Carole & Tuesday

Finally! A black female MC. Who’s not a racial stereotype like Sister Krone and in a interracial same sex relationship

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Other urls found in this thread:

And not just a supporting cast member

>based wantanabe

>Finally a black MC
Watch more anime, newfag.

>in a interracial same sex relationship

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She is Latina fag

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What's wrong with based sister Krone?

When you quote someone you have to actually quote what they say

excellent bait. I almost got mad


>random youtuber
What the fuck, Yea Forums, speak me in your own words.

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Is every fucking thread about this anime gonna be this?

>whiter than most am*ricans
the music sucked and the city looks like shit.
krone was unironically a good character, and with the art style, everyone in yak-never looked retarded. norman had a seven-head for god's sake.

there are like 0 black features on this girl, are people really this insecure?

yes. we can't have real threads for a show with black characters

She is from Okinawa xd

>black character
>lives on her own, no family, work shit job, low class
>white character
>wealthy, misunderstood, runs away from home to pursue dreams

>A black female MC.
I wouldn't mind if anime itself would have an interesting story.

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And zero Japanese features on light yagami, sailor moon and naruto


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No fag!

Voiced by blac:

Krone is not a stereotype you gigantic faggot

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She look like Sheva from re 5. Although her model is mixed . So bassically she looks brazillian.

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zac efron's come a long way

She is voiced by a Jamaican.

Why do features only ever matter in anime when it comes to black characters?

She is voiced by a Jap.

Light is white

I guess you have never seen a white person in anime? Hard to get more stereotypical.

Why do features matter when it comes to Japanese characters.

Why do white anime characters are blonde with super pointy noses?

Carole looks good with her hair down.

The guy on the right has such a fat face.

So I guess Tuesday is not white and is Japanese?

Because anime characters are not human

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I have no idea of Tuesday's ethnicity. But Carole is still voiced by a Jap, just like Tuesday.

She'd look better with her face in Tuesday's ass.

Yup and in the ED outfit

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then tell me what matters? why do people say she is black? I genuinely don't get it.

Tuesday has no ass fag

Here is the actor for light in the Japanese LA version. Look at that sleek face.

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I absolutely detest her walk.


>no ass
>twink aesthetic

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Looks nothing like light.
Anime/ manga light looks white

Does Tuesday even know what sex is?

Not yet.

How does he not look like Light?
Light has barely any discernible features outside of his hair and face structure, which is the same.

Real talk: though she's most likely just Okinawan, if Carole was black would that actually bother you?

She got hips tho

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Japan is pretty bad a casting. They could have had this as Hana instead for Prison School.

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She blac

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Black hips

Yes fag

No it’s fine

i just see this thread as a reason to post this

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Latina slut

Carole > her

A true masterpiece.

No, but give it a few episodes before they get bored.

How can AI compete?

she is the reason im not even considering this series

I want to dick the smug out of her.

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Not with that chin

She's black and Brazilian. Brazil is not in latian america fag.

Her dick is probably bigger than yours.

People don't get that black people don't look alike.

There are black women that look like that. We are not all thick big ass and thighs user.

I even know one black girl with no butt and small breast. And she's already married.

She's so ugly

Stop making these threads. They die quickly and are literally only shitposting from people who haven't seen the show.

>not realizing that OP himself is the shitposter

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No? Why not trying to go to an actual thread and not the same template shitposting general instead?

I love how all the Martians are twigs. Makes so much sense in 1/3 G.

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>stop talking about the show because few retards shitpost!


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he is right though

Built for Big Earth Cock

That'd break her.

This but unironically

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Imagine fucking her on the wall with .38G making it feel like she weighs 15kg.

You would be 0.38% of your weight on Mars as well though.

Now this. That's right up my alley.
Unlike this shit of an anime. Holy shit fuck.

>black hairstyle
>shes black

never change reddit

>precious show about two girls joining together to follow their dream of making music
>/pol/ clogs the threads

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the thread itself is bait

Stop being stupid. Brazilians aren't hispanic, but they are totally LatAms.

You know, I can't help but feel while watching this series, that the Japanese won't like this kind of thing. It rather blatantly appeals to Westerners, instead of even other Western-pandering shows which had something for the Japanese audience as well.

>>/pol/ clogs the threads

Why can't they invade the Ikuhara's new show

Why can't they just kill themselves?

How about not invade Yea Forums at all.

/pol/ here. Ikuhara's butthole show is absolutely based.

She cute.

These characters are so cringe

> a interracial same sex relationship
Bullshit. They are friends. Yurifags are crazy.

Naruto and Usagi both have typical "flat" asian faces.

Fuck back to pol/you stupid nigger

Would japs even want diversity? I'm pretty sure they prefer jap protags. This was definitely done for the western audience, but with a westaboo directing, it's no surprise.

says the idiot looking for stereotyped features in an anime character

Can you feel my tears? They won't dry

Tuesday's mom definitely does the goes through Martian penis thing, right?

>Highly educated
>No husband around
>Beautiful daughter and attractive son
>Wrinkled up and looks have gone
Of course she is. She is probably has boy toys all around and has her fun, pays them and then comes back to her boring family.

We have middle aged women in this country who go on sex trips and its been well documented.

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I meant she grows a penis like the other shedude, right

How long until the cast of Bebop make a cameo?

is this yuri

Is this a prologue to the demise of yellow Japan?

you retarded, go back to your board mongoloid, actually go back to tumblr you scum

she's utterly cute

Why are always westerners the ones depicted as homos in their jokes?