God I need a fubuki gf
God I need a fubuki gf
Why do people like this jealous cunt?
They have inferiority complex just like her
The tits man
The tits
Get a whore.
she's a sweet lady, who's trying to overcome her inferiority complex toward her sister
I don't want a whore
I want fubuki gf
I think jealous cunt characters are cute
I thought she was taller than me but it turns out she's not. I think that's pretty hot.
I love how submissive she becomes to Saitama once she realises who the top dog is
Girls with proportions that make them look tall but aren't are the best
she's hot and somewhat cute, her sister being a little shit only makes her look even better
How could Murata achieve that degree of perfection?
I want Fubuki to bully me with her tits.
Not a big fan of tall girls to be honest
Because they are guided by their peepee. Real men are guided by their peepee to her superior older Tatsumaki.
are you a manlet?
one punch man comes out now every one wants a fubuki waifu....I BEEN THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING...lol
she's tall for a girl
If you're worried about a girl being 5'6 you are a fucking manlet.
You're short for a guy.
Real man here, can confirm
She cute, but I’ve got a superior girl for you right here
>5'6 is tall for a girl
Hola José
She has S-Class potential.
>Real men with 7-11 inch dicks are attracted to a 4 foot tall woman with a 11 year old body
I want her to crush me to death!!
for you
Does Saitama even like her tits?
> Not want taller girl dominate you
How can you even alive with that much of shit taste?
he just wants to play video games
same t b h and I'm engaged
I just noticed how much Darkshine and Pig God look like they belong in Rape/NTR doujins
How about 5'11 girl with flat tits?
Fuck you I need to masturbate again now
>inferiority complex
If you know you're inferior to others and you don't dedicate your life to being better than them, can you truly ever respect yourself?
She tries, for this reason alone fubuki would be better than tornado even without breasts.
not just the tits
You shouldn't spend your life comparing yourself to others, or you'll only dissappoint yourself.
Work on yourself for you alone, and others'll do the comparing for you, usually to your benefit.
better right that shit down..
It's true.
>She will be in season 3
She's not tall she just has proportions that make her look tall which is the best combo
That's how you end up hating yourself and living a hollow life
>dark shine is no t black, just ultra tanned because of his workout
Saitama is depressed so he's in asexual mode
I prefer the legs
You got it all wrong. They know a woman with an inferiority complex is easier to approach because they can convince her that she doesn't deserve better than them in a relationship.
there's having an inferiority complex and literally being completely detached from reality. Fubuki may feel inferior to Tatsumaki, but she's still cognisant enough to know she can do better than an Yea Forumsnon.
>King shows up
>not a smug bitch onee-chan personally delivering the fact his hero name is Baldy
am I the only one who thinks "caped baldy" is a waste of a hero name? I get that he's supposed to be underestimated, but it just seems low effort and disappointing. it's exactly the same feeling I had when deku's hero name was revealed to be deku...."okay"
Not that guy, but in his defense
She appears much taller. 167 is where my nose reaches (yes, I just checked).
I also did a quick search whowhatwear.co.uk
and looks like most super models are above 170cm, which is is the lower end of what I imagined Fubuki to be.
That's the joke
God I wanna lick her abs
well''see in the next chapters
>You shouldn't spend your life comparing yourself to others, or you'll only dissappoint yourself.
Only if you fail to surpass them.
Why does pic posted never get any love?
"relatable" in being low achieving, dependent and shallow.
Shutup Tatsu you jealous lolipedo bait piece of shit, now listen here Fubuki is the best girl
no it's not
the joke is that it sucks, which is supposed to be funny
but it's not funny, it's just mildly disappointing
that's the joke
It's a lame nickname
It's not supposed to be cool
that's a child, user
What else you expect him to be named? The vast majority of hero names in the association are pretty descriptive of the hero's appearance or superficial features, and Saitama's retarded strength wasn't known well enough at the time to be relevant in the naming (other than his tests results that many think involved cheating).
On top of that, the actual joke isn't that the name was lame, it's that Saitama totally predicted his own lame ass hero name all the way back to his first spar with Genos.
Just wait until he inevitably becomes S-class rank 1: Punch-Man.
Someone gib the gyaru edit.
And then there's someone better than you in a different way. You can't be the best in every conceivable way.
she's hot
Fubuki's fubus.
Is she?
I'm not saying less Fubuki, or Tatsumaki, but I just want more Lily and other girls
Because I have a huge thing for true tsunderes -- being a jealous cunt who slowly realises she just wants to have a friendly life hnnnnnng
Yes, she is. 14 and the only reason she has notable breast is because she uses padding. Also she really really admires Fubuki.
A man of taste.
So you don't like schoolgirls?
Padding, you say?
I don't consider namefags to be part of Yea Forums anyway.
Fine by me. Though why schoolgirls? Don't see the appeal.
You'd just end up in her gang of orbiters.
I want to earn a queen.
Not buy a whore.
>I want to earn a queen
>tips fedora
Hot. Simple as.
back to instagram with you pretentious fag
Black "people".
This pic is a perfect synopsis of the next chapter
>Being Gardevoir
Fubuki is level 30 Gardevoir, while Tats is lvl 100 Kirlia, who "proud of her power"
I want to fuck both her and her sister at the same time
She's only 167?!
>I want to earn a queen
And why would some child who still watches anime and reads manga deserve someone like that?
Take the whore. It's better than you deserve dude.
>sexy fit girls/ripped girls/tall girls posted
>manlets come out of hiding screaming MOMMY MOMMY STEP ON ME
Two world wars weren't enough.
>any foid
What is this from?
>side chick to a loyal nigga
But is he not also cheating on you with his main girl?
So this series isn't even actually porn, just ecchi with dick-elves?
It's cucking but not cheating if she knows.
She can´t be 14.
That´s cleary 12 years old tits.
what's their artist name/hentai handle?
I know the manga artistis labeled as
Kawakami Masaki, but I want to find their actual lewd stuff.
It's futanari no elf. I found it today:
I don't know
isn't salt middle school where mob is from?
>floats everywhere
Imagine how soft her feet are
Foot fag please stop posting on Yea Forums.
You're making people have an even lesser opinion of Tatsumaki fans.
>says that
>fucks the guy 5s later
A man of culture as well
She's a very accurate depiction of a real life woman
Whp's the artist?
God i wish that were me
You like that little man?
One of the most flattering things a man can experience is having a woman jealous over them. It's not specifically healthy in all cases - but my god is it flattering.
I want to be that little man and have an amazon gf
They don’t know who to like
This is the best girl - Rui