>7 months until it officially becomes anime of the decade
Does it feel good?
7 months until it officially becomes anime of the decade
I can relate to MC so it's good - the series
I agree, mawaru penguindrum definitely deserves that title, however you seem to accidentally pick a wrong image user. It's ok it happens
Devilman Crybaby is still AOTD for me.
nah its gotta be ping pong
Almost, but not quite.
1. Kill la Kill
2. The Tatami Galaxy
3. Space Dandy
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
5. Concrete Revolutio
6. Mob Psycho 100
7. Uchouten Kazoku
8. The Dragon Dentist
9. Space Patrol Luluco
10. Ping Pong
1. The Wind Rises
2. Princess Kaguya
3. In This Corner of the World
4. Miss Hokusai
5. The Night is Short
6. Wolf Children
7. When Marnie was There
8. Colorful
9. Giovanni's Island
10. Penguin Highway
I don't get the Space Dandy hype - it's pretty boring.
>blocks your path
>7 month until 2020
>7 months
>20 fucking 20