The power system is great and all but when does the deconstruction begin?

The power system is great and all but when does the deconstruction begin?

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Never, you were memed

It doesn't; hisoka posters like to hype this trash up as something more than it is, a generic battle shonen with no depth. Autists used to throw hissy fits when you'd say that the cast are gay; and that they're just really good friends. It's a series made for shit posters.

the anime is shit. read the manga

Back half of the series gets deconstruction-y. But fuck it I love all of this show.

>2011 anime.

You should have been warned yet you had to chose the most shity way to enter hxh. You did this to yourself.

Madhouse used their budget fine enough. The lighting and the soundtrack is the only real thing that irks me. I loved 1999, but the sound effects can be so dated at times. Overall it's not that bad user.

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The power system is a literal "I do whatever the author anus said today", how is that a good power system, is even worse than chakra where your powers are limited to your bloodline.

>is a literal

>le typical anime beginner response

can you parrot anymore meme terms in order to save face user or could you actual explain your reasoning?

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Nen is bullshit magic powers
but wait it's worse than magic

It's magic you can reason with. At least most other magic acts on Genie wish logic where you got to be careful.

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At least try, i'm out.

>Getting an autistic shit fit over image names
At least try to make an argument and discussion base on the topic and not around semantics of dumb shit.

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The irony is strong on this one.

Power system, why bad?

Episode 149

Wait what was your reasoning exactly?

Getting a more in depth reason why it doesn't work, you know, like an explanation?

the manga looks like ass and comes out once in a blue moon. everything after the anime ends is pure garbage story-wise, too.
just watch the anime and pretend that the story ends at the last episode.

It just works, that's the point, is just the same shit as Ki.

>once in a blue moon
I'm pretty sure we had more blue moons this year than Hunter x Hunter chapters.

>everything after the anime's arbitrary cut off point just happens to be bad

this. it starts as a naruto rip-off martial arts ki thing, then makes a 180 and the author goes "nope forget all this, it's actually magic and jojo stands"

>the anime's arbitrary cut off
Why do I come to this threads if everyone if fucking retarded, the FUCKING AUTHOR said that Hunter x Hunter ended on the top of the World Tree, which is where the anime ended, it's the OFFICIAL ending of HxH, everything after it is basically the Boruto of HxH.

>aura is the same as ki, chakra, mana, life energy, spirit energy, hamon and magic energy
In theory/visually yes the similarities are there. HOW it works and the rules it what makes it different. Man has tried to rationalize the idea of spirit and other metaphysical things we can't explain, it's been around for centuries. With that said with fiction, analyzing it rather than just saying, "oh yeah it's a thing" is where I'd say it differs. Don't act like all of Heaven's Arena/Greed Island didn't happen.

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no dude. at first it's just DBZ ki but with its mechanics autistically explained for pages and pages of training filler.
then it suddenly turns into "do whatever" reality altering magic that anyone can use with no training, then jojo stands out of fucking nowhere

yes obviously it's based on the eastern idea of spirit magic like most shonen anime power sets. but that's not why it's bad.

He just said that to placate retards like you. Gon's story may have finished there but he's not the only character in the series and Kurapika and Leorio (possibly others) having no conclusions to their own stories is shitty writing if that was actually the case.

It's an anime for beginners, you're overthinking it.

This. See, an author who is actually smart and competent at telling a story in a visual medium, like Toriyama, would have Goku close his eyes and try to dodge lightning. Thus illustrating in a visually exciting, action packed way how he learns to sense energy with his mind, and react to it.
In Hunter X Hunter you have like 5 entire chapters full of words and human paperdoll graphics with aura expanding and contracting, or moving around from their body to their eyes, to explain the same thing.
Yes they can sense ki and hide their ki, we fucking get it, get on with it Togashi you hack.

Hunter x Hunter is a series for beginners after all.

It's "DBZ" ki at it's most basic
>Can be blasted to repel, create a barrier for endurance, give an excess in stamina
Tuning and training the basics is what allows the characters to "do whatever". We learn about how before seeing what it does. No it wasn't DBZ ki at first, only when our untrained characters use it without refining it to be what they wanted it to be. Again you're purposely ignoring zen, ten, hatsu and zetsu just to exaggerate the point
>It turned into jojo stands
because conjurers can create beings of nen that fulfill a purpose through hatsu and ten
>because they shoot energy
Ren and hatsu
I won't argue on the basis that Togashi took inspiration from DBZ or any other popular shonen before his time, that's a given, taking inspiration from your peers and surroundings. But saying it's 1:1 the same thing is retarded.

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The end result it is a 1:1 thing.

Compared to what? The resemblance that's 1:1 is hamon, a system also based on squared breathing and putting energy into objects and the body to strengthen and apply properties. DBZ, ki is so basic that it's just beams, flight and punching harder. Chakra like the other user said is about blood lines, which aura is connected to, to an extent, but you aren't only allowed to preform 'jutsus' or hatsu's regarding your specific alignments. Also you can really make a new jutsu (unless you're the main character) you can only use what is learned through scrolls. If you're arguing things aren't inherently original, then your qualms lies on all works of fiction in general. Nen is more than, "just focus on the hand and shoot the kameha meha wave" or so on.

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Ants could use specialized nen and stands with no training at all. Princes, too, because reasons.
When/if the series comes out of hiatus: watch all these nameless ship mooks suddenly get expert level specialized abilities after Kurapika simply tells them "dude nen exists lmao".

The ants are literal zombie chimeras. The queen at literal nen users and regular people, which also have aura. The take away is when the queen birthed the royal guards with the intent on protecting her prince (the one that took the most amount of people to create) of course they'd be endowed with more aura. On the note of the ship fiesta, nen is not esoteric to hunters and paid mercenaries. Infact it's encouraged to get one of the two that have basic nen training. If you were in the world of Naruto, would you take a star throwing shinobi or the guys that can shoot fire and lightning out their assholes?

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>literal zombie
>literal nen users
Stop saying literal, and they aren't zombies. That would be like saying a crocodile or a lion is a zombie.

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Zombies in the eating to gain power since, you literal boy loving fruit.

It in shonen jump but not shonen
It actually soft seinen


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>it starts as a naruto rip-off martial arts ki thing
Never heard of Yu Yu Hakusho?

>The power system is great
>You can do whatever the hell you want with barely any charge at all
Get that asspull bullshit out of here.

hxh isn't a deconstruction
it's a regular shonen

I would say that typical shonen battle manga are the lollipops that everyone eats by holding the stick and sucking on the candy until they reach the center whereas HxH asks “Isn’t a jawbreaker still basically a lollipop?” A deconstruction doesn’t have to “put lolis in a bag” which seems to imply the goal isn’t even to eat them; rather, it can just challenge what we conceive of as a lollipop and find a different way to eat it. i'd say deconstruction is when author understands all the major elements at play in a genre, knows what makes these elements compelling for the reader, and can disassemble, subvert, and/or reimagine them to tell his/her desired story.

In the first tournament arc, there are so many things the audience expects and wants from a shonen battle anime: an explanation of the powers in that universe, development of our protagonist and his friends through tough battles with meaningful match ups, establishment of a rough powerscale by seeing people like Hisoka fight, clear winners and losers, etc. ToGODshi as you call him understands all these things and just does whatever he wants with them. Netero trolls everyone with the set up and rules, Hanzo demolishes Gon instantly and still “loses,” Gon passes out for the entire tournament, Kurapika and Leorio don’t fight, and we still have no idea why Hisoka and Illumi are so strong. And yet we still love it and it still tells lays the ground for a shonen story because we end up getting all the results you’d expect from a tournament arc: protagonist and his friends need to train, rewards for clearing the challenge, new information to help the characters reach their goals, and the set up for a rescue arc. This is evidence that deconstruction of a tournament arc is not the same as just a well written tournament arc like My Hero Academia’s that focuses more on avoiding some cliches and making the ones it has enjoyable.

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Based and deconstruction-pilled.

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Damn. Couldn't have said it better myself. Togashi really is a genius of our time. His work will likely be studied by scholars for centuries to come.

Hunter x Hunter: Deconstruction.

The typical Shounen protagonist will almost certainly 1) Fight the main antagonist of the arc, and 2) this is either to save or protect someone.

In HxH, Gon never even meets the main antagonist, instead just tasked to separate his royal guard from him. And his motivations, while early on was to rescue Kite, became completely different by the end, instead just based on vengeance and pure hatred.

In standard Shounen, protagonists gain a power-up when their backs are against the wall, and are fuelled by the desire to protect or to save. In Gon's case, the trigger is something entirely different.

Behind Gon's transformation is meaning, or, more accurately, the lack of it. Gon went through a whole range of emotions during that particular sequence... grief, anger, confusion... and in the end a great sense of meaninglessness. He muttered "I don't care if this is the end". He didn't care about anything anymore --- not Killua, not his desire to find his father, and not even to lament the loss of Kite --- everything lost its meaning to him. He descended into a deep nihilism, prepared to sacrifice everything he has, just for the singular purpose of killing Pitou.

Imagine. He risked his all, not to defeat the King, which would be more into the typical hero-sacrifices-his-life-to-defeat-the-villain we so often find in not just Shounen but any other fighting scene. No, he did it to defeat someone who literally meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Killing Pitou won't bring back Kite. Killing Pitou is not as significant as killing Meruem. And killing Pitou by sacrificing your whole potential is a waste.

And that's why that final scene, with Gon looking back at Killua with an indescribable melancholy in his eyes, where you can see him just give up on everything, is one of the most disturbing and emotionally captivating scenes in all of Shounen.

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Based and, dare I say, nenpilled.

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Oh shit wad up Alecxzander. You still a bitch boy but i dig your choices on anime. Also watch GUN GRAVE

2011 is great to start with and adapts everything faithfully.
1999 is great too with a bit more charm to it.
You don't have to be such a tryhard user.

What if I watched 1999 and was unimpressed? Should I give 2011 a try?

No, your taste is irredeemable.

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>See, an author who is actually smart and competent at telling a story in a visual medium, like Toriyama
Ahah, what the fuck? Dragonball is like written by 5 years.

>the cast are gay
go back to your containment board

Being less complicated doesn't make it less compelling or well written, though.
Goku dodging lightning not only gets the point across in an entertaining, visual way, but also evokes an air of buddhist mysticism and a theme of man vs nature.
Togashi on the other hand tries to define the mechanics of ki fighting as if it were a science.
Which is shooting himself in the foot, given that the whole 70% aura to the legs 30% aura to the arms bullshit never gets mentioned ever again, as nen is now situational magical plot devices, deus ex machinas, and jojo stands.

based retard, I'm sure the series was meant to end (even though it didn't) without having seen from 2 of the main characters in over 150 chapters, with Ging alluding to the dark continent in the "final arc", with the Zodiacs being introduced for no reason, and without the business between Hisoka and Chrollo being settled

Well, your IQ needs to be at least 140 to properly understand how Nen works. For example the Conviction of a Restriction is a purely psychological aspect and it has always been an element of the Restriction mechanic. Chrollo says that abilities' depend on the original owner's personal definitions. Example, he says that he thinks that a corpse is a thing, but the original owner of Order Stamp did not.
Kurapika has to ask the Little Eye owner what his definition of a Small Animal is.

HxH is all about psychology, everything within the universe plays into the theme of expressing thoughts or emotions from Nen being para psychological in nature to deconstructing rockpaper scissors.

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>Conviction of a Restriction is a purely psychological aspect
>HxH is all about psychology, everything within the universe plays into the theme of expressing thoughts or emotions
That sure a complicaed way of saying "it's bullshit that does whatever the author wants as long as a character is emotional about it"

High IQ post.

Low IQ post

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*as long as the user suffers/gives for something in return
Like FMA

No, the character defines the ability however they want so long as they are powerful enough for it and stolen abilities share the same restrictions as the other. Someone like Chrollo just delights in acquiring insight into psychology of others from using a stolen ability with someone else's arbitrary restrictions

Still an asspull with no real rules. What about all the other characters that were emotional, suffering, and full on conviction, but didn't get a magic bullshit deus ex machina ability out of it?
Togashi just vomits out a bunch of charts and mechanics exposition text to cover up the fact that nen is just bullshit asspulls, and of course his brainlet fans fall for it hook line and sinker :^)

Honestly, Chrollo's character and how it ties with his abilities is pure kino. I can't wait to see how his arc develops.

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Based and nenpilled

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Seems like you're too much of a brainlet to understand how Nen works.

If by specialized nen, you mean that the Chimera Ants demonstrated the highest concentration of specialist abilities. That's somewhat explained by Chimera Ants themselves being bred for excellence and all the specialists being captain class organisms or higher (Leol, Melereon, Mereum, arguably Pitou, etc)
The princes and the mafia people having spontaneous abilities gifted to them could have been more egregious, but it's balanced by both sides having rules that determine the overall effectiveness of their abilities which is where the intrigue comes from.

The princes themselves cannot directly control their guardian spirits, likewise the capabilities of these creatures are restrained by the aura amounts of their respective prince depending on the ability (Momoze could only do 1 mind control a day, Fuugetsu can only use the door 1 time a day) and more autonomous abilities are powerful but unable to handle threats (sale-sale's discoball could have taken over the whole ship but had no self defense). With that story being about creating a pro-active guardian spirit with an ability that can be used by it's host effectively, which so far has been exemplified by Halkenburg going on the offensive.

As for the Mafia; the killing game is creating chaos and drawing the eyes of the hunters and the other 2 families. We've yet to see more than 1 ability given through this system, but we've seen a little of what Morena's goons are up against with the three mafia nen users starting their hunt. Plus being given Nen overnight with no training doesn't do much to protect you from people who've been at it for years, which isn't to say you still can't kill a more experience nen user. It's just that Morena's system has a flaw in that you get a hatsu really fast if you're a serial killer, but you still haven't learned the in's and out's of nen.

A worse author might make me not like various examples of rapidly-gained abilities. Togashi does it right in my book however.

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> What about all the other characters that were emotional, suffering, and full on conviction, but didn't get a magic bullshit deus ex machina ability out of it?
Cheetu did, speedreader.

Emperor time/judgment chain does have restrictions
>accelerated aging/only usable on the phantom troupe
>Has to touch you and tell you he's the bomber for countdown to go off, additionally you can disarm it by touching him and saying "I caught the bomber"
stop speed reading.

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I said the ones who DIDN'T, not the ones who did.

Exquisite post fellow Hunterchad.

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Name one character that was "emotional, suffering, and full on conviction, but didn't get a magic bullshit deus ex machina ability out of it".
Headcanon not allowed.

I need more Lynch!

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Killua, Shoot, Pouf, Knov, Chimera Ant Queen off the top of my head.

She's a treasure
she's going to die horribly isn't she?

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Its basically the rick&morty/big bang theory of shounen. Its bad and non of it makes senses, but "smart" zoomers like it.

the deconstruction starts in Yorknew when Togashi subverts your expectations by having Gon act like an annoying faggot who everyone likes for no reason from then until the point where he finds Pitou again

God Speed developed while fighting the Ortho sibilings
>Chimera Ant Queen
Never knew nen
They already had their own well developed nen ability.

Nah, the EVA.

>everyone likes
>literally everyone tries to kill him
subhuman brainlet

>s-shut up y-your IQ j-just isn't h-high e-enough to u-understan HxH

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>literally everyone
you mean literally just Genthru and the ants?

>They already had their own well developed nen ability.
Not that user, but the point was people who underwent emotional moments while also being filled with conviction and those 3 definitely qualify. Yet none of them got new abilities out of it.

Pretty much everyone in Yorknew tried to kill him. Did you even watch the anime or you're just shitposting because the fandom hurt your feelings and made you cway?

Nobunaga was the only spider that wanted to kill them, and he got smacked down by the rest of them

How do they qualify for it? That's just your headcanon. Knuckle was never 100% in this mission. He wanted to find a compromise with the ants and he ended up liking Youpi. Shoot didn't have enough conviction or resolve for a death pact, because since the beginning he was introduced as a coward.
Pouf was only interested in serving the ideal of the King. He never had any use for some special contract with his nen. Besides that wouldn't have been possible because he gave 1/7th of his body to the King and he was dying of poison.

Machi, Pakunoda, Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks Shalnark wanted to kill him too, at some point. If you are referring to that scene in the station. Nobunaga, Shizuku and Machi were the ones who didn't want to kill Gon and Killua. Everyone else wanted to go after them.

>the power system is good
Not sure what's good about it. It explains a ton of stuff that doesn't have to be explained. Togashi could just do the same thing JoJo or OP did and it work just as well and wouldn't require whole arcs just to explain how the powers work.

>That's just your headcanon.
Well look at the people who do get "boosts" while under extreme pressure. Shoot gained new resolve but all he got was a new technique of using his hands to increase his mobility. Morel wasn't physically at his best but no less dedicated to the mission, his purple smoke didn't get a new power either. Knuckles also went hard numerous times but didn't get a powerup from it.

This isn't even about death pacts, if that was your only criteria than it's already clear to you why only Gon got this thing because the story shows what it takes to trigger such a devastating contract. Even Netero wasn't driven by such an intense hatred and self loathing that he'd be willing to sacrifice everything else that he had just to spite a single individual.

As for Pouf, given that Pitou was able to trigger post-mortem nen based on it's conviction, and Youp was able to gain a better understanding of his own ability through his devotion to the king. The fact that Pouf never got anything like that himself is further evidence that there is more to getting a powerup than just feelings.

What exactly were you asking if you were going to dismiss, or goalshift like this? The answer is either really simple: "you can only get a massive boost if you have great potential, are 200% willing to kill yourself, and harbor a hatred that borders on insanity" or you have to start examining individual character motivations and start pretending you know what else can trigger such a metamorphosis.

What the hell does deconstruction even mean?

Have you been following the conversation? Some retard claimed that:
>"Still an asspull with no real rules. What about all the other characters that were emotional, suffering, and full on conviction, but didn't get a magic bullshit deus ex machina ability out of it?"

That's extremely retarded because he doesn't consider that Gon was the only one there, besides Netero maybe, who had such extreme feelings and conviction (even Pouf said he had the biggest conviction among all the enemies) to pull out a stunt like that. This was also foreshadowed in the other arcs and its been a constant reminder from characters like Bisky, Razor, Wing, that appraiser etc that Gon is like a beast and a monster and the CA arc kept saying that he was turning to darkness and evil feelings.
So it makes sense that he was able to do something extreme like Gon-san. Nobody else went throught all the emotions and convictions that Gon went through. Nobody else had his potential. Pouf, Knuckle and Shoot were nowhere near his insanity.

Maybe Pouf is the only one who comes close, but under what circumstances would he need a restriction and vow? Before the bomb, he was never in danger and he just used his strategy to win. After he saved the King, he saw that all he needed to do was kill Komugi because the King had enough power. After he realized that the King cared for Komugi that much, he lost all motivation. Pouf had no reason to do any pact with his nen.

>Nobody else went throught all the emotions and convictions that Gon went through. Nobody else had his potential.
Tell that to chain-chink pikachu.

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He only cared about playing Gungi with Komugi. He never gave a shit about ruling the world.
Jesus Christ, why do subhmans like you even bother with HxH? Just stick to OP or MHA.

I was referring to Kurapika, I thought the 'chain' and 'pika'-chu gave it away. I gave you too much credit.

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>Have you been following the conversation?
Yes. The point was to reinforce the notion that you don't get a power up just for being filled with conviction hence why I backed the user who cited Shoot, Knuckle, and Pouf.

Because make no mind, Shoot did get a powerup, it just wasn't a big one. But like I said, you have to be willing to kill yourself and have great potential to do what Gon did. And the point with Pouf wasn't to say he needed to do post-mortem nen literally. Just to show that all of the royal guards were max level devoted yet at no point during the whole arc did Pouf benefit from this in the form of a powerup like the other two. Whether it be a new ability or otherwise.

>I was referring to Kurapika
>posts a pic of Meruem
>Kurapika has blonde hair, but you call him a chink
>Kurapika's motivation were analyzed just a few posts above
subhuman brainlet.

>character made in Japan, by a Japanese man
>post topic related pic for fun
I'd rather be subhuman than autistic user.

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dude not him but you sound like the brainlet, chain is literally right there... You should try MHA it'll be more up your alley

>every character made in Japan must be Japanese
>responds to me when I was talking about Gon, Pouf, Knuckle and Shoot using some retarded nigger language
>expects not to be called a subhuman brainlet
Kill yourself you waste of oxygen.

chain-chink pikachu makes sense only to people who have a room temperature IQ

>The typical Shounen protagonist will almost certainly 1) Fight the main antagonist of the arc, and 2) this is either to save or protect someone.
>what is goku?

>every character made in japan must be japanese
>responds to me when I was talking about Gon, Pouf, Knuckle and Shoot using some retarded nigger language
>calls me a subhuman while using said "nigger language"
This isn't something that new user.

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Next time you want to talk about a character use their name instead of some nigger jive talk, you human waste.


So your IQ must sit at absolute zero

You don't talk to a lot of negros I take it, nor do you come to many HxH threads. We've been saying pedo clown, kurapikachu, kuwabara 2.0, bateman prince and qworf for years now.

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Using nicknames for characters with an already established name is for cancerous redditors like yourself.

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Please stop doubling down on your autism just because you didn't get one nickname.

Just because I don't fill out on the Yea Forumsutistic bingo sheet of buzzwords, doesn't mean I'm any of those things. You should lighten up guy.

I don't want to "get" your nicknames, you cancerous newfag. Go take your pikachu and terrorsandwich back to whatever shithole you came from and stay there.
Here you either use the name given by the author or get the fuck out.

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That's not even me you paranoid faggot at least bark at the right person. Matter of fact, you need to get off the computer entirely. Get something to eat.

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Hxh is a deconstruction of the shonen genre.

Hunter Exam Arc: The "contest" arc, in which several characters need to compete with each other in order to win a title. This arc examines what would actually happen in a contest filled with superhumans- the normal humans die in brutal ways, the empowered individuals run rampant and murder dozens, and Gon barely survives only because the only two people that know Nen are Hisoka and Illumi, who likes Gon enough to keep him alive for Hisoka and barely processes Gon's presence for Illumi.

Phantom Troupe Arc: The "villain squad" arc, in which the heroes face off against a group of evil villains. This arc examines what would happen if you took superpowered humans and put them in the real world- the power gap between the troupe and the mafia goons is massive, and only Kurapika, who has limited his arsenal to specifically only fight the troupe can stand a chance. Even still, Kurapika can only do so little, and most of the troupe is still alive.

Chimera Ant Arc: The "enemy army" arc, in which a large enemy force accosts the heroes, with a powerful leader. This arc in particular examines the idea of having an enemy that is significantly stronger than you- from the enemy's perspective. What is it like being devastatingly stronger than everyone else? How would something that is on another level from everything process the worth of other creatures? What would something that was meteorically stronger than everything else think when it realizes that other creatures can think just like it can? What would it constitute as strength? The Chimera Ant King is a rather somber answer to all of these questions. Even more deconstructive is that the humans actually cheat to win- upon learning that he will die and realizing no one else can stop the king, Netero detonates a nuclear bomb in his chest than eventually kills the King from radiation poisoning, rather than a straight up fight.

>posts pasta that has been debunked a million times, one more time
why are huntards so cancerous?

When was it debunked?

From 1 episode/chapter.
You probably too brainlet to understand

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hxh should have ended at yyh, the real shonen kino

>it's a deconstruction because it's gritty/subversive
hxhtards legit don't even know what a deconstruction means.

Kurapika Kurta

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>fought Tien
>fought Tao
>fought Picollo
>fought Picollo's son
>fought Raditz (died but he won)
>fought Vegita (got fucked up but kinda "won")
>fought Frieza
the Android saga overall was nice mostly for the lack of Goku there, Vegeta, Trunks and Picollo fights were much better
>fought Cell (and lost, wow)
>fought Boo like 3 times
>fought Beerus
>fought Frieza (again)
>fought Hit
>fought Zamasu like 3 times (altough nobody won)
>fought Jiren (altough nobody won)

Goku is the worst offender in this trope
And overall he may not win against the main antagonist all the time, most of the arcs will revolver around him anyway

based, reminder Shithouse likes to cut out story bits and narration

Basic Attacks:
Tap □ / X: Punch, Kick (Midair)
Hold □ / X: Feint
Repeatedly Tap □ / X: Stomping Kick

L1 / LB (Hold): Bandit's Secret/Skill Hunter - A book containing all of your stolen abilities, that can be used at anytime
-You can steal an ability only after seeing it in action by the victim
-You can't use a stolen ability if its user dies in the real world
-An ability can only be used while the book's page is held open with your arm
-Effectively making it so that you can only use any ability one-handed

○ / B: Double Face - A bookmark that, when inserted into one of the pages of Bandit's Secret, will allow the use of the page's ability
-Bandit's Secret can then be stored in a pocket or somewhere on the body, allowing the user to use one ability with two arms free
-By using the bookmark and having a page open using your arm, you can enable the use of two abilites simalteanously (one one handed-ability and the other passive)

R2 / RT: Activate Hatsu

▼ / Up Arrow: Sun & Moon - The mark of the Sun is on the left hand, the mark of the Moon is on the right
-Can leave each mark on two different locations, when the locations touch they explode
-When creating the mark, depending on how long you're hold contact, the stronger the explosion
-Instant marks cause small explosions, longer sustained marks create huge bomb explosions
-SPECIAL QUALITY: This ability stuck with Chrollo when he stole it even after the user died
-This condition actually overrides even the slot limit of Bandit's Secret, allowing it to be used alongside a second ability marked by Double Face as a third passive ability
-Once a mark is placed, it cannot be removed, not even by closing Bandit's Secret and/or putting away the bookmark

◄ / Right Arrow: Black Voice - Control anyone from afar using an antenna and cellphone
-Puppets can be given complex commands
-As long as the antenna is attached, a puppet can always keep attacking
-Can be attached to exactly two targets

▲ / Down Arrow: Gallery Fake - Create an exact replica of any non-living object (or corpse)

► / Left Arrow: Order Stamp - Control puppets from afar using a stamp
-Cannot be given complex commands
-Cannot control living beings or corpses, unless created by Gallery Fake
-Puppets lose their definition when their heads are severed from their torsos
-Puppets created from the copies of corpses made by Gallery Fake act according to their original personalities
-If the original personality is a weak fighter, they may attack inefficiently or downright refuse to attack
-The command "Break" can override this flaw
-When a puppet is marked with Sun & Moon, it won't vanish even if Bandit's Secret is closed or the bookmark is put away

Any Direction Twice: Convert Hands - Two handed ability that changes only the appearance of people
-Touch a target with your right hand, and they take your visual form
-Touch a target with your left hand, and you take their visual form
-Touch a target with both hands and you both switch visual forms
-While using the ability your palms will have arrows, an indicator to the real you
-You could theoretically create a copy of yourself with arrows, but the slots necessary for it work with Order Stamp wouldn't allow it to move
-When a victim marked by Sun & Moon has their form changed to Chrollo, their appearance won't change back even if Bandit's Secret is closed or the bookmark is put away

I like how you two assumed he was suggesting the 1999 series and not the fucking manga.

Attached: 7db24bfca3a672c173d32ed835572f57.jpg (700x677, 172K)

>believing YouTube e-celebrity faggots

>deconstruction in film
>posts a film from 2003

It’s debunked by the fact that none of that shit is unique to hunter x hunter.
Ordinary people get killed and outclassed by superpowered people in anime all the fucking time

>forget the second part of my point
>tournament fight
>save himself
>tournament fight
>save earth
>save son
>lost the 1v1 and only tied aftet everyone got involved
>went to fight frieza to honor vegeta and only became about friends after he killed krillin
>torunament match he just gave up, didnt event ry to push himself
>fought buu twice, but one of then was to stall
>fought beerus for fun but became about protection when beerus wanted to
>fought frieza to protect earth
>tied with hit in a tourney arc
>fought zamasu to protect, but lost
>fought jiren to save the universe (although he doesnt seem to give a shit about that), but lost the 1v1.

Shit I got King and normal picollo twisted

You completely missed the point of that pasta

Your point?