Move to the countryside

Move to the countryside

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At least a billion times better than Shirobako

I live in a country side. It sucks for the most part ,but there is one huge pro. There are no niggers anywhere

Give me one good reason why I should.

I am moving this year, get off my case.


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Will there be cakes?
This is important.

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So you can eat millions of peaches.

And explore Pink Aoi's Pink Butthole!

>a meeleeon peachers

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What the fuck was her problem?

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>peaches for everyone, peaches for me

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Pretty sure the American countryside is boring.

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But I already live there

There are worse ones.

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What do you consider exciting, getting mugged?

Liars, how do you get internet then?

live in a suburban comfy town, my dude.
you get a little bit of nigger and not-nigger

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city center > hicksville > hell > suburbs

China and Cambodia used to have this effective government program that moved millions of people to the countryside from the cities.
Just ignore the fanatic iconoclasm that destroyed sites of significant cultural, historical and religious value and maybe three to twenty million people that died in the process.

well I mean at the end of the day, it depends on what state.

I grew up in the lovable shithole that is nyc, so moving out felt pretty goddamn amazing.

Honestly been thinking of doing that. City life is damned noisy, and all I've figured I really need is an internet connection and a shipping reachable address.

When Ichika suggested Miku should kiss Fuutarou right after Nino suggested that Ichika do it.

Even the countryside has internet user
This is not Africa

chronic being a realisticly bitchy teenager syndrome

But what does that have to do with making babies?

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what, do you mean move further out?

countryside needs its population increased

50mb optic fiber is pretty good for a small rural town

Girls can cook and be full time housewives in the countryside, specially the ones that don't leave their towns after they become adults

The quiet outside of nyc is very nice, but the lack of convenience killed me

This show becomes amazing if you stop watching after 13 episodes

Are girls from the japanese countryside easier?

Only if there's cute lolis.

I want a Hokkaido wife.

>ywn live in Saga and marry Saki and have several kids

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As an eastern euro i can confirm this

I like to fantasize about being a japanese countryside villager and fucking all the cute girls during the hot summer days/nights. So I'd like to think so.

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Little Forest made it seem so appealing and comfy

Do you think the odor of pink Aoi's pink butthole has changed since coming out to the countryside?

if you promise me a cute big butt webdev cake gf

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>tfw my hometown has little to no enforcement and is now a den of some illegal drugs plantation, remnants of a coup army, and tons of rape and murder incidents

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You could make your own fun like those crazy parkour performers do in those videos.

I want to marry and impregnate Shiori

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I already live in a small town, it's not completely in the sticks but enough for me

already there

Trapped out in the country in an age where social media and internet access allowed her to know that she was missing out on cool stuff, but having no true agency or ability to leave to pursue it.

Social media ruins everything again, she could've been the perfect stay at home mom for our kids

Non non biyori is countryside, this was small town.

i would do that in instant if there was even slight bit of chance, but im affraid it wont change anything

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Thanks for the movie rec friendo.

The problem with living in the sticks is that there's no people your age, just old farts.

Not like it matters.

I hardly interact with people my age anyway

>tfw only good thing about this anime was those old people and we will never spin off two of these in their young age

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Countryside probably the best place to raising kid nowadays. Though I'm not sure about their education there.

That's a problem? Hanging out a lot with older folks is the easiest way to teaches you manners, subtle communication skills, answering society's expectations, and preparing you for life after school honestly. Those are things school can't taught you because of its artificial environment that make you hangout with people older/younger than you by 5 years at most. Sure old folks suck half of the times but so do people my age

>Not moving to the tropics

I don't interact with people my age as is.

I already did.
Now wheres my pink butthole Aoi and the other Cakes?

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I can confirm it is boring as fuck
This is so true.

I think you may be overdosing on the hallmark channel or you live in some bizzarro small town where old people are polite wise and all that shit. People in small towns are loud, tactless and nosy. Constantly gossiping and getting on your case because they have nothing better to do in their spare time. I bet you also think farm work is fun because you fucked around in a garden once.

why people keep refering to her butthole?

I already did and I regret it every fucking day.

I started the Aoi's pink butthole posting back when the show started airing
As expected, many others love her pink butthole as well.

It's beautifully shot. Hope you enjoy. There's a Korean remake, but I haven't seen it yet.

>based racist and sexist teacher sharing life wisdoms instead of indoctrinating you with gay agenda
I love rural life