I hope her VA uses the foreign accent.
Answer me this!
forehead Rikita
That's a pretty big forehead she has there
To stop being a loser.
She doesn't speak any weird in the manga (no funny gaijin katakana endings) so probably won't in anime either.
Gold bars?
To not be a total and utter loser?
Who has a bigger forehead between her and Haru?
ˢᵐᵒᶫ ᵇᵒᶜᶜ
Thank you ᵇᵒᶜᶜ poster
My cock
Forehead Rakita
God bless this autist.
Why are you so mean?
I can see she has a mouth right there. And if she has a mouth she must have an anus to get rid of what she eats. She also has ears, and I don't see any reason to assume she doesn't have a vagina. Dumb liar.
your little sister coming back to life
What ethnicity is Sotca Luckythar?
South African
how does a cute girl like her not have any friends
I'd be happy with sumata, especially considering those delicious legs she has.
A baby
I like seeing Bocchi cries than smiles for some reason.
April is also World Autism Month.
>I hope her VA uses the foreign accent desu.
Nako's Nakos
How soft is Bocchi?
very but stop lewding her
But she lewds herself
she probably doesn't even know how that could have been misconstrued
>must have an anus
More basic digestive tracts have one hole for eating and excretion. Since Aru is simple minded, it's possible she has exactly one, and is also bad at counting.
Well Yea Forums?
God this show is painful, is this what having autism is unironically like?
I had a strange erotic dream about Bocchi. I need to go to a priest.
Just fap and it will be fine.
This show is cute but is it literally just
>Autist tries to make friends
I mean thats not an issue if so, just curious.
Fuck I love cute autist girls, are there any other shows than this and pet girl with genuine autists?
I hope her VA is as bald as the character.
Right now I'm thinking of something similar to Kate from Sketchbook.
why is she such a dork
Kumamiko is also a very cute and wholesome anime about a cute SA autist
Is it only me who hope her VA is the same as Karen from Kiniro Mosaic
Or Tachibana from Himouto Umaru-chan?
I can't believe Bocchi fucking shot up the school
Would you?
Why is she covered in french fries?
Call her a loser? yes
I am a priest, tell me everything in detail.
>take a zoom through the Twitter tag for art
>there's literally none
I always knew she dabbled on EK.
Bocchi is incredible at night!
Does bocchi have any guy friends yet
Males spontanenously ceased to exist shortly after bocchi started school
I want to Nako Nako's Nakos!
>Bocchi is a serial killer
It was the only way she was ever going to be friends with everyone in her class.
Is there any Aru-fan?
She comes with her own hanger. Perfect for nakadashi.
>If I kill everyone else, but Nako chan I can fulfill my promise.
I want to comb her hair!
She takes lessons from Ippo's coach
Sexy gaininja
Smol anime bocchi when?
Her boyfriend scares them away
Has someone made a stitch of this? I looked through the previous threads but it doesn't look like anyone did.
this show isn't going to teach me how to socialise and make friends, is it?
We're your friends, user.
What more do you need?
social skills, hygiene and a likable personality
You can just use money as a substitute for all of those and be on your merry way.
But then all you would get is a crowd of superficial leeches who would suck more out of you than the fulfillment, if any, you would receive.
Are they twin sisters?
What the fuck this is too sad.
is nako's hair dyed blonde and the teacher is nervous about her because she is a troublemaker?
Just how fluffy is her hair?
I want to hug Nako and pat her head.
she's just scared of her
Teru-chan is the bocchi of the teaching staff
God I wish she were my student
t. teacher
On second thought, I'd rather she were my wife instead
Was Katsuwo actually a thighs man this entire time?
Anyone has the webm of Bocchi doing a little jump when they go to the rooftop? I thought I had it saved.
this show has no reason being as cute as it is
Thank you.
the source material is super cute
I want to protect this autist
It's crunchy and hard
we all do
I don't get it
My loserwife Aru is so cute.
she tried to put the E in the Year but did it too late
This is the boss of your school, say something nice to her.
Don't know if the stitch user posted it in any threads.
I know that "loser" isn't a correct translation, but "unfortunate girl" is so terrible.
Pitiful is more accurate than unfortunate anyway.
Sex with every boy in school
Really though, isn't that a bit out of character?
Yes. What else could you possible be hoping to get from this show?
This show is so fucking cute. Holy shit.
kansai accent
SAD! is the best way to do it.
Why is this show so wholesome? The author is known for his loli porn right?
loser is contextually the better translation but its not the most literal translation
Colors is not porn.
I like little bits like this and the recorder scenes that give Bocchi such a quirky personality
probably better known for his two pure mangas now Mitsuboshi Colors and Bocchi
I think the reason why he went and made two mangas that were pure about little girls was from guilt, he probably did the loli porn for the money initially and felt guilty. (how could you not)
That's zannen
Wait, he actually did porn?
Why the fuck are people calling things "wholesome" so much recently?
oh you're going to get some quirky bocchi next episode I hope they animate the crazy eyes in the left bottom panel
Most mangaka started out that way.
there aren't many wholesome things left in this world
>(how could you not)
By not being a normalfag or not Japanese. There's nothing wrong with loli porn so there's no reason to feel bad about it.
I'm not a normalfag, I just have a conscience
never fails to make me giggle
Having a conscience that doesn't understand the difference between 2D and 3D makes you a normalfag.
justify it to yourself how you will, but I cant
>87 hours until the next episode
How many episodes are out?
just two
What would you call this anime then?
very cute and funny
She's cute! CUTE!
It's a trendy word. Like comfy. People are trying to come up with ways to describe chill media that makes you feel good. Japan has Moe or Iyashikei, western online folks have Comfy and Wholsome.
Fun. Wholesome doesn't apply anyway given Aru's sexual body.
Aru is tainting the anime with her sexy thighs
Pantyhose should be a mandatory dress code
Would Aru still be a loser in bed?
She'd tell you she's on the pill and forget to take it
but then it turns out she's barren so it didn't matter
She'd probably piss herself at one point
Aru needs to be hanged
Aru needs a boyfriend (me).
My fucking ex girlfriend was so much of a loser she unirobically did that
Jesus fucking Christ
So it's a better translation
If it fits the context and it's more idiomatic, it's usually the better choice than being literal
I agree
Nako has a ticklish back.
ITT: losers
When did Aru lose her virginity?
What did GJM and DDY translate loser as?
what a cute loser
Nothing yet.
Nako's just cute.
ohayoghurt anons!
>running my fighting game tourney at my local cafe
>running around getting shit set up, driving around getting pizzas, drinks, and snacks
>grand finals, final set
>I wanted to get a good view and I jump on stage
>get the absolute hyper death cramp from all the running and drinking anything but water
>players just stare at me looking like I got shot in the leg
>friend runs over with freezie pops and slams them on my crammed leg
>they forgave me because I was a good laugh for everyone at the cafe that night
user, you forgot the yougurt
Nako is a bad influence on Bocchi
When she met nako
such good friends
Bocchi was such a good kid before middle school.
hoppy bocchi
Use vector mask next time.
( : D |--------------------|
what porn? I looked up the author on sad panda and found nothing. his other manga (kin no tamago and eureka seven) look normal to me
unironically r*ddit's word and influence
Why is Teru so short?
She's literally the same height as middle schoolers
I know Jap women are short but surely they grow after middle school?
I don't know.
She looks legit autistic to me. Why is this allowed?
she is over excited and she has a cold which is why she is acting weird
the next page she accidentally spills something and says "I shouldn't cause trouble, always causing trouble" which breaks your heart when you read it
this page, anons.
this fucking page.
I want to Aru Aru's Arus
>Let’s go to the roof
Bocchi leading her cult to mass suicide
in the end we really were hitori bocchi no marumaru seikatsu
the real hitori bocchi was the friends we made along the way
Imagine Bocchi's first night.
You mean erogenous?
If poking her back causes her to make that noise, she must be a total screamer.
She won't be a pretty lady anytime soon.
The problem with the "loser" translations is that you have to really twist the dialogue to make later jokes work. There are a bunch of scenes where they naturally say "that's too bad" which triggers Aru, and they have to shoehorn in the word "lose" or "loser." It's not very elegant.
Teru-chan never grew up in her heart, so her body didn't grow either.
Poseidon a best. A BEST
Poseidon number wan
Do you sexualized underage characters or you only cant sexualize lolis?
>oh hai doggy
N-nako-san, where are you touching?
Simple and lazy people needs their vocabulary filled by someone else.
That's a big Bocchi.