>learn Japanese >start reading translated manga comparing it to raw >the ENTIRE dialogue is a completely different topic than what's in the raws. >all translated manga is made up bullshit the translator injected into the story >reads like fanfiction
U-uh...I guess I'm going to have to rewatch every anime and re-read every manga if I want the real story. How long did it take you guys to find out that translations are just as bad as dub?
when i read this post and realized it meant something completely different in the original japanese
roughly translated, it said "OP IS A FAG"
Owen Young
What does that squid's butt smell like?
Jackson Martin
just because you just finished all your rosetta stone courses, doesnt mean you can actually translate properly and in fact, the reason everything looks so bad to you is because YOU are the retard that cant translate properly
Tyler Hughes
>How long did it take you guys to find out that translations are just as bad as dub? We been knew. You don't even have to know Japanese to figure that out. And some shit just gets lost in translation no matter what.
Adrian Torres
>t. dumb American who is too lazy to learn Japanese.
I never see people complain about it. I think it's cause all of Yea Forums is too lazy and dumb to get educated, that they try to rationalize it.
Liam Peterson
>Anime girl butts living rent free in your head Every thread, "haha, w-what do anime girl farts smell like? haha.."
Bentley Howard
Yeah I'm okay with that.
James Ramirez
reminds me of the revenge classroom translations, manga is shit but some of the translations make it even more shit.