TV TOKYO apologized for the scandal of producer HOSOYA.
TV TOKYO apologized for the scandal of producer HOSOYA.
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pls elaborate
Kemono Friends is a facade for a prostitution ring and money laundering.
They apologized for some remarks said in social media regarding people's reactions for the second season, not for any scandal.
Geez, the fanbase of this trash sure is similar to "Brownies" after all.
I'd like some cawfee
>KF2 sucked and a lot of fans of the franchise hated it for various reasons.
>Hosoya (Network Producer) made some twitter posts shitting on and antagonizing fans (Doing this is EXTREMELY unproffesional, especially in Japan).
>Hosoya's bosses basically ban him from twitter and are apparently going to let the production committee decide his punishment at the next big meeting.
The whole thing also led to fans looking into certain notorious accounts known for shitting on Tatsuki (S1 director) and praising S2 and found some pretty decent evidence that they're shill accounts that can be traced back to KF2 staff. Its all been massively bad PR.
EOPs deniers BTFO.
Fucking retards thinking these were all worked up "conspiracy".
What the actual fuck?
>Hosoya (Network Producer) made some twitter posts shitting on and antagonizing fans (Doing this is EXTREMELY unproffesional, especially in Japan).
Why does Kamiya get a free pass then?
The nightmare that keeps on giving.
>The whole thing also led to fans looking into certain notorious accounts known for shitting on Tatsuki (S1 director) and praising S2 and found some pretty decent evidence that they're shill accounts that can be traced back to KF2 staff
I get why a business would want to do this to shape the discussion of their product online and all that but could they at least put in a bit more effort in obscuring it than your average shitposter trying to evade bans?
They don't have to go through tor and 7 proxies but at least try.
I guess because he shits on westerners?
Reminder that this is all thanks to s1 making $400 million in revenue.
Both sides are too blame.
The fans are acting like animals because they don't want to let their money go to waste but yet are buying tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merch for tatsuki's new show to 'prove a point'.
New KF2 staff are trying to counteract the hate squad but it's not working.
Kadokawa higher ups are doing yakuza sex ring operations with the new seiyuu auditions.
You mean kimura? It doesn't, he trashes his professional reputation further with each post. Don't expect him to get much work after this. He just doesn't have a boss that stops him from making stupid comments like Hosoya does.
He means Hideki Kamiya
Nobuyuki Hosoya
The average salaryman knows even less about internet than the average shitposter.
top news in Japan
>All this stuff about kf2 having paid shills becoming more and more likely.
Suddenly the "Template" thing from 9/25 doesn't seem like it was just a random shitposter anymore.
>tfw I liked KF2 for FREE
Good, KF2 fags should kill themselves. Jewbook groups still have idiots defending the show albeit their starting to shut up because they can't deny how shitty the show is
Video game industry is a bit different and also it'd be out of character for Kamiya to suddenly be nice on Twitter at this point. He's always grateful to fans in interviews and stuff he just doesn't like getting asked questions he already answered on twitter.
Is it an actual apology or the standard "We're sorry you got mad" non-apology?
Someone has translated the game's main story and some other quests. I didn't know.
Every time I visit a KF thread I can't help but crack a smile.
A quick google translate of OP's link gives:
>Regarding the broadcast of "Kemono Friends 2", some of our employees' comments on SNS included inappropriate things that made the viewers uncomfortable.
>The evaluation of the work is entrusted to the audience, and the producer must take the result seriously. I think that is an important quality as a producer.
>We apologize deeply for this matter.
How is this a scandal?
Ask your mother.
Producer and some other staff were basically shitposting and feeding trolls on twitter in regards to the series. That's a big professional no no for network producers.
The scandal is the producer shitposting his audience when they didn't like his work. It turns out that is "not cool".
More like hoSOYa amirite
That man is a national treasure
Well, looks like the tv station apologised for that (with just 2 short sentences).
People make it look like there's some kind of anime shoah going on.
I feel like KF fans live inside an alternate dimension sometimes.
Tomoe-chan marry me
What were the inflammatory tweets these TV Tokyo employees posted?
I think the producer was replying to people shitting on him and the series on twitter and people didn't like it. I don't think there were any insults or anything harsh coming from him but it was still unprofessional to banter with the audience.
He should have known better.
He owns platinum and cofounded it.
Because he doesn't have a boss, he is at the top of his company.
>burner accounts
>in anime industry
The More You Know
To think how KF could have been this great underdog success but now we get this corporate shitshow. Wonderful.
The apology is very vague and doesn't make a direct reference to what posts its apologizing for, or what SNS medium it's referring to ("SNS等"). This could mean that it's about
1. Hosoya insulting S1 accounts on his own Twitter account
2. Hosoya harassing Tatsuki (and others) for over a year on the 氷村ふぁねる account (a lawsuit is being launched against this, which could explain the apology)
3. Damage control posts on Futaba that due to IP are highly suspected to have been made by a TV Tokyo employee
My opinion? It's all of the above.
AGN are also currently "rebuilding" their site. Now it's almost empty and doesn't list any of their works including KF.
Dont forget
He made several backhanded comments while responding to trolls that also indirectly shit on the first season. Said things like "So this is the sort of person who is a fan of the "kind" first season" or something similar to that.
Not really significant unless it’s still gone when the redesign is done. If they wipe their hand of it like tomason did then that’s something
It never ends.
That's exactly what I'm saying, yes. His mistake was to engage his trolls.
They basically weaponized autism into themselves, talk about a stupid move.
Now you are talking bullshit, Kemurikusa is selling like hotcakes because people really like it, basically they got much more of what they could have expected before the premiere and Tatsuki and co have been really pretty nice guys with the fanbase, so all of that provides a nice push on sales.
And yeah, KemoFure fans could burn the franchise if they stop buying the merch and all things related to the franchise, but what they really want is to see KFP getting purged of all the bastards making trouble since the happening of the backdrop shenanigans that resulted on the 9/25 disaster and now the whole shit around KF2.
So the solution here is to get all the producers making a dogeza on a Nicolive stream while they say sorry to the fanbase and then kick them from their jobs, then we can start to think about forgiveness and a new and fresh start.
>Kemurikusa is selling like hotcakes because people really like it
>but what they really want
Now YOU are talking bullshit.
What’s not to like?
The filename and those tits for starters.
You're a tit.
Looking at Twitter and Futaba, people are anything but satisfied with this hollow apoolgy. The fire is refueled for the umpteenth time
So what are the chances of that KF 3 directed by Tatsuki now?
that's a lot of generalisation and other crazyness.
I like KF and KF1 but don't lump me in with the braindead tatsuki worshipers. I'm sane enough to form my own opinion.
KF3 is a sega game
None, Tatsuki dont wantanything to do with this anymore and he s right. Any wrong move may anger the fans in this.
It would be better for him to avoid the people that hurt him and just continue doing what he enjoys anyways, whether it's possible for him to salvage what remains again or not.
>Any wrong move may anger the fans in this.
the only thing that matters at this point is if Tatsuki is director again and that he wants to. any other move just isn't enough.
Let him go user, he is free.
Imagine liking Kimono Faggots in the first place.
Yes, it is selling like hotcakes, you have already 10000 sales certified by Oricon on the first two weeks and more to come having in mind that it got again the first place on the Sunday ranking on Oricon, plus current pre-orders that may be shipped as late as April 23. Besides, the sales trend has been similar to KF1 v1 with little more than 12000 on the first two weeks, if it will go all the way till the 33000 certified sales of KF1 v1 it is something unknown, but a total between 15000 and 20000 seems to be a reasonable forecast.
And yeah, people really liked it, if not then how you explain that the first volume is still getting first place on its third Sunday on the Oricon ranking or the 100000 watchers of the stream of episodes 6-11 on Nicovideo with a near to perfect rating or the first place of the Worldwide trending topics on Twitter the night the last episode was broadcasted or how the 12.1 episode became the most watched video on Tatsuki Twitter account.
Even if he accept being the director of a new KF season at this point. Some fans may not like it because they might think he is being weak and selling his pride for money for doing it without receiving a proper apology from Kadokawa.
When you're dealing with a raging mob like that you never know what to expect from them, the better option is just to stay way and don't do anything.
>Tatsuki is director again
For a new KF series?
I'd let him direct from afar.
But the more I think about it, the less I'm sure I want a copypasta of KF1/KK.
I definitely don't want a yet another cheap 3dcg pseudo-student project where the lack of time, budget and commitment is apparent.
Kemurikusa was bashed by the otakus when it was first released and they considered it the worst case scenario, where both Kemurikusa and KF2 sucked. It took a while for them to warm up the it and everyone was in the hype train after episode 11.
wait what
Its the joke panel from the gomasuri kuso bird joke where the characters are calling her names, except the last panel is the public apology
>with the new seiyuu auditions
prove this you faggot
I am talking about the faction that populates places like kemono-friendsch, Futaba, 5ch, Nicovideo and Twitter, they will not forgive KFP, Kadokawa, TV Tokyo and AGN until they dismiss their producers and publish a true apology to the fanbase, things like this hollow public apology is not enough for them, so they will continue to wage war until they see their demands of justice dutifully honored.
Eh, if the tatsuki-cultists don't do anything crazy-funny like stabbing people, it's just lame otaku shitposting not worth talking about.
>so they will continue to wage war until they see their demands of justice dutifully honored
anime is serious business indeed
I remember seeing a 2ch thread where they were looking up Kimura’s house on google maps. That was fun
>No crazy nip wearing a GoPro and stabbing Hosoya to death while playing welcome to youkoso japari park.
Why even follow the meme conspiracies and cults.
There's that c word again
Well better this thread then no thread. Got her today.
Which friend would he be dressed as?
why is it always the shitty CGI well-loved anime get's the most weirdest scandals like damn
Very low I assume. I think he prefers working on his own works now.
Well, lack of time is already a given for a Yaoyorozu production to the point you could expect it as a mainstay for future productions, like what always happened with Anno and his TV series at Gainax, lmao, but to say there is not commitment is to be blind or how you could explain the tweet by Tatsuki about that he was absent on his home for nearly a whole year and that he could not sleep on a proper futon for half a year, so we could say that Tatsuki is so committed to his work like what Tezuka was to making manga.
Still, I think Tatsuki does not want to touch the KemoFure franchise and I think the possibilities for a Kemurikusa second season are pretty slim for the simple reason he may deem it as unnecessary from a narrative point, so I think his new series may be something completely new, if you have watched the old irodori shorts, then you may know they have pretty different thematics and even different animation and art styles.
user, how could you forget having your morning black coffee? Have it and then apologize before your superiors order you to do so.
Cute ass
I wanna squeeze and rub mommy thylacine's erected nipples.
Japari Park opens to the public. All Friends have been taught in-depth about the animal that they are, so they can tell guests about them, and interaction with guests is encouraged.
Two months later, it's discovered that over 70% of Friends are pregnant.
Pathetic. A real corporation would have used their seiyus to apologize. Is TV Tokyo even trying?
And people complain about the "c" word.
This kind of posts is exactly why the term "cultist" is so appropriate.
Fukuhara has already said that Yaoyorozu will be completely dedicated to Tatsuki works and having in mind that Kemurikusa is already a certified hit then I doubt they want to abandon that new production schema.
Still, you have Mine Yoshizaki as original creator, so Tatsuki will never get the same creative control he got with Kemurikusa, so that is one more handicap for a future KemoFure work by Tatsuki.
Did the guy become likeable in the end?
Still the same annoying "kininaru~" herbivore, in all possible sense of the word.
Post friends having coffee
Dog or Tiger.
Very cute.
He became my favorite character.
Wew, this shitshow just keeps going.
>Still, you have Mine Yoshizaki as original creator, so Tatsuki will never get the same creative control he got with Kemurikusa, so that is one more handicap for a future KemoFure work by Tatsuki.
What creative control? It's was a blessing for KF to have SOME foundation.
In Kemurikusa, not even Tatsuki can tell you who exactly the characters are or where or when the action happens. That's the extend of his "creative control".
That was my biggest gripe with KK and KF1 too. It's like Tatsuki is stuck in his super short indie mini web episodes. But the truth is he actually had plenty of (screen)time to write a proper setting for KK.
Yes, he found his life in the Kemurikusa. Kininaru-ing dies down because he learns, and he becomes a lot cooler by the end. I liked him from the start though
maek new thread
Why is Tomoe-chan so erotic?
KF is already dead and no director should want to touch it with a ten foot pole
Did you drop the show or something? The timeline of events and characters in KK is entirely spelled out and clear.
It feels like you didn't actually watch the show
The fuck are you even talking about? Did you even watch it? This is why you KK haters come off as complete retards.
I am only taking the true here, the commitment part is already know since the publication of the interview with the Yaoyorozu and Kadokawa producers back then on February 2017 and now with his recent tweets that commitment is again confirmed.
About the prospects of how will be his new series is something I can not predict with total security, I am not him and I do not have a crystal ball, but you have the original shorts by irodori to see he can dabble on different topics or stories, like parody on Megane or romantic comedy both on Megane and Rasuon or the supernatural like Taremayu, Ekicho-san and Keifuku-san, so a Kemurikusa-type story it is not his only trick under his hat and now that he can do whatever the fuck he wants on Yaoyorozu then he is free to experiment more.
What do we know about KK by the end of the series?
That they are maybe on Earth, in some distant future and then they are inside a "ship"? A space ship? Why a spaceship? Who is Wakaba? Is he even human? What was he even doing on maybe Earth? Who was the girl with Wakaba?
They wasted 10 episodes just walking around.
This worked well for KF because KF was like a show about visiting a zoo, so visiting places made sense.
Yup, it seems he got scared with Wakaba on the first episode or did not pay enough attention to the point of not getting even the most basic facts of the story and the lore.
[desire to worship random strangers intensifies]
I don't know anything about that guy.
The thing about Hosoya is that he acts as if he's important to Kemono Friends when he actually isn't important at all. He hasn't done anything really useful. Hosoya can be easily replaced by any other producer without any drawbacks(it's impossible to be more incompetent than him). As opposed to Tatsuki, for example.
Right after S1 Hosoya was "jokingly" "complaining" in an interview that he was receiving the episodes' scripts very late, just a couple of days before the recordings. Even though it's his job to check scripts/storyboards and correct them if necessary. Except everyone who wanted and needed perfectly knew what's going on in Yaoyorozu, like that Kadoakwa guy. The answer is simple, Hosoya just didn't care about the show. And then they accused Yaoyorozu of lack of communication in that famous press release. Seriously?
And now that KF has suddenly become ridiculously popular he cares about it very much. He calls KF2 THEIR show as if trying to distance from KF1(and it indeed wasn't his show). He shits on KF1 and its fans even though they are the reason HIS KF2 even exists. KF1 and its fans saved the whole franchise. And it says a guy whose only "achievement" was firing Tatsuki and installing his drinking buddy Kimura instead.
Of course people are fucking mad at him.
>asking questions that have already been answered various times in both the show and threads
It's like you looked at a thread, quickly pulled the first question you saw, and tried sticking with that as a criticism.
>Worship Jesus -> get rewarded with a spot in Heaven
>Worship Tatsuki -> get nothing except a permanent state of buttdevastation
What causes such mental disorders?
I'm glad my wife is probably too scary for everyone else, otherwise I'd have to fight other park guests
1. The whole show except the last scene takes place on a derelict spacecraft.
2. Yes, a spaceship
3. Because aliens ride spaceships
4. He was an alien scientist, or the clone of a alien scientist after he died
5. No, he was an alien.
6. Copying it’s architecture
7. A clone of a girl who died on earth
Stop speed watching
>KK is too deep for you
Everything about KK was always like this. Even back when the series was airing, any question about the setting or the story was met with "you just don't get it lol".
It immediately tells you a lot about the series and the fanbase.
Ah yes. Clones, aliens, spaceships. And then clones of alien kids copying Earth architecture.
When did I say it was too deep? All the questions you asked are right in front of your face and get answered with dialogue and visuals.
>Who is Wakaba? Is he even human? What was he even doing on maybe Earth? Who was the girl with Wakaba?
So what this tells me is you dropped the show early and skimmed some recent threads about the ending because literally all of the is answered in the show itself.
So episodes flew over your head, especially the last two episodes.
Yes, they are on Earth. Yes, the whole series was developed inside the ship, the only time they were out of the ship was on the very last scene of the last episode because they made a hole to the wall of the ship as a result of the last fight. Yes, Wakaba is a alien send by his bosses on a spaceship to copy the cultural assets of the Earth to preserve them. Riri was a Earthling that died and on the process of getting water to power the Kemurikusa his dead body was accidentally rebuild by the Kemurikusa responsible of copying the cultural assets even though to reconstruct something alive is a big a no-no.
>he shills for Kadokawa for free
any of you read that doujin where some otaku goes nuclear on kadokawa?
Huh? If you didn't watch the show that's fine, just don't pretend you did. A real complaint would be that the entirety of the penultimate episode had to be devoted to the backstory, but it did answer pretty much everything.
user kun, leave kadokawa to us!
Name one anime made by jesus.
Tatsuki needs to go to sleep instead of dying to some random Yakuza
English translation actually made it less funny than it appeared to be.
Well, we are not asking you about nice trivias like that you can see the Midori train losing a wheel on the Red fog or that Shiro spelled the word HITO with code Morse using his pipipi sounds, we are asking you about the most basic things of the lore, things you can know if you watch and pay attention to the dialogue of the characters, like how Riri explained why did she not wanted to come back to the surface of the Earth or how Wakaba explained to Riri how she was bring back to life and those two things are very important to the whole series.
So it is like you are getting whiny because they did not treat you as a five years old or like the old timer working on the anime industry since the 60s said on Twitter that on this series they do not give you an anime that is like liquid food on your mouth, ready to be eaten and digested with zero effort.
great post
>implying anyone here can read taiwanese
For a Japanese company to issue an official apology for something is not "nothing." It means there was always something, even if that something only means anything to the Japanese.
Shitposted at people unhappy about 9/25 about not understanding the reality of business, called the people angry at KF2 a bunch of dumb virgins, shitting on Tatsuki for being an attention whore, ridiculed the people who contacted Donbei / JRA over the unauthorized derivative work scandal, and generally the kind of shitposts you'd expect from a rabid fanboy of particularly low standards somewhere on Yea Forums.
What is Hosoya's relation to Tanabe, the original scriptwriter? Tatsuki didn't like the scripts he wrote and rewrote them himself. Eventually Tatsuki completely replaced him. Good for him too, some of the first episode scenes were leaked and they were horrible. If Hosoya is upset by the scripts is it because Tanabe was his choice. And what role did Hosoya have as producer when Tatsuki asked to be paid as a scriptwriter? That was denied. And Fukuhara had to stick up for his guy. Yaoyoruzu would not do Kemono Friends 2 if Tatsuki couldn't be scriptwriter. They say no, and 9/25 happens.
this is the only thing that could've saved s2
Regardless of what's actually happening, looking for "innocent" 18 to early 20s VAs with no production agency to support them is a little disturbing.
They were looking voice actors between 16 and 20yo you stupid mong.
Where do you think teenage actors come from in movies?
seatch for "FUCK KADOKAWA" in sadpanda
OL wife Jaguar.
I wonder if Tatsuki is sad that his character avatar is branded with 7/24.
It's there so he can REMEMBER REMEMBER
Anyone still got the pic of ep 12's ratings? I need it for reasons
Why is capy in Australia? How did she get there?
Don't actually have the rating itself
>>Worship Jesus -> get rewarded with a spot in Heaven
that's a funny way to say Allah, the most forgiving, the most merciful.
Those snakes are fucking. Fanart isn't lewd enough.
>ywn hatefuck Kyururu, and leave her pregnant with a child and not take responsibility
>jihadi park
>I BELIEVEd in Kimura surpassing Arc-V and the madman actually delivered
Sasuga kuso director.
I think this is ep 12 rating. I'm not sure and I don't care enough to take a second look.
I think he and some others deluded themselves into thinking the Kemono Friends anime was bound to get popular no matter what and YYZ 'lucked out' by getting the job, then 'monopolized' the fame the producers deserved.
Thanks user, just what I need
I'm gonna need some big fat beeps on my desk in ten minutes, user.
youre welcome
He made a personality out of it and only does it for westerners. Cases like this don’t have the excuse of being a persona
You don't usually ask that they specify their 3 sizes when looking to hire female VAs.
Indeed. What's your point?
That they are looking for girls to fuck, obviously. It doesn't get more blatant than that.
Buttered jag!
They were looking for people to make a new unit, for singing you know, aged from 16 to 20.
Yeah, it seems that the production committee just wanted more control but based Fukuhara said no and they were fired.
KF2 showed us what Kemono Friends under their control looks like.
And they needed their 3 sizes so they wouldn't get their boobs caught in the microphone, or wouldn't get their butt stuck between the tiny recording room door?
Welcome to youkoso Jaguari park
kyou mo dottan battan oowakaran
I would expect that asking for three sizes is relatively standard practice in the idol industry.
Or you know, they could have just asked for a picture instead, completely averting uggos from joining.
They didn't ask for their three sizes, you damn autist.
The site for the audition is still there.
Can kadokawa sue the haters for false criminal allegations?
Unbelievable. A literal echochamber of misinformation. Never seen this before in my 20 years spent on Yea Forums.
I don't think they care. Only the cultists care about hunting witches and conspiracy theories.
>20 years spent on Yea Forums
The only scandals I enjoy are the ones where japanese mangakas caught being pedophiles. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, and if they're into children while being successful, so can I be.
Well, he is not wrong.
>apparently going to let the production committee decide his punishment at the next big meeting.
Just fire him and give him a suicide pill
>20 years spent on Yea Forums.
It was in the application, you fucking idiots.
The section was removed after it started getting negative attention but was in the original application forms. Google it if you think I'm making shit up.
>The section was removed
Lmao retard it was in the application form.
Also, that form has all kind of shit like height, weight, hobby and minor applicants had to present written consent from their legal guardians.
In the topic:
Some losers trying to make a thing about typical nip autism into a big deal.
Well well well... looks like we caught another kadokawa shill in here.
You DO know what we do to kadokawa shills, right?
>20 years spent on Yea Forums
Where can i look at those niconico ratings for a any particular show?
I did it
Passable. Keep it up, user.
I'm also gonna need some big fat non-beep tits in addition, and make it snappy.
We buy their Kadokawa stuff and then we burn and destroy the Kadokawa stuff we bought in front of Kadokawa building. That'll teach those Kadodawa goons who's boss.
In my 60 years on Yea Forums I've seen many such cases.
I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda.
Who's Fukuhara and what did he do?
You cannot sue the mental handicapped.
Why not?
okay kimura
The founder of Just Pro and Yaoyorozu. He has discovered Tatsuki and made him a superstar. Was the animation producer of the first season.
We don't know what exactly happened. Rumors say that there was a conflict between him and the KFP production committee.
for some reason I can't see kyururu as anything other than a boy, despite the fact that their genders are implied to be female just like the friends
Fukuhara is the production guy from Tatsuki's studio (he business dude basically).
Not sure what the other poster meant though since Fukuhara's thing is that he's overtly against the committee-production system and if anything, during the negotiations with the KFP committee there's a high chance he might have asked more control for YYZ and more importantly, more money. Fukuhara often complained about how studios don't get enough money from anime they make and how they also needed more control over the IP (you animate KF => it should give you the right to do whatever you want with KF even if you don't own the IP, which is bullshit imo).
>20 years spent on Yea Forums
Oh no
Fukuhara is the Giorno Giovanna of anime producers. He Has a Dream, to make anime great again, by protecting the rights of anime creators and establishing a new syndication model that allows them to maintain ownership of their own works, freeing their hands to fully exercise creative talents without fear of having to make generic design-by-committee shows to conform with industry whims. He discovered Tatsuki and decided to promote him as his star poster child to show what unrestrained talent can do.
>reddit is trying to look relevant
But you were the ones shilling the hardest for KF2, how does it feel to be uncovered now?
KP issues aside, Fukuhara is delusional imo.
If he wants control over the IP then he should create his own IP.
If he wants more money then he should create his own IP and fund it himself.
Take a loan, do a crowd-funding campaign, a lot of people do this nowadays but apparently he wants both the safety of being a simple employee (you get paid to animate a project, regardless of how well or poorly if performs) AND the benefits of risk taken by the investors (if the project you animated is successful you get, say, a % of BD/merch sales).
tl;dr: he sounds like a bully and a yakuza (funny because he IS a yakuza).
Well the thing is,unless you are Sunrise that because its owned by Bandai can do that, they dont have the money to pull the investment.
Fact is,right now anime is the weakest link on a product, this is why there are so few anime originals and all have a multimedia aspect since the anime alone will not sell, this makes the studio being the ones with less power in the whole chain and since they arent alone footing the bill (the committee is, they maybe part of it or not) the whole "give me money and let me do whatever I want" is not exactly a proposition thats is going to be accepted.
If you want to have a IP, it aint with anime you getting it ... Sunrise could do it because Bandai had enough money and influence to oversee the whole project alone without outside investors and you can be sure if the whole thing failed, there would be held responsible.
Just look at Hosoya. He had much more control over KF2 than KF1. Fukuhara was against it and he was right.
>That's a big professional no no for network producers.
Yes, such a "big professional no no" they sent out a big professional empty meaningless apology over it.
I miss you Japari order user.
Extremely. So sad you missed out on the ride, I guess you'd rather have that bitter taste of self-satisfied hate in your mouth than any actual enjoyment. Too bad!
FYI this is a rumour that formed because if you follow what companies are linked to the companies behind Kemono Friends you eventually get to a company that undoubtedly has Yakuza ties. There's no evidence they had anything to do with Kemono Friends, though.
>that entire post
It's not good to go off your meds, user.
This is the prime example of confirmation bias and misinformation.
Fukaha wasn't against Kadowaka having more control. He was in favour of YYZ having more control. And not just creative control because they already had all the creative control they needed, but control over the IP and how to monetize it (side projects, sponsored collabs, ...). Basically: greed.
It's just a meme user, calm down
template #571
You can read his interview. This is not a conspiracy theory.
But you're the one who's pulling shit out of his ass.
>implying it's not the production agency that's yakuza instead of the publisher
I mean, they could have, but if it's standard practice in the idol industry then it's a standard industry practice and not some nefarious plan to fuck the girls.
That article basically just makes you look like an idiot, though.
>get hired to make a series
Doesn't work like that faggot.
What if it's a standard industry practice to fuck the girls?
It's as much a speculation as posts like these for example Except that it relies on known facts about Fukuhara's position and views on the anime industry and the committee system.
But fucking the girls is a standard industry practice in the first place.
>If he wants control over the IP then he should create his own IP.
>If he wants more money then he should create his own IP and fund it himself.
seem they're concretizing this with KMKS if I'm not mistaken
You should read it really. It's not just about the committees but also about how anime production works internally. It's pretty interesting.
>read it
I already did. You have to actually be a schizophrenic to reach your ridiculous conclusions.
>assravaged stalkerfag mad af because everything fuku is doing is brilliant
>people who are given control over the direction of a series should not get more money if it's massively successful or be able to help decide what marketing decisions would fit best with their choices
sorry user, I ain't the same user as user, order user is MIA and might actually be dead
You should read it again then until you understand what the article says.
Actually, you should read it again then until you understand what the article says. You seem a little divorced of reality at the moment.
at least use the right image, poser, it's all spelled there
Less talk, more Fennec.
Welcome to getting hired for a job aka you don't own anything.
Studios are not entitled to anything.
If you create your own series and fund it yourself, then you can do whatever you want and get as much money out of it as you can.
Studios get hired to do a job and then they get paid. It's very safe for them because regardless of how badly the series performs, they still get paid and they don't lose money.
It relies on something that has nothing to do with Kemono Friends. You have no facts to back up your arguments.
I have two facts.
1. The production committee had much more control over KF2 than KF1. Fact.
2. The production committee officially stated that it fired Yaoyorozu because the studio was not willing to fix the problems with "communication". Fact.
Both facts are consistent with what I'm saying. The production committee wanted more control after S1's success.
>Idol industry
>Not standard practice to fuck the girls
Citation needed. And no, "5ch says so" and "everyone knows it" are not citations.
People have criticized the anime production committee system for years. One could argue that the industry is literally anti-competitive for independent productions if the industry at large has a practice of dealing only with other production committees.
just when did this dumbo get so perceptive
>order user is gone
I guess every one of us goes eventually
This guys are retards, fucking confirmed.
To the japs it is.
>come up with great new anime production ideas
>envision your plan as an alternative compatible with existing committee systems, not a replacement for them
I mean, come on. It's well known that attempting to leave your agency without their permission as an idol is absolute career suicide, you think some fifty year old businessman isn't going to fuck some young starlet when he can dangle the threat of a lifetime of making cheap indie movies over their head?
Yet Kemurikusa had shills that were doing it for free!
>how dare people like anime i hate
stalkerfags, everyone.
>you think
Ah ok, so it's all coming from your imagination.
>1. The production committee had much more control over KF2 than KF1. Fact.
That's just your imagination.
>The production committee wanted more control after S1's success.
No, that's just how you see it. It can mean exactly what it says: the production committee didn't want any backdoor / backhand channels and simply wanted YYZ to report everything as they should. No control issues. Just a matter of communicating what you are doing.
low tier character design for starters, specially the male protag
I would expect that a standard practice wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions or could be easily demonstrated by showing some other producer's casting call that does the same.
>Studios get hired to do a job and then they get paid. It's very safe for them because regardless of how badly the series performs, they still get paid and they don't lose money.
>Girls und panzer franchise is super sucessful due to popularity the anime and movie generated.
>Studio Actas goes bankrupt and immediately gets bought out by bandai visual afterwards because all the profit went to the production committee and the money the studio recieved for it wasn't enough to keep them afloat.
why Tatsukifags are passive agressive?
Still shurt because the blame! ripoff didn't live up the hype?
Fund and make your own anime then.
Otherwise it's just greed if you are trying to get everything without taking any risks.
>I mean, come on.
I'm looking for citations, not plausibility arguments. As in, verifiable facts rather than random shit people made up because it sounded reasonable to them.
Many studios have anime originals and aren't tied down to the production committee, only losers who can't sell anything start yelling of tyranny.
They were paid, it's their own fault for being so incompetent they wasted all the money and fucked up the schedule.
KF2 shills out in full force today huh.
I mean the odds are massively against someone being able to get their story out if it does happen to them, people are going to take advantage of that. It's not like accusations don't happen, Johnny's is perhaps the most infamous one because it had pedophillia, as well as showing just how much the media will attempt to cover these things up.
Kemurikusa is bigger than blame now, though
Your opinion is irrelevant, mine is literally an absolute truth that everyone knows and recognizes (Except you).
>it's just greed
You're just a moron.
no one is even talking about KF2 lmao what are you on about
A cornered rat fights nail and tooth.
What's blame!, never heard of it.
The shitposter are still defending KF2? Even Tomason wants to pretend they had nothing to do with it.
With Johnny's, you have actual people coming out with concrete evidence and magazines running exposes with names and dates. With even your fucking average run-of-the-mill female idol group you have jack shit. The difference is the evidence and lack of evidence.
FFS Love Live is a fucking seiyuu idol unit, do you really think Uchida Aya is busy getting dicked on the backstage because she's singing and dancing on stage?
>mine is literally an absolute truth
It's that was peddled to you by retards and you repeat because you saw it on the internet.
It is.
You get called to animate a series and then you go asking for more money and for even more money from BD and maybe even merch sales. Then you also go about getting control over the IP so you can make even more money through sponsored side projects.
For example, KF1 mini episodes past eps2 has three times more off-lore, non-canon, sponsored projects and adverts than canon material.
It's not KF2 shills, it's just the stalkerfag. Reminder his one and only MO since this entire ride began was wanting to destroy KF threads at any cost. He's the kind of person who is not able to appreciate anime on any subjective, thematic level like a normal human, by definition: he is only capable of comparing anime on strict numeric values (number of BDs sold). When KF blew up it hit him with cognitive dissonance so hard he dedicated his autism to disrupting, derailing, and destroying KF threads whenever he can, using whatever means are at his disposal. Throwing the "shilling" shit around is just one of the tools in his repertoire.
>didn't live up to the hype
Says who?
Imagine being this detached from reality.
If someone did it with little to no consequence, what's preventing others from doing it and nobody finding out?
KF2 is indefensible so they're attacking Fukuhara and Tatsuki instead in a show of confusion. Kadokawa should look to hire some actual shills instead of relying on brainless mobage addicts to defend them.
>it must have happened because it does in my fanfics
It's not my imagination. You just have no idea what you're talking about.
Hosoya didn't care about what Yaoyorozu was doing. Fact.
Hosoya did care about what KF2's staff was doing. Fact.
The difference is clear.
And all you have some dumb assumptions from an unrelated interview.
There are consequences. For example, if it gets out, you'll be blacklisted from the industry and murdered by a deranged fan.
Why can't you say the same thing about literally EVERY fucking industry? Do 90% of your favorite seiyuus need to give some fuck before they land their first tole?
>For example, if it gets out, you'll be blacklisted from the industry and murdered by a deranged fan.
I assume you're talking about the talent here, not their bosses.
You mention sale numbers and numeric values, but KF threads were always full of shitposting related to ratings, viewcounts and preorder numbers.
No one is even defending KF2.
Attacking people involved in KF instead of talking about the series was always the modus operandi of these threads anyway. Mine, Kimura, Kadokawa, Hosoya...
At this point the only way to save the franchise is to clean house and remove all the assholes from the production committee (and from KFP in general) declare KF2 non-canon and make a new series with people who actual care about the franchise (no way Tatsuki would return at this point, even if they beg).
>he thinks the bosses suffer any consequence for their actions
Tell me, what happened to Johhny Kitagawa?
Let's not forget that the only purpose KF2 served was to reset the bar set too high by Tatsuki, since it was impossible to beat without him.
Therefore kdkw had to make the shittiest anime possible to run it into the ground and start anew. Now anything they make will look better than KF2.
In doing so they had to sacrifice a studio creating KF2 and Tomason became the martyr. You could even feel sorry for them, in a way.
Sell the IP to Yaoyozoru, TV Tokyo
A cursed treasure must be returned to its owner
Women barely give a shit who their idols fuck.
>it should give you the right to do whatever you want with KF even if you don't own the IP, which is bullshit imo
yea that sounds pretty stupid to demand
Imagine if I got to do the remake of Sailor Moon and I declared they would have futa powers that they use to vanquish the female villains into submission or kill them with purifying sperm if they don't submit and the IP owners couldn't do shit about it except to watch me make 13 episodes
KF is Mine's IP.
>they were just pretending to be retarded
They killed the franchise in the process so what was the point? This theory doesn't work.
>get paid barely enough to survive when pouring your heart and soul into a project that was ready to be thrown away and forgotten
>spend free time and money to keep promoting the work and make sure fans get what they deserve while helping with popularity and sales
>barely get anything when sales skyrocket and the people who hired you start raking in cash
Gee, I wonder why they might have been frustrated
What are the realistic scenarios of fixing that, removing his influence on the IP? Post your suggestions, short of physical removal.
At least post an interview from before september 2017 you fucking faggot, assuming it exists. Of course after he got fucked massively by a production committee he is going to complain about the system.
Sell Mine to Yaoyozoru. Piece by piece
So give me one instance of someone in charge of a Japanese non-VA talent agency getting brought down for sexual harassment.
If Mine dies to an accident, his IP gets inherited by the company
Can't be done, he has moral rights and can veto anything KF related.
アイドル せクハラ クビ literally the first fucking result.
Do we really have examples of Mine acting like an ass before KF and unrelated to it? I still refuse to believe the aura of an evil mastermind people tend to give him. Was Keroro this bad?
That's if you take "communication" to mean "communication" and not a euphemism for micromanaging.
>defending I.P. stealers
Tatsukicucks in full force today.
Is it actually?
That's how it works. Don't like it? Take a loan and make your own series.
Just like in real life. Don't like being a wagey? Create your own company and work for yourself.
Basement dwellers will never understand this.
Tatsuki isn't the one who fucked his shit up so bad that an entire fucking television station had to issue a public apology for the horrendous actions of their employees.
What's the problem exactly?
Fukuhara made a successful anime. He wanted to make a sequel but the production committee started intervening. He couldn't work under the new conditions and quit. And then made another successful anime.
While the production committee shat itself with KF2 ruined the franchise.
Fukuhara did everything right and won.
The interview itself states that Kemurikusa was produced using the hybrid partnership system that he was advocating so he is, in fact, doing that thing.
At KF's current situation, what is there to steal?
The moldy box that the studio eats?
my sides
the public apology is just 2 short sentences in some shitty newspost
It's also pixiv, i.e. not one of the established agencies with a lot of power.
Also you're providing a lot of evidence that it does happen.
The problem is that all we've got are speculations and hearsay.
Nobody actually knows what happened and why.
They knew this would happen, why did they go along with it and accept the job in the first place? If they needed funds to stay alive they need to accept the consequences of merely being hired, they aren't entitled to a bonus no matter how much they deserve it.
Now they've been able to produce their own show that they fully own and seen success. So their system works. No use complaining about IPs they don't own, they should keep producing their own original stuff and reaping the benefits and hardships.
It's a 2 sentence that implies that Hosoya and Kimura got whipped red, black, and blue.
Try shitting on their Twitter, see if they could reply with the same shitting prowess again
>that imagination
What's it like living in the fantasy world of your head all day?
What I am saying is that when it does happen, then there is evidence of it. You know what else happens and gets on the news? Police shooting unarmed people. It happens all the time! But it's not a fucking "standard practice."
If you're going to claim that it's a standard practice provide some fucking evidence of it.
We at least know that the people who own KF are incompetent idiots.
>No use complaining about IPs they don't own, they should keep producing their own original stuff and reaping the benefits and hardships.
That's what exactly they are doing, yet the people who made KF2 kept shitting on them and killed a promising franchise just to make a hate-fic.
>hybrid partnership system
So a form of production committee? wow talk about a hypocrite.
I know. That's very good for them.
Though KF1 helped a lot in that matter. That's why I tend to say that Tatsuki and KF both helped each other become relevant.
Now we need to see if they can keep doing it and mayve even step up their game a bit and drop the 3DCG altogether.
I think KyoAni was like that too. A small poor studio owned by Kadokawa or something and now look where they are now. And that without any anti-committee crap.
Go ahead, boy
Count the days till they could shitpost again :^)
it doesn't imply anything what the fuck
all it implies is that they don't give a shit
KF2 fans are honestly so fucking pathetic
if it was some kind of sexual fetish, I'd respect it, but they're literally being shit on by the people making the thing they like and they want more of this treatment
Why would anyone care about what some random dudes post on twitter?
Kemurikusa is at top of Oricon again
Numbers should come by noon
If it finlly beats Manaria, how would Hosoya shills react?
I like how you think this post was supposed to make me have any reaction other than "what a moron".
stalkerfag is that you?
Not defending KF2 nor their cancerous staff, mind you. Just saying that there's no use crying over 9/25 any longer because Tatsuki and Fukuhara came out of that better than they were before, due to their own prowess, shutting the fags that shat on them up. But the notion that they should have rights over IPs they don't own is still incorrect.
>Was Keroro this bad?
I remember having a good time with the manga
People care because Hosoya-P is not some random dude, he is the producer of a work who delighted in shitting on the fans of the series and announcing that he had taken it for himself.
Nah, I'm not a stalkerfag
I just like seeing em raging
Why would there be Hosoya shills?
His name was never even mentioned until only like a week ago.
Nobody actually knows who he is, especially here.
It's just one discordfag who hasn't had his coffee yet, giving himself multiple (you)s and making post one after the other while trying different meme words to call the ones that point him wrong.
>KF2 was already disowned by their own creators
>yet shitposters still defend it
>drop the 3DCG altogether.
why would you say such a horrible thing user
Throughout the KF drama people always tried to grasp at straws and find THE culprit. It's even more apparent now that the series has ended.
You could analyse the archives and see how the shitposting moved from shitting on Mine, onto Kimura, then onto Kadokawa then recently onto Hosoya.
Even Kimura was, by all standards, a perfectly reasonable human being before this year.
Here's a video by an Aikatsu fan who produced a "thank you and goodbye" video for Kimura in the wake of KF2.
Really? He SHAT on me? I didn't know. I was just here for Kemonos and Friends know what i'm sayin?
no one defends KF2 you braindead servant of autismo
Nah, it's always Kadokawa getting shat on.
It temporary deviates away based on who is the fool who tries to fight for Kadokawa
I never would've expected the original show to result in such a trainwreck down to the road.
Pavilion, and likely KF3, will be games that continue to enjoy some degree of popularity. They are certainly doing far better than the Nexon game ever did, and as we all know, mobage that don't immediately flop and die tend to generate unusual amounts of income compared to effort invested.
Kemono Friends is a damaged brand but it's still worth quite a bit.
Then you didn't read what he had to say, which is fine: he wrote it in Japanese, on parts of the internet where you don't go.
I can't speak for Fukuhara but I'm pretty sure the only thing Tatsuki wanted to do was continue working on something he loved, I mean I would still love to see a proper continuation of KF1 but I don't think anybody from irodori or YYZ would want to come back to that mess and I don't blame them. They won out big and it's hilarious that they pissed people off so bad they made an 12-episode series just to shit on them.
>no one defends KF2
expect all the defender fags making the posts in this thread
Can confirm, as an Aikatsu I was expecting a lot from Kimura. I don't know what happened.
Define "some"
At it's current state, it's a just a cent higher than breaking even. Completely embarrassing
If nobody wanted to take that boat when it was filling with water, now not even the most idiot would risk entering that ship sunk 500 meters away in the sea.
If you don't consider KF2 as shitting on you, you must not have been terribly invested in KF in the first place.
I don't defend KF2 but I disagree with the majority of people in these threads about the dog episode. To me it wasn't "THE WORST THING EVAR MUH ANIME HOLOCAUST". It was just a really mediocre, clumsy attempt at a Hachiko story. The indian animation and incompetent storyboarding was more offensive than the actual content, imo.
Indeed, not only I don't read Japanese but I also,a nd more importantly, don't go on Twitter.
Next you are going to bully me because I don't have a facebook account I bet.
seething much?
>At it's current state, it's a just a cent higher than breaking even. Completely embarrassing
Don't answer. It's your buttravaged ass I bet.
So KF is a cursed franchise after all. It takes someone like Tatsuki to remain sane after having to deal with it, the weaker minds are corrupted.
I thought it was chinese animation?
Was I lied to?
Not sure on that specific episode but I remember someone posting a screenshot of indian animator names. Seemed to explain what went so horribly wrong there.
They outsourced to a different studio for each episode, KF2 was an international collaboration.
It was outsourced to many different studios. Indians, chinese and some SEA studios too I think (Malaysian?)
>SZK and Kimura's twitter avatar look similar
heh, how did I only realize this now
>better than anything
Really sums up the lack of taste for you plebs. Nexon game at least had the actual PLOT, that made the basis of the KF franchise.
Festival doesn't have that but at least it has nice designs created regularly, motivating fanartists to produce more art.
Your shitty neko atsume clone has neither and couldn't even deliver on the fake cerulean premise in its own OP. Go back to /vg/.
I think what saved KF1 was that Tatsuki was able to do whatever he wanted. I guess Kimura didn't have such luxury.
What's the next word he'll pick?
>basis of KF
lmao at your life
KF is nothing but cute kemonos
trying to think about the plot, the whys and hows is the most retarded thing to do in KF
It's fine, user, I was non-conformist during my teenage years too. I miss the time.
If that's true, it must have extremely hard on the director.
Why the fuck would you do that?
>not around for the tofu posting two years ago
smelling anuses again
Thailand animated episode 9
Twitter was a mistake
It's possible that he was simply dealt a shit hand, but with the level of knowledge I have of the situation it's really hard to say. Part of me wants to believe that it was just Hosoya-P's magic touch turning everything he touches to shit but that's really just too convenient an explanation. The video is a little inaccessible but honestly there's a mindblowing quote from it from an interview with Fukuhara-P in 2017 (
>Fukuhara: If it were going to air in the evening, I think I would have wanted to make it a series that would appeal to both adults and chidlren alike. There honestly aren't that many of those around these days. When I think about examples, what actually jumps to mind is Aikatsu! One of the reasons I like Aikatsu is because of how healing it is. Sort of like the feeling you might have when watching over your daughter. I promise you I never have any guilty thoughts about Ichigo-chan. It's a wonderful warm feeling of watching over someone.
So, as you can see, Kemono Friends S1 was literally modeled off Aikatsu. Isn't it wonderful?
How the FUCK did it come to this?
Here comes the /c/ simpleton, no wonder you couldn't evaluate KF1 properly and don't mind KF2, if all you see is "cute kemonos". No shit, KF2 had that too.
I swear, the pavilionfags are special...
The deep lore isn't even something Tatsuki came up with, he just developed it greatly, it was there in the guidebooks since the very beginning.
seems that episode 9 had stuff outsourced to a Thai company
>Media production in Bangkok, Thailand
He also used (with no success)
Then someone asked him to have a black coffee and got really really really pissed.
As I said, kdkw made a blood sacrifice out of Tomason to revive the corpse of the franchise they killed with their own hands.
No wonder the consequences for everyone involved.
Literally fucking nowhere in my post did I say anything about the quality of Pavilion. I said it was a FINANCIAL asset, which it is, and people like should provide a source if they're pulling number out of anywhere other than their ass.
All sorts of anime have parts outsourced to other parts of Asia, it's increasingly common these days, lots of technically precise work comes out of Korea. That in and of itself isn't enough to make something bad.
Lack of solid lore is one of the biggest issues of KF. That issue is what will prevent it from becoming a self-sustained, fanwork-driven franchise like Touhou.
The entirety of the setting of the game boils down to 'it's just sandstar', which is just like saying 'it's magic i don't have to explain shit'.
Thanks for reminding me user, I almost would have forgotten with how quickly he got shut down with those attempts.
Why are people so obsessed with witch hunts and boogeymans? If you don't feel comfortable on an anonymous BBS then you can try other sites or maybe even Discord where you can have the perfect circlejerk / echochamber and agree with each other 24/7.
>that projection
Ouch, someone doesn't feel comfortable.
You're the bomber retard, aren't you? Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
What are you talking about? Touhou has a ton of vague lore and it's one of the reasons it's so popular because fans make up shit to fill up the gaps.
>I promise you I never have any guilty thoughts about Ichigo-chan
Wh-what did he mean by th-this??!?!?
witchhunts and boogeymanning is quite literally what defines the entire drama behind KF so no surprise here
Are you actually denying that stalkerfaggotry is behind anti-KF thread distruption and shitposting? Because the archives are very clear on this subject.
>That in and of itself isn't enough to make something bad.
Yeah that's fair, but I this studio only had a hand on episode 9 and that episode looked pretty bad
Now I believe. Holy shit, I thought yakuza was behind jav only because of girls in debt, not the seiyuu industry.
Oh! This is quite nice! I think I'll play with some ideas like goma-chan touching herself while thinking about proghorn-sama but also started to touch herself while thinking about user.
Pavilion is cute and you're a faggot if you don't like it. Fact.
All he needed to do is to repeat what he did in Aikatsu.
By the way, someone asked Hosoya if the "ouchi ni okaeri"("go home, bitch") line was Hosoya's idea and got blocked by him.
Well whatever.
The door opening scene in that ep. makes S1's chase scene look like ghibli
I thought the witch hunting was fucking stupid until it turned out that the supposed witch was actually the producer of Kemono Friends 2 himself shitposting directly from the TV Tokyo corporate network.
Sometimes witches really are out there.
I mean the setting is more believable for example. But I guess it's kind of subjective. It helps too that Touhou doesn't happen in the human world so things are easier to swallow.
For KF though, it's pretty hard to explain how only female friends are created or how things like Tachikoma friends or Crunchyroll-hime can exist. The lore itself looks way too much like it's all about pandering to waifufags.
what's the next memeword are you going to try to force, huh?
Oh shit I better completely change all my opinions so I fit into the groupthink better.
>sometimes witches really are out there
>pandering to waifufags
and touhou isn't? lmfao
From what I remember the studio didn't have any experience with 3D animation and had no real options but to outsource. They strictly kept to one place but the people they were originally outsourcing to quit because of how taxing and demanding they were. (I don't remember the name of the studio they outsourced to, only that they were based in China.) They then quickly had another studio do EP 9 while they went and found a permanent replacement for the previous studio.
So that's why you no longer were able to sustain a dedicated thread on /vg/ and had to feed upon an encompassing one, right. The story of success right here.
>shitposting directly from the TV Tokyo corporate network.
That's literally a conspiracy theory once again
Oh shit I better completely change all my opinions so I fit into the groupthink better.
Trash :^)
shitposter has been using that one for over a year
>Using pandering to waifufags/nearly all female casts as criticism when comparing to 2hu, the original waifufag pandering franchise.
You didn't think this one through.
The fact that TV Tokyo issued an official apology for its employees shitposting the day after people discovered that TV Tokyo corporate IPs were doing the shitposting elevates the theory from "conspiracy" into "actually pretty plausible."
It's less apparent. Male characters exist for example. 2hus also have different personalities and aren't just there to be cute.
"Cute" is just a buzzword.
Were you able to sustain a thread for that year though?
2hu was originally a shooting game with poorly drawn sprites released at a time when Comiket was still mostly girls. At the time it wasn't made to pander to anyone except STG nerds.
It's the same shit, my dude. Nothing to be ashamed of.
The numbers say poorvillion is dead and that you should not like it. If you do like it however, then it means you are a pleb AND a kdkw shill.
Oh shit I better completely change all my opinions so I fit into the groupthink better.
>witch gf is possible
suddenly things aren't so bad
The fact that Pavilion's follower count dropped from 70K to 65K does not mean it is a dead game or that it is worth zero dollars. I play multiple mobile games - some of them in their fourth year - that have less followers.
>I can define personality so that characters I like have personalities, but characters I don't like have none.
Your attempts at trolling have been successful for long enough, you're not worth replying to any longer.
The apology was a vague "saying things that offend people on social media is not cool, sorry for that". That's it.
And the ip on futaba was from a generic corporate provider which serves many other companies. That IP on fitaba was incomplete and the range wasn't even registered as allowed for mail exchange for TV Tokyo.
>I'm a fan of games you've never even heard of
Whatever floats your boat, user.
>the range wasn't even registered as allowed for mail exchange for TV Tokyo.
Source? If I'm wrong I'd like to have the source to back it up.
I don't give a shit what you think of the quality of these games. The fact remains that the games are not dead and are presumably financially stable.
Stop changing the subject literally every time someone questions the claims you've pulled out of your ass.
I just hope KF3 has more to it than Pavillion so I can actually enjoy it.
Funny how since 9/25
All news about KF are nothing but bad bad sad news.
Well, at least Tasuki got away with all the ship's plunder. Cry me a river, Kimura-sensei
Take tv tokyo domain ( and check the DNS entries using dig or an online tool (google "online dig") then check the TXT entires for SPF (v=spf1).
Those will list the IP ranges allowed to send emails from the TV Tokyo domain. That's all it means though, but it's a good indicator of which IP ranges belong to TV Tokyo's offices since desktop workstation normally would need to be able to send official emails.
So that's even more weird.
One of the nice things about CG is that you don't need inbetweeners, those are the ones you'd normally outsource.
Having key animators be outside of the studio is a strong disadvantage and makes many things much harder.
And why contract a studio for a CG anime that has little CG experience in the first place?
There's so many things that don't make sense, it's bizarre.
I'm not an expert when it comes to DNS and stuff, but I feel like corporate mail usually gets routed through a corporate mail server rather than workstations directly. TV Tokyo itself is at a 210.140 so if they're assigned consecutive ranges then it wouldn't be surprising if they had 138 as their wireless or whatever.
this post made really happy idk why user. thanks
>The numbers say you should not like it.
>"w-what do you mean, it's stalkerfags doing the shitposting??"
Only if she looks like this.
>gets routed through a corporate mail server rather than workstations directly
Yes, that's how I imagine it would be set up too.
It's possible that somewhere inside that range there would be a tv tokyo desktop machine. But it's a big range, that's 65536 ips and googling a bit for SOME of the known domains there you can find all kind of companies like fujitsu, blogs,, saibugas, ibjapan and... love live sites too lmao.
Tatsuki: I would sleep for a month
>made 12.1 while sleeping and got 3M views
Hosoya: You don't like OUR show? Too bad, we are making more
Getting a tad bit obsessed here buddy
Tell that to KF2 staff
Oh wait, they are grounded from using twitter now :^)
Get on my level, user!
A bit obsessed with all this social media stuff there buddy.
t. 4channeler
user? Why aren't you drinking your coffee?
Said it from the beginning
No Tatsuki, No Tanoshi
I don't understand any of this
Because coffee tastes like shit unless you use a lot of milk and a lot of sugar.
Heathen, how can anyone not enjoy black coffee?
god i wish that were me
This one?
it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the numbers on the last one look a little off
I've basicly skipped out on all of sesion 2 since it looked like a shitshow in the making so I figured I'd wait it out and maybe watch it later, but holy shit... what actually happened? Was the episode THAT bad or is this in response to the twitter shitposting by the?
This was before Twitter shitposting was ousted. The last episode was pretty shitty and it also just reflects the general mood with KF2
Members of the staff of KF2 got into flame wars in Twitter with haters and predictably got silenced by the boss upstairs
>He doesn't like best boy Wakaba's looks
Sounds very gay user
Last episode didn't resolve a single thing in a satisfactory way, had Kaban get NTR'd (while playing S1's OP) and further shit on one of the only likable new characters from S2 (Domestic Dog).
Basically just bandwagon shitvoting, same that happened with Arc-V. (Yes, Arc-V was bad, but the proof that it's bandwagon was that they DIDN'T start voting it bad during the arc when it actually became total shit, it wasn't until the very end when the downvoting meme suddenly caught on, well after the show had been trash for a year and a half).
It's worse than S1. It had a lot of weirdness in terms of plot. But the apparent badness you get from reading the internet is 90% metadrama because S2 isn't made by the same people as S1.
>instead of just apologizing and trying to get Tatsuki back, the old man executives decided to not only go full retard, but also beyond full retard at light speed
Sasuga Japanese customs.
they should have at LEAST fucking done boku no friend over the ED
it would have still been awful but at least not gratuitous kick in the teeth
So who ISN'T a yakuza at this point?
boku no friend over that scene*
there's a lot of things we could complain about why the show itself is bad with no reference whatosever to the people who created the show
people just don't do as much of this because they did that when the episode aired and now we're in the post-reckoning where idiotic meta shit is happening. it's not S1 fans who forced hosoya-P to shitpost against tatsuki and fans on an alt.
Me. Heh heh...
It's silly how much Yea Forums's quality would improve if sales threads and uncalled for mentions of sales were banned. How the fuck have mods allowed this kind of pure Yea Forums console wars behavior to roam free for so long?
The franchise is basically poison at this point, so people happily jump on any chance to shit on it.
It's not even a Tatsuki thing, it's because this endearing little show got strangled by corporate greed and turned into this thing that seems like it was written by committee to conform to some businessman's checklist while poorly aping its former visual style.
So it really was Kemono Enemies after all
Confirmed underage
>it's not S1 fans who forced hosoya-P to shitpost against tatsuki and fans on an alt.
You don't really need to care about this though.
But then you are going to say that if you don't care about twitter drama and aren't constantly keeping yourself in a permanent state of anger then you are not a true KF fan and probably a [insert memeword].
I'm glad they still understand, despite this whole mess.
>You don't really need to care about this though.
Why would it be irrelevant to the series to know that the series was primarily produced by someone who used it as a way to shit on S1 fans?
No, it isn't. That's why he is never officially credited as "creator" in any Kemono Friends product. Even when they talked about alternatives to the "concept design" title, "Creator" was never among them.
He did call himself the creator in some interviews and his role has been described as such by other people, but officially that isn't recognized.
Because not only it's not relevant for your enjoyment or not of the series, but it's also not true.
Its kind of amazing watching a goose that lays golden eggs be born and killed before it really had the chance to make them cash.
If they just let the show be and make merch/games/gotchas/whatever around it they would be swimming in cash.
Just ignore KF2 my dude, why is it so hard.
You don't need KF2 to enjoy KF. And you definitely not need to know who is who and who did what and who fucked whose wife to enjoy Kemono Friends.
>more than twice as many people who watched and loved S1 on niconico hated S2's finale
Sasuga S2
Is fukuhara a closet pedo?
>Because not only it's not relevant for your enjoyment or not of the series,
It offers insight into trying to determine whether certain S1-erasing decisions were done out of incompetence and malice.
>but it's also not true
The fact that he regularly shitposted against S1 fans and shit-talked Tatsuki behind an alt puts the lie to the fact that S2 was made with "respect for S1." S2 was made to repudiate S1 and permanently establish "Hosoya's Kemono Friends," an appellation he essentially created himself.
I see
incompetence or malice*
>Just ignore KF2 my dude, why is it so hard.
Because it's canon.
It probably could have survived Tatsuki's departure if they handled it right, but the final nail in the coffin was when they forced the VA's to apologize for stuff that wasn't their fault and that had nothing to do with them. That was when public opinion went from moderately negative to overwhelmingly, irrevocably negative.
I would of never guessed S2 would have NTR either.
>It offers insight
No it doesn't. It offers nothing to the viewer. I never had any need to know who did what to enjoy (or not) KF.
>The fact that he regularly shitposted against S1
He was talking back to people who were shitting on him and the series. It was a bad move but it's understandable and he never insulted fans. He was just too weak and wasn't able to handle all the pressure from shitposters on twitter.
The whole "Sandstar reacts to human thought/culture" covers all that, and explains from the Friends outfits in general to cultural references (like the Owl's being smart or the gold monkei wearing Wukong inspired outfits) to why AI can become Friends. It is essentially magic, but there is an internal logic to it.
>Because it's canon.
Not to me it isn't and if they want to save the franchise KFP would be smart to officially declare it as non-canon.
kf isn't going anywhere just because people didn't like kf2, you understand that right?
The only thing I liked about S2 was Alpaca's next episode previews.
Reminder that KF3 ep2 is going to be released soon.
It's a brilliant strategy by Sega to offer some healing to those who survived KF2.
After this hot mess, I'm surprised the canon status of KF2 hasn't been revoked yet. It's clear everyone involved would be better off if the show is dismissed and can start being forgotten.
Too bad a lot of the S1 VAs didn't sound right, I blame that on bad direction.
The fact that we have to put our hopes on SEGA to nudge the franchise back towards a proper course shows how absurd the situation has become.
You're not wrong.
But it's the difference of making them some decent cash over a gurrilion dollars. Just from a pure business perspective they fucked up hard.
>It is essentially magic, but there is an internal logic to it.
Depends on the people I suppose but it's hard for me to find any internal logic in the fact that only female Friends can get created, but with male features because male features look nicer.
Or how imaginary Friends get created. It feels like back in the day Mine just wanted include whatever character he felt like that's how things like Tachikomas or Crunchyroll-hime appeared. It just feels kind of lazy to me when they say that it's because "people believe in it".
true, but that's not our business really
if anything, shouldn't we be glad that our mortal enemy kadokawa made less money from their failure?
Kaban NTRs Mirai an/or Nexon administrator in S1. That in and of itself isn't a fatal flaw of the show. What makes it fatal is the fact that is not executed merely poorly, but ludicrously fucking awfully.
>I never had any need to know who did what to enjoy (or not) KF.
If something inexplicable happens that implies that a character is a callous bastard, knowing whether it was an oversight (the character wasn't meant to be portrayed this way but accidentally was portrayed that way due to incompetent production) or deliberate (the character is canonically a callous bastard) affects what is "true" about the setting.
>It was a bad move but it's understandable and he never insulted fans.
He called people supporting Tatsuki unemployed losers who had never worked a day in their lives on Twitter and unwashed virgin NEETs.
Friends with weapons = Yakuza
So Hosoya is in deep shit but sadly probably won't get fired, hopefully he'll at least get moved to a position where he can't cause anymore damage. Kimura will never probably get work again in the industry. Tomason is trying to cut ties with KF2 but I'm not sure if it's enough to save the studio, I do feel bad for the employees since it sounds like they were forced into a shitty situation they had no control of.
How many more victims will the KF2 fallout claim?
Kimura will probably just go back to Aikatsu.
>a character is a callous bastard
I don't think there were any callous bastards characters in KF2 so I never had to ask myself such questions.
Now you are going to say that I defend KF2.
It's easy to fix KF2 actually.
>KF2 S2 starts
>Friends together with Siberian Tiger are restoring the hotel
>Serval finally remembers Kaban and goes back to her
>Kyururu and Caracal meet Dog again and start traveling together
>Kyururu opens the last page of her note and finds out that her real name is Tomoe
If I took a shit in your living room and say, "now you're going to say I shit in your living room," you could still say it. And you'd be correct.
Didn't he not work on anything for several years before working on KF2?
As long as you are not ok with Kaban being NTRd I can respect that opinion.
Is it really NTR if the other party is dead/gone?
I only count it as NTR because they basically waved it in front her face while she was still around.
>is named KMR
>his twitter pic looks like SZK
>his real face looks like KYN
This guy is just a walking Inmu joke
S1 Serval is not Game Serval my dude
Kimura probably will be fine. He's actually good at making kids anime.
He did some shit for toddlers recently.
Things I'm not okay are:
- Serval's memory wipe
- Beast Tiger subplot
- Badly textured Dog when she had the dirt all over her face
Reminder they played this during the NTR scene before they played S1's OP:
It's like they choose the music that was guaranteed to piss people off the most.
>Kaban armed them...
If they're not the same character, then the fact that she cries upon seeing Game Serval is somewhat inexplicable.
Too bad they fired the guy who probably knew the reason she cried.
Yes, and?
and it will forever remain inexplicable because they fired the guy in charge
a serious apology in Japan usually involves somebody dying
ah yes, literally everything can be explained with "because Tatsuki"
Except this literally can, because he's literally the one responsible for writing that. So your attempt to dismiss it as an argument is completely invalid.
I don't see Tatsuki as someone willing to expand a setting.
We'll see what he does next after Kemurikusa but it seems like he's a one-shot kind of guy: 12 episodes and that's it.
Nah I agree there was no actual cruel Friends in S2. Most of that was just memes or unintentional shit or thing only looks that way when looking from outside the fourth wall.
what do you mean?
like, Tatsuki wrote it so no one else can ever develop or explain the idea?
It was mentioned in interviews before 9/25 that he had ideas of where to go next and the studio was working on it before they got booted.
Your post doesn't even make sense. Tatsuki wrote that story point, then was fired before ever being able to follow up on it. Therefore, there is no 100% accurate conclusion of what that moment was meant to convey, only fan theorizing.
Hah, after what they did with seiyu shield, I'm imagining them forcing a VA to commit sudoku for them.
I just chalked it to ancestral memories.
I.E they all carry echos and remnants of things they once were kind like dog being attracted to Kyururu because the old her played with her when the park was still around.
Anytime someone will have a question about the lore or the plot of S1 autists will be like
>AH HA! You'll never know! You'll never, ever ever know because THEY FIRED HIM! Haha!
So is this a theory that S1 Serval (who hadn't been a friend for that long) knew Mirai back when she was a non-friend serval cat? It's been ages since I even cracked open the guidebook so I don't really remember what they were going for.
Looks like someone forgot to drink their coffee.
Yes, and?
Nexon's Serval didn't really have much character compared to KF1's one. Tatsuki basically reinvented Serval. I consider her a different character.
>Tatsuki wrote that story point
but what do you mean?
do you mean that S1 is sealed and no one ever can explain or expand the ideas introduced in there?
It's much more plausible IMO to assume that there are some attributes of sandstar that allow transmission of partial memories or emotional connection between multiple generations of a Friend (and it is suggested in the guidebook, and backed up in the penguin episode, that there have been multiple generations of Friends) than it is to assume that the game Serval who went on all those adventures and knew the workings of the entire park and Mirai-san and Kako-san and Cerval and the Cerulean Queen and the Four Gods and the Tachikoma and the Sickle Weasels and Yamato no Orochi and the magical omamori and, oh yeah, the Japari buses, somehow forgot all of this and just became a simple girl with scarcely an idea of where the library was or what tea was.
As for whether Mirai and her Serval and Caracal are still out there somewhere, that's left entirely to the imagination of the viewer.
because there's actual ass nuggets that like to deter both KF and Kemurikusa thread. Bet you weren't here when a faggot mod was repeatedly deleting KF threads
If you want to debate the technical details of whether any NTR happened post-Nexon it still matters whether they have they were ever supposed to be the same underlying serval cat.
Haters like to say that KF2 Serval is a sugoi-bot that is basically a "reinvention" of S1 Serval, but that doesn't make of them remotely happier about it.
Sugoi! You can expand your vocabulary! I was worried after
Also Nexon Serval had a different VA which they used not only for past Serval in ep.10 but for the Japari Park flash shorts. They are clearly supposed to be different characters.
I was disappointed with Jagaa's voice. I was so happy to see her again otherwise.
12.1 episodes (at least), you mean.
Words have meanings. Not everything is a meme.
I know some people here live in like a meme fueled alternate reality but still.
And 12.1 left the door open for a S2 of Kemurikusa if he wants to make one.
Yeah that's basically when i was talking about.
There is still echos that persist between being them being de and refriended.
Maybe not literal kill herself but I can foresee Ozaki Yuka "retiring" from voice acting for "health" reasons and to pursue her modelling "career".
Yuka would actually prefer regular talent (idol?) work to voice acting. There was a mini-scandal (like, 1% the size of this one) a few months back when she said she doesn't actually watch anime.
She was great in anima yell, I'm not sure if she can do anything else but genki but she's damn good at it.
Kaban in KF2 clearly thinks that she's the same Serval.
It is the same Serval since they went out of the way to mention she still had vague memories of Kaban in ep.1.
Then maybe she wasn't eaten by a cerulean after all and just somehow lost her memories.
Nobody disputes that S1 Serval is S2 Serval, but i think there is an open question as to whether S1 Serval was ever Nexon Serval (I guess most people think the answer is no.)
Don't forget Japari Bun Hunt
>no official Gianto-senpai 3dcg
The game, manga and anime were planned simultaneously and all of them had a Serval. I don't think the creators were thinking too hard about whether those Serval are the same characters or not.
KF2 is a different thing.
I remember when I really wanted her in S2 but now I'm glad she was spared.
As S2 proved, no. If something, it proved that Kimura is an incompetent little bitch that should never work in the industry ever again, not even as a janitor of a Kadokawa building.
Giant Pengi is a miracle of the universe!