wonder how a chad like him managed to produce a worthless offspring like Luce


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>don and gilda
Choose one and only one

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What will be Norman's keikaku with them? Acting as a bait for Musica?

Spoiler me this, have anyone got laid yet? I mean, nowadays is really normal to see kids starting humping each other at 13, so, is Gilda still a virgin?

>Medieval humans still managed to kick monster asses enough for them to consider agreeing to the peace treaty
>Monsters have been living in relative peace during the treaty and since they can't hunt humans, even the old experienced ones are getting rusty at combat
>Humans have been smuggling/supplying the monsters with "ancient" guns that can't do much damage on monsters by itself unless it's a direct shot to the eyes, but even with those guns it's possible to make armor piercing guns capable of shattering monster masks

I can guarantee the moment the divide between the 2 worlds is broken the humans from the other side can just wipe out the current monster populations with gatling guns or rocket launchers or other more hi-tech weapons, but they're too busy fighting each other or such nonsense.

Emma specifically wants to avoid all-out war between demons and humans, she has explicitly said this. This is the entire reason she's trying to reforge the promise instead of just escaping to the human world with her friends.

I want Norman dead for giving them paneltime.

are the queen and musica the only ones with a mask that shows the lower hald of their face?



This was a great chapter :) Hyped

I want to cum inside Ray's shoes and force him to wear them.

My husbando was very handsome this chapter, even if he fails at chess.

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>The anime is good and has atmosphere
I guess if you think "atmosphere" is hacky direction trying to ape horror, sure.

Your husband is sexy, do you share?

Well it has to be bad enough to get him to crumble and rethink genocide, so probably pretty badly.

Norman is meant for sharing.

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>Don and Gilda finally die, making his naive plan of saving everyone without shedding any blood crumble

Unironically the best case scenario.
Probably Zazie will die though.

I'm a little doubtful a lot major characters will die at this point, but it would definitely be interesting. Don and Gilda haven't done anything since the first arc so them dying would honestly be the best thing they could do. I really hope we get some backstory on Zazie soon though.

Is Norman actually gonna send them out or will he just question them? I don't really believe the former, it would be putting too much faith into two retards and there is no guarantee Musica is even hanging around the same parts.

If someone's going to die it'll be Norman's subordinates imo.
>Barbara Vincent gets killed
>Zazie dies trying to protect Norman
>Vincent feels betrayed and tries to kill Norman but then kills himself instead
>Norman is broken, he says he can't keep acting like a savior anymore
>Emma to the rescue

>Barbara Vincent

*Cislo, not Vincent

>>Vincent feels betrayed and tries to kill Norman
Nah, Vincent is a good boy from all and not the type to react like that from all we've seen.
I think Vincent, Barbara and Cislo will get healed by Musica's piss, but Zazie will die protecting Norman so he feels bad.

I hope the entire squad doesn't die. Maybe Musica's blood can fix their Lambda problem so they don't have to get butthurt at a change of plans.

How would they find Musica who could be fuck all for all we know and now her blood is some deus ex machina shit?

Well, isn't that why Norman wants Don and Gilda? To know where to find her? I doubt she's just hanging around the same area but any info is good info.

Damn finally starting to be good again

What if demon god it's showing Emma how the promise was made?
Then the demon will be all like: see? It was humans fault your suffering we dindu nuffin.

>Don and Gilda relevant

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Why is he so hot? How is this allowed? I want to ravage him until we both can't walk for a week and it's all his fault for being so sexy.

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>tfw Emma heals him he will probably look more his age and less chad as he loses the mask
This is why we need demon genocide.

I mean, you're not wrong.

>tfw no Emma

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those threads are dead

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>inb4 phil

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Best bro, fuck Ray.

Ray is a great bro too.
Norman is just a shitty friend and doesn't deserve either of them.

t. Ray

Wait - everyone is offering him something, but what about Cislo? What is his hand doing?

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I want to have consensual and loving intercourse with Emma.

>Hear me, boss!

Is Norman for lewd?

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They're not compelling at all. Most characters until now have been fairly normal, sober, reasonable people but all the lambda freaks look like they're hopped up on candy canes and amphetamines.
They're so out of place, and they don't feel human at all.

They don't, but isn't that the point? They aren't normal humans, they're freak experiments.

I'm not ashamed to admit I got into this series for pic related, and I was disappointed to find out it's not an actual scene.

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Cislo and Barbara are just kids in adult bodies + some PTSD. Their actions make complete sense as "humans" if you stop thinking of them as adults.
And they're cute and entertaining unlike the GF whos

So when did you figure out there was no beach chapter?

>that pic
The horror...
As*ans truly cannot disguise their insect features

>blocks your path

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When Krone died. Until then I thought "maybe Krone escapes with them and there's a light-hearted beach chapter".

Why do demons refer to themselves as demons in this chapter? Why can't Shirai make up a native name for them?

That would have been hilariously out of place but very cute.
Because they've forgotten their roots and Musica will need to save them from what they've become


Only whites should be allowed to cosplay.

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That still looks like shit though.

I HATE Barbara


Yuugo and Lucas banged as they were the only adults they knew

>All of the Lambda kids refer to Chadman as “the boss”
>The Grace Field house kids just call him good ol’ Norman
H-hot. He controls his troops but never subjugates his family. Norman is ripe for loving, consensual handholding.

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>delusional fujos still at it

That doesn't sound hot at all.

I want Emma to lovingly ride him as he bosses Barbara around and makes her clean the floor!

This post was made by Ray.

Calm yourself, Barbara. I know you want to call him Norman like the chad Grace Field kids can.
Yes! I already knew Norman was a stallion. I’d ride him into the sunset!

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Ye- No!

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I mean, he's tall enough to count as a giraffe too, that's one dream down.

Hell yeah! I’ll be back soon Norman!

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Barbara is for healing, not suffering.
confirmed not Ray

Fuck off Barbara you fucking slut, you deserve death and nothing else.

At which chapter should I stop reading?


I love Gillian.

Gillian loves unwashed dick


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Well of course, the designs are to begin with.
It's accurately shit, not some insectoid slathering on makeup to pass off as human.

>the demons actually don't even need to eat humans
It was implicitly stated (by the queen) that demons' intellect matches the level of the childs' they eat, so why would they want to revert back to animals? Not "needing" to eat humans is nice if you want to stabilize your cellular degeneration (for the common ones, that is), but if your goal is to maximize your intellect, then it makes perfect sense that you would feed the highest IQ ones to the king.

So Emma secret keikaku is to destroy the promise, by feeding Ray to the Demon King so he can vanish into irrelevance?

stop evading my filters you fucking cancer subreddit

Learn to filter

>his last act of relevancy is becoming irrelevant forever

Ray is finally turning into a chad of his own. Shame it’s far too late for anyone to notice.

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Why did you post Sasuke? This is a Neverland thread.

How the fuck would it evade your filters, the full manga name is in the title? What the fuck did you filter and how did you fail so badly at it?


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>Ray is finally turning into a chad

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Oh fuck off, Barbara, you’ll never be shit. At least I was raylevant at some point.

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I thought Norman was meant to be the Sasuke now.

Neither of them are even remotely like Sasuke but Ray looks the part.

But Norman has got a sex drive

Norman hasn't tried to kill Emma, he's automatically better.

Obviously, but speedreaders have been posting about how he's Sasuke now.
It'd be pretty funny if he "yeah...sorry"-ied the demons he's planning on genociding

Why is this manga so shit now?

It's to match your taste.

If I have shit taste and the manga is shit then I should like the manga.

He's gonna "yeah sorry" Musica after trying to kill her.

There are various degrees of shit. This is just a normal dry turd but you probably enjoy the mushy smelly ones.

Post Normans please

Sure thing, Emma.

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Post Emmas instead!

Or he's going to Yeah Sorry Sonju after killing Musica. There's two demons with cursed blood, and only one is needed.

Unironically, I'm waiting for the anime to catch up and fix inconsistent character designs.

But Musica is nice and Emma's friend, if anything Sonju dies.

Post both!

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>But Musica is nice and Emma's friend
That's the point.

Cute AND canon.

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Unironically, Posuka's art is only good for one page spreads.

I quoted the wrong post, take this Norman as an apology.

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Cute, but there is no way Norman could pick up Emma without his spine snapping like a twig.

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I liked the chess play panel, it was drawn cleverly.

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>preferring the anime art
Is it possible to have such shit taste?

The anime's art is more consistent than Posuka's but has less soul. Something about how rough and messy the manga's art is adds a lot of personality.


I want to destroy Emma stinky pussy.

>Norman's adversary is an all knowing, magically powerful being who can infiltrate people's minds.
>Plans to kill the roayals the day they're out to talk to him.
Yeah, if something could go wrong.

He has 2 tattoos now. Norman's a bad boy.

Norman is not for lewd, but unironically. He would die half way into losing his virginity.

That's why Norman is for tender and gentle loving only

Emma has all of the stamina in that relationship, but she would have to quickly learn to be careful lest she fracture Norman's pelvis.

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Does Norman have a feminine dick?

Does he even have a functioning dick, with his muscle disease?

Norman may be weak but his parts are perfectly functional.
t. ______

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1856 NE pictures. Next time I post this it'll be at 2000.
Captchas are still a bitch and cuck me.

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Ray a cute!

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Ray sucks demon tiddies for screentime

>Not sucking demon tiddies for free.

Get some standards, Norman.

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Get some relevance, Roy.

Dude, demons are the ubermensch. Be happy you're gonna be their queen's fucktoy.

Norman's love is stored in his eyebrows, that's why they're so fat.

Technically, wouldn't the kid being used on the Tifari be caught in the crossfire whatever happens?
>inb4 it's Phil.

>No clock in the house entrance
Did Posuka sleep again, or done on purpose?

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Norman cummies

If GF has an entrance to the human world, then Emma is probably seeing a vision from before or when the promise was forged.

The promise has been made thousands of years before, don't think they had architecture like that by that age.

Not like demons evolve as the same rate as humans do, considering they still use bows and spears. Maybe they kept the same architecture but made reparations once in a while?

That looks like a human style house from the 1800s, though. Doubt it was the same architecture since the promise. Like the mama's until very recently were impregnated by the ol' way.