What are some anime that aren't the usual soulless, generic products that each season shits out for lonely, single men to jerk off to?
Anime with Soul
Other urls found in this thread:
boku no pico
>Season 1 - Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency
>Season 2, 3, 4
people who use the soul/soulless meme are just brainlets who can't put criticism into words other than buzzwords they find online.
Consider suicide, like fine wine each season of JoJo just gets better and better 1st half of SDC being the big exception
Every JoJo part has soul
but season 2 is battle tendency?
But really, I think the series lost something when it lost Roundabout for the ED.
this, in every season a JoJo anime has aired the adaptations all stand out as unique compared to every other show airing alongside it. How the fuck is it soulless
hardly considering roundabout's been topped now
THIS. Only Season 1 was good, the rest feels like mass produced garbage.
>the rest feels like mass produced garbage
>when season 1 objectively had the worst art and animation out of all the adaptations in its TV run
Are you pretending to be retarded?
If anything, part 1 was the only soulless part because it was a Fist of the North Star knock off and rode the 80's trend of big, muscular guys.
Thanks for proving my point.
I refuse to believe you're this stupid user. Tell me you're joking.
soulless ending
I will choke you you son of a bitch
Lwa, mob psycho, hinanatsuri and silent voice are among my Favs
Most anime falls under the generic high school girl group shenanigans, teen romance, or medieval fantasy. You can't describe this other than soulless. The only aim for these products is to make lonely, single men horny and simulate human connections. None of these series were made with any ounce of enthusiasm and will be forgotten once the season ends. They're all clones of each other and none of them bring anything new to the table in terms of animation, storytelling, and character design. You can't expect anything else from products made for teens, children, and manchildren anyway. It's all the same repetitive nonsense each season of cute, quirky high school girls with big tits dealing with social drama, but sometimes it has magic.
that's a far better way of describing it than "it's soulless because it's new" I'll give you that
>medieval fantasy
worse, it's isekaishit
of course you are stupid, Yea Forumsedditor
OP asked for Soul so he's getting it.
actually no taste at all
your taste? Yes, it is.
Loved the show and the manga's even better. God fucking damn Bondrewd is one of the best antagonists in recent years
the "soul/soulless" meme buzzwords actually can be used to describe something but its mostly used by retarded Yea Forums npcs who cant see past "things i like/things i dislike" so the words lose all meaning and become meme buzzwords
Can Yea Forums pls go back to their containment board
Literally every reddit meme, fad, and format all came from here, fag. Even then, this site's not some ebin secret club anymore. Most of the people here are reddit nowadays, all calling each other out to try and get respect like it's a playground