It's unexpectedly better than episode 1.
JC stuff is getting better
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Why are you trying to shill this garbage? Who's paying you?
>OP post is literally "Has JC staff done a better job with OPM than Madhouse? Episode 2 will blow your mind!!1!" levels of clickbait
Just calling a spade a spade my friend.
>>OP post is literally "Has JC staff done a better job with OPM than Madhouse? Episode 2 will blow your mind!!1!"
Oi he only said it's better than ep 1 of the second season, your ass blasting is on another level dude
Better a skeptic than a shill you garbage eater. Better than everyone's worse expectations =/= good when it is inferior to season 1 in every way.
Though I shouldn't really be throwing the studio names around. The abcense of Natsume is really what is wrong with this season. Even if he had less talent and time to work with I am confident we'd have something much better than what we have with this literal who at the helm.
yall need to chill
why did I always imagine him with red hair
It's absolutely not better than episode 1 at all. The entire thing looks fan made and basically done on power point. I love OPM more than anyone and this is disgusting.
I can't put it into specifics, but I enjoyed season 1 a lot, while this is just boring.
OPM trended in Japan.
So OPM had..
5 Chief Animation Directors
3 Animation Directors
3 Assistant Animation Directors
Guys, this is Gintama final season all over again.
>Guys, this is Gintama final season all over again.
If you watched it you will understand why, shitty production, abuse of still frames, bad art, and only a couple of good moments.
And Sorachis schedule.
what are they say about the episode?
Lets make some webms of this so called "action" shall we?
In the manga it was just 1 panel, come on.
No. No it's not.
The first eisode had some decent moments, but this one was absolutely hideous.
Literally just the panel from the manga in the anime
this was hilarious
yea but you remember that this is anime right?
Normies liked it, checking youtube and seem to be pleased with it as well.
They care more about writing and art than "sakuga animation" like the hardcore fans.
Are you retarded?
I give props to Yuki Kaji for selling the fuck out of it.
that was nice I guess
>does weird shit with hands
This episode was so bad, it's actually worth watching for the laughs.
It's like they removed the frames with the finishing moves from every fight, they are all just suddenly lying on the ground.
And what the fuck is wrong with their textures?
Garou looked good and his voice actor is fantastic.
Feels good having no metallic parts in your character design.
for real, i wasnt even sure what was supposed to be happening with half of the attacks/moves
literally the only reason I'm watching this
Every shots are good. Hard to miss when the artist is Murata.
It is their retarded metallic texture. It is present in all of their anime.
Yeah, it is better than episode one but the fucking filter over everything makes even the decent parts of the episode look off. Doesn't help that the short cuts they take are so fucking obvious all over the place either, at least season 1 made an effort to hide their short cuts.
The fights improved, but in return the transitioning of the scenes and music became a fucking mess in the second half.
>Feels good having no metallic parts in your character design.
Legit feelsgood.
> the fights are bad
>Atleast fubuki is cute
Genos seems to be doing Saitama's consecutive punch when Saitama was hitting Boros.
Told you all
How come no one has done a GIF of Fubuki reacting to King? That was actually funny.
They need to work on his back a bit but the level of definition on Garou's abs and chest is actually amazing. Made me look forward to seeing pic related animated.
I hope we'll get Sonic x Genos porn.
Genos punches have the same sound effect as Sticky Fingers.
Because no one makes gifs anymore grandpa. Also the reaction is a fucking still image
Oh yes
I'm also looking forward to the PEC WINDOW
I was talking about when she was backing away from King. Someone should do a webm about it.
Boys I'm not gonna lie, I'd legit pay to draw one still-frame for JC just to have one decent shot in the entire episode.
found those 4 sec that actually look decent
dunno what moment are you talking about
We'll see the Chu scene next episode.
post full episode faggit
That's the point retard, he's acting cool and like he's doing magic but had a flamethrower
I hate how it looks the shitty metal
download the episode faggot
Trending means nothing about quality. Notre Dame fire was trending, it doesn't make it good
Reminder that garou is the protagonist of season 2 and he is the only characters that should get good animation
S2 looks like JC Staff has never heard of screenwriting, cinematography, or editing. Student films are better on the average than this crap.
can anyone post murata's animation webm?
Hopefully Murata posts his sketches for future eps with Garou too.
Pure DEX >>>> Quality
I'm amazed at how much you guys can argue over quality™. especially when the reason this franchise became popular is because of the story
that is why I was laughing? Are you brainlet?
Probably the most accurate shot in the anime I've seen. The only noticeable difference is a slight head tilt in the manga version.
OPM will be fine
Everyone is blaming the studio, not the source material, this means that even if s2 shats the bed the IP will remain untouched
A good season 3 should restore hype
Yeah Mob never reached Mainstream popularity despite having better animation than Hero Academia.
Webcomic worked because it introduced the story. Manga improves over it with amazing art, so obviously a downgrade isn't gonna be viewed positively.
The problem is the Anime content, not the series itself.
The director on season 1 gathered the creme a la creme to make it what it was.
People will either watch the anime oblivious to the technical downgrade because they only cared about the plot
Or people will read the manga if they give so many fucks to animation
All in all, its a win-win
Kinda ironic how people here were complaining about the pacing of the series, and the anime has a fast pacing.
are you joking? it looks absolutely awful. Fubuki looks stunning in the manga panel. In the Anime she could pass off as a guy.
She definitely had better panels. Like this one.
It just feels off when compared to S1.
The direction is shit.
I don't know what the fuck they expected. Two episodes on King and two episodes on Sonic/Genos fighting? Each of those events should be done in a single episode.
Was you retard expecting traced Murata?
Genos is such a silly dude.
>fuck, he is even faster than before
>alright, lets blast this entire area!
People have no idea what they are saying and they just use generic buzz words.
"direction, pace, timing, choreography, sound design"
It would've been fine if they at least transitioned the scenes properly, but the awkwardness of the cuts (especially in the later half) just ruins any emotional feelings you get from the story.
that would be way better, yes.
So pretty much like Tokyo Ghoul?
They are in the abandoned area, retard.
Why is going fast now teleporting?
Sonic vs Hammerhead had more sakuga despite being shorter than Genos & Saitama vs Sonic
>when compared to S1.
Just dont do that, S1 was mostly filled with Bones animators, they are the best anime studio today.
That's still a silly thing to do.
Tatsumaki is the best part, and she hasn't done anything yet
>Why is going fast now teleporting?
Sonic animation vs Saitama in Season 1?
What would you have done?
Its me of when Genos gets KOd by Saitama was similar when Freeza "KOs" Gohan in DBS episode 108?
Let my master Saitama deal with it.
Did you even watch the Saitama vs Sonic fight?
Did you skip Genos speech before fighting Sonic?
Fuck Sonic's ass.
Well, guess I'll read the manga.
Anything I need to know about it?
The manga gets full of filler around when Garou meets the crane. I recommend switching to the webcomic at that point for superior pacing
Nah, but he's full of shit. He claims that Sonic has no right to call himself Saitama's rival, but then has to resort to cheap cheese tactics like exploding the area to "win".
Genos = the silliest boy
Genos doesn't have a dick and Saitama would burst through his intestines with one thrust.
He only has explosions on him. Are you retarded?
Switching from Murata to One drawing.
Are you sure, user?
I feel like Murata perfected the speedster fights with Flash vs Hellfire and Gale.
And even those would have led to his loss if Saitama didn't intervene. If Genos doesn't have a dick, why are you trying so hard to suck it dude
For me ONEs storytelling is superior to Muratas art, but I guess it's up to individual tastes
This is best looking part of the episode. Because you can actually see Genos moving when he attacks instead of the ghosting or stills.
Because you are arguing that using explosions on a threat that tried to kill you with explosions is "retarded".
Episode was good, quite a big improvement over the first one. Genos' arms looked a bit goofy in that one still, and the pacing was a little fast but that's to be expected if they're aiming to at least get to the 2nd EC fight in 12 episodes.
Kek teleporting in Mob psycho looked better than that shit.
Imagine being this much of a pleb.
"Shill" is a crossboard buzzword, regardless of the accuracy or content of your post if you use it you are either from "outside" or been here since after 2017.
>cheese tactics
>life or death situation
Do you think this is a video game? It's like those guys who complain about cheap shots in a street fight.
All of it is ONE's story. Muratababies are so pathetic.
Back to the shithole you came from, subhuman.
It's not filler when it's canon and you get more lore bits about characters.
Reminder that fujos need not apply
I came here for this, thanks.
Saved and changed file name.
Yes, what's so good about shallow and boring fanservice? Story telling is way more interesting to lose yourself into than shitty dragon ball laser fights.
Yeah. Murata OPM is so boring especially right now. I get more excited reading ONE's webcomic.
hey fuck you buddy Dragon Ball(manga) is peak shonen storytelling
Not going to doubt JC after this episode. Shit was delicious.
watch this and dare say that this is as good
>dragon ball wannabe laser fights
But I'm not Genos?
>Dragon Ball(manga) is peak shonen storytelling
You never read Hokuto No Ken, Rurouni Kenshin, Hunter x Hunter?
It’s good. Anyone who uses the word filler is an actual braindead retard. They seeth at the fact that Murata gave the characters who got shafted in this arc something to do. Their replies to this will just prove that.
I hope they do Do-S some justice, they will probably increase her boobs and ass like they did it with Fubuki.
I remember when this was released as a teaser a few weeks before the anime came out, the hype was palpable.
There will be a lot of secondary characters introduced, you will like some of them .
>Murata gave the characters
You are misinformed and your opinion is worthless.
ball of heat
did anyone else feel this episode was off? like the editing of the scenes and how things flow into each other just felt weird
Bottom line: season 2 is bad, not in a funny way but in an exhausting and numbing way.
A lot of people are saying more or less the same thing
the sonic vs saitama transition to Fubuki monologue felt off. Like the Saitama vs Sonic encounter was rushed to move the episode along.
Likely because of the discussion surrounding how shit S2 is compared to S1. ... like here.
I'll save all judgement of S2 until Watchdogman beats the shit out of Garou.
The last chapter was excellent. Just because I don't like 4 month long battles between minor characters doesn't mean I automatically hate everything Murata makes. Maybe you should try thinking critically for yourself instead of eating every golden turd he pushes out of his asscheeks
Even in the manga it was given a few images instead of an entire fight. It's dead Jim
>They care more about writing and art
What "art"?
It's not even about animation so much as direction, which is unwatchable shit-tier.
The things I would do to that tummy.
like nothing at all
Gotta love how Yea Forums is getting BTFO hard after giving bad rep in advance to S2. OPM2 is the sakuga show of the season and will only be surpassed by SnK when that airs.
This is a retarded argument.
ONE punch man had great panelling, even if the drawing level was poor.
This has shitty direction, so its irredeemable
This, exactly but I'm guessing the quality will drop enough by the second half of the series to give us some QUALITY humour.
>muh sakuga
the story and comedy is what makes opm so great
>le edgy reddit tier opinion
It makes me happy that people enjoying things you don't like causes you suffering. I hope you live a long miserable life.
I don't understand what the fuck you're trying to say?
When did I ever imply that "people enjoying things [I] don't like causes [me] suffering? I just said this show is shit.
>call me edgy
>I hope you live a long miserable life.
Shill predates Yea Forums faggot, just because you normalfags got around to using it since it got normalized by packs of screeching retards doesn't make you fit in
Who cares about popularity if you're getting a good adaptation? I'd rather have OPM be an obscure show with great production values than a big hit that looks like shit.
Shit art and premise killed mob, thats why it always behind OPM.
You dont understand. Look at wnat anime is out every season. Why is it out? Because japs watch it.
Thats why they like OPS s2.
They like shit. Japs have shit taste in anime. They care not about quality, they just look for "tags" in anime and if it has it - anime is good.
Here we got some jiggly tits, thats enough to be better episode.
Japan unironically would love OPM even more if they isekai'd it or made it harem anime with Saitama being shy and every girl trying to fuck him.
What does that have to do with my post?
Judging by the twitter reaction, they have mostly posted fanservice imagines about Sonic, Garou and Fubuki.