How did they get so popular when most of the fanbase was against them?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
they cute
>anally raped ninja murasaki
>lied to everyone about ss3, unleashed a monster that killed everyone, and played rock paper scissors to celebrate
>casually hits his wife when she says something he doesn't like
>threatened to kill supreme kai to get a fight
>tries to whore out all women he knows for benefits, only a matter of time until he does it with pan
>manipulates others with mr satan's money
>constantly manipulates vegeta attacking his sentiment towards his family and pride
>never kissed his wife, doesn't know nor care when his kids were born, never shows any affection towards his family, has major anger and short temper problems with them
>arrived to the saiyan fight to "save" his son and best friend, immediately started making excuses to fight alone and provoking nappa to see him at his best
>let a genocider go and even krilin's lies that he killed his friends meant nothing to him
>tried to lie about the androids until piccolo caught him with superhearing
>killed himself with cell on purpose to avoid getting a job and fearing a second kid
>expressed sadness when frieza "died", at the time knowing that he permanently killed his best friend
>threw away his nyoibo when fighting tao pai pai risking bora's ressurection, and refused to have a farewell feast with bora and upa
>mocked future trunks when he told him about his dead friends with "it stinks... cuz I didn't get to fight"
>promised his son a fishing trip and ruined it by lying about cell games
>ended his rosat training prematurely and threw cell a senzu bean
>caused future trunks' timeline to be permanently erased, absolutely zero remorse
>started tournament of power lying to everyone about it, thought that universal genocide was fun and exciting
>got excited when found out that his son and best friend might get killed on namek
>watched his friends and sons getting massacred by beerus for fun
>left adoring him granddaughter in the dust for uub because he was stronger
You are glorious, Kakarotto.
Oh no no no how could this be jobetabros... I thought he was supposed to be undefeated against Godku!?
has super been totally dubbed yet ?
Because they're based
No, Sean tweeted a few days that they had just dubbed Episode 110
I'm a Jobrenspic in the outside but I'm Gayhantard in the inside. My favorite food is shit coming out of a dog's asshole because that reflects my taste
Based Jobrehantranny!
Based fellow Shitrencuck telling how it is. Where are the ChadlyCHADS to mock them?
Enter JirenTrannies
>Again does little Jiren job like a bitch. I guess it's my turn now
Which one is the gayest cocksucking character? (Outside of General Blue)
>not even in flashbacks
anons, empty the whole clip into me
Queeren the Gay
The thread is still young but I almost laughed myself to tears uff.
Looking at Jobren's memes and just realized how much of a joke this character is, plus DBCHADS are fucking relentless man!
Jiren (Naranja absorbed)
That's El Tío de Jiren
Get Onishipilled, lads
My name is Pedro José Juan de la Cruz de Las Rosas de la Taqueria Goku. This is my favorite character. Thoughts?
Enter El CHADmano
Because most of the fanbase are also wankers. That, or it's new people who got into DBS. The writing in DBS is weak and I don't know how to explain it but they fucking feel tacked on, like the Powerpuff Girls being inserted into dragon ball.
We had Android 18 in Z and she didn't feel out of place, so I wonder why was that? She's a fighter girl and made Vegeta his bitch but no one complained about 18, she was cool. Videl too was kinda nice for a human. I even liked Pan. But at no point did I feel
>Oh god they're ruining my anime with girly crap!
like I do with Kale and Caulifla. Is it their cheerful attitudes? Soigirl designs? Maybe if the U6 Saiyans had more Z-like designs I would tolerate them but they feel out of place.
It's the fact that they unlocked SS like fucking nothing, they had no build up nor development in order to reach it, they just had THE TINGLES AND THEN SPARKLES CAME OUT
This and I find that GT a better feel to watch than DBS.
>It's the fact that they unlocked SS like fucking nothing
It's not that hard to believe when Goten had it before knowing how to fly.
Eh, but it was understood that Goten was Goku's spawn. Genes and stuff, a new generation. No one in U6 had ever unlocked Super Saiyan. That also reminds me the retired U6 Samurai saiyan looked way cooler than the noodles we got.
Leaks, when?
try in 2 days
why won't beerus kill goku?
Strongest female saiyans need to breed with the strongest saiyan
I cant remmeber the name of the behavior phenomenon but its when you hate something but you have to deal with it and slowly, after a lot of time and exposure for it, you try to legitimize it in your head why you are doing it and conclude you like it.
>shittyfla and kekle
In what universe? They're pretty much largely forgotten like the flavor of the week trash they are, except for a few waifufag autists ans dedicated shitposters.
Bro let me copy your homework
Absolutely trash. Android 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kale, Caulifla and SHITla
Based GODly is reviving the saiyans with his 15 inch cock!
why is goku such a nigger?
embrace the waku waku it's very exciting, or it's over for you
What happened to all the millions of Jobrentards that used to post here?
dragon ball super is dead and forgotten
Everyone wants to plow Kale.
It's one samefagging spic
>died in a shootout with a man he hates who has a different skin color and his brother he never met before
Sounds about right
Why was Bulma drawn so hot in specifically this one episode
Who the hell honestly thought that Gohan will be in the movie for?
>Gohan will reach his true potential
>Gohan was absent from the Broly movie because he was training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
>When Gohan gets out, it will be revealed that he achieved and mastered Ultra Instinct Omen and has better control over it than his father ever had
>Gohan will become Broly's new bro and rival
>Gohan will job hard to the next big villain and spend the rest of the arc in a pool of his own blood and/or on the sidelines
It'll happen. Mark my words, nonbelievers
They are hot chicks you turn super saiyan. This isn't rocket science.
>What happened to all the millions of Jobrentards that used to post here?
Don't worry about that user.
Jiren will cascade into the abyss of irrelevance.
I just got to the future Trunks arc
Why can't Chichi get off her ass and help with the harvest herself instead of pestering others to do it.
Also why is mai also young in Trunks future, was the wish that made them young done before cell attacked or did they also end up making the same wish after that somehow.
The strongest saiyan
They couldn't handle being called out by those based recoomeposters
Wait, there were Panfriends mad about Trunks/Mai? Why? Trunks/Pan is fucking retarded. I thought everyone knew Pan is only for her grandpa.
I still maintain gt should have been about pan and and her new oc boyfriend.
In case anyone thinks that Vegito is stronger than Gogeta
Official overseas description of the Legends Gogeta figure:
"Gogeta is the resulting of two highly powerful Saiyan, Goku and Vegeta, when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. When named Gogeta, this show that Son Goku is more in control of the body."
They're both very likable and fairly badass, and Caulifla is endearingly obnoxious. The "tingly back" thing was stupid, and Kale being a Broly ripoff at first was annoying, but both characters managed to overcome a bad first impression.
>I still maintain gt should have been about pan
user GT was about Pan, She was literately the MC.
>GT should have been a romance
That would have made it bad.
This is probably the most convincing argument I've seen
But you could have the boyfriend fill the role bulma filled in og.
>you will never ride Dyspo
SS1 Kefla spanked SSBKK Goku and forced him to go UI. Whis directly compared her energy to the genkidama Goku used against Jiren, his trump card stronger than blue kaioken - the old "Goku was tired" excuse doesn't mean anything. Kefla could, literally, one shot Golden Frieza.
DBS ToP was a shitshow and those two were the only mildly intriguing thing in it. Honestly, considering how poorly written (and animated) everything was in that show, its a miracle the came out of it "okay". Would have prefered a complete spinoff of them starting at somewhat Radditz-Tier with more "grounded" fights instead of of having them on par with goku for the sake of it. Missed opportunity and completely illogical to bring them up to speed so quickly.
Move aside, best GT girl coming through
As far as anything after Namek is concerned, "bad" is an improvement.
They didn't.
This. Even the literal Voredroid, 21, yields more results on google than the soian shits.
>jirenfag is back
>CHADrenforce not present
>thread turns into a dying waifufagging mess
No suprise
I know you're just trying to be insulting but that's actually a good point
When's he coming back?
I like Jiren
I've never heard that implication, so I usually considered them equal.
If its actually true then Gogeta takes the win I suppose.
The real question is why did Badainamco give them the best card in dokkan...
Of course Gogeta's finishing move was a Kamehameha.
Gogeta would never lose to Vegito and I believe there's something official that stated he would win, this was before before the permanent fusion being retconned.
Now he still wins since Vegito can't last 30 minutes at full power.
Why do you think Jiren is "based"
You realize Jiren is a big, dumb, rude and hateful.
Exit SHITren
Best boi
Which one has the biggest cock?
why dyspo look like beerus
broly movie was boring, nice looking but no soul
Imagine being a Jobrentard that gets banned almost daily and needing to get up to reset your modem to evade bans...
>needing to get up to reset your modem
Imagine being this dumb.
>Future Trunks
>Universe 6
>Pride Troopers
Ultimately the portion of the fanbase who hate them are just that, a portion. A more vocal portion. It's also funny how I believe it's Kefla > Caulifla > Kale in terms of popularity, given that the fusion was only around for two or three episodes and Kale was clearly expected to be the popular one.
He's a jobber nearly on par with Vegeta and is basically a joke character now.
Same race probably, maybe a bit more evolved, like how U6 Saiyans evolved differently from U7 Saiyans.
>Jobrenspic is sitting on the ground with one hand on the power cord just in case
>and Kale was clearly expected to be the popular one.
What do you mean?
What is the difference between the two?
What did Goku do to Broly when he went god and tried to calm him down?
Ipconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Thats how pathetic you sound
I know it's just the typical bait for these threads, but I don't think Vegeta would be satisfied with his past "victories" unless he beat Goku at full power.
Champa getting mad that Dyspo looked like Beerus was a legitimate high point for Super
So, you bought their movie yet?
Shut the fuck up you waifufagging subhuman spic. KILL YOURSELF
Yeah I snagged it when MangaUK accidentally put it up on Amazon a few months ago, which has been nice to have in 1080p, I'll pick up the blu-ray in May though because fuck importing the green tinted funimation version
I watched GT and now I'm a GTchad.
Does the Blu Ray have any extra or deleted scenes?
So is that a yes then?
Based CHADza
What the FUCK is it with Toei adding a green tint to the movie? They didn't his same thing with BoG.
isn't as good as Champasama.
Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku > Jiren Limit Breaker >Gogeta Blue > Beerus > Broly full power
I pirated it
CHADren > UI Goku > Gogeta > Beerus > Zamasu > JOBly.
I don't even know who's at fault for it in this case since the MangaUK version of the blu-ray doesn't have the tint, but then Buu Kai had the tint so
based: recoome
Why haven't they released DBGT on blu-ray?
Based recoome poster.
>What is the difference between the two?
Panfags are simpleminded and their obsession with GT stems from their sexual attraction toward Pan. You’ll often see them mention Pan at any given chance whenever someone brings up GT, which is usually another Panpedo. On the other hand, GTspics have an obsession with the series as a whole and delude themselves into thinking their non-canon side story is actually based and canon.
This scene is different to digest as an adult
Fact: Dragon Ball Super was worth it for these three alone
Based and Tokusentaipilled.
>You’ll often see them mention Pan at any given chance whenever someone brings up GT,
Why? What is their endgame?
>Why haven't they released DB on blu-ray?
Fixed it.
Happy birthday Goku!
>Fixed it.
In case you did not comprehend my reply user> I was referring to the DB series as a whole.
Which definitely includes DBGT.
GT > shitper
Maybe so but it's still awful
>Maybe so but it's still awful
I beg to differ user.
Based ban evading Jobrentard!
>oh dios mió el transformado mono saiyajín 5
The wall can't come soon enough.
Based Chadren, fuck mods !
Limitless dicking
Kale is beautiful
They defeated MC's cock
reminder that DBZ powerlevels are irrelevant and that base caulifla >>> buu
Eternally BTFO
Not only did Goku remove them both from the tournament, but he essentially killed Kefla by prematurely ending the fusion and erasing her from existence.
The u6 basedans will never be shown in canon media ever again
So Kai Buu has a green tint, and Funimation’s Broly Blu-Ray has a green tint, but do Battle of Gods or Resurrection ‘F’?
who's the weakest fighter who could give helles a good pounding
Got some fresh Oceanus stuff in the works, fellas.
Here's what I got so far:
sasuga Canastus
Good idea user.
If we can get anons to watch DBGT, then more anons will watch it.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to spreading GT awareness.
Why do you like her?
>using the figure of a non canon version of a character for arguing about canon
>and the info the figure provides didn't even say a thing about the subject anyway
Because I love obscure waifus, they're like an untouched canvas. I can do so much with them and even reinvent them to some degree.
Okay then.
This babe might make a fine candidate, too.
Before I answer that question, user should take a moment and visualize the demographics that enjoy Dragon Ball and the one thing all these people have in common.
They like Goku?
why is he gathering energy with his cock
Fuck you, nigger. His autism was hilarious.
Pan pedos are spics.
Gogeta is canon
wth is a Panaderia ?
>Pan que a tu corazon deja encantado
Not bad, actually. Just gotta get rid of the copyrighted character.
Bread store.
>jobrenspic is a ban evader mongrel
P-Please let me be p-part of the gang...
>wth is a Panaderia ?
It's where most of the jobhanchodes work
Get the fuck out. Only CHADly and his friends are allowed here!
I just would've preferred hardened female sayains like Fasha or whatever her name is.
>El Cabron in the back
>Before I answer that question, user should take a moment and visualize the demographics that enjoy Dragon Ball and the one thing all these people have in common.
Are the GT posters invited?
the demand for female saiyans was always there, specially because of how disappointing Pan was in GT
because the idea was decent, the execution and design was trash. Fortunately artists can use their own imagination to make em better
If they're real men, and not jobbers, then yes!
is it enforced by law that all commercial establishments in Mexico must have a bootlegged DB-related painting on it's front?
Remenber, some user, took the time to create that wall painting.
I assume it was based on pic related.
There is an updated version of this wall, with Goku SSBlue
>If they're real men, and not jobbers, then yes!
>that taqueria is still up after all this time
GODku always wins, baby.
The reverse is also true, speaking as a mexican the life expectancy for natives here is like 30 meaning girls here don't even get any first blood, they are already pregnant before there's any time to menstruate.
That's hot.
>They like Goku?
What they all have in common is a robust sexual appetite. When Dragon Ball Z finished, Toei understood that they had to cater to an audience now in their teens, thus they created Dragon Ball GT. With all the hormones pumping in their teenage bodies, Toei knew they had to sexualize the series, as evident in the way Pan and Bulla behave and dress, in order to capture the attention of their target audience. For the vast majority of teenagers, this sexualization of GT characters would have only led to an increased motivation to interact with the opposite sex and lose their virginity. Since the majority were no longer sexually frustrated, they could finally focus on the series for its plot and action scenes; two things they would end up realizing GT greatly lacked. Sadly, those teenagers (now adults) who never made it are what we now call Panfags.
Now that I've went over the history of the Panfag, I'll answer your original question shortly
Gotta hand it to the purple dudes
>Juan can't read
>Toei knew they had to sexualize the series, as evident in the way Pan and Bulla behave and dress
more like in Goku running around naked
he was the central point more than Pan and Bulla's "weird" scenes combined.
>for me, it's Gohan
>no argument
Check again Alejandro, nobody said Gogeta isn't canon
Eternal reminder
>Caulifla/Kale + Kefla episodes brought the highest ratings of the entire ToP arc
>Kefla's banner in Dokkan Battle made much more money than UI Goku's, and actually made DB reach the top place in earnings in the play store
>Kefla's elimination has 12m views on Youtube, SSG Goku vs Caulifla & Kale 10m views. The only thing that surpasses them is MUI Goku appearance.
>#2nd most requested addition for FighterZ DLC after based Roshi according to a reddit survey, ironically a game only tyrones play
You really have been taking Dragon ball very seriously? You have placed an immeasurable amount of thought into this.
>Sadly, those teenagers (now adults) who never made it are what we now call Panfags.
What becomes of them?
>Jobren fag once again back from jobbing to the mods
It's like poetry, it rhymes. 4-0.
Don't forget they have the best card in dokkan battle
Currently number 2 on Ios store
Sasuga Freezer bros.
This is now a Chadza thread
Not canon.
Completely canon.
Kefla is cringe.
Based GODza. Since Jobren, Floppo, DyspoSED are all jobbed to him so easily, I think it's fair to say that Kale, Kefla and Gohan are all stronger than those three jobbers as well.
>Chadhan doesn't have one good card in Dokkan and Pedroes
>Saiyan sluts keep getting good shit for reasons
>reddit survey
neither Goku, nor Vegeta consider their previous battles results as conclusive because of the many factors involved
in DBO they actually had a final showdown on a distant planet when they realized their bodies were starting to show their age
P-Please CHADza-sama I-I'm tired of jobbing to the Mod-dono...allow me to suck your tail...
nice headcanon
>a final showdown on a distant planet
aka They went somewhere they could be alone and fucked
Based Characters:
>Future Trunks
Cringe Characters:
>Android 17
Oh please, GODza, I'll lick it all of the ground! Just spare my life!
> Vegeta
> Based Character
Oh no no... Bad !
>Now that I've went over the history of the Panfag, I'll answer your original question shortly
Still waiting for that conclusion.
I guess it's eternal because not even Cuckgang idiots are deluded into thinking they are coming back
defend this z-babbs
>the humans
>ginyu tokusentai
>fag troopers
>db gt
you lost me at gt
You can't pick on GT anymore.
>db gt
why did toriyama ruin them anons?
heeeeey boooooys~
Gohan? It didn't work Out. As for Goku; those pesky editors are forced their views on Goku on me. Thankfully, they've no power here anymore! DB is mine, MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Gohan is done, Vegeta would never, EVER win against any baddie I'll create. Remember that. The other characters? Who? Hahahahahahahah!
will Burory be the new mc? Toriyama-dono
>Jobbed to Frieza
They were beating Frieza like a bad monkey 'till Gohan and Vegeta had to rescue him.
>expecting anything else than cynicism and nasty gags out of the author of lady red
You'd better take responsability for this here boner.
>Why? What is their endgame?
As we all know, Goku ended up turning back into a kid in the non-canon side story known as Dragon Ball GT. Think about it for a second; don’t you see the similarities and differences between Goku turning into a kid and the Panfag? We already know that the Panfags never lost their virginity and have remained sexually frustrated even till today. As a result of their misfortune they have only physically matured but have otherwise remained mentally the same as their teens. On the other hand, Shenron turned Goku back into a child.
The Panfag is a child trapped in a man’s body while GT Goku is a childish man trapped in a child’s body. That is why they self-insert as Kid Goku and the reasoning behind this is that they seek to relive their teenage years through the romance of Goku and his teenage granddaughter – recreated in their minds
Of course not! He'll come after Goku and Vegeta would lose to some sugoi power guy I'll surely create.
Nah, I remember that those two were eliminated easily by Frieza. Don't remember their names, but it was a slim Beerus and a fat guy.
>Kefla and Caulifla have no merch
>All Kale figures are basically cheap Broly knock offs
I'd like to believe they're that popular but their lack of merchandise worries me.
That's an interesting read. So, what you are saying in regards to the Panfags, is that they are doomed to stay the same way forever? Unlike Goku in GT, he can just grow up and be the same. But not for the Panfags?
Opinion instantly invalidated.
2019...I am perfectly FORGOTTEN
Dragon Ball Cute Girls Doing Cute Things™ when?
Best boi
What did they do with his ears?
Only if it keeps the genre's inherent yuri undertones.
Do little boys in Japan like playing with action figures of strong womyn?
Its a double edged sword, on one hand he needs to return to DBS for a proper end to DBS but on the other hand, DBS could easily ruin him forever (Doing worse what GT did).
You know it inevitably will.
>Sonic Warrior
Toot toot?
No, but plenty of older boys love to collect figures and merch of great characters and cute girls.
They're just laid back.
He doesn't need to return at all. At least with Frieza he had established history with Vegeta/saiyans, along with existing and doing stuff throughout the universe.
Cell only knew the Z-Fighters due to fighting them, and the Androids. There is nothing to build off of with him.
People were already pissed at Frieza, returning Cell would make no sense.
>self inserting as kid Goku to ship with Pan
unironically based
Now that's a package.
what bitch isn't popular among waifu fags?
Weird boner
What is Zamasu staring at?
Immediately hand over all her R34
Your mom
>feeling the need to reply to a post from over an hour ago
Thanos dies to Thor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline.
Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it.
Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
Banner has become Hulk permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Professor Hulk.
Scott, Hulk, Steve, and Tony travel to the battle of New York to retrieve the mind, space, and time stone. Steve fights his past self.
Thor is living with Korg and Miek, getting drunk and not caring about what happened. Hulk and Rocket go to get him, and his beard and hair are messy and grown out.
Hulk tried to wield the Stark gauntlet, but it appears to be too powerful for him.
Steve dual wields his shield and Mjolnir, it’s unclear how mjolnir comes back. Thor still has Stormbreaker, possible meaning he’s become unworthy due to him neglecting his duties.
Sam is the first dusted avenger to come back, we hear him say to Steve “On Your Left,” then we see T’challa and Shuri coming out of a portal, and Sam flying out.
Big scene with all the Avengers, including Wasp, the Guardians, Spider-Man, vs Thanos and a revived Black Order. It looks like the big fight in Ready Player One, but we actually care about the characters
Stark reunites with Peter and gives him a hug
Carol gets the short hair she has in recent comics, and Peter Parker gives her the Stark Gauntlet
god I hate toriyama
Go back to Yea Forums Jobhanspic
I've been rewatching Super for the past week and honestly, I hope it stays canceled if this is the level of art and animation we're going to get again.
Super is a repulsive looking show on every level, and all of the arcs sucked dick.
Literally the only good things to come out of Super.
I meant super saiyan green Kefla
I meant mastered ultra instinct
Im still mad that they added Green NewBroly instead of this form.
Why is no one Chad posting?
They are the the worse characters in Dragon Ball, they can be compared to those butterfly aliens that Vegeta and Napa killed on their way to Earth.
They need the cool stuff to sell the next game, they're out of canon Gokus and hype/asspull forms.
nobody likes Broly
Ok nobody
what is ssgss? I haven't seen shitper
But this form IS the cool one. Hell, all the super moves in-game come from THIS form. Except for Gigantic Roar, but Not Too Happy Broly still has a mouth cannon attack of his own.
Let me guess you thought Cell was going to be resurrected for the ToP
Remember when getting the transformation of a character without its inferior forms was something weird and inconceivable in a DB game except for Gogeta and MAYBE Cell arc Gohan? Fuck Xenoverse
I didn't even notice the tint.. is there any comparison videos?
I mean, not every single Dragon Ball game needs the ability to transform into every possible form in real-time.
For example, I don't think FighterZ loses anything by restraining the ability to transform mid-match to just Golden Frieza. And kinda Adult Gohan.
People mainly want characters for specific forms. Like does anyone really want base gotenks? he is known for SSJ 3.
In DBFZ you can pick the form you want or get some love for it somewhere else for the most part. I do wish USSJ trunks was in the game though. Buff trunks was my favorite.
>awful dub that makes shit up
>some dub actors are sexual predators
>no way to get a proper re-release of the anime
>Ultimate Edition of the manga never ever
>movies get a shitty green tint
I almost feel bad for the burgers
>some dub actors are sexual predators
Nice meme
the coolest DB character
I don't really like Trunks when he's cosplaying as his dad. It doesn't help that he's missing his sword. The thing that made him unique compared to any other character at the time.
It also really annoys me how in Super, Trunks only ever uses Vegeta moves. Like Galick Gun or Final Flash. As opposed to moves of his own creation.
One of the things I really disliked is how they make Broly look like a fucking child when he's just a guy with good manners and temperament issues.
>, not every single Dragon Ball game needs the ability to transform into every possible form in real-time
Nobody asked for that, you can just have different sloths (or something like tabs in a sloth) for each form, what sucks is being able to play with SSB Vegetto (and soon SSB Gogeta) but never with their base or at least SS forms
>does anyone really want base gotenks?
No but some people want SS Gotenks because SS3 is uglier than a sin, and most of saiyans are liked in every form. If it was something like Freeza or Cell I'd understand but saiyans? Come on
I mean, yeah, it would probably best if ArcSys was somehow able to just turn the Blue versions of characters into alternate outfits. Like they did with Videl.
But I assume the issue is the color of a character's aura is tied to them specifically, and not their costume.
You should have expected that after seeing how they made Goku look like fucking Superman.
Same user here.
Of course you could argue that since the alternate forms of characters actually have different supers and normals that we'd technically be losing content if they just became outfits.
But I'd argue that the Blue versions specifically kinda take away the uniqueness of other characters by being so similar in some regardless. For example, if it weren't for the Blues, Teen Gohan would be the only one capable of a lvl 5 super.
And when Teen Gohan is competing against his grown up counter part, with both being super good at piling on the block pressure, maybe Teen Gohan needs that uniqueness to keep himself afloat.
I think its also possible that BECAUSE the game launched with 3 characters able to do lvl 5s, ArcSys may not even consider giving the ability to a new DLC character.
Nobody cares about your capeshit, faggot, go back to Yea Forums.
Move aside, best girl coming through.
That's what makes it cool and different.
Yamcha stronger than Cell?
Well in the manga he uses only his moves and future Gohan's, in fact it's pretty neat when he uses the Taiyoken because he does the same pose Kuririn did in Namek (instead the pose Tenshinhan and Goku do), meaning future Gohan learned his Taiyoken from Kuririn
Its "different" to the Trunks we were introduced to, sure. But it makes him less of his own person.
It's why I think my favorite outfit for Gohan was his Great Saiyaman outfit. Because it wasn't just him cosplaying as Piccolo or his dad, and it gave him his own "color".
Like, Goku wears orange, Vegeta wears blue, and Piccolo wears purple. But the Great Saiyaman outfit gave Gohan green.
Green has always been Gohan's color, not only for the Great Saiyaman and the green tracksuit from RoF, his Boo arc gi and his Piccolo suit in the saiyan arc are both green in the manga
Even then, you could still argue that the Great Saiyaman outfit is unique because it's not just a gi. At least, not the same style of gi that every other character wears.
I also think that in general, being the Great Saiyaman is a good fit for Gohan. He isn't totally removed from normal society in order to be an obsessive martial artist like his dad, but he still makes use of his powers in the way he wants.
remind me why some people believe Caulifla is Goku's counterpart again?
Because Female Broly is literally Male Kale and Cabba is a fuccboi like Vegeta. It's just the process of elimination.
>remind me why some people believe Caulifla is Goku's counterpart again?
She has a small dick
Based jobrentranny!
That I agree
I mean everyone knows Saiyaman "gi" Gohan is the coolest looking Gohan
>adult turdhan
what would Oolong think of Helles
Come again?
Because some people are retards. Aside from Kale being a literal Broly ripoff cynically designed to pander to his fanbase (failing miserably doesn't change that), the supposed similarities are sp broad and vague that they could apply ro basically every known Saiyan.
Vegeta should have stayed dead after his death in Namek. It was a pretty good end for him plus the fact that it was pretty much the last time his character could have been taken seriously.
is adult worthlesshan even the same character?
How do I get a natty tranny bod like Jiren?
he turns into a different character starting with his "pacifist" thing during the cell games
But then there'd be no Trunks.
The fuck does this mean
is he el primo (de jiren)?
More like to go commit suicide together, their fight caused a supernova
>Ultimate Edition of the manga never ever
What did you mean by this?
El Tío
>blue-skinned thot
Silly, everyone knows blueskinned girls are the best!
When it really comes right down to it, why would Goku need to give Cell a senzu bean? As an android, he should have access to infinite energy reserves and can regenerate his entire body as long as it's not completely wiped out.
Go to your local boxing gym and offer to replace the punching bag with yourself.
Cell is a bio-android not a "mechanical" one like 16, 17 and 18
Did someone say Superman?
Without doubt the pinnacle of animation, right there,
Imagine not know about the famous Dragon Ball Ultimate Edition
Why is there so many blue skinned girls in this franchise anyway?
>princess snake
Who else is missing?
All the angels
His GT wank is sickening. NIgga really thinks SS4 is stronger than Blue
Mamba is another GT cutie
>SSB Kaikoken x 10 Gogeta vs Jiren
Who will win ?
That's SSG Gogeta
Beerus is a cat, dyspo is a rabbit, they aren't the same race
>Gohan loves Piccolo more than he loves himself.
>So much so that Pan wears a shirt that idolizes her babysitter rather than her own father.
What a cuck.
The special beam cannon is actually performed with two hands
Me on the top left
Yes, FAILLING. Which is why nu and og Broly are both a thing and a constant feature in merchandise and videogames, whereas Kale was swept under the rug of bad ideas in the franchise, AKA DBH.
Natural, you dyel beta.
Based and androidpilled
Waifu-haters confirmed for ESL
Alright assholes, it's time to talk fanfiction with a what-if puzzle.
You have to write Dragon Ball with the supposition that every arc of Z, from Saiyan to Namek to Android to Buu to the appearance of Beerus, has to ALL take place on Earth, and it has to all tie together into a single super-arc.
It's easy to figure some of it out- for example, the Earth dragon balls can be the only ones, with Frieza hearing about them from Vegeta after his defeat, prompting him to come to Earth looking for them. He can even pick up Paragus and Broly on the way, to lead them into the super-arc. The androids and Cell can happen early as a way to mitigate Frieza, and the entire mess of the most powerful fighters congregating can be the reason for an early arrival of Buu.
The entire thing can end with Goku going Super Saiyan (treating it as the only level of it there is, and maybe even equal to God), and the arrival of Beerus, leading right into the ToP. But the question is how to piece it all together in a smart and logical way, and how each Z-Fighter would work, since this scenario calls for them to all work together as powerfully as possible to overcome Earth being turned into a hellhole while superbeings seek out the dragon balls.
>Stickdroid 18
>y-you had a typo in your post so I win, haha.
Concession accepted, waifunigger.
Have you seen Stickfla and stickle? Every super girl looks like shit in current Tori's style.
What do you anons think of this?
Too cringe. Couldn't stand to watch for more than a few seconds at a time.
>Too cringe. Couldn't stand to watch for more than a few seconds at a time.
I thought it was great.
>Super Goku (Manga): Not just my stamina, but my power already diminished by so much.
>GT Goku: I need to keep my stamina advantage here... especially if I want to win against his ridiculously strong transformations.
>Super Goku (Manga): If only I had more energy... Super Saiyan Blue is leagues above him.
>GT Goku: Super Saiyan Blue... Super Saiyan 4's power isn't remotely close to the raw strength that transformation has. But my form rarely has any drawbacks.
The whole point of that fight was that Super Saiyan 4 wasn't even close to Blue's power, but that Blue uses up more energy than 4.
Stupid fat fuck.
The saiyan god form should have remained the strongest transformation (apart from Ultra-instinct). It would make a lot of sense, seeing how saiyan god gave Beerus quite a fight, while super saiyan blue probably never will. It is simply tapping into the remnants of the god ki left within the user. Saiyan God should have been a one time boost in power that far exceeds saiyan blue.
SSG should give Goku a fiery gi instead of a fiery aura.
sexy fat fuck
To be fair that is just the fate of every DB girl from now on until Toriyama stops providing character sheets.
was pilaf always meant to be green instead of blue?
SS Blue is really pointless, yeah.
I feel like Blue was only made because most people disliked how God was less muscular than base form. btw Toriyama hates drawing muscles now, he wanted to turn Broly into a twink
>seeing how saiyan god gave Beerus quite a fight
They retconned that, now only UI Goku can hope to surpass Beerus.
with the exception of Ox King everyone in this pic look like they did bariatric surgery
I don't think so. He's blue in the colored manga and the cover of Volume 3 of Super. Plus, these designs seem a little more stick-like than in Super, especially Vegeta and Gohan.
the only pages where pilaf is blue are the "off-color" pages where everything is colored differently for whatever reason
(for example, bulma's hair should be blue, goku's gi should be dark blue, etc)
nothing happens
A shot from behind of a character looking backwards
I meant that he was blue in the more recent Full Color colored manga.
I'd really like to know what Markus Johnson is doing with his life today
He's also blue in Super's volume cover.
>toyotaro in charge of paying attention
>vegeta canonically has a surfboard with his own name on it
What was the retcon again? 70% to 20% or something?
>tfw DBM Gohan actually uses his brain like he is supposed to be
Don't forget to visit this place in your next trip to mexico, Yea Forums
Based. So much better than Super.
I dunno. Originally Toriyama said that SSG was a 6, while Beerus would be a 10, but now it seems like that was either way too generous or that SSB and UI are piss-weak upgrades.
20% for SSG sounds about right, honestly.
fuck off shitsu, you were never funny
I was honestly kinda impressed that Vegeta managed to stay this buff in the tournament, given the new art style.
I was kinda impressed that the male characters stayed as buff as they did.
What are you talking about
ToP pretty much established that vegeta and goku were around an 8. That's pretty spot on
>Superman loses in their own calculations
>Still let him win to cause controversy
>he doesn't think that SS2 is a x1 multiplier
fathers constantly embarrassing them
could be a cute spin-off
It established that MUI Goku and Jiren is stronger than Beerus.
Vegeta doesn't escape in Saiyan arc and instead passes out right in front of his pod and Krillin. Piccolo is able to regenerate after the battle with Vegeta, so kami is still alive. Vegeta gets healed by Goku and co somehow, but escapes and finds his ship. While in his ship he then learns that Freeza is coming to earth. Scared he has no choice but to warn the others and team up with Goku and co while also secretly planning to double-cross them once they help him get Freeza out of the picture. The events play out similarly as Namek but on earth and Vegeta teams up with Krillin and Gohan from the start.
The final battle with Freeza is the same all the way up to Freeza getting hit with the spirit bomb, afterward when it's revealed he survived, instead of killing Krillin and shooting Piccolo he instead throws the disk at Goku who then is able to barely tap into Kaioken at the last second to trick Freeza into slicing himself in half. Freeza only having enough energy to escape into his ship chooses to do so instead of using his energy to finish off Goku, krillin, piccolo and gohan who are all too weak at this point to fight back from the spirit bomb.
Since it has been a year since they used the dragon balls, Goku is adamant about bringing back Vegeta first over his other friends as he would be the most help defeating Freeza since they anticipate his return. Vegeta is wished back and begrudgingly agrees to help Goku and co fight Freeza. Goku and co decide to go and train and offer Vegeta to train with them. He angrily says no and opts to train by himself where Bulma then steps in to offer him a special way he can train in a gravity chamber she had designed. He says yes and this is where they start to get all chummy.
Please be bait.
Base to SSJ1 is halved
SSJ1 to SSJ2 is doubled, making it as strong as base
Only about a week goes by of training where they then sense a powerful energy coming their way. Goku, Vegeta, and co all assemble at the same spot and Freeza arrives as a cyborg with his father King Cold. Goku and Vegeta begin to fight freeza as Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan fight Freeza's minions. After freeza clearly being too strong for Goku and Vegeta, Goku tries to do the spirit bomb while Vegeta agrees to hold off Freeza. Freeza who isn't going to fall for that trick again goes after Goku. Vegeta is able to use this to his advantage and blindsides Freeza causing Freeza to lash back at him angrily. Goku then uses this moment to try and do a spirit bomb but he can't as he senses there is already a spirit bomb somewhere close by. Meanwhile, Piccolo and co had already defeated the minions and are then having trouble fending off King Cold. Just as things look as though all hope is lost Trunks comes in and fires a small spirit bomb at freeza and is then defeated. He then makes quick work of king cold.
I mean that, even though regular Super Saiyan God was supposedly capable of taking on Beerus, later arcs played it as though even Super Saiyan Blue and SSB + Kaio-Ken wasn't enough to bother him. It took Goku using Ultra Instinct to surpass Beerus.
Or maybe SSG is a 6, SSB is an 8, Beerus is a 10, and SSB + Kaio-Ken wouldn't last long enough to be able to take out Beerus? I dunno.
is ultra instict goku surpassed beerus?
I think so. UI Goku can fight on par with Jiren, who's supposed to be even tougher than Belmoud, who's supposed to be tougher than Beerus.
>Please be bait.
it is
>The rest
anyone with wrinkles on their brain could tell it was bait without having to ask and argue with it
>Character X
Now I remember who Tights reminds me of
The Belmond being stronger than Beerus part actually comes from the fact that Belmond won a arm wrestling match against Beerus. When it comes down to it I think that Beerus is the most capable GoD in a fight
I don't get why Funimation makes shit up for DB. They still do it in Super and in the fucking Broly movie. I can understand altering dialogue slightly to match lip flaps but these guys will literally change dialogue entirely or just add in random dialogue where there isn't supposed to be any (ex. "Have fun Frieza"). It's because of them that we have fucking retards in the fanbase who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about since they go off of the incorrect shit the dub says. You know how many people think Goku wants to teach Broly some shit because the dub made up that line of dialogue? You see how many people keep asking why they refer to Broly as a boy during the film because the dub decided to change what Cheelai said entirely? It's fucking stupid. Even in just Super they added that stupid Yamcha diss, added in that fucking "time to make the donuts" meme in Hit's dialogue which DOESN'T FUCKING SOUND COOL, and they altered Gohan's response to Goku from being a determined response to Gohan being a sarcastic ass about shit. There's probably more too that I don't remember off the top of my head. I don't fuckng get why they do this
Ah right, I was forgetting that. Super is purposefully vague with the power levels.
Which is nice in a sense, because it means that minor characters don't have to catch up as much, but it also makes it hard to gauge what all these transformations mean for our heroes.
Did we forget how for some reason Funimation didn't include Toyotaro and the Super manga in the opening credits?
>gokekfags still butthurt
>How did they get so popular
they didn't, they have a small and vocal fanbase but other than that no one likes them
filthy sjw trash
Even leakfag has abandoned these threads
>Belmond won a arm wrestling match against Beerus
Yeah, no, that was Quitela in the manga
In fact the manga is literally the only thing that actually answered this question while Toei was never specific and seemed to ignore the arm wrestling quote in later episodes
>I don't fuckng get why they do this
Simple, to please westerners and normies/casuals.
Oh, please. The "tingly back" thing was stupid, but other than that Kale and Caulifla are perfectly endearing characters.
Caulifla basically acts like Gotenks and Kale is a doormat
That's what makes them fun.
Caulifla is endearingly obnoxious, but unlike Gotenks actually has a nicer side.
Kale, OTOH, is a doormat who slowly comes to show some inner strength and confidence. She's adorable and likable. Her controlled LSS form is also really cool-looking.
>endearingly obnoxious
So just obnoxious
C'mon, her pigheaded obsession with gaining SSJ2 and SSJ3 was a hoot. She's in the middle of a huge battle for the survival of the universes, and she's too busy having a ladyboner over Goku's power level to notice. It's really funny.
For the record, did people get that Toppo was supposed to look like Nietzsche and that his labeling justice as useless and becoming a God of Destruction represented his going "beyond good and evil"?
Holy shit, you're right. They have the same moustache.
>But the question is how to piece it all together in a smart and logical way, and how each Z-Fighter would work
Which is pretty difficult since every combatant is dead or too injured to fight further at the end of the Saiyan arc. I guess this could work if you remove the Saibamen so that the Z-Fighters only get to fight Nappa, and Nappa doesn't get to kill any of them (only wound them to various degrees of severity) before Goku arrives and the whole thing becomes about him, Vegeta and Gohan.
Now we go to full fanfic territory. Vegeta flees as per the usual but gets shot down mid-flight by the Ginyu Force. They're also here for the Dragon Balls and they also heard them about them from the scouters. They would be a lot weaker here, so the remaining Z-Fighters would be a somewhat even match while Yajirobe carries Goku and Gohan away. After a while the Ginyus decide their fight is pointless and scramble to look for the Dragon Balls. The Z-Fighters still in fighting condition take a short break to regroup and conclude that the best plan would be to go together as a team and kill each Ginyu Force member individually now that they're separated. Here goes a "let's hunt the shadow dragons!" kind of thing but with the Ginyus, and with the Z-Fighters getting visibly more and more worn out as they go up the power chain. Plus some foreshadowing that Vegeta is not quite done yet - maybe Bulma gets too curious for her own good again and goes to investigate his crashed ship, only to find Vegeta, dead or alive, is not inside.
The Z-Fighters reach Recoome, one of the last two remaining Ginyu Force members, and get pounded into the dirt because the exhaustion has caught up to them. They go and on about how strong Recoome is, that not even Goku would be able to defeat him. But as Recoome goes the killing blow, he's punted away by a new arrival. As the smoke clears, it's revealed that this is Vegeta, who now has gray hair and those funky Baby lines on his face.
He's questioned about this but he just ignores them and focuses on Recoome. He asks him how the fuck did the Ginyu Force know about his plan to kill Freeza (cue shock from the Z-Fighters) to which Recoome tells him that Nappa was actually a mole, informing Freeza of anything Vegeta said or did in exchange that one day Freeza would tell him how to become the legendary Super Saiyan (cue shock from the Z-Fighters). Recoome starts posturing, talking about how he's part of Furiiza-sama's very own tokusentai and that he's stronger than Ginyu himself and that Vegeta is fucking dead. Of course, Vegeta goads him to attack, no-sells everything Recoome throws at him and ends up demolishing his ass. He says something about how ironic it was that Nappa did all that but now Vegeta is the one with the power of the Super Saiyan and bolts without saying a single thing to the Z-Fighters.
The Z-Fighters take another short break to recover. Goku is almost completely healed, but they decide against taking any chances by bringing him along since they know Ginyu will be weaker than Recoome, as he said that and all. After some discussion about this new Super Saiyan thing and Vegeta helping them out, they take off.
The Ginyu fight wouldn't be unlike what we see in the Freeza arc. While indeed here he's not the strongest of the group, he uses the same trick as before but bodyswaps into Piccolo instead. As he became close with the group, the others have problems going all out against him, with only Gohan being able to see past that and put up any real resistance. Whoever he tries his second bodyswap with, it still ends with Ginyu down for the count. As his eyes close, he points at the sky, telling everyone that they accomplished nothing. Freeza's spaceship, as well as a massive fleet of smaller ships covering the sky, is visible above. Ginyu had taken precautions and called for Freeza himself to come just in case.
The spaceships start destroying everything they see. Freeza touches down, along with Dodoria and Zarbon. The Z-Fighters rush to meet them but they see that Goku has beaten them to the punch and is currently in a staring match with the guy. Freeza sends Dodoria to battle Goku, but Vegeta interjects and becomes Dodoria's opponent instead. The collateral destruction Dodoria causes establishes him as much stronger than anything seen yet, and Vegeta can barely keep up. The Z-Fighters take this time to fight off all of the other soldiers attacking the cities and stuff, occasionally getting assisted by mysterious hooded figures - they don't give them much mind since they're clearly helping. After a particularly bad hit to Vegeta, Goku tags himself in and has a much easier time fighting Dodoria thanks to his Kaioken. Vegeta comments how he knew Saiyans become stronger after coming back from almost dying but that this is ridiculous. Dodoria is killed. Freeza remains amused. Zarbon readies himself for battle, but then Goku is dealt a surprise hit that pierces his chest. It's one of the mysterious figures. He removes his hood to reveal an old man with an odd logo on his hat. He tosses Goku's limp body aside and threatens Freeza that if he doesn't leave, he's next. Freeza hardly seems bothered and asks this person who he is. He's Dr Gero, and he introduces his companions as they remove their hoods. Android 19, Android 18, Android 17, Android 16 and Android 22 - Vegeta.
Freeza simply sends scouts to look for the Dragon Balls and allows Gero to face him, but only if he can defeat Zarbon. Vegeta steps up instead, saying he's far from done now that he's a Super Saiyan, and Gero lets him go, as he still needs to make sure Goku is dead. The Z-Fighters remove themselves and Goku from the battle, which has now become an expanding hell as soldiers fly away to look for the balls and the Androids have to stop them while also protecting the cities the best they can.
Goku is healed from the worst of his injuries, but Gero successfully tracks the group down. He doesn't explain himself, he simply says that he's going to kill Goku and that anyone that stands on the way of his desire will perish along with him. Although hard-fought, especially with everyone's fatigue, they manage to squeeze out a win. Gero runs away. As he receives reports on how outnumbered his Androids are, he decides needs to do more to ensure the future of the Earth. The Z-Fighters decide to gather the balls themselves and wish at least some of their enemies away before the situation gets further out of hand. Like this, they meet up with the Androids and become friends with them, and they tell them about Gero - he's a genius scientist who was part of the Red Ribbon Army and really wants to kill Goku for being the reason it's not around anymore, and that even though he's using his weapons (themselves) to protect the Earth from evil aliens, that it doesn't take away from what Gero truly wants. Meanwhile, Vegeta does manage to kill Zarbon, though at the cost of nearly totalling himself. Freeza, being in the good mood that he is, decides to give him the chance to rest up before the two of them fight. So Vegeta can pretend there's a chance he won't get brutalized. He of course mumbles about Super Saiyans some more, wondering how it's possible that it's not enough and shit.
At the end of the search, four of the balls found themselves with the Z-Fighters and the other three fell to Freeza. There's no way out but a full frontal assault. The Z-Fighters and the Androids get ready and set off to kill Freeza, taking Goku with them this time. With some many strong people, surely they'll enough. Maybe they can even convince Freeza to fuck off and no one will have to die, right?
They arrive, and Vegeta is getting brutalized, with Freeza still making that smug face of his. Freeza tosses him to the floor, something something Saiyan pride, something something you're our race's last hope Kakarot, Vegeta dies. Everyone prepares for the final showdown, but an old face returns. Gero is back, though oddly pensive. Without warning, he shoots a surprise blast that destroys Androids 16 and 19, and starts attacking the Z-Fighters. The truth soon breaks out: He went back to capture Ginyu hoping to turn his corpse into another Android who would kill Goku for him while he himself went to help Vegeta against the invaders. However, Ginyu was actually merely playing dead - he bodyswapped with Gero! The true Gero is now dead in a ditch and while this new body of Ginyu's is not the strongest, it's more than enough to split up the good guys.
In the midst of the fight against Freeza, Ginyu is defeated but it comes with the sacrifice of many of the Z-Fighters, with Freeza's own bodycount as he rises through his forms not being anything to scoff at. Events would play out the same except without Piccolo dying, the Spirit Bomb or the planet being hit in the core. As usual, he gets to his last form, starts making fun of all the death he directly and indirectly caused and kills Krillin. Goku gets hella pissed and achieves the Super Saiyan form. However, not even this could land a decisive blow on Freeza, as it only rose his power to the level of being evenly matched with him. Goku decides to use his trump card, and launches a Spirit Bomb towards Freeza. It is not enough as Freeza starts pushing it away. There's only one thing to do now. Goku pushes the Spirit Ball with his hands right up to Freeza's face and detonates it, killing Freeza once and for all but also taking himself out.
Sorry for no Cell and not segueing into the Buu arc or Battle of Gods but I clearly thought about this WAY too much already. So fuck it.
Did you rike it?
fuck off with your edgyshit salagir
>CHADroid 17, Savior of the Multiverse
>the rest
This. Samir should have been Toriyama's successor. ALHAMDULILLAH
Who are Toyotaro's favorite characters?
>muh stamina
SSB is so strong in comparison to SS4 that stamina shouldn't matter at all in that fight.
Stamina only matters when 2 opponents are at similar levels of power. SSB is so leagues above 4 it should've one shotted before his stamina started dropping.
Instead we got SSG competing with GT Goku's SS3 and 4 beating Blue because of muh "stamina" which again, stamina doesn't matter in such a one-sided fight
It doesn't matter, ssj4 is probably only at around regular super saiyan level (with god ki) at this point, he didn't even have to go super saiyan blue to win this fight. Then again GTpedos are fucking retarded so it isn't a suprise
Best boi be dummy thicc
I'm gonna say the N-word.
Muh Ninga
Every fight is won through some form of team work like the Saiyan arc with vegeta. The Cell arc could still be won by gohan only instead of ss2, he taps into his potential in base that hints at his future mystic form.
You either need to scale down villains or make the base saiyans stronger after freeza.
Fusion can still be a thing as well for the buu saga.
Instead of goku going super Saiyan when he meets beerus, he goes quasi super Saiyan like he did in the lord slug movie and it's treated like ultra instinct where he can't just do it at will. Then finally in the top arc he does it again when he first fights Jiren, then he finally goes super Saiyan at the end in place of mastered ultra instinct and again he can't do it at will
Now here is an interesting question, how would dragonball have been received without all the super Saiyan transformations and would it have had the same longevity without them?
It's Freeza you retard
>awful dub that makes shit up
So stuff that never happened. gotcha.
Wait for the MangaUK release next month or don't even bother. Fuck the green tint.
GT Goku has SSJ4 apparently
The dub is canon and factually superior to the Jap voices. ATATATATATATA and nip screeching don't make for interesting characters. At least the dub tries to create interesting characters/story where there are none because nip culture is fucking retarded. Keep crying.
So what we're saying is we all agree that SS4 is canonically a superior transformation to SSG/SSB.
nice headcanon.
Epic headcanon Jose Manuel.
>no argument as usual
You fat weebcucks literally cannot comprehend that the vast majority of the people (rightfully) prefer the dub.
>vast majority
wow, so does that mean that vast majority people don't know what Ultra Instinct even is? Or how ToP ends?
sorry your shitty dub is so late to the party :)
>so does that mean that vast majority
Quiet, ESL.
>t-the dub isn't over yet s-so I win
Not an argument. I accept your concession as usual, you pathetic weeb.
>dead series
>DEAD thread
Anyone know Japanese? Chapter 47 small leak..
i accept your concession
>Entire Namekian planet fuses
>Still weaker than these 2 twinks
I'll never NOT be assblasted. If you're going to copy DB Multiverse at least do it right, it was considered hype there because that was the logical way for Namekians to be relevant again but they just made them Buu saga tier when people in the ToP can kill people like that with a finger flick.
Yeah no, they should have been nearing GoD level, especially since Namek is closely related to that magical god shit they even created the dragon balls.
Who cares
Wait, but that was the anime being weird... In the anime they could have beaten Gohan together.
And Gohan defeated Kefla in the manga...
If we equalize the shit writing, that means the U6 Namekians were definitely stronger than Kale and Caulifla even if they fused.
And Hit considered Kefla to be the key to winning the ToP, meaning he thinks he's below her...
TL;DR: The Namekians were actually the strongest U6 warriors since Namekians > Gohan > Kefla >= Hit, but the narrative treated them as jobbers
That was really shit thread. Everyone abandoned it because of the shitty OP I reckon
Why does a/ have a hate boner for dragonball? Before super was a thing it wasn't even allowed on here for some reason?
Pretty good, but gotta move krillin to cringe. Maybe remove zamasu and future trunks for each list and leave them in the middle.
does the movie have any of the deleted scenes?
this x2
>and they altered Gohan's response to Goku from being a determined response to Gohan being a sarcastic ass about shit
good, better than in canon where gohan is oblivious to the fact that goku is abusive
Vegeta's good humanization is accelerating. I'm already going to be a god in a true sense.
... Can I make this kind of character change to Buu? (Lol)
The Galactic Patrol will be heartwarming to think that it is a story that brings up the qualities for Vegeta to become king.
As someone who has never watched the new series, I can't tell if the character on the left is supposed to be a very masculine female, a genderbent Broly or if s/he's just simply badly drawn
D - all of the above
Kale is literally the Broly of Universe 6, except a girl.
The last one is obviously a controlled Berserk form
Toeimongrels are literally idiots, this girl is SSB in the manga written by Toriyama.
Anyone that thinks there is a controlled Berserk form but she's only SS3-SSG and actually stronger than her Broly form is a fucking mongrel.
Kai Boo has green tint even in JP release though, most likely to keep it "consistent" with the Dragon Boxes.
The world would unironically be a much better place if all Amerimutts, Jews, Niggers and Chinks died overnight.
You can't prove me wrong.
>leaving out spics and their gohan blanco memes
Spics are harmless entertainment like the court clown.