What's she holding Yea Forums?

What's she holding Yea Forums?

Attached: fbedfeegg.jpg (259x194, 10K)

A fbedfeegg.

A save button

An ancient moon kingdom artifact.

A save file icon


Attached: 4d256505f54303894931213094cdd425--sailor-moon-funny-sailor-moon-usagi.jpg (699x524, 47K)

All the inflation/pregnancy/fat art I have of her and her friends.

My 1 terabyte floppy of cute photos of Her

a pirated copy of Doom

>1.44 MB
You couldn't even fit two things Kurocaze has done of them on that.

A condom. back in the days they were way bigger

I was half joking about how fucking little good Fat SM stuff there is

a floppy d

Attached: 1535778559930.gif (400x225, 987K)

10 mb of porn on this badboy

It hurts everyday

A game for the famicom disk system?

what was it like using that?

The gentoo installer.

All the episodes of her show actually worth watching

The launch codes of the thermonuclear mirv icbms which will be used against Russian targets to reclaim the Kuril islands for the Emperor.


Attached: 89fb2795c5f28fe76c31ae5bab739ec3.jpg (400x473, 37K)

Attached: monster condom.jpg (258x190, 31K)

Attached: cdvbdvd.jpg (259x194, 8K)

the secret

my 3.5 inch floppy

a discey flop

Isn't that one of those VCR things people used to watch movies on before Netflix was invented?

lmao what a funny ironic post. Here, based user. Have this gold. You earned it.

There are hundreds of cancerous posts on Yea Forums and this is the one you chose to bitch about?

take my upvote

>Anything but trash

Attached: 1459874044380.png (280x250, 105K)

I had that episode on tape and would always pause at this scene.

Attached: -Bunny_Hat_Raw-Sailor_Moon_016_(5BE5F347)_mkv_snapshot_09_23_-2015_05_02_12_25_49-.png (640x480, 458K)

Dumb minakofag

Gross reifag

>Its a computer cookie

don't listen to those fags I laughed

Rei is the most beloved senshi of all

3D-printed save button model.