Golden Time

Why is everyone so mad about this show? The ending was satisfactory (Banri and Kouko got back together) so what's the deal?

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I havenĀ“t watched it/read it, but I bet people complaining about the end are faggots.

Is the manga complete or will I need to read the LN for a conclusion?

No one is mad about it, it's actually better than her previous work.

Tada Banri was a really dumb plot device

The end itself is okay, but the final parts of the story leading leading to the end is shit.

Lindafags aren't everyone.

Tada Banri mind melds with himself and the Tada Banri that Kouko fell in love with dies but she never realizes this so Tada Banri is getting infinitely cucked by Tada Banri until the end of time.


I remember the KOKO IS LOCO threads and the TADA BANRI ghost and crossdressing. Man that was a great time. Were you guys in those threads?

I think most, including me, didn't really appreciate ghost banri. I guess you can consider ghost banri as an dissociative disorder, but it's still a bit eerie.

Because Linda should have won.

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Yes. I also fondly remember literally every second thread on Yea Forums being a TADA BANRI thread.

I just remembered the dancing animations was really QUALITY and the walking backwards from Koko.

I am super mad because of that fucking amnesia. It could be great 1-cour romance comedy if remove all shit.

It was okay and honestly idk what these fags expected of course the story is about kouko and banri how the hell will linda win

It was a show I didn't mind watching too must but it was far off good.

Endings can ruin a show, but they can't save it. Golden Time went off the deep end when ghost Banri stopped being a metaphor and started affecting reality. It was a huge disappointment because I went in with the manga basically being my favorite thing running at the time.

>when Ghost Tada Banri becomes his own character

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I dropped it shortly after the flashback where Linda lets a skank NTR her brother with no consequences. Did they actually marry?