
Were you prepared for Ikuhara's next masterpiece?

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Of course.
Not really.

I have to rewatch episode 1, I don't know if I like this or not.

Is it next Thursday yet?

I can't even imagine what the next episode could be.

Apparently it's just weed

EOP who just watched it here. Please don't ask me anything.

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Zoomers are not ready.

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I was not ready ;_;

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Was there news of the subs being delayed?

What the fuck is this shit? anime for pretentious contrarian?

I found this way less disgusting that how it was supposed to be.

Keppi is my onahole.

That's not the word I would use. It's like the opposite of that.

Subs when?

This was the worst fucking part.

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Where do you watch anime with jap subs?

Anime for people who like fun.

>Ikuhara's next masterpiece

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I was hypnotized by the zombie's pseudo vagina all the time

Does Amazon have this?

These people belong in a psychiatric ward

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Yeah. to make the NEXT masterpiece, he has to make one first.

>Oh no… Not again!!

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.31_[2019.04.12_01.01.08].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

so comfy

Where the webms at


I like Sara-chan

Oh boy here go.

>goes commando

Which one?

Well? How much juvenile gender commentary can I expect this time?

Ikuhara stop

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I want to tsunagaru with Sara-chan.

You have no fucking idea.

>he has to make one first.
He did.

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>the ass juice

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Rewatched the full thing again.
Looks good, but damn is there a fuckton of text everywhere all around the scenes.
It would be pretty useless to go through it and read everything right now but if you ever find yourself with lots of time and nothing to do... you know how to spend it, Yea Forumsnon.

Do you also like baby Sara-chan?

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I take you have never seen how animals give birth

I feel like the shocking imagery make sit hard to decipher the symbolism.


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what does it mean

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why does a man have a clam?

This was fucking hilarious

I'll be shocked if that Free Space gets used unless it's revealed halfway one of the boys' parents are actually lesbian moms

Gotta suck it out

Fellas is it gay to crossdress so your brother loves you?

Your desire to connect and do *THAT*

Somehow I feel like girls are even less important in this anime than I did before I watched the episode.

time for webms

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It's just lesbians (male) this time.

what the fuck

He's a cat-fucking furry.

>flat as a washboard
ikuhara you let me down senpai

Did someone say shota
You have my attention

Neko orgy

sasuga crunchytrash

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The two "policemen" interrogate this cat-speak wierdo.
Choose between love and lust, end up deciding it was lust and turning him into a smartphone.
The guy either fucks, or abuses the kittens.

he was dressed as a cat wasn't he...

Attached: what does it mean1.webm (600x334, 116K)

Yes, yes he was.

Sara is really cute and I hope she gets to wear a lot of cute outfits.


Will Ikuhara kill another cat in this series?

where can I watch this?

>Reo used to love cats
>he's a stone cold zombie now
I'm sad.

Stay hydrated.

>fuck you starving children in africa

Well, what the guy was doing with cats was 100% sick.

What are Enta and Toi’s deep dark secrets?

Subs should be out in a couple hours.

Enta is a gay boy into traps.

Toi is a fucking criminal.

Gay for his soccer bro and weed.

>Somehow I feel like girls are even less important in this anime than I did before I watched the episode.

Ikuhara could throw a curve ball as long it's on par on the themes he's trying to convey

Like having the boys' actions inadvertently fuck up some females

what are the nico raitings?
personaly i'm dropping this
i wanted to see this, but turns out it's awful
even worse than yurikuma, which was stupid in it's own way but alright
ikuhara is over


I love it

Attached: SASUGA IKUCHAN.webm (600x336, 1.96M)

Use spoiler tag faggot

There's nothing we didn't know, bitch
Which character will he kiss

What an incredible transformation sequence. What the fuck are you doing magical girls?

The most disturbing part to me is the Keppie flesh suit covering Kazuki's body. I really understand why people called this disgusting now.

>What an incredible transformation sequence. What the fuck are you doing magical girls?

You want them shitting stuff?

Looking at the posters in Kazuki's room she does photo shootings wearing all kind of outfits, and at the police station there's a poster with a delinquent theme or something


Yeah because of you intentionally ruining the twist asshole

we don't even know if it'll be him

>this is keppi's "human" form

Okay, you win this round.

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>Barely any girls
It'll be shit.


I hate this meme of MAPPA being the new "super woke up and comers" because they had a couple of gay shows and tricked LGBTers into thinking a little boy was really a transexual.

Which twist exactly, dumbass? Everyone was talking about muh weed and one homo from the very first thread

this is a disservice to the themes it touches upon

I watched this as a fujo, but it’s disgusting.
Also traps are for otaku, it’s a no from me

it's not a real tweet

But she was.

And here I thought this clown couldn't sink any lower. Some end this mans miserable life. He must be suffering.

Are you legitimately brain damaged?
The show haven't reveal it then it is a spoiler.
Not everyone browse the threads 24/7 and spoil themselves retard.

How long till subs?

nice blog, snowflake

he's clearly having more fun than you. truly the only man taking risks in the anime industry.

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How did you know about the scat without watching the show?

Ikuhara is off his meds and I love it.


absolutely incredible


>Everyone was talking about muh weed and one homo from the very first thread

Nope, the spoilers came from the pre-screening.

Are you legit retarded? Nothing that user has said can be considered as a twist so fuck off

Not gonna lie, I want to DESTROY Sara-chan's absolutely female pussy

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This is too fucking dumb and gross.

shall we make another one for Sarazanmai?

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>I watched this as a fujo
You did it wrong but it's okay. Learn from your mistakes and fuck off.'s actually not that bad
i don't know if i've just been desensitized to shit or what but. yeah

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Watch more anime, newshit.

also, don't forget to play along!

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>ahahha I like dumb mindless fun, how cool am I? Also there's secret deep metaphors in this nonsense fun.

Episode 1 Ikuhara pleb filter working as intended.

The hing about kappas boring into one's butt to extrct the butt-kid-ball (soul) is actually a part of the traditional Japanese folklore.
He just played with the extraction process, only to play it straight for the zombie.

30 harem shows filled with tit and ass shots per season isn't risky, dumbass.

fuck off retard, I've definitely watched more anime than you. Ikuhara is literally the only one taking risks today.

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Yuri on ice is a better gay anime. Crossdressers and trans deserve better anime than this.
This one is just shit.

the bait is strong with this post!

It's not a gay anime, it's an Ikuhara anime.

how's the OST? I must know.

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Episode one for me was PURE AWESOME even if it was a little gay so for me its the hype gaijin guys picture

>all these people calling it shit
Did you actually watch the raw to make that conclusion?

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Nips are filthy, uncultured and gross. Thank God we civilized them to some extent.

What was Enta thinking in this moment?

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Not real people.

You think literally anyone else on Earth would have made... this?

"'Sarazanmai' [ie the connection' had terrible side effects. Nonetheless, Kazuki is still searching the town for "Lucky selfie" items today. He bumps into Toi and they work together. On the other hand, Enta knows Toi's big secret?"

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Does he eat them now

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Rewatching the first ep already
>Toi asks "where that girl went"
>Kazuki stutters out "I-I don't know!"
>camera immediately cuts to Kazuki's box

Did you miss the live watching thread?

Right, this is LGBTQA+ and 420 friendly anime.

The same think I think when I look at Astolfo.

Let me rephrase that, do you know Japanese to call it shit?

Everyone knows japanese unless a newfag, newfag.

This usually comes from people who have watched 500 anime, 20 of which are Dragon Ball movies, 20 more are Pokemon movies, and of course second and third seasons of every shounen in existence.

Hot parents

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Attached: SASUGA IKUCHAN2.webm (500x280, 1.77M)

Super deep shit bro. I'm impressed you needed 2nd viewing to observe that.

I learnt it by watching FranXXX and other masterpieces

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Fabulous Max parents

How the fuck did he change clothes so fast though

It's really good

Keppi is the sexiest girl this season


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If he wants to fuck boys, nothing. Traps are straight.

Hot big sis

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Oh god I hate shit like this that only makes some sense in metaphorical level and real state of affairs is just bullshit.

Anyone have the moment when Enta sees Kazukis balls under his skirt and gets a boner?

w-what's all that liquid?

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So the shirikodama is the prostate, right?


>hate metaphors
Why the fuck did you even attempt to watch an Ikuhara show, then?

Did she do JAV before becoming this popular?

Uhhhhhhhhhh fuck this

then why are you watching Ikuhara?????

to feel smart and pretentious.

That's Toi not Enta.

What is Lulu doing here?

Attached: SASUGA IKUCHAN3 but it looks pretty cool.webm (600x336, 2.91M)

Ass pussy juice is real in this universe

I thought maybe he got bored of his usual shtick. Penguindrum was actually kinda entertaining.

>that dad

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Stylish as fuck, probably my favorite sequence.

This episode almost made me puke. Why did ikuhara suddenly got obsessed with assholes and turds? What the fuck is he upto these days?

What does this remind you of, Yea Forums?

What's the inside of your Haco, Yea Forums?

Attached: sara chan (male) is the best boy.webm (700x392, 1.59M)


This show.

>anal wifi
Ikuhara is fucking based

Ikuhara will never cease to amaze me, what a genius.

>previews and interviews make Sarazanmai look like it'll be a deep anime about how social media is inhibiting social connections
>in reality it's about boys diving into a monster's asshole and ripping out its prostate
Is Sarazanmai going to be the ultimate pleb filter?

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Penguindrum was chock-full with metaphors too, although admittedly not as insane as ep1 of this

What? You think you are intellectual for getting off to assholes and shit?

Sara-kun is best girl
Cute and smells good

We knew for a long time it would have kappa and shirikodama.

Attached: kappa shiritama.jpg (600x448, 79K)

>best boy
Good taste.

The animation is so good. Based Ikuni

>it's about boys diving into a monster's asshole and ripping out its prostate

The synopsis already said clearly it was about stealing anusballs.

>all those EOP talking shit before the sub is even out

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You're a plebian for being afraid of anal.

One day, three second-year middle school students — Kazuki Yasaka, Toi Kuji, and Enta Jinai — meet a kappa-like creature named Keppi, who is the self-proclaimed heir to the throne of Kappa Kingdom. Keppi forcibly takes the students' shirikodama (a mythical organ kappa steal through a person's anus) and they are transformed into kappa. Keppi informs them, "If you want to return to your former selves, you need to connect in 'that way' and you must bring me the shirikodama of zombies." Will the three boys be able to connect and take the shirikodama of zombies?

It's ready. Now it's up to anons to make some good photoshops.

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It’s ruined


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sarazanmai is obviously subverting (or deconstructing if you will) the bl as a genre that portrays gay relationships as idealized by fujoshi.... sarazanmai is obviously very queer, one cannot think of sex between men without thinking about shit and shame that comes with it. these transformations reminds me of what what sedgwick calls fisting as ecriture

Dude it's just basic nip. You don't need subs.

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Almost Puking To Cartoons Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

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Attached: eating your himitsu.webm (700x392, 905K)



>one cannot think of sex between men without thinking about shit and shame that comes with it
Just wash your ass, it's not that hard.

This is what the ideal woman looks like.

Even Yotsuba is harder to understan than this because it plays with childish language.

This is played as straight as your waifu's chest. Only adding -kero and -nya.

Wash your ass Keppi.

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It's ironic considering fujos regularly consume rape and shit

All sex is dirty dummy.

Its obviously about male sexuality but I see no BL references anywhere in it.

Is just me that Keppi looks stoned with his teary red eye?

Looks like this will be the Seizon Senryaku bank animation scene of this show

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My wife's anus is so cute

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>As drowning victims are generally found with a distended anus (swollen rectal), the Kappa is also sometimes called the shirikodama 尻子玉 (lit. = anus ball, also written 尻小玉) vampire. The shirikodama is a mythical ball at the mouth of the anus. In order for the Kappa to steal the liver of the victim (by reaching its arm up into the victim’s anus or shiri 尻), the Kappa must first suck out or remove the shirikodama, which means certain death for its former owner.

Reminder this real japanese lore

i love that silhouette
classic ikuhara style

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West lore has its share of weird shit. Look at incubuses.

And people thought RobiHachi would be the gayest show of the season.

Japan is weird.

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Every individual part is fine, but somehow the combined result is a terrible anime. Being progressive and showing characters with various traits is nothing new. Ladyboys and gays are literally the staple and the bread of the anime industry. Gross and grotesque stuff is interesting, be it weird or cool. This anime mixes all of these, yet it's awful. How could this happen? Why is it like this?

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Where the police guys at

Fuck off /pol/

lets start simple

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>Being progressive

Attached: 15.png (395x497, 177K)

Tumblr the Anime. Trannys and shit.


kill yourself /pol/

Still being gay dads in their manga

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Imagine thinking Ikuhara is politically motivated in any way.

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Dayo ne

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now that's a new one

They will be gay in the anime too?
Nice. I would prefer to see them naked instead of the kids

Doesn't seem like they are evil since they kill a furry.

Just die already.

Yeah imagine watching things you enjoy watching.

Attached: police violence symbolism.webm (800x450, 423K)

>Start simple.
>With this episode.

They're either ashamed of cross-dressing or getting turned into kappas.
Mate, this is an 11 episode show. There's no time to start slow.

Yeah I know I'm cool.

>Shark teeth

Attached: 2b059d3bb665be4d7a1251af19caa120.png (352x352, 250K)

Cutest kappa

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.04_[2019.04.11_14.48.24].jpg (1280x720, 139K)

>Fuck Toi
>Marry Mazuki
>Kill Enta

Do you think Reo 吸s Mabu with those teeth?

I didn't jknow what Ikuhara meant by "anti aesthetics" but now I do.

He is ikuhara's self insert

He shot the guy up his ass right?

Why is his male silhouette in despair in wearing girl's clothing?

He should embracing it in becoming a she!

If it did not watch this episode, I would have said this came from Promare,, due to the art style

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>more juvenile gender commentary but this time it adds not 2-3, but 10 fetishes alongside it
Can't believe there actually are people who still take this hack seriously.

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This and Carole will be infested by /pol/tards shitposts

Is there gonna be a shitstorm over how young the boys are?
Even though most of the cast of Utena were middle schoolers as well, they looked much older.

>gender commentary

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Maybe he's doing it because he lost a bet or something. Honestly, I'll be happier if he isn't into the crossdressing. I like traps, but I get a bad vibe from this one.

So is MC another i like cute frilly shit type of trope, or is he actual tranny.

never seen an Ikuhara show before, what am I in for?

Ikuhara goes over the gender studies shit as much as an obese purple haired liberal arts student, and adds just as much if not less new information

Not really.


He's in despair because his box is being opened to the other kappa boys through anal wifi and now they know his secret.

It's your own fault for taking it seriously.

I mean, assuming you're too dumb to read the subtext then the cross-dressing should have given it away.


This is too artsy for the average mentally ill /pol/tard.

Is this legit vore?


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damn, that second half. AOTY confirmed

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He cross-dresses for the sake of his younger brother, who as far as we know now is a big fan of the idol and in posession of a lusty smartphone.

Little kid has issues, the brother does this to help him.

This was even wider than what I was expecting.
Based Ikuhara.


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The mod went hard on shitposters and C&T thread are peaceful.

Yikes. Do you newfags even know what actual artsy animation looks like? It sure as hell isn't a show with run off the mill shotacon designs.

>gender studies
you really think Ikuhara has learned about WESTERN gender studies? fucking dumbass.
he is so far removed from it. only a retard would believe this.



That sequence was kino


They don't care about it, they just want to shitpost.

Buttmad because you know it’s true?

Anyway I’m betting MC will be a tranny

That would be painful

The substance of his gender commentary also manages to be below what the average purple haired community college grad spouts. Quite impressive if you think about it.

Is this your first Ikuhara show?

Who cares. Don't watch Ikuhara anime if you're not an Ikuharafag.

>never seen an Ikuhara show before
the absolute state of modern Yea Forums

>retard who thinks character designs are all that makes something "artsy"

Attached: 1280.jpg (960x720, 175K)

ototo a cute! CUTE!

Did you watch the show? Most run of the mill anime don't have shibari clad box monsters being anally excavated by a group of singing kappa before riding on the anal fluids while uncovering their deepest secrets.

we don't even know why he fucking cross dresses yet lmao
go away

>still the third top trend in japan
Based Ikuni

On other sites? Probably.
Thankfully most of those people don't know Yea Forums exists.

>Anyway I’m betting MC will be a tranny
They're seen as jokes back in nipland so who cares?

He does it for his little brother who loves Sara.

You guys are both wrong. Ikuhara is literally just channeling Terayama Shuji once again. Which is a good thing, by the way.

I wouldn't expect uncultured plebs to understand.

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After that debut.

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>top trend at 4am, wow sugoiiiii
this meme needs to stop

I hope he turns out to be the biggest degenerate with seventeen fetishes each worse than the last.

But I don't think they would dare get into that territory so it's probably all going to be fairly tame shit.

Ikuhara has never produced anything that could even qualify as artsy. Sorry, Jim, you're not a connoisseur of the high arts.

well how is that gender commentary?

Oh shit

Ikuhara anime is the best because he naturally repels both SJW freaks and /pol/tards. His shit is too "problematic" for SJWs while also being too gay for /pol/tards. The only people left are the people who just want to see a good as fuck anime and don't give a damn about how problematic or "progressive" it is. Ride out the storm my fellow Ikuni fans, by the time episode 4 comes out the "WAAAAH ANY ANIME WITH GAYS OR CROSSDRESSING IS LEFTIST PROPAGANDA" crowd will get bored and leave.

I'm not the retard calling this gender commentary

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Ikuhara's only good show was Utena.

Wrong. Ikuhara is the closest we'll get to in the animated form. He is a true artist pushing surrealism into the medium, focused on a distinct Japanese culture.

Attached: ikuhara-anno.jpg (500x375, 38K)

Wait so the girl is a boy?

Imagine being this guy, thinking that you understand it all, yet being off the mark entirely.

>pushing surrealism into the medium

Not every anime trends. Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru haven't achieved that even once

Nice job missing the entire point of every Ikuhara show. This is truly the pleb's interpretation.

Enta has more secrets?

What's the meaning of ア?

>implying I'm wrong

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Another mega flop.

No, the boy is just cosplaying the girl.

DAMN that squirt! So many sexual references


>implying money matters in the pursuit of art

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Nah. Penguindrum was good and YuriKuma was serviceable. My problem is that he sounds like a broken record now. This show's first episode made him look like the onetrick pony he apparently is. Seems fairly weird to receive praise for being this creatively limited. Doesn't he have some interest in a vastly different field?

Is this SFW?


Oh wow, how groundbreaking. Definitely not a staple anime fetish that’s been done 100 times over

Literally nothing in my post interprets anything about Ikuhara's work. Are you fucking stupid? All I said is that there's incest, there's rape, and there's gay shit, and it works as an excellent pleb filter.

Ikuhara anime is never mainstream.

Whose ass is being reflected here?

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#1 on japan twitter! AOTY



Ikuhara's shows are literally impossible for me to understand. It's like i'm colorblind but for methaphors.

Sara-kun got a big dick

I was sure it is the anus ball and the Aア stands for anus,
but seems like this is not the case

they should have gone for the vag

Why do you keep watching them?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.54_[2019.04.11_15.13.03].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

pleb filter working even better than intended

Are you american?

The catfag is male.

You're overthinking, that's all there is to it. Ikuhara is very incompetent in regards to visual storytelling. He doesn't understand how to use metaphors properly, so he bombards you with ambiguous shit of which most shots mean the exact same. Don't believe the meme that he actually knows what he's doing. His use of visual language is laughbly amateurish.

They're suppose to steal ANUSBALLS that you would only find in anuses.

>love utena
>dropped penguindrum
>like yurikuma
>like this so far

>>love utena
>>dropped penguindrum
>>like yurikuma

Yurikuma's first episode and this were almost the same anyway

I agree with this to a certain extent, the structure of his shows follow a really similar pattern and it is getting a bit old. I hope he mixes it up this time.

For the record, Utena, Penguindrum, and YKA all end the same way. A system that harms the protags has a dent made in it, and then the main protags disappear from the world having made a change.

His shirt flew up?

I hate all of them. they're all trash.

They usually have nice art.

i know how you feel
utena had me confused as hell

Might have been watchable if they removed Ringo.


Well, as long as it's enjoyable for you in some way.

>His use of visual language is laughbly amateurish.
Oddly, I think this is what I like most about his shows. In Utena especially, metaphors just became shorthand for whatever was happening so you could pack a lot of information really quickly by just putting specific things on screen. The metaphors aren't necessarily deep, but it's a pretty fun and effective way to watch something once you're in on the meanings.

100% straight. My prostate approves

>scat is art
Hahhahahahaa eat shit

why did you drop penguindrum?
i did too, around the 12th episode

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Mawaru_Penguindrum_01_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[47679764].mkv_snapshot_05.12_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 1.4M)

Sub isn't out yet?
All those animu experts wannabe are giving me headache

What did the apple ever do to you?

I don't know man. I take shit way too literally, like what is going on with those lesbian bears, or what's with all those cows all of a sudden.

My favourite part.

I'd rather watch Penguindrum again.

No one is stopping you.


I expected more of Ikuhara to do subtle homo symbolism like in Utena, but nope.
They just went full cheap homo pandering.

What a shame.
Also, MAPPA is fucking dead for me. What a whore studio.

Attached: disgusted.jpg (641x647, 73K)

All Ikuhara anime are good

So this anime will be all a methaphor for homosexuality and gender identity?

He should have made an anime about the leather crafting or BDSM industry instead. Seems to have some interest in both.

What part of the show said "homosexuality" to you?

Why does this remember me of Persona5?

The Zombies pink symbols looked very BDSM.

not him but I wanted to drop PD but didn't because Yea Forums memed me into believing it'd be better or at least equal to Utena

fuck star crossed romances

what a retard

The only cheap homo pandering might be the two polices
I see nothing cheap other than that

>love utena
>love penguindrum
>hated yurikuma
>not a big fan of sarazanmai so far

Attached: D1tERqMVAAE5Yfn.jpg (601x703, 65K)

What the fuck is "cheap" homo pandering?

This is the reason hetfags should be all genocided

they're just trolls

So which one of them is the mom

Attached: mothers.jpg (984x1400, 228K)

My point is the 'cheap' part, you fool.

>girlish boys
>cross dressing
>tom boys
>visially mimicking the process of child birth
>naked boys posing
>anal fetishes/shoving stuff into asses
Repeat after me:


>hetfags should be all genocided
You mean yuricucks and yaoifags.


the baby

The nig is the father

>didnt watch Utena
>liked Penguins
>didnt watch yurikuma
>waiting for subs to watch this

I'd like to see expensive hompandering.

No I mean disgusting hetfags like you.

So is it gay? i hope not

Seconding this.

>subtle homo pandering
>like in Utena

Attached: 3ab7f496-5c7e-4741-a55f-82f7c5f09fb7.jpg (798x600, 80K)

So don't watch a show about boys stealing anusballs.

How blatant is the fujobait this time

It is okay to be gay for Ikuhara. He is just that fabulous.

>I see nothing cheap other than that
See Fucking anal & anal beads reference.

It's so fucking cheap compared to Utena's car scene.

Attached: 1536858560424.jpg (1200x609, 41K)

Best part of this episode is the KANABOON opening, and yet it's still worse than this

the baby

>Fucking anal & anal beads reference.

This is like yurikuma's sweet nectar but worse.

Attached: 1505242551861.jpg (540x540, 33K)

>Fucking anal & anal beads reference.
You may want to read about the Kappa myth.

Also what's homo pandering about this? I doubt about are going to jerk off to this. It looks more weird/freakish than anything.

Attached: 1515973590782.jpg (640x360, 34K)

based newbro
i hope you enjoy your first iku show

I wonder if Ikuhara is a practical sex expert

Well good to know this won’t be a fun ride like penguindrum threads but will rather be a cesspool of angry bait and shitposting. And I’m the real idiot here for thinking things would be any different

Attached: image.jpg (1334x750, 381K)


Attached: kappa shirikodama enco.jpg (600x474, 57K)

>final scene of sequel film of 40 episode long tv show compared to episode 1 of new show
I love the car scene too, but it's a bit of an unfair comparison. I'd say compared to episode 1 of any of his other anime, this was a lot more wild but still has some interesting aspects to be built upon.

>captcha: select all images with cars

It's just a bunch of tryhards trying to fuck up the threads and still don't get why they're even watching an Ikuhara show.

Educate yourself before you post here again please.

I don't understand what's going on

Attached: prince.jpg (984x1400, 271K)



Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_08.34_[2019.04.11_15.37.09].jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Anyone but /ss/ should get the gas.

I will never understand why people like this song.

Keppi is Victor from Yuri on Ice.

It's a kappa reference. The fucking synopsis even tells you that.

>it's thinly related to something, it can't pander
Did it ever occur to you that he chose this bit of Japanase folklore because it does exactly that? Pander to a certain demographic? Guess he's not smart enough for that, eh?

about 20 minutes

This but unironically

So what he he did? He can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Attached: 1541672902979.jpg (1280x964, 356K)

>no "official" sub for this and Carole and Tuesday
>the only two possible AoTS
What the fuck is wrong with people

Who gives a shit? Most anime pander to something.

Imagine being so sheltered that you think gays unironically jerk off to anal birthing

Oddly enough he has the motivation of a typical girl crossdresser. It's not like he likes dressing like that, he does it out of necessity

There's CR and Asenshi for this show.

>Toi is already getting fanart
Is he the breakout character? Doujins when?

Attached: D35RSJcU4AAiHT_.jpg (1033x1200, 155K)

Geez, I knew about Kappa lore, plate, etc. already. I just fucking hate the execution of that in this series.
I didn't expect this shit to be THIS vulgar.

Oh wow, and suddenly you have to admit that he's right and that there is, in fact, homo pandering. Look how quickly you changed your minds after I did no more than imply for Ikuhara be too dumb too see the potential relation. Almost too easy.

Which one is the gay one?

Go watch something else.

Mix will be my AOTS i bet.

Then fuck off snowflake

Sara-kun crossdresses
Yurio is a criminal
Megane is a homo

>implying same person

He can do whatever he wants.


I hope he is.

Attached: D3aTfonU4AEXLTw.jpg (1000x951, 150K)

Supposedly Megane.

Even one of the best BL games couldn't make it hot

Attached: sweet pool.jpg (1600x1200, 1.71M)

All of them m8.

Attached: 1367578502524.gif (500x364, 983K)

Fuck marry kill

Attached: 1555005890742.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>Yurio is a criminal
That's a lame secret, but I suppose they kinda exhausted the options.

Marry Enta
Fuck Kazuki
Kill the other one

Kill Kill Kill

Kill all because I hate children

Marry Sara-kun

Attached: 1531536920127.jpg (900x1424, 461K)

Marry emo

On what planet?

Fuck Toi
Marry Enta
Kill Kazuki

Marry Kazuki
Fuck Kazuki
Ignore the other two.

Emo is the most fuckable one, but he sounds like the most boring one.
So marry glasses, fuck emo and kill crossdresser because I hate traps.

That is only what we know till episode three.
I bet they will have even deeper secret

Nobuyuki Takeuchi is on the show as "chief director". Is he doing any animation?

What did Ikuhara mean by it?

The characters I like so far are Sara and Keppi.
Too much content in the episode. Ikuhara can't cram all his creativity into 1 fucking cour.


five (5) minutes

Unironically 5 minutes.

I really like Ikuhara's Penguindrum & Utena, that's why I'm here.
But you guys are in luck. Believe me, you wont see me again in Ep2 thread.
I can't stand 11 episodes of these shit anyway.

Have a nice day.
Also, Lesbian Martians > Homo Terrans for this season

Attached: 1524857067823.jpg (554x439, 106K)

Marry emo
Rape faggot megane
Kill tranny

All are taken

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.42_[2019.04.11_15.51.22].jpg (674x1500, 750K)

Slight gayness is the best pleb filter as always.

Attached: nyanko.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

>subs at 4 am
Fuck this shit

Ikuhara tried too hard this time.


Attached: Oreki.jpg (800x611, 65K)

Is the first one in the back a girl? I fucking hope not

Find it out yourself

It's his younger sibling.

>mfw they were right about emo-boy/brother incest
Should have known never to doubt incest in an Ikuhara show.,_cropped).jpg

I better not see your bitch as in the next thread


脚  本:幾原 邦彦、内海 照子
絵コンテ:金子 伸吾
演  出:金子 伸吾

Attached: slide-1.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

is this Turn A gundam reference?

With this in mind, fill in the relationships

Attached: template.jpg (2100x1500, 253K)

Attached: revue_subs_when.webm (900x506, 175K)

> [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv

[The boys] experienced an interesting side effect as a result of Sarazanmai, but Kazuki searches the town for the Lucky Selfie item of the day again regardless. After an unexpected turn of events, Kazuki runs into Toi and they join forces. Meanwhile, Enta discovers Toi’s deep, dark secret?

>[HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv

idk dude he looks like he's genuinely having so much fun
no animation director listed?

Don't give that attention whore attention
Who cares

>[HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv
>[HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv
>[HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv

What the fuck are the otters supposed to mean

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Sarazanmai - 01 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.49_[2019.04.11_14.59.07].jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Nope. Just that.
>Meanwhile, Enta discovers Toi’s deep, dark secret?
Oh dear.

Fuck yes

Onii-chan is hot.

Oh boy.

>Toi’s deep, dark secret
His ass hole

oops forgot image

Attached: IMG_20190411_205708.jpg (2048x1538, 441K)

>[HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [1080p].mkv

They are the original kappas.

1080p or 720p for this show?

Trips of shirikodama confirm.

Finally an anime I can fap to.

Attached: 1452485785013.png (468x854, 423K)

people really still be downloading 720p in 2019?

Damn, otters are autistic

Just in case it wasn't obvious enough for the plebs.

Attached: LFjjfk.png (1280x720, 1.89M)

This anime is for pedofags right?

Kanojo Okarishimasu

Text in the back says Box of Desire if anyone was curious.

Dumb EOP

And that's a good thing!

>the boy that doesn't want to fuck his sibling is cucked by his love interest's sibling

I'm here for Ikuhara.


goddamit that OP is catchy. if there's one thing we can always look forward to in Ikuhara is the OST

MC-kun is Utena (dresses as opposite gender)
Glasses is Wakaba
Emo boy is Anthy
His brother is Akio

OP is the one thing I don't like so far.
I like the rest of the OST a lot though.

>eating and drinking while watching Keppi anally devastating the 3 boys

>normal humans can't see this

Attached: sara.png (1280x738, 1.08M)

>the sub translated "Ano ko" as that girl
Pretty sure it is his younger brother though

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

So Keppi is hiding from her or something

Even the shoe has an "a" on it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00_00_59_[].jpg (1280x720, 114K)

the nips hate him
say something nice about this closeted homosexual

Attached: enta.png (368x466, 142K)

There is nothing deep here to understand. Ikuhara just wanted to make anime about cute shotas sucking anuses, that's all.

B-bros, I don't have a high enough iq for this series, what do I do?

Attached: more_than_I_bargained_for.png (498x865, 393K)

it's not wrong if they're cute

They change it to him once his secret is out. I guess they didn't want to spoil the twist.

holy FUCK
i'm crying

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [1080p][00:16:07]001.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>the nips hate him
Really? Why?

Literally my cat.

Just enjoy the ride.

I found it really straightforward

THOSE sequences actually weren't that awkward to watch. Visuals and music are great.

I want to fuck his sister

Sorry user you need at least 1000+ IQ to understand Ikuhara's show

Why are anklets so lewd, bros?

This is the last thing you see before you die.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00_06_02_[].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

is this really a boy?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [1080p][00:20:19]001.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

what did Ikuni mean with this?

I want to fuck him in his kappa form while his sister is watching! The highest peak of connecting!

Attached: 1554999101958.jpg (1440x810, 137K)

people will only praise this shit to think they are smart

Just smoke some weed bro.

Maybe it's a girl.

Ikuhara is more "Just turn off your brain and feel" show than a high IQ show

Are we going to see a subversion of the prince the way we did in Utena?

I've read someone pointing out that it's listed as Kazuki's brother, and his seiyuu being Kugimiya Rie

I want to fuck his sister while I cram him in his kappa form up her ass

Kappas need to keep their bald monk spot wet or they die

>not be a frog

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00_10_32_[].png (588x720, 480K)

Cute background homos

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.10.538.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

those are foreground homos

Why are they singing?

That's Haruka(ppa), Kazuki's imouto.

Didn't notice this in the livestream.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00_13_01_[].jpg (1280x720, 200K)


Does the plant have any special faggoty flower language meaning?

Was there supposed to be a scene between them being turned to kappa and defeating the box zombie? It just sort of skipped to it without explanation, with them already knowing how to do it.

Ivy in hanakotoba: friendship, fidelity, marriage, wedded love

Sara likes Black Thunder chocolate bars?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00_12_39_[].jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Wait, where's this from?

>don't be a slut
>marry and reproduce
has Ikuni bowed to to Abe?

This thread and every single post in it makes me want to vomit

>Was there supposed to be a scene between them being turned to kappa and defeating the box zombie?
Keppi explained that taking the anus balls would return things to normal about 13 mins in.

Twice as big as the other two's.

He's so weird.

>Some fanarts already