>inconsistent naming convention >duplicate chapters with slightly different titles >separate side stories mixed in with main chapters >said stories having the same filename and chaptering and thus appearing as dupes >tank extras included but nothing compiled into a volume >certain images in some .zips are corrupted but you won't know until opening them
FUCKING HELL I just spent an hour extracting and renaming every folder before re-downloading the corrupt chapters from the scanlator and then bundling them all up into volumes so I can actually fucking read them on my tablet later. Is this what autism feels like? Why has nobody uploading this shit to Mado noticed how fucked up their handiwork is?
Time isn't you fag. Taking a literal couple seconds to make sure what was going up wasn't going in fucking sideways would have saved me and anyone else who tries to download it a fucking nightmare.
Jack Sanchez
>It's free I'd understand this from a company trying to make a profit with deadlines and shit, but this is someone volunteering to do this in their free time as a passion project. Why the fuck would you have a passion project and not put in the basic effort to make it reasonably easy for other people to approach it?
Jace Thompson
You pasionless prick I hope you die.
Jacob Jones
>it's free >asking for more
Nathan Rogers
Free as in no fees, but it takes an investment of time and effort the uploader never bothered with, which is pretty significant you double nigger.
Lincoln Reyes
Because they're passionate about scanalating, not your autismofag naming shit, your asking them to waste their time to appease you
Camden Cox
Damn right I'm asking for more. There's more free stuff out there than I can ever hope to watch/read/play in my lifetime, and I can get the non-free stuff for free illegally and get away with it. By laws of supply and demand, creators have to do a lot better than just hand out their crappy shit for free for me to care about it — it needs to be free and it needs to be fucking good.
Josiah Thomas
No they fucking aren't, retard. STALKER clearly didn't put them all up himself or they'd be consistently named and numbered. They went to the trouble of renaming and uploading the files. That's all they did. They could have at least done it correctly.