Misakas only
Toumatoes/Accelbortions/Hamazuracks get out
Misakas only
Toumatoes/Accelbortions/Hamazuracks get out
Other urls found in this thread:
Technically a misaka
Mankoto is ugly, confirmed by the LN artist
One Misaka coming up
when is she going to win the Toumabowl?
Give up
Honestly prefer this over the generic sameface anime girls that you can find literally anywhere.
End your garbage existence.
kys funimation shill
what is this lib shit? post an actual power couple user
>saved by accelerator
>is connected to the network
fits the theme
No, this is a power couple
>tfw you realize Yuitsu is the best Kihara antagonist because she has motivation beyond being pathologically evil.
Is Touma the only person capable of breaking Accelerator's hymen?
Okay user, you gave a good laugh, thanks.
Does she fuck dogs?
That picture just reminded me of Othinus.
Damn.. that Saten Ruiko is one hot little science side pice of ass isn’t she boys? I know what we’re all thinking when he look at some young blood like that. Our animal cravings take over and we want to buy her ice cream and jewelry immediately.
Sluten is shit
Kill yourself.
I’m not really into girls but I’d like to touch her lips with mine. In America we like to call that a kiss.
I usually like to get in some hand holds before that but honestly? Fuck the bullshit. I can’t wait that long when I have a bubblegum genki level zero in my aura. I need to make that connection immediately and I’m sure everybody in this science side thread can relate.
You ever fuck a girl so hard she can't walk?
Touma made a girl give up god powers to be a trophy who will never get loved back like a girlfriend. He fucked her pretty hard right?
The sad thing is when Mikoto finally ends up with him she’ll probably have to get kicked out.
You mean she fucked him.
>this image triggers retards
You could spam any fucking image for 6 months and it would annoy people. It literally doesn't matter what it is.
It could even be something as harmless as a hot image of Saten Ruiko and people would still somehow be mad about it. That's just how it is.
Reminder that for every needle pinning Sherry down here it represents how many times Kuroko could have ended the fight if she wanted and proves espers are more than a match for high level magicians. Obviously saints and magic gods don’t count because they’re not normal magicians. They’re plot devices.
>Othinus made a boy give up on both his life and his world just to become a personal property for an Oldman Magic God who will never turn full size and ride his body like a proper girlfriend. She fucked him pretty hard, right?
Fixed that for you.
>who will never turn full size and ride his body like a proper girlfriend.
Bullshit, you know Othinus will get tired of riding his shoulder eventually.
Fucking zoomer with shit taste. Yomikawa will always be a best because aged wine is better than beer with 2 weeks expiry date
Either way you look at it she’s basically going to watch Kamijou have his first kiss with Mikoto from the closet.
Shoy yourself cunt.
>Implying he has a first kiss to give anymore
Why are you saying that to your own image?
Keep getting mad at ghosts, friend.
Yes, spam you retarded shitard.
I wonder what Accelerator's mommies will think of him bringing home a talking squid.
Trips confirm Touma is no longer pure
He’s a boy.
There are no "frists" left for Touma.
Why the fuck can't I click on the search bar in any Yea Forums archive?
>J-j-j-just because I posted it nearly every day for the past 5 months d-d-d-doesn't mean it's spam!
I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up with Index and Mikoto and Othinus got left out because she’s so small and too proud to share.
Because you’re not in pendex mode. You have lost control of the will to see her.
>87 results
Christ on a bike
He's bringing home a Widow wet nurse with a baby too. Last Order is going to have a seizure.
Trust me, nobody wants to share him. They only want him because he’s the MC and thats about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mikoto got bored of him the second day when exciting events and surrounding interesting characters weren’t around to carry to story 24/7. The only three way he’ll be having is with IB and a napkin.
How anyone can even argue it's not spam is beyond me, I don't even have word for that.
>Trust me
Not when you don't read the books
the story^
It's probably just the guy who keeps posting it, deluding himself into thinking he's not cancer.
>Madoka posters
I've yet to see a more cancerous Yea Forumsbase.
It’s the greatest story ever told. Don’t think bad about it because of the threads.
You're a spineless, skinless, brainless faggot. You legitimately disgust me like no one else could. I bet even your mama is tired of your whiny bullshit. How about you get out of mama's basement for once and see that the real world is much crueler and is no place for a maggot like you? Better yet, kill yourself, because you're clearly a lost cause.
>Mikoto got bored of him the second day
She would have to survive it first.
Your taste in series must be incredibly low to consider Madoka 'the greatest story ever told' when it's a rip off of a Tokusatsu show to begin with.
We’re all friends.
Misaka Worst Driver
>Making a girl with the broken arm drive
Who let a 2 month old girl drive with a broken arm? Its just surprising she didnt crash faster.
Original's genes are at fault here.
>A single thing left in the empty airspace to crash into
>Crashes into it
Don't even bother with angry-kun, he gets mad at literally everything.
No we're not you contrarian bitch
What about Saten? Is she our friend?
You do realize Madoka is probably the best anime ever made and episode ten is the youngest episode of anime currently on the god list in Japan right? There’s an intro remix to almost every popular anime series with Madoka and the mobage makes more than most anime do in total. The art, music and story all combined bring in enough praise that people that work in the industry have outright said it had surpassed Evangelion. Don’t judge the show on looks because the first three episodes are overly moe looking on purpose because they’re setting the world up as a typical magical girl series. It’s a deconstruction and as much as that may trigger people that’s what it is.
Mate, it's been 5, read it slowly, FIVE, fucking months. I don't think you can pretend it's unjustified for people to get mad at that shit anymore.
Hamazura choosing not to murder Mugino was terrible writing
Yes, it's not spam. Call me when it's AT LEAST 5 pics per thread.
>I don't think you can pretend it's unjustified for people to get mad at the most ignorable and small shit anymore.
Based retards.
She’s not. Only those who admit that she’s worth more than her level.
*Hamazura choosing not to force Mugino to bare his Level 0 seed and break her womb open with his delinquent cock right there in the snow field was bad writing
Wow, I bet you feel like a badass after typing that out. You need to uninstall.
>You need to uninstall.
(YOU)r Yea Forumsermin is showing.
No, no, and no again. Fuck the hell off with this victim card bullshit. I opened every single thread on that first page of autism, you know how much disparaging the pic got? You want to know? Basically nothing, nothing at all. Until like 5 days ago everyone just fucking ignored the BLATANT SPAM, for how long? F-I-V-E M-O-N-T-H-S. Not a damn peep. You don't get to fucking pull that card now of crying "Waaah, why are people bullying me when I've been an obnoxious fucking shitter for almost half a fucking year and people ignored me hoping I would go away? Waaaaahhh, they should just keep tolerating me FOREVER.
No. FUCK OFF. You are CANCER and it contributes NOTHING.
I was talking about your life.
Now you are just making this ob/v/ious.
Go back.
>needing to report when the real chads already knew they’ve won when Railfun s3 was announced
Wow MP is really a Yea Forumsermin
I kinda do actually. I'm gonna go write a fic about it now.
I’m a Railgun fan!
We all are.
and Saten too!
I've literally seen you copy-paste this a few times.
Real power couple right here.
Actually a real duo unlike your headcanons
Just sigh that this boy's harem keeps growing. At most Yomikawa will punch him for something he did.
You couldn’t have but nice try. My house is under the protection of a certain scientific spell that makes it so spy magic doesn’t work for ten miles in a circle around my house. You couldn’t have seen me post it.
Reminder that Misaki is Touma's first heroine and first kiss.
Why? Just because she’s a girl?
Wait sorry, you know what, I correct myself, there actually is ONE mention of the pic being spammed, in fucking January. My mistake, I guess this totally is something that we should all be sorry for totally bullying the shitposter for.
You have to decide, ESL Misakifag
Sorry Misakifag, you already lost to the trips just accept your defeat.
>anime only
>there wasn't angels flying around causing massive shock waves from above
>meteros weren't raining from above
>accel wasn't trying his best to negate everything while protecting the misakas
Read the LN.
Whatever, her girlfriend is pretty enough for the both of them.
It’s kind of funny how everybody and their dog was so excited and hyped for Index s3 and you all memes so hard and talked about it every thread and it just completely dropped dead the second the first episode ended and now that Railgun s3 is coming up to save the day ONCE AGAIN you’re all really hush hush about it. Kind of weird ha? Kind of weird ha guys?
>Yes, it's not spam.
You're aware Sakurafish is banned, right? Try walking outside raildex threads every once in a while
I’m not going to lie. It’s a little weird.
>Sakurafish is banned
and it's not fucking fair
I think everybody is still recovering.
Well, it's kinda weird indeed...
Railgun will surely save Raildex, r-right??
>Seriously replying to MP when she's pretending the threads were dead when the anime was airing
There was literally like 9 threads a day on Friday.
>Taking a for fun post seriously
Was it autism?
Actually the Accelerator anime is going to air before Railgun. Railgun III is still a relatively long wait away.
>not realizing it's MP talking to herself
step up your game brofam
I’ve told you guys. Trying to follow the source material is a HUGE mistake in anime. It’s always better if the anime has liberty to do what it needs to do to make each episode complete and not make it match with the source material because anime will never live up to the expectations of what prideful hobgoblins imagine in their heads while reading text on a blank sheet of paper.
Gensei wasn't pathologically evil, he was just pathologically curious.
I want to mark Othinus with my scent
>*Accel anime will save the day
Wtf delete this, stop pointing out Index 3 was a failure
You be quiet!
It'll be released at Springfest, right? I need to whale.
Everyone knew s3 was gonna be bad. It was worse than we even imagined, but honestly no one who's been in these threads for a long time was surprised it was bad. I doubt Railgun will be as bad as index s3. Its much harder to fuck up a manga adaptation than it is to fuck up an LN adaptation.
There is no springfes
Call me a fucking weirdo but I’d take Saten out on a date before I took Othinus.
>Read the LN
Nah gonna pass on that one. It's always telling how shills for a series cry "Just read the source material bro it's so much better!!" You're as bad as Overlordfags.
Watch out boys you're all going to lose to my Slappar Alfar Arlands team
She's still my OTP with Accel, hope she reappears in the novels now that Accel is the new superintendent
To be fair.. most of us secretly would.
Why do people unironically not believe it when a source material is actually better? It's baffling that anyone would think an adaption of an LN can be better than the actual source material.
>Why do people unironically not believe it when a source material is actually better?
It's a sign of never having read a book in their life. There's almost zero cases of an adaptation being better than the source.
Cute but she'll have to battle for his science-cock with a certain magical squid-girl.
Anime originals shit on everything in the industry so you can have your source material and shove it up your uptight ass. Alright?
Liar, there always is
Most anime originals are dogshit
Game of Thrones..
>Othinus scaled down to doll size
>scaling down ejaculate size means she's taking about 4 liters worth if she was full size per shot
>Hot gluing fairy Othinus is the equivalent of pouring two cartons of milk on yourself
No, it's a sign of sourcefags always damage controlling when an adaptation of theirs turns out to be garbage. God forbid one admit the original series might not be that great.
Most LNs are dogshit. The best both though anime originals are king. Deal with it.
>Being this defensive over me posing a question
Looks like I'm not the only tight one here, eh?
All LNs are garbage and a fucking chore to read. Literally any adaptation can at least somewhat improve on that, even if it's Index III.
Can you name at least 5 LN/VN anime adaptions that turned out better than the source material?
Looks like another geat thread in the making.
I’m not defensive. I just wanted the conversation to eventually come to a point where I got you to watch Madoka Magica so you could realize how wrong you are about everything in your life.
>i have a 10 seconds attention span the post
>All LN's are a chore to read
Christ, you must have an empty bookshelf.
>Looks like I'm not the only tight one here, eh?
>tight one
>Accel pic
Ummm? Almost all of them?
Yeah, yeah. Do you want it raw or with protection?
Not him, but honestly the only one I can think of is Spice and Wolf. The OST, focusing on the character dynamic and the atmosphere made it stand out compared to the book. It's a bit hard to recreate that comfy atmosphere in writing. Everything else has generally been worse off than the books though.
>if you don't like LNs' piss poor writing you have low attention span!
I agree. But Index is the exception to prove the rule in this case.
Watch the anime original series if you want but Yea Forums made a version that combines the movie visuals with the original tv series and that’s probably the best way to watch it and then watch Rebellion. I promise you one thing. This won’t be your favorite series anymore when you finish the 12 episode series anymore.
Yeah, that one's a pretty good example desu. But when it comes to action, worldbuilding and dialogue anime it's generally not given as well of an adaption. The only ones I can think of aside from that are Monogatari. Not sure how they managed to do it.
More like you have an empty bookshelf if you consider LN trash to be readable.
SHAFT makes godly anime when they actually try. When will you learn?
I havent read Monogatari, but considering how much of the anime is just character banter I'd be pretty surprised if the books can't do better.
>Implying swinemode wont spill out literal buckets regardless
Got em!
>LNs are the only form of literature
Good grief weeaboos are culturally deficient
I've only ever read Kizu, but I found to be better in the book.
You want to say that one aloud to yourself and try that one again?
>LN are the only books that exist in this world
I've read the books and they surprisingly capture alot of it. But like you said, it's just character banter so it's not like there's a lot of cuts that need to be made. They pretty much manage to get all of the dialogue in the arcs in the adaptions down to the T. So I've noticed up to Koi at least, I haven't read and watched past that and Hana yet.
I hear Owari skipped past a scene of Shinobu getting her ribs tickled, so I can't accept the idea that the anime might be better unfortunately.
Wait what.
Moby Dick. I remember we had to read it in school and it was suffering. I felt like an anime character being put through torture because the teacher read it out loud once chapter at a time every week and his voice just put me to sleep. The book is boring and if reading that junk makes you smart then just consider me a foolish person.
You reading the canterbury tales for fun?
Kizu I felt was handled better in the books than in the movie to me as well. The storage field scene with Hanekawa was weirdly done in the movie compared to how it was written and it felt alienating.
There's nothing wrong with his post.
These books pretty much suck donkey ass. I don’t even see Harry Potter.
Christ, I pity anyone who actually reads this shit for fun rather than for knowledge. Reasons why LN's and shit like that are fun is because they're commercial entertainment. This is just 'I want to learn something really boring and that only interests very specific people, but hey I'll learn something'.
I meant one***** auto correct is the worst thing ever invented!
Holy shit this bookshelf is so fucking tyrhard.
Not sorted by genre or even alphabet just some well-known books put on display without much care for them.
Fuck even sizes are mismatched wrong.
Books are more fun. The books that the user you replied to posted are just bad.
There is though, I'll even accept the notion LNs are low forms of literature for the sake of this logical issue, look at it;
>If you think Light Novels are readable you must have no books
>If you like books that I think are bad, you must not have any books
>If you like any kind of beer, you must not drink
Are you starting to see the issue?
I pity anyone who reads books for fun.
>I pity someone for wanting to consume media made for entertainment
I clapped.
I know. Just because they aren't LN's doesn't make them good.
We’re not anime fans because it’s cool, user. That’s why most of us are undercover and don’t tell anybody.
At least we’re not Othinus fans.
Some of those books I could see people reading for fun. Not sure why on the origin of species is put with fiction and exactly how this person chose to arrange those books.
Yea, at least we have that.
>I pity anyone who reads books for fun.
this, books are such a boomer thing
Did someone say "post your bookshelf"? (Its messy because I only moved in a couple months ago no bully)
I play guitar and vape.
It's likely literally not even his shelf to begin with and pulled from google images. I guess it depends on your definition of 'fun' but most of the books I see there would be a chore.
>The average pseudo intellectual Ameritard
-5 points.
>Callie and Marie
-2 points.
>No more heroes
+20 points.
user, just so you know I’d pretty much bend you over and rape you if you ever challenged me to a game of Splatoon but it’s nice that you support the industry. Good job!
Squids are cute fuck you
They’re... not.
we read books outside of Index
Shield Hero, since the original is fucking shit
Bunny girl senpai
Literally trash
Got me on that one. Can’t argue with that logic.
Hey that’s not a bookshelf it’s a fun-shelf!
>the lost hero
how can you handle it user
Well if we’re posting our bookshelf’s, then....
A lot of my shit is in storage due to moving plans so this is all I have out right now.
Luck and logic.
Bunny Girl-senpai was fucking shit past the first 3 episodes.
Toradora past christmas was just rushed butchering too.
>Buying the YP novels
Occultic trash written by a raving lunatic doesn't count
It’s not a book. It’s a promise.
My sister likes the series so I keep up with it to discuss it with her, much like she agreed to (try) to keep up with Index (the anime at least)
It's just mediocre degenerate-core
If you like books so much then why don’t you guys just marry Index and get it over with? She’s cute and she’s single.
I like the novelty of holding them even if they're kinda shit.
Because I like books not black holes
She’s too much book for us to handle.
Does anyone in this thread genuinely own this book?
Of course it isn't that person's book shelf, but I mean look at the photo, it looks like a prop of a bookself
Damn.. we never thought about it like that.
That's why you learn moon and buy the originals.
>not liking black holes
What a faggot.
Fool! That book was never even finished. He died after writing the sixth chapter so you’d be wasting your money on overpriced unfinished wannabe religious text. Do yourself a favor and don’t bother.
I have NT10 but I forgot to put it on the shelf.
huh what a coincidence my sister likes it as well, the roman side just bothers me too much after the original series tho
i ordered one two days ago
>It’s not a book. It’s a bad-trip.
Fixed that for you.
I seem to remember it ended anyways, the norse one is alright though. Not as good as Neil Gaiman's book though.
Damn, Kuroko's arm placement is perfect, preggo user we need you!
What we need is Aogami x twins fanart.
We’ve already known she was the sixth for a while. You’re not showing me anything I didn’t know.
He got banned
Pretty sure that wasn't him, nor do I think it was a ban
I wonder how many researchers have been caught trying to sneak a misaka back to home!
Thank god
Pretty sure he was doing requests last thread.
now that you mentioned it i never tried Neil's norse mytholgy book, time to waste more money on paper and sleep
I didn’t know that was even possible. Maybe he’ll learn his lesson and start doing edits people actually care about like making crack ships of Saten kissing Frenda and stuff like that. Things that are fun.
Does bending a line count as an edit?
I don't think so
>MP still can't get over her jealousy of other artists because she knows she has no talent at all
Please, think of my sides
We all did.
Ok, preggoautist
It’s not a jealousy. It’s a race!
I want to kiss Frenda too! I wonder what she feels like!
She probably feels like a girl!
A blonde girl! Don't forget about THAT!
Left your pass on faggot.
Imagine seething so hard over people liking different things to you that you whiteknight for MP
You’re all such horndogs.
Give these girls a break.*
post Lessar
Unfortunate that the only girl we as a fanbase give a shit about has her entire body covered up by that blue dress. How unfortunate for us.
Uh, what the hell? We care about Index too!
It’s all Othinus’s fault! She’s dressed like a perpetual slut bag so the other girls have to wear more clothes to compensate for her special snowflake hooker costume!
God damn it Othinus...
I forgot.
I love mikoto.
We all do.
Did you guys know that Saten Ruiko’s character design was originally based off of Kagome from Inuyasha? Apparently Kamachi is a big fan.
I hate Rick and Morty.
Any guess for what crazy things will happen next in Index?
My crazy guess is that someone who be turn to salt in the Railgun manga.
Nothing crazy has happened since WW3.
Then team CHEF from the Accelerator manga will use said salt for there food
Learn english
Did you guys know that despite making up just 13% of population of these threads MP commited over half of shitposts?
honk honk
Why did Mugino go absolutely insane during battle royale arc?
She doesn't seem as insane before or afterwards.
Why was she so crazy?
Post whatever you feel like posting my dude
I want to cheat on Kuroko with Index!
>She doesn't seem as insane before or afterwards.
I like how long, blonde and fluffy her hair is. I want to become a flea sized user and live inside her hair for the rest of my life.
Finished cover.
Misaka-ke+Dolly comedy volume when?
If Kamachi wasn't a talentless hack of a writer he'd have given us a volume/sidestory with all the Misakas bonding and going on some wacky adventure by now.
Wait, what? I definitely thought the last volume definitively ended the series.
Still baffles me to this day that she showed zero reaction to Last Order.
Oops, by she I meant Mikoto in case it wasn't obvious.
>this entire thread
>that last thread with the pregnant Saten image
What the fuck are you guys doing?
Preggo poster can't handle the bantz
Reminder that Touma x Othinus is an asspull.
I'd be totally OK if Nagai does some filler about this. Daihaseisai has the clones and Dolly. He could easily put in something to follow up on that.
don't be so angry user...
This. Let's save our anger when JC Staff inevitably fucks up the Accel anime.
Blood-soaked flower hairpin for Touma to find soon.
who forced her into such a tiny swimsuit? it doesn't look very comfortable, what a brave girl for wearing it without complaining.
Based MikotoChads dabbing on cucks in this thread
she tries so hard
Saiais sweater works so well with preggoedits
>who forced her into such a tiny swimsuit?
She is the one who usually forces girls into cute swimsuits.
Anons... I think I fell in love with this slutty bong...
If she's so good then where are her doujins? Checkmate Lessarists.
She's gotta reign that in a little before she gets knocked up
Fuck off
It will be better since the accel manga is absolute horseshit. Even if they deliver as they usually do they will already improve it.
Misaka is forcing you to marry her. How do you deal with this?
Call my best friend Edgekoto.
She can take care of this situation in no time!
How many episodes the NT season 1 has to be perfect
She's too pure to be lewded anyways!
Now Edgekoto wants you to marry her as payment. What do you do?
NTS1 has to end on NT6. The Ichihanaransai arc is pretty fun and basically perfect for an anime adaption. It's in AC, has tons of both science and magic characters and lots of battles and a hype ending.
Aristophanes, Moby Dick and Canterbury are good. Stendhal and Hawthorne are less good. The rest is trash.
>What do you do?
Keikaku Doori.
how would JC staff fucked it up ?
trying too hard
>Touma wouldnt be able to spend his christmas with his freinds but instead in anna rape dungeon
Truly Fukou da
Superior genetic still flat
pregnancyposting is only the first step
the next step is birthposting
You say that like being flat is a bad thing
>christmas in anna's rape dungeon
Nerd fairy will fix the problem.
With some lewd jokes; 3$ slice of cake; promises of divine punishment and a life coaching session as she bails him out of another jail.
Kuroko's thighs are as thick as her torso
Mikoto's face is pretty derpy there
Birth edits are substantially more difficult to a point of near impossibility.
Water breaking edits on the other hand are very doable.
By not listening to kamachi what to NOT adapt
By animating to NT 9
You have married all the Misaka sisters. How long do you last before you die of exhaustion and or dehydration from all their needs?
Faking my death and moving to Mexico is always an option.
That works until Sombrero Misaka finds you.
>How long do you last
Until the heat death of the universe
I fake my death and start wearing a metal mask to block their attempts at communication.
They'll never recognize me with the fake mustache.
You should grow out your hair and learn an accent to be safe. Also groucho glasses and a trench coat.
Makes me wonder if there's a colony of anons hiding from girls there.
I kill Gekota doctor then try to survive for five years to reduce the load to the manageable size of Mikoto and Worst.
Edgy Pyuma Mikoto when?
Why would Worst survive? Shouldn't she be even worse (heh) off than the regular clones since she grown longer and was made for only one suicide attack?
ROD made the best Mikotos. Sadly I he doesn't anymore.
That's possible and good news.
>good news
>now both Mikoto and Accelerator are after your head for causing the premature death of the clones
>I kill Gekota doctor
You don’t.
You think you do, but you don’t.
Also now the list of incredibly powerful entities that want you dead overrides Coronzon's resume twice over.
Bad plan.
I stare at Accelerator and tell him he killed more clones than I did.
I'd sooner take my chance against Mikoto than ten thousand clones.
I impregnate Misaka 19090 then commit suicide by cop.
Touma slipped on some ice and spilled his fish eggs everywhere, and now everyone's laughing at him! Say something nice to calm him down!
You have impregnated Laura Stuart and she's yandere now. How do you escape?
Shitty self insert.
I don't.
The only genuinely good plan is living normally while using Kuroko and Touma to reload.
>Hey Kuroko, I'm about to have sex with five Misakas!
>get knocked out
>live instead of being milked to death
Eat the eggs.
Can demons make babies?
Cut open a portal and leave her alone to raise the baby.
>Come back to cut your son's right arm, because fuck your brother.
>Your son gets a powerup and beats your ass back.
>Forced to enter an endless stalemate of a battle against your brother for the rest of your life.
Is this humiliation worth it for just some quick creampie inside a demon pussy?
What if Kuroko wants to fuck you, too?
>neph and niang both call themselves big sis during the Coronzon arc
Worth it, I ate the fruit and Laura's never gonna find me now.
>Crybaby Neph
>MurderHobo Nyang
I wonder what Laura would be like as Nero's mom?
In another world, there would have been a Raildex AU already with either Kanzaki or Neph as dorm managers/neighbors for Touma's dorm.
>Nero and Vergil settling the score
>Suddenly, idiot mom shows up
What happens?
Judging by your digits she 1 vs 2's Dante style and forcefeeds both of them to homemade shortcakes.
Laura missed her autistic family.
>implying Sluthinus old men semen-smeared lips went anywhere near Touma's
>implying it would count anyway after Aleister's healing spell
Touma's first is reserved for Seria when she gets focus in the next novel.
oh no, you sure not making anymore or just draws lots of stuff?
>MurderHobo Nyang
>has the most conventional clothing of any magic god
>hasn't killed anyone in the story not even in a flashback like Neph and HP
user if you don't have a good insult just let it go.
He keeps changing his twitter handle so I can't even find him anymore.
How pissed would Laura be at Vergil for pumping and dumping her?
>Murderhobo Niang
MIkoto was asking for it, really.
Healing spells regenerate your lip hymen now
This isn’t a case of math and science Dr Freakazoid. It’s the thought and actions that matter so stop pretending to be cool because you’re not.
You don't murder someone who's annoying you. Unless you're from Florida or something.
Can somebody do a tldr quick gloss over timeline of all the events in the latest LN?
Holy shit, no. The books weren't exactly the Dune cycle to begin with, but the TV series is unironical garbage and an excuse to put tits and ass on screen with a dash of gore at its peak and only gets worse as it progresses. The later 3 seasons are right down unwatchable since the serie's writers mostly ran out of source material to butcher and any given episode honestly plays like awful fanfiction written by tumblr escapees.
What? It actually starts out with a lot of nudity and gets less and less as the series goes on. Also the story is amazing and every character, EVERY CHARACTER is developed so well compared to almost any other series. It’s popular for a reason.
Bad things happen every day until December and Christmas is cancelled.
What about Mikoto?
Florida man.
>Kamijou dies
>not really
>Zura steals stuff
>becomes Lola's underling
>magic gods fuck around
>Accel gets a power up
>Touma lost the arm
>Misaki was hiding his arm
>gives it back
>Zura revives Dion
>Coronzon gets btfo by Touma's arm thing
>Touma's arm thing goes berserk and he runs away
>blond loli shows up with Aiwass
Also some stuff about Horos and the baby that takes too long to summarize.
Or you can read it.
She kind of behaves like a mini murder-hobo during NT 22.
Her way of fighting Lola and the way she greeted Aleister inspired me to call her one.
>So many weapons fanned out from Magic God Niang-Niang’s baggy sleeves.
>They definitely erupted from there.
>When she ran forward, the fanned-out weapons restlessly clanked together, sending disconcerting sparks everywhere. It was like the electrodes of a stun gun but different.
>Anyone who had pursued the system of magic to this point would realize what was happening when they heard the word “sparks”.
>She was enjoying this. She was enjoying the chance to fight with all her might. That was her entire purpose here.
>She even licked her lips in a sensual way that felt horribly out of place.
And this shit here. Fucking hell, Mini Chink from the Elm Street.
>Scrape, scrape, scrape…
>It came from down the dimly-lit hallway. Just a moment before Aleister’s group started to walk toward the dining hall, someone approached them while needlessly scratching up the walls on either side using the many weapons fanned out from her sleeves.
While she is indeed closer to “Hobo” rather than “Murder” on the Murder-Hobo scale, she at least pretends to be one.
Honestly it’s not worth it because for somebody like me it would be a huge chore. The basic plot was all I needed.
>You get to touch and feel up Aleister like the degenerate you are
Oh shit are they madmen enough to include Aleistan too?
Probably give it a year or two after the initial release.
Not in this series. This is one of the safest series out.
Haha, it's like I'm actually slapping my erect dick on Last Order's face!
You mean Arizona
>Mini Chink from the Elm Street.
I thought the same
>He says as WR arc exists
Are we supposed to be impressed?
Name three of the CRAZIEST things that happened out loud or in your head and you’ll realize how not very crazy it is compared to other series.
>that file name
More like plot device on plot device street.
You know that's actually true. I've never once seen a dog with /m/ gear fly up to a comet and drill a zombie magic god and then exert his will on him or see a normal high school boy beat up giant Kaiju's with spray cans.
Will you go to the real life Academy City, user? Tachikawa City.
The way you said that made it seem strange and weirder than it actually was but there’s weird fights under weird circumstances happen literally all the time in anime. It’s not crazy and it’s not risky. It’s the norm.
Holy shit, this thread is bad, really bad
What would be crazy is if Index cheated on Touma with Stiyl or if Mikoto dipped him down and kissed him. Those are two examples of CRAZY that nobody would expect or if Kuroko Shirai asked him out on a date. That’s crazy.
Oh good, MP and angryfag left. So guys, what should be the first meme doujin produced by R/a/ildex?
Shit franchise, shit anime, shit fanbase, shit threads. What else is new?
Well Touma doesn't love Index so it would be fine and he'll probably congratulate Stiyl knowing how much he likes Index.
>bad fanfiction
>shitty self inserts
At least the previous threads weren’t as bad as this unique specimen
Kamikurosaki doujin is already being produced as we speak.
We all want to rape last order.
I mean the next one
When will Noukan get a bitch that can keep up with him?
Worst drove in the novel too
Noukan x Yuiitsu doujin but its rape, Yuiitsu rapes Noukan and prevents him from talking by talking away his collar so he can only whine and moan as Yuuitsu pushes his knot into her, and through the miracle of AC SCIENCE manages to make babies with him. That is true romance.
I unironically ship this now, I'm going to request an art of this in the next drawfag thread.
Father Biaggio, where are you? Please bless my ship.
Sasuga upside down degenerate.
God fucking speed user. My hopes are with you.
Unironically want
I can't wait to see Aleister's reaction to inappropriate touching.
I’m being serious. In the context of this story romance would be crazy.
But there is already romance between an Esper and a squid.
You failed at raising her
Acqua is a normal magician
A romance with a squid can never last. Believe me. I’m a squid girl fan.
You don’t know that. Your fault here is you don’t believe or trust in the connection they share.
She is not just the squid though.
She is a trash Demon squid.
Demon is a key word here.
All squids are trash.
Who here likes Index?
>All squids are trash.
user did you fall for "fuck the squid" meme and got your dick bitten off?
Misaki a pile of shit
We Bleach now.
Is aleister a level 6 esper?
Reminder that Touma surviving dragons breath was an asspull.
What do you think?
Aleister is a normal magician you can find anywhere
I want to MARRY and IMPREGNATE a squid!
Demon girl bullying Gabriel when?
Squidposting forever!
I'm so fucking jelly bros... Accelerator is so lucky...
>fucking jelly
But you aren't
>tfw he gets a cute demon cock sleeve who is eternally loyal and will make him happy
>Tfw he also got to physically wrestle a naked magic god
>Tfw now he has a Dorm Manager Onee-san Widow to associate with
Why did he win so hard this arc?
She's partly made of jelly, and I bet her vagina and head hole feels like warm jelly around the dick. Always wet. Very exotic.
She reminds me of that new fangled jellyfish thing Pokemon with the hat.
Will Hamazura become the MC now after Touma’s death? he is a the best candidate to take the spotlight outranking both Mikoto and Accelerator because he is a level 0 like Touma and managed to defeat a level 5. Will Touma power transfer to him now? Isn’t that why they introduced Him?
I really miss him
>Deck of Cards
>AI waifu
>Oldman Fairy
>Blackhole bookshelf
>AC's former chairman
>Touma's death
>Being part of anyone's harem
All the MC's are part of his.
Touma wins since Aleister became the dorm manager onee-san
I heard it was book-shelfing time
>That Last Order
I had that exact same figure but my uncles retarded nephew ripped the ahoge off so now she's ahogeless and it sucks.
But I’m attracted to Index though.
At least yours wasn’t violoated by preggoposter when you shared it here user..
Bending a line doesn’t count as an edit.
That’s true.
Hey boys! Look at this!
>Builds a sandbox for him to play in
>Spies on him with UNDERLINE
>Cleans the trash after him
>Creates a memory ride for Touma to share
>Truns himself into a loli
>First action is to beg for T's dick
>The single person to ever be warned by Othinus to find his own understander
>Becomes an improved Orsola
>Qabalah class Dorm manager. Blond. Big tits. Cute face. One of the few characters who are older than Touma.
I mean, sure.
S3 soon!
>Sees the chance to have a second-hand bottle kiss
>Actually takes it instead of sperging like a retard, and not out of lust but out of affection and love
Literally no girl can compete.
Wrong user quote.
Threads are gonna be great.
Imagine spending your every waking moment shitposting in Yea Forums, No wonder MPs parents disowned her
I expected it but it still hurts, screw (you) user
A figurine? Pregg'd?
>written by Megan Peters
If they don't put in High Priest, I'm going terroristkoto
user, please respect your elders and don't molest them. Also, 300+ characters, I'd be immensely surprised if High Priest wasn't one of them.
You're right, the elders have to be respected
In that case I need Mathers so when I poke his mustache or scarf, he swears me out in Scottish English
*fake scottish english because Mathers wasn't fucking scottish.
I care about Saten emotionally.
>You can form a 3-pair team with Mathers, Dion, and Aleister soon
Aleister isn’t as powerful as we thought ha?
This would be a skin worth whaling for, it's so /fa/
Not with that cape.
>hating capes in 2019
What's his full powerlevel?
He was, but he was both cursed to always fail and was forcing the feedback from magic to his own body while fighting Mathers
He matches with Aleister in Coronzon's old maid game.
Stronk autist.
>I fucking waged my hair
So you did.
I feel like the Fiamma disrespect has increased ever since S3. Kamachi hasn't forgotten Christianity, I swear one day it'll come back to topple this thelematic heretic nonsense. Jesus kun will arise as a villain and Fiamma will save the world as his only legitimate son concluding Revelations
The disrespect increased because his entire fucking arc where he is supposed to be cool looked like shit.
>tfw no narrator wanking his powers and saying he can end the human race or destroy planets
I can't even use the pasta I made for powerlevel threads, fuck Index 3
*Spears you with the Vector of Longinus* oh whoops
Fiamma truly was dead weight in the end.
Huh... Where's the quality, railkeks?
Aleister isn’t as powerful as we thought ha guys?
Excited acceleratorfag. HR still one shots him along with that unsightly squid.
And plot device magic gods too!
>*dabs with three arms*
>railgun volumes
But have you met your new best frenda?
Best animated fight scene in Index III because they barely needed to animate little tiny figures moving in the distance. Nishikiori is a genius!
>This is what jobmmafags actually believe
He couldn’t even make a nerfed magic god flinch and just ran over him.
Desu the first part of Acqua vs KL was the best
>as we thought
He was strong. But full powered Magic God tier strong? Nope. In fact, you'd argue that he's still massively bellow a nerfed MG.
And anyone with a functioning mind and with minimal respect of Kamachi's writing quality would know that he couldn't have been.
The way this series (or any of his series for that matter) is structured is that strong people don't act because they can't, and not because they don't want to. Think about that.
For the same reason, I think the people hyping up Anna as the top tier power level, after MGs were introduced, are just hyping themselves up for deception.
So the magic gods are just holding back like Goku?
>giving a paragraph response to MP
At the most basic level yes.
>Imagine if Curse of failure no longer applies to Lolaleister.
>No longer human
>No curse
>No reason to sit inside of pisstube in AC. it's Accel's job now
What will he do with so much power? and free time?
That is MP you dumbass. She’s the only one that spergs about the MG’s.
Do none of us besides her care about magic gods?
Jesus always wins in the end
irl Aleister Crowley is burning in hell for his satanic cult
Prank call Accel and send nude FaceTimes to all the MC’s
Unfortunately, Goku didn't cast an anti-infinity spell on himself to avoid destroying the universe just by breathing. So it's not comparable.
And post nerf spell, MGs rarely held back (emotionally speaking).
>Aleister is literally impossible to kill off now
Finally somebody who sees that Aleister is the bad guy. Looking cute and wanting Kamijous dick doesn’t change that. Look at who he was irl and think about what he’s actually trying to accomplish. Aleister is the anti christ.
>he says this when the pope is a blatant socialist and kowtows to Muslims
>Thinking that I'm MP
>Not even getting that I was literally sucking the MGs' dicks with my response.
I'm dumb mouthed by this general's paranoia.
Except God accepted his redemption in NT21
You don’t even know who the one true god is you uneducated gargoyle. Nobody does yet.
>No longer human.
>Impossible to kill off.
Did I miss something? Why do you people think that?
Congrats, you’re just as retarded if I couldn’t distinguish you then.
t. Agnosticfag
You probably missed he entire context of coronzon’s body and the epilogue.
>"And now I have stepped outside the category of humanity, which I worked so hard to avoid. Honestly, this really is entirely your fault.”
He crossed the abyss and became the same existence as Anna. Read OT22's ending then NT22's ? section.
>Someone replying to a question seriously is as retarded as someone samefagging.
Welcome to the club, user. I've been called MP and Yea Forums-kun too. Truth of the matte is, the general is echo chamber and all they are hearing are each other's honks.
Blessed and breadpilled.
Literally three different levels after the Abyss desu.
>Replying to MP
>in possession of a demon's hand crafted body
>crossed the abyss
>his magical prowess doesn't limit him to outsourcing the processing of his knew found knowledge like Accel
>dorm manager onee-san
Aleister just became and absolute monster didn't he?
This is why you are called out, Yea Forumsermin.
why do you think Kamachi felt forced to make every girl in this series so ridiculously sexy, including the underage ones?
don't blame him, it is hard to make underage girls not sexy
Because outside of that the story is trash. The cute girls carry it. I blame all the boring magic shit for this.
He did get a set of features that makes him a surprisingly perfect counter to Touma's Dick.
There is also a 50% chance that Lolaleister will be the one to Nothing Personnel Anna, as Aiwass was being a sneaky fuck about his "death".
>absolute monster
Antimagic-Magic-Demon-God-Orsola-face-Dorm-manager-Onee-san-with-big-boobs-and-blond-hair is a proper term.
Why do we keep making threads if everyone just come to shitpost anyway?
>How new?
Because OP is always a faggot AND a shitposter.
Because threads are made to be shitposted.
I don't shitpost because all I do is post Saiai
>In fact, you'd argue that he's still massively bellow a nerfed MG
He even said so himself.
>Not even Aleister Crowley thought she could drive off a Magic God without the support of a true A.A.A. and without help from Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass.