is both cute and lewd.
I fully understand
Good thread
For me, its the three.
More like otoko.
How do her pubes smell like Yea Forums?
How? They can't
Especially lewd.
But what do they smell like?
Ojou needs more love.
Why does this bitch have eleven sex toys? I have one. What the shit?
definitely a size queen
Step it up, jackpot-senpai.
I use up all my luck in all the worst ways. The universe hates me.
>that left plug
Wow. How can your ass even close after taking that? And holding it in, no less.
The human body is amazing in the most horrifying ways!
Practice, user. Lots of practice.
Like hot musky sweat and are slick to the touch
And how much hair is down there exactly?
has knee-long pubes.
>loses the dick at the end
I hate it when futa stories do this.
A solid J-bush.
Okako is my wife
A what?
Sandra Starr Inflatable
I prefer Metako
>Author is a brap fag
>Still uses his talent to give us a non-brap work
What a nice guy
Are you my lost brother?
I prefer Ouji for the muscles
I thought he meant "smells" as in BO. Becayse I'm down with that.
L-like what?
Taking Otako-chan to the dermatologist!
Can dermatologists give her more freckles?
I got two and already felt like that's too much. Nice trips though.
We all have our hobbies, and our collections.
Is an Otoko
that's kinda sad desu
I don't know if you are my bro, but I still have to do this.
Reminder that okako has huge titties too
Greedy asshole.
No matter how many times I see that pic,even cropped, it still does phenomenal things to my penis.
the golem of bad posture
can i please get a link to the original?
I only saw the anime. How realistic is another anime season soon?
>Galko was 3 years ago
Well, assuming a new season on the same format there should be enough material for a new season already, but people think that they might want to make a full length show for S2 and that will take at least 1 more volume to do so, maybe next year.
I have the impression that she has a hairy vagina
I'd say zero but the fanbase isn't really that small, even if it's largely inflated because of Galko's sinful body.
Probably from when she literally said that she did.
Shit. Forgot the pic.
HotKinkyJo. Look her up, and become informed.
There's nothing sinful about tig biddies.
Ojou best grill
Absolutely hairy
>Galko's sinful body.
And yet she's one of the most pure hearted girls in the series.
I want to take Otako to Mizuryu land and fuck her while everyone watches. And make her describe everything I do to her and everything she feels.
So, perfect?
Reminder that she casually fucks black men with huge dicks.
Is Otako into anal?
Where's the (Sonic) Meat?
I found this in my folder, does it helps?
God I love Galko
who's that one fat chick? she can get it too?
don't say galko