Ultraman 2019

Was this series a guilty pleasure for anyone else?

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>Dat battle theme dough


Is the full OST out yet though? Some of the tracks were pretty good.

Anyone who calls something they enjoy a "guilty pleasure" is an insecure faggot.

Sadly, I haven't found anything. I was surprised with the quality of the soundtrack, too. Let's hope we get something in the future. After the clusterfuck of Beserk and most other CGI anime, I'd written off Ultraman altogether when I saw the trailer. Glad I kept an open mind in the end, as the series wasn't the worst in the world. I ended up enjoying it for what it was and is supposed to be.

Only watched 3 episodes so far but it looks alright

OP here. This is an accurate assessment. I won't deny.

I like how the Iron Man HUD is the new default mode to display someone's face inside power armor. It just works.

Attached: sa_netflix_ultraman_2019_860-thumb-860xauto-74724.jpg (860x484, 299K)

To any Yea Forumsmrades in this thread, did Ultraman 2019 give anyone Iron Man Armored Adventures vibes?

Nope, I loved it

It made me give a fuck about Ultraman

father watched the original and liked this one. only seen the first episode tho.

Idk I might check it out soon. My dad binged it when it came out and he said it was nice but the framerate was bad

story was unnecessarily convoluted but i enjoyed the fights and soundtrack.

Which episode does ultraman go back to being building sized?



yes, me


>do a Kamen Rider show
>call it Ultraman
Why though?

It was alright, the beginning was the weakest part. Will watch S2 if it gets made.

This ironman is ultraman