Let's have a comfy 3x3 thread!
Let's have a comfy 3x3 thread!
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Posting my OP grid, again. I changed a couple after some deep thinking.
Zeta Gundam
Creamy Mami
Great Mazinger
Akage no Anne
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Cardcaptor Sakura OP3
Tenkuu no Escaflowne
9/9, you should recrop those images for Aria and Ichigo Mashimaro. Cute shows.
Welcome to the 3x3 general. See you tomorrow!
Gives me chills every time.
4/9 +K-on!, Aria, TTGL, Mushi
What do these numbers mean?
3/4: -Nichijou
What's to the left of it?
5/6; -NHK
cute idea
Astrological alignment.
it was just a question...
>What's to the left of it?
windy tales
Anime: 6/7
Don't really have a metric for gauging Openings agaist each other. I generally do like most Openings, and I do like your picks.
... and anime.
I'm confused about the fractions you have in your post what are they supposed to mean?
cutie honey is uttter shit
feel bad
Sauces of middle right and bottom middle?
Hey, if you don't like it, fine.
Just don't try to bait people like you're doing right now, shithead.
It's how ratings work in here:
Number of things you "like".
Number of things you "know".
You decide what that means for you. Usually, "know" means that you've seen at least a few episodes of it, ideally all of it. "Like" can mean literally anything and everyone in here rates to a slightly different standard.
We need more thematic 3x3s
Hinamatsuri and Sumire 16-sai
rate my precious boys
>We need more thematic 3x3s
Here, have one.
Yours looks a bit over the place though. What's the theme, other than in the top row?
Anime/manga: 2/3
Boys: 2/3
Might as well post more of these ...
I prefer the Green one because its my favorite color.
+K-on, Nichijou, Mitsudomoe
Good taste OP
9/9 Haven't seen all these shows but all these OP's kino great taste
+HXH,K-on,Konosuba, Gurren, Biyori, Gurren
+Eva, Ping pong
+HxH, Sailor moon, OPM, Yotsuba
+part 4, Madoka, Champloo
rating + best show
9/9 holy fuck that's some good taste right there. Aria.
2/3 K-on
5/7 Aria
5/8 Tatami galaxy
4/6 Penguindrum
4/7 Paranoia Agent
2/3 Cat Soup
3/4 K-on. Where in the OP do you see Mitsudomoe?
>What's the theme
Doesn't most anime fall in that category?
can you put the names in your chat next time, i dont know any of those
Anime: 3/4
Manga: 2/2
>i dont know any of those
goddamn Legosi finger looked like a nose and his nose looked like a mouth when I first saw it
looks like a bobobo tier character
Meant to put strawberry marshmallow I always mix them up for some autistic reason
>I prefer the Green one because its my favorite color.
Well, how do you like red?
Bump, by the way.
>picking intentionally obscure shots
Yes, user, that's the point. Congrats, you got the joke.
I've already posted the non-obscure version in this very thread and if these parody ones weren't obviously obscure, there wouldn't even be a point to them at all.
(Only rating OPs of shows I've actually watched).
I always wonder if that Kare Kano ED was Anno's middle finger to the mangaka.
I'd rate this properly if I recognised any of those skylines apart from Sailor Moon's.
-KLK, -Now and Then
There was another hand 3x3 that I could identify a few of the shots from, but this one stumps me completely.
>you got the joke
It's not very funny.
>There was another hand 3x3 that I could identify a few of the shots from, but this one stumps me completely.
These two ( , ) are the same anime, if that helps you, and the non-obscure version has been posted already.
>It's not very funny.
Not your kind of humour, it seems. It parodies the very thing you take offense at, but I give you that parodies are kinda hard to get.
Here you go, user. Mandatory MD5 filters for 3x3 threads.
what do the numbers mean when you are rating ? Also , what are those encryption for
>what do the numbers mean when you are rating ?
This question has already been answered. Please read the thread.
>what are those encryption for
A severe case of the poster's autism.
Someone's getting easily triggered by people who post things he doesn't like, it appears.
you couldve just told me what the numbers are supposed to mean instead of writing "read the thread" ..... it takes more time to write what you wrote.....
>it takes more time to write what you wrote.....
Yes, but it also doesn't encourage your laziness and other people spamming the exact same question.
Don't ever ask for being spoonfed an answer that you can easily find yourself. And don't expect other people to repeat themselves over and over again.
number of anime i like/number of anime i recognize
I don't like you, but I respect you. Your tenacity is pretty impressive. You do this everybody, and every day they give you (You)'s.
thank you
Who are you even talking to? About what? And who are "they"?
4/4, I still need to watch Aria since I've already read part of the manga
Also, didn't expect to see Ichigo Marshmallow mentioned today. That show was comfy.
Never liked TTGL even though I couldn't really find a reason for it. Only read the HxH manga but I assume the anime is good as well from the few episodes I've been shown so you can read this as 5.5/7 if you include that.
I see Flip Flap. Yay Flip Flap.
2/2 on the manga, GTO and Punpun are great
2/2 on the anime as well, still need to watch Psychopass though
I assume that "they" are "them" and that he's talking to "them" about "that"
very important business, not for us mere anons to interfere with
Wow, you're pretty easily triggered.
Name of show on the right center?
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
My first instinct was that all those grids were posted by people who somehow hurt his feelings by disliking his 3x3. But, interestingly, from the third post on in this thread, all image-posts are either on his list or recognize at least one of the images on his list. This means that that guy is either the OP, the first other poster or hasn't posted a 3x3 of his own at all.
Which in turn means he himself is probably a troll who doesn't participate in 3x3 threads.
Another strange thing is that half of his list appear not to be grids, but other suff. About a third consists of reaction shots. About a sixth of harmless things unrelated to 3x3 threads.
Of the rest, only two or three are actual troll-grids. Half are jokes, the other half are mostly regular 3x3 by frequent posters.
So, yes, he's probably an easily triggered shitposter who's trying to stirr up shit. Just ignore and feel free to report.
>or hasn't posted a 3x3 of his own at all
Yeah, it's the Fafner/GochiUsa guy.
Why bother posting in these threads if you barely like any anime?
>coming here to please others or to be praised by them
Maybe you should watch better anime instead? Ever thought about that?
What? I don't really see how that was a response to my question. I'm just going to assume you're a troll.
just ignore the trolls and theyll go away
He doesn't dislike anime, he merely dislikes the shitty anime people post. Once you've watched certain masterpieces it becomes hard to go back to mindless drivel and moeshit.
If only that was true, user, if only ...
Still spamming this all over the board I see.
Pretty telling that you trust Netflix' evaluation on anything.
Anyway, what is "Anime for Beginners" even supposed to mean? That it's so good that everyone should see it as soon as possible? That it's "required viewing" for anyone getting into anime? Or simply that it's an important piece in the history of anime? You know, just like you only learn about the most influential and revered philosophers in a "Philosphy for Beginners" course?
>That it's so good that everyone should see it as soon as possible?
Well, they also had Fairy Tail and SAO in that category, so it definitely isn't a good thing.
>they also had Fairy Tail and SAO in that category
That just tells me that Netflix have no idea what they are even talking about ... which brings us back to:
>Pretty telling that you trust Netflix' evaluation on anything.
When will you outgrow your beginner's phase?
Listen, mate, if you recommend SAO to anyone, "beginner" or not, let alone your customers that you want to bind to your services, you cannot be taken seriously. Do we even have to debate this? It's Netflix, after all. You sound like a redditor of the worst kind: Unable to form an opinion on your own, without relying on perceived "authorities".
Ordinal Scale is better than anything remotely releated to HxH. Might be hard to swallow, but it's a fact.
Sure, mate. If you want to go down with that ship, you're welcome. No one can take that horrible taste of yours from you. And the beauty of anonymous boards is that you can be very open about your retardation without any lasting repeercussions.
>if you recommend SAO to anyone, "beginner" or not, let alone your customers that you want to bind to your services
Normalfag live that shit, so they obviously know their audience. Beginners like yourself.
But you haven't even seen Ordinal Scale so how would you that it's bad?
fucking awful
you yourself are the king of retardation, tarantulafag. it's been agreed that your taste is shit and you're insufferable. go back to r*ddit with your retarded cutie honey shit.
SAO is not as bad as everyone says it is. It's a simple run of the mill shounen that's mediocre at worst, yet people treat it like it's the spawn of Satan for no reason.
Worst in the thread desu.
I agree, it's a good beginner's anime, like HxH and Violet Evergarden.
>But you haven't even seen Ordinal Scale so how would you that it's bad?
I don't assume it's better than the parts of SAO I have seen. Why should I? None of that franchise seems to make any sense.
But, hey, you're the one defending shit, so please go on and tell me what's so great about it.
i felt cute, idk might delete later
Great taste, 7/7. What's the name of the top left and center left anime?
Your post is very mean, but your mosaic is good, so I can't complain.
tarantulafag has shat up these threads for years. it is time to take matters into my own hands.
Imagine rating a 3x3 that has one of your own favourites on it a 0/9 just to spite someone you disagree with. You're not taking these threads very seriously, do you?
>has shat up these threads for years.
Less than one, actually, retard.
>time to take matters into my own hands.
By spamming shit? Seriously?
>mahou shoujo shit
Get a new hobby if you don't like those anime. You're clearing watching them for the wrong reason.
>if you dont like moetan you are watching anime for the wrong reason
how can someone be this delusional and retarded
Come on, read his other posts. He's trolling. Just don't engage him.
New favorite poster. Please keep it up. Love your taste.
>Less than one, actually, retard.
nice job exposing your newfaggotry. just as planned.
>By spamming shit? Seriously?
i could easily get you kicked out of these threads as i am friends with several janitors. however, after adding mazinkaiser to my grid i realized that isn't enough. i am coming to beat you the fuck down in person tomorrow at 3:45 AM. be there or be square, taranatulahomo.
you want some too? i am a 6'4 198lb boxer who could punch through you just like i punch through the walls of my bedroom whenever i see tarantulafag's shitty newfag grid.
His might be the oldest in the thread. How long have you been here? A month?
Absolute bullshit, the oldest recognizable poster in the thread is probably stop pretending to be an oldfag.
>tarantulatard samefagging to make himself look like an oldfag
pathetic. see you tomorrow.
based nichibro
kek, it's the same people every thread too
based kaguya
>trigun AND bebop
y tho
y tho
>it's the same people every thread too
What else do you expect?
>Let's have a comfy 3x3 thread!
So how did that work out for you, OP?
Nice to see that people are still posting actual 3x3 after all that shitposting in here.
I feel healed right now.
I've been lurking for a while and decided I might as well throw my 3x3 on here. At least if people hate my taste they can talk about how shitty my taste is instead.
kek nice
So what shows should I have in my 3x3, and what shows should I not have in my 3x3, Yea Forums?
Is middle left from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex?
Manga: 1/5
Anime: 2/5
Green >> Blue >>>>>> Red
2/2 - Didn't you have GuruGuru in your grid, or I'm confusing you with someone else?
How the fuck can you have Devilman, Baki, Vagabond, JoJo and Takemitsu Zamurai - which are all masterpieces - and then read and enjoy garbage like Wan Piss?
Is middle right from Pokemon?
Your 9 favorite shows.
But which shows are the correct answer, and which are the incorrect answer.
Just put whatever you like. Worrying about getting judged by anonymous people on Yea Forums is fucking stupid.
Though I hold the right to revoke this statement if your taste is trash, fag.
But I like it when Yea Forums bullies my taste
As long as you don't have "anime" with stop motion dolls and adaptations of 1930s Russian cartoons in your grid, its fine.
>y tho
Because I liked them
That's the spirit! You'll know you've made it once trolls start to derail threads trying to insult you specifically.
And now go and do what people have told you: Put your damn favourites on a grid. Better to be bullied for those than for some other shit.
>stop motion dolls and adaptations of 1930s Russian cartoons
That sounds cool, though.
No, neither. Sorry.
>posts beginner anime
>has barely seen half the anime being posted here
it's rude to pretend to be someone else
Don't worry. I had already assumed that that shithead was using someone else's 3x3 to bait/insult me. Especially because he samefagged with the second 3x3 he posted and was too stupid to choose one that didn't have an overlap with mine.
Can't be helped. But most people already know that sometimes trolls steal other people's grids, so I don't think anyone will hold any grudges towards you for his shit behaviour.
Too bad though that the mods only deleted his latter posts where he went full retard and not those where he abused other people's 3x3.
I don't watch moeshit and 80% of the grids posted here have moeshit in them.
How do you not know any of those? Did you start watching anime yesterday?
Cute and funny grid!
Rakugo and Macross OPs are really good.
>anime for beginners
Cool grid, I love Flip Flappers.
This looks good.
Turn A and Penguindrum are both really good.
Pretty aesthetic, I like Alien 9.
I found Now and Then, Here and There really unpleasant to watch.
I should watch Doremi. Cute grid.
Top left anime?
Redpill me on Gunsmith Cats.
>10 rapes per second
My daughter Hiromi is so cute!
Cute and funny grid!
I don't really like what I know here, but for some reason I still like this.
Based Imaishibro.
Cute and funny grid!
>redpill me on Gunsmith Cats
A tomboy lesbian and a slutty loli run a gun store in Chicago. They also collect bounties on mobsters to make money on the side. It's a 70's buddy cop-esque action comedy that does what it tries to do extremely well. The OVA has arguably some of the best and most creative action scenes in the entire medium and is just a really fun package all around. Expect lots of gun porn if you're into /k/ stuff.
>The OVA has arguably some of the best and most creative action scenes in the entire medium and is just a really fun package all around. Expect lots of gun porn if you're into /k/ stuff.
LOOOOOOOL, this coming from someone who has only seen 2 or 3 anime on most these grids. You sure you should make such a statement, buddy?
Where is your grid?
Oh no. I struck a nerve? :
Sounds fun. I'll check it out. I like the designs a lot.
I just prefer more grounded action to the over the top shit you see in most shounen today and even in a lot of 80's OVAs like Geist or Dirty Pair. GSC actions scenes are more about using dirty tactics and manipulating the environment, which is far more imaginative and exciting to watch than anything ridiculously overblown. I've not seen anything else like it in the medium.
Just watched the first episode and I really like it. Thanks.
I don't to rate others, but here is mine
Yuru my yuris and flip my flaps.
I like colorful creative stylized manga with fiights
Top left from is Mysterious Girlfriend X
rate others faggot
Whats the show in the middle and bottom middle?
Thank you!
You liked Angel's Egg? The fuck is the matter with you?
Not him, but lots of people like that movie. It's pretty good.
I thought it was ugly and pointless. An hour I'll never get back.
The middle one is Aikatsu, about cute idols doing cute things, and the other one is Sola, which is a KEY-like melodrama about a girl who is being hunted by an assassin or some sort.
>I thought it was ugly
What a bizarre opinion.
Ugly deserted cityscape the millionth. Looks even worse in motion.
Not worth replying to.
>these shit tier screenshots taken from a 200p VHS rip
1/1 nichijou
2/2 macross, escaflowne
2/2 spice and wolf, macross
thinking about getting my girl to try spice and wolf since she likes period dramas. the show isn't that, but does have a similar feel in spots.
bubblegum crisis and galaxy express
0/1 honey and clover. there is every reason for me to like the show...but i just couldn't. there are a lot of things i respect about it...but there were too many cringy moments mixed in with characters that i felt were realistic, but not very likable. the unrequited love aspect is terribly juvenile to me...but maybe someone else at a different point in their life might really enjoy that.
1/1 gurren
1/1 lupin
nichijou, giant robo and gurren.
what is the anime in the center?
cool you listed robo. i got into it because the guy who did the character designs for the lunar games (ps1 and sega cd) worked on the tv series for robo.
we could watch stuff together and have fun.
>0/1 honey and clover
That's not Honey and Clover.
oh man...what is it? maybe my memory is fucked. i thought it very much looked like the show.
It's 3-gatsu no Lion, based on a work by the same mangaka.
thanks, user. i'll check it out.