Your waifu isn't a womanlet, is she?

Your waifu isn't a womanlet, is she?

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Just the perfect height.

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Define womanlet

queen of womanlets

women are supposed to be short



She normally stands around 173cm, but can also change that depending on where on her tail she stands

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She's a Japanese.

shortstacks make my pee pee go wee wee, but for better or worse she's not all that short

>14 years old
No, she isn't.

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I want Iowa to ride my Midway

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I don't know. You tell me.

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Far from it.

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>5 foot 3 inches
Holy shit Shinji is a midget.

He’s like 14, he has a reason to be short

5'2". I have to lift her to kiss her.

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She is perfect.

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My Waifu is the same height as me
I'm a manlet

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Perfectly 160cm, although I wish she was womanlet.

Yuuri is 160 cm tall.
People have speculated that she is taller, and I wouldn't mind if she was.
If she was significantly taller or significantly shorter, it makes no difference because she's still the really sweet girl I fell in love with.

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I like her specifically because she's smol. And a dozen other things.

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She's 162 cm, which is above average for a Japanese woman.

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No, but that'd be fine if she was. Short girls are cute.

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Shinji looks like a foot shorter there.

Compared to me, yes. But 161cm is average for a Japanese girl.

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Your waifu isn't a boat, is she?

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That's average height in Japan.

How will she nuzzle into your chest if you're the same height as her though?

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>Your waifu isn't a womanlet, is she?
She is, but that's okay. Short women are cute.

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Godamn, every girl in bleach is more stacked than the odds against Independents

Uhhh maybe for you manlet but I was born 6'2 and you're a manlet if you were ever less than that at any point in life.

Is that you-know-what still going?

I have no idea. I stopped going to /ks/ threads when they moved to /vg/ because fuck /vg/.

She's only 4' 9", but she's still pretty young.

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That's pretty goddamn short no matter the age

gib gtr

>was born 180+something
You ade a big guy


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I wan to SEXUALLY FUCK that ship!

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It's fitting that such a well endowed ship is American.

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Iowa is filled with seamen

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By me!

Congrats user

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There's something big growing in my pants.

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She's IMAGINE tier and Kotsu has some pretty good IMAGINE doujins of her, bless his soul

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Gross it's leaking and sticky now.

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My waifu is pretty much shotgun doggo Iowa so I feel like she would be pretty tall
Also Shotgun T-Dolls are usually supposed to be big and powerful

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>But she was fit, had large breasts, and had toned legs
I'm fine with this

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Context check.

Is a womanlet decided by their height or breast size?


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It depends.

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Iowa will get fat eventually though

How come Yea Forums doesn't have weekly giantess threads like Yea Forums?

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Not a womanlet or a leglet.

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>Your waifu isn't a womanlet, is she?
Nope! (God I wish that were) me on the left for scale.

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Very high ground pressure given her comically small feet.

Provide her with lots of horizontal exercise

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Don't remind me. This existence is cursed.


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Because it's a shit fetish for plebs. That's why Yea Forums has them.


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She eats too many burgers!

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She is Japanese you dumb fuck.

what do you mean was

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Don't worry user! You're a whole 2.5cm taller than Kurisu!

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She's sensitive about not being a womanlet.

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dumb meme

She is in the right size

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I'm a solid 5'11 (180cm, king of manlets)
I would be just about a foot taller than her in shoes. Feels good man.

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>my waifu is 163
>I'm 195
Feels fucking good

>Kotori is 159
>I'm 195 last i checked
Perfect lifting height

Amen feels fucking good.

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Shit I'm even smaller than that...

she needs to at least be small enough for me to impregnate her.