One Piece 939

So since Luffy's learning mastered Armament Haki this chapter, will it be enough to penetrate Kaido's scales?

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Nothing happens


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I think the more interesting question is how could Luffy apply this advanced, invisible shockwave/armor to his rubber abilities
regular armament allows him to create extreme compression energy in his muscles for Gear 4, so what cool thing could this do?

It's gonna be the base for Gear 5. Gear 5 will use open palm MCoA attacks that combine with the sumo moves Luffy's been learning this arc.

Wonder if Oda plans to do anything else with Gyukimaru. I guess Luffy learns from Hyo, so Zoro might learn from him about turning blades black permanently?

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is that haki on hyo's fist? what about my invisible haki


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He's using both, he's old so probably not quite as skillful anymore.

bring the stakes back down
don't hurt innocent bepo oda wtf

>try to fight luffy
>literally get BTFO
holy fuck this is some next level hype

Not the first time we see those samurai at the top, wonder if they will have an important role later

Fuck you, Oda. Don't hurt Law cuties.

>the samurai are already injured too
We're so fucked. Kaido wins.

What an act, but bepo is traitor, don't forget about it.

Can't wait for Law to kill whoever did that to Bepo.

Can't wait for Law to job to whoever did that to Bepo.

*blocks your path*
What you gonna do, hakilet?

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Kinda fightfaggy but oh well, pretty necessary.
Base level CoA = Luffy's CoA in base form
Mid level CoA = Luffy's G4 CoA
Advanced CoA = Katakuri's Block Mochi
Mastered CoA = Rayleigh's against the elephant, old man Hyougoro's blast here, Sentoumaru

>a single panel of Law's crew is more interesting that a whole chapter of Luffy and Zoro
What did Oda mean by this?


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The forcefield is an external ability. It's just how Luffy will survive more than one hit from the Kaido.

Who cares. They won't die.

Respect the old generations. The new generation of youngest won't ever surpass the old generation except for luffy and blackbeard.

Sit the fuck down.

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Absalom IS still okay right? 925 didn't happen??

Oda should kill the boring SHs and make Law the MC. Just keep Law and Bepo, get rid of the rest, and Cavendish and his horse to the crew. Also paint the Submarine Pink instead of Yellow.

*add Cavendish

Good morning everyone, have a nice day OPchads

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Thank god Oda is writing it and not you

>>Luffy looks like he’s not attacking, but he’s actually trying to use the technique that Rayleigh and Sentomaru used, that can blow the enemies away without touching them, he thinks with this he might even be able to crack Kaido’s scales.
There is no doubt now. Kaido is definitively going down in this arc unless luffy assumption of advanced haki of being able to damage kaido is wrong or kaido has more tricks up in his disposal.

Kaido and Big Mom have mastered this Haki , and it is like Rayleigh said they are wearing an invisible armor that protect them from taking dmg . If Luffy want to have a chance against a yonko this coA is a must for him , i can see why oda made a mini arc for luffy to at list learn it

Sumo match between Kaido and Tankman Luffy

Law would be the shittiest and most boring SH if he joined

How convenient that the old guy just happened to know that super advanced haki technique that Luffy was trying to learn.

What a bunch of jobbers. Law crew is such a disappointment.

Nice reading comprehension, retard.

I for once agree. Oh well, he was a powerful chad in his prime.

The fire festival is a couple days away and the group looks nowhere near enough prepared to fight Kaido and Orochi's forces.

How is this shit gonna go down? Their only hope would be Big Mom doing most of the work for them.

>Law and Cavendish
Based. Best broship in the entire manga.

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He is a 70 years old strong dude , he have been throught a lot , and when he was young he was known as one of the strongest in one . I guess it would be a surprise if he didn't know it

is Kawamatsu a fishman or an actual Kappa like his laughter suggests? His fingers look webbed, but the image quality is still pretty low, we have to wait for better scans.

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They've got 9 but still, things will only get harder each day. They're already bloody and sustaining injuries, not a good omen.

I haven't read the spoilers and I won't but whatever (you) are sperging out about just cease it. Nobody cares, it's not healthy, and you're in the wrong just like every other release week.

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Is that a bonsai tree growing out of this man's head?

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Nothing happens the chapter.

Why yes.

iirc kawamatsu means Otter or something

We get confirmation that advanced armament haki can damage kaido assuming luffy is not wrong. We get to see old man hyo flexing his muscles. It's hilarious that a old man like him will be able to defeat east blue villains easily. Imagine don krieg, arlong humiliation if they find out that an old man can defeat them so easily.

You would think after over 20 years of writing Oda would get better at pacing, but nope, barely anything happened in the last 5 chapters.There is no sense of threat from the Beast Pirates, the characters that are introduced are irrelevant and will become Luffy cheerleaders № 125 through 135. This arc is basically just waiting till the final fight.

Guys I told all my friends each Wano act would be 15 chapters. Now it's looking like this won't be true??

Is he gonna come back as the Katakuri of busoshoku ?

I am glad that oda is following togashi example in showing their character training even though it is just the MC. That way it won't be a asspull if luffy manage to damage kadio.

The Kaido has to go down in this arc because otherwise One Piece will end up being 2000 chapters long.

Standard troupe but I like that old man in shonen are generally portrayed as badass.

I'm sorry but this simply isn't true. This chapter and the last raised the threat level of the enemy forces a lot. Our alliance is not doing well right now, people are already injured and the plan was leaked.

Holy shit I was joking when I said that Luffy would beat Kaido by improving his COA and Oda is actually doing it, wtf

didn't it mean "pine tree river" or something like that? I don't know japanese but google translate and jisho don't give anything else with those kanji. don't know about other kanji with same pronunciation though. Otter is Kawauso, so similar but not the same

BNHA is a well written manga with amazing worldbuilding, full of twists and turns that does shounen right and is inspired by great literature.

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Well I don't mind if oda drags the series out. At least he is providing decent explanation on how kaido will be defeated by luffy and the other supernovas.

Hell no law is more interesting as a side character.

So Sentomaru can hurt kaido with that haki?

God why is wano, Kaido and the beast pirates such a fucking let down.

Until you see that Haki hurt Kaido, it's only Luffy's conjecture.

It's honestly a natural way to do it and one of the only ways. The only other theory I saw was that Kaido would be nuked. Kaido has a scar dude.

Because Oda absolutely wants Luffy to beat the villain alone

Yeah guess the problem is how on earth luffy is going to surpass kaido haki? Nerf kaido by having luffy and kid using conqueror haki together which intimidate him causing his haki to be weaker?

Advanced armament haki plus awakening should be enough to cause some damage to kaido otherwise he will just be too overpowered.

Not how this is going down ahaha
Luffy may land the final blows, sure

Hell no law crew doesn't have any development at all.


Better or worse?

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>people think the fire festival wont end in disaster

I'm really hoping that Luffy runs into Foxy again after receiving all these lategame powerups and almost loses to him again.

Well duh he is portrayed as a badass in his youth a few chapters back. People complaining that wano lacks strong characters now that oda shows it people still complains.


>muh Luffy selfinsert
Literally becoming as bad as MHA

do we have this meme for one piece threads on Yea Forums?

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>brainlets think that Kaido or Big Meme will go down this arc

yeah, don't have it though

Well luffy is currently getting a power up right now. Oda really needs to show the middle and weak trio doing some sort of training.

Make it you faggot.

I love him!!!

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But then where would the true final battle take place? What, Mt. Atamayama?

Plot luffy has to get his training done. Queen should have step into the stage by now.

Based retard poster

>muh edgy law selfinsert
You need to be +18 to post here

Who cares?
Give us more Sanji and Zoro.

Don't worry luffy stlll need the other supernovas help in beating kaido. What else do you expect? Conqueror haki having a special ability that can do something against kaido?

So by that logic all old strong people should know this haki technique?

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Yes, now Luffy's training won't be as big of an asspull

Who doesn't?

Correction.That haki combine with gear 4th force could probably damage kaido. Sentomaru has not shown that his physical strength is on par with gear 4th.
Luffy hunch is usually right.

Lol, serves you right for making such bold claims

I'm trying to think of how training something in advance can be an asspull. There must be some way to argue that.

Well, you were retarded. Middle acts tend to be the longest, while the first and final ones are the shortest.

Haki reserves still exist, Luffy won't be able to maintain that long at all. He was a two pump chump against Kaido and didn't satisfy him.

Oda probably won't do that against kaido since he respect him.

Flower capital infront of the citizens of Wano.

I hate wano.


>losing to the future pirate king isn't respect

So this is just characterfagging.

Probably quite appropriate, given the moon tree.


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Why not? We should meet more and more veterans advanced haki users the further strawhats venture into the new world. The power levels should be going up and not going down.

So if Luffy flashbacks to this Hyougoro training it's an asspull? Seems like a stretch since it was done in advance.

Well the problem is luffy had been getting too much screentime compared to the rest of the crew. Doesn't help that oda offpanel sanji fight against page one. He should give the rest of the crews training sessions as well.

I thought Kuma was like 4m or something?

What a manlet, no wonder he is pissed all the time.

The last 15 chapters have been so forgetable

>>Luffy won't be able to maintain that long at all.
He will due to plot.


Oda's been pretty consistent with his Haki usage. He wouldn't let Luffy use Gear 4 + MCoA attacks without it burning out very quickly. G4 has never lasted long.

Seems like you missed the point entirely. Luffy training isn't an asspull. If Luffy would just get his power up thanks to his Rayleigh flashback people would call it that. And Hyou being there knowing this technique is very convenient but not an asspull.

This is helping my point, not hurting it.
This in fact reinforces that Luffy training here prevents it from being an unpleasant surprise later on for people who don't want Kaido to get hurt.

Then we're good.

Guess people are not invested on wano side characters. I thought kyoshiro and old man kyo are alright. I agree that Smile users are terrible. Nothing appealing about it at all. The new female characters are unappealing as usual.

Carefull who you call manlet, he will beat you with his club after his nap.

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Yikes guess it will be just like the katakuri fight. Luffy runs out of time limit for G4 much more faster. Manage to stall for 10 minutes this time thanks to the supernovas helping him get away or some other factors.

Can't wait for Deku's third perk that'll really be convenient to the predicament he's in !

Kozuki were a mistake
Oda failed a with Momonosuke, he acts like an adult so I don't see him as a kid, I don't feel much for his situation. Tama is way more likeable despite being a side character of the arc.

Fans will be complaining as usual since they are used to oda skipping training arcs for his characters.

That's enough.

I have an annoucncment to make...

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This was true until we got some cool Smile users in 935, which we sorely needed. It's like Oda feels like we haven't earned seeing the cool stuff in Wano yet.

>Jimbei did lost an eye


And he doesn't want to be seen as a kid. That's the point. He just acts tough.

Oda sucks at large scale arc . It was the same in Marineford and will be the same now. He set up so many characters but there is no way he can give each character enough time to shine, so what will happen is Luffy will get most of the action like always and the rest will probably get mowed down somewhere soon. Same thing that happened when Enel started dropping people like flies but now with Kaido.

>>According to Ishuhui:
The Nine Red Scabbards are Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Raizou, Kiku, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Ashuradoji, Kawamatsu, Denjiro
Yikes why is kiku part of the nine scabbards?

>despite being a side character of the arc

She's the main girl of Wano and a potential nakama.

Have you warmed up to SH future apprentice and cabin boy? If not, don't worry, he's gonna get a lot of development in Wano.

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Kiku's been implied to be strong as fuck by Zoro and Luffy.

He's quite adept at them. You just suck at seeing the bigger picture. Wano's not like any arc before it, the buildup seems like it'll well surpass 50 chapters.

>>lol powerful females in shonen
Out of naruto, bleach and one piece. Bleach wins when it comes to portrayal of females strength.

We must have faith in oda.

he 100% has to stay in wano as the next shogun

Don't worry toei will "fix" this problem.

No problem with that.

Say hello to the future Shogun of Wano (right) and his in-office proxy (left)

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Naruto's strongest character is a woman, so eat shit, Bleachfag.

shut up dogtooth

She sucks tho

Kids can't be the shoguns or daimyos. He has to wait until he comes of age, so he has time.

Problem with Momo is his gag with Nami/Robin. It might be good to enrage the waifufags but because of that he doesn't give us the impression of being innocent like a child should be. I'm sure I was already thinking that some women were pretty at his age but I wasn't making creepy/perverted faces.

Bepo, nooooooo!

Not a bleachfag. I always will be a loyal fan of one piece. Oda had a chance with big mom but he kind of fuck it up.

>bloodied bepo

Oh hell fucking no. Who hurt this precious bear?

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Wat ?

momonosuke is legally like 27

Strongest character in One Piece is also a woman

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lol oro jackson is whining about the pacing again. One piece is not meant to be read weekly.

No weekly manga is meant to read weekly

Odds are they won't know it. Luffy won't even bother teaching any of the haki techniques he learned to any of his crew either.

>momonosuke is legally like 27

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>Oda literally said he was drawing his chapters with the weekly publication in mind
>"One Piece isn't mean to be read weekly"
Dickriders everyone

People complaining about what happens in One Piece chapter by chapter didn't read Naruto and Bleach weekly. Those were actually "nothing happens" series

Damn, where's Iva when you need him?

>Oro Jackson
Arn't they just a bunch of speedreaders?

Unh.... Actually they can. And they have.

Lots of emperors of various different cultures were children. You are retarded

You're not better than them.

reddit is loving the chapter like every chapter!!!

Also I'm fairly certain they will do some time-travel bullshit and there will be an older, wise Momonosuke.

Is there anything Reddit even disliked

>No u
Consession taken

Are the text spoilers out ?

The two things you said don't neccessarily correlate with each other. Just because he draws with the weekly publication in mind doesn't mean it is best read weekly.

One piece is better read when you read the whole arc in full. But yeah, you do get someTHING in every chapter.

Probably Sanji's nosebleed gag

>People unironically believe Kaguya was a bigger threat than Madara because of Kishi's awful Tell, Don't Show writing

Reminder that Momonosuke isn't even in the top 100 of the last popularity poll, literally everybody in Japan hate him

so this is the kind of character development Oda is going for

I hate him too

Because everyone's jealous of his sessions with Robin.

....But... she was. Retarded madara fanboy

lmao oda really retconned invisible haki into being the strongest form?

what about all those people who were using invisible haki that got fucked when going against black haki in the previous arcs?

when's hunterxhunter?

Nah. They didn't like last chapter much, which was probably one of the weaker Wano chapters due to being only 13 pages. Since this one's better and they're not contrarians with agendas, they quickly enjoy it and move on with their lives.

>what about all those people who were using invisible haki that got fucked when going against black haki in the previous arcs?


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>all those people

>what about all those people who were using invisible haki that got fucked when going against black haki in the previous arcs?

Gonna need a citation on that one

Madara did all the heavy lifting and and beat the shit out of all of the world's strongest ninja for over 100 chapters including inflicting fatal injuries to the protagonists culminating in his plan being a success. Kaguya was appeared and was defeated in 10 chapters without inflicting a single meaningful injury on anyone in team 7, not even shitty Sakura.

You can tell me DURR KAGUYA HAS MORE CHAKRA but the rest of the manga was about how hard work and skill could overcome raw power and I'm inclined to stick with that theme here.

The reason doesn't matter, The thing is that Momonosuke is supposed to be one Wano principal characters so readers are supposed to care/ be invested in his character and this is clearly far from being the case.

He's barely getting any panel time, so yeah, he's not high up on Oda's priority list right now.
Oda can set the pieces however he wants.

doflamingo, smoker etc.

This. Also Kaguyafags always bring up her giant, expanding TSB as justification, but they forget that Madara is immune to it. He can also get around her immortality by holding her down with limbo clones, and chakra rods.

Doubt it. Everyone knows the only thing that matters in the end is whether or not Luffy and his close companions win. If he does everyone else does by default. Oda is a one trick pony.

We barely saw him since the start of the arc, if the goal was to use him as something else than a plot device, then it has been handled pretty poorly.
Hell, we've seen Shinobu more than him.

what about all those people who were using invisible haki that got fucked when going against black haki in the previous arcs?

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Yeah people forget that Doffy stomped Jouzu for example. Screw all the Luffyfags that think he's able to beat Doffy, Doffy stood up against Whitebeard's best and won.

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forgot the >
but whatever

>Oda is a one trick pony
You need to work on your timing. Reverie and WCI and Zou just happened. Then beyond that, Sabaody, Impel Down and Marineford exist.

The only time I can recall smoker using haki is black haki on his fist and seastick v.s Vergo and in domflamingo's case, black haki on his awakened powers. What fights did they use invisible haki?

>when's hunterxhunter?
You tell me

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invisble haki and invisible forcefield haki aint the same thing dog

So... how comes we never saw Doflamngo or Katakuri using that type of haki despite it being powerfoul to the point it can hurt Kaido?

Because they didn't had it what question is that?

you understand how shitty this is though, right? you literally can't tell the difference.

It's a retcon. Oda needed to find someway for Luffy to fight Kaido.

>me and another user called it
>I predict Luffy will get an even newer upgrade when he meets Urouge

>you literally can't tell the difference.
If you're braindead maybe

it's literally super easy to tell

the forcefield shit has a very clear visual and is always done with open palms

Because it's a rare skill, duh.

how come we never saw luffy using it when he's stronger than both??

can somebody do that graphic with berserk

How big are the chances we will get


in this arc??

he really should have three guns

Berserk is (was) biweekly, it wouldn't have the same number of slots

>inmune to TSB
Based retard

Naruto 9 bijuu boosted powered is the strongest being in the naruto verse


Sucker attacked, you mean. Doffy spend his entire time in marineford running, attacking people in the back and making puppets. He didn’t stomp anyone, except maybe oars jr.

One Piece is ok

That looks like one of Sabo's attacks. I wonder if the Dragon Claw that crushed Burgess's armor had a shockwave behind it.

>some old fart of a better haki has a mastery than a yonkou first mate
Is Katakuri the most pathetic emperor first mate in history?

hiatus ends on the 24 this month apparently

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but for how long.

Haki wasn't a good power system when Oda introduced it and is now trying to turn it into some power scaling system which messes up a lot of earlier things.

10 chapters as usual

last one i got

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How come Shanks didn't use it to prevent his arm from getting bitten off?

Text spoilers for those who haven't seen them
>Chapter 939 Old Hyo doesn’t forget the way

>Zoro reveals his identity, and Hiyori feel relieve as he’s as expected an allie of her older brother. Otoko is one of the few close friends who knew this secret.

>The reason that Hiyori doesn’t get sent to the future is because in case she didn’t get to meet up with Momonosuke, the Kouzuki clan won’t died off.

>The allies that Zoro doesn’t know of—Kawamatsu, Denjori, Ashuradoji—doesn’t know about the whereabouts and safety of Hiyori.

>Luffy and Hyo are fighting against Madilloman, user of the armadillo SMILE. Luffy looks like he’s not attacking, but he’s actually using technique that Rayleigh and Sentomaru used, that can blow the enemies away without touching them, with this he might be able to smash Kaido’s scales.

>Hyo, who realizes what technique Luffy was trying to learned, demonstrate that technique and defeat Madilloman with it.

I thought you were talking about HxH, sorry, ignore this post

Ahem *clank* *clank*


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No, he has future coo. Something Marco and BB’s crew have not shown.

so... are we actually gonna see luffy use his prediction skills in battle at all or was that just a one time thing... how come he couldn't predict kaido's attack?

did brook get a power up? he's always been utility that i've seen

>how come he couldn't predict kaido's attack?
because he was enraged

lol here we go with the excuses.

How are we supposed to know, retard?
Until there’s a direct confirmation we can argue forever about headcanons and autism. Imo it was fucking obvious that it’s cause Shanks lost his cool while he looked for Luffy.

He survived long enough against big mom as a feat to rise some seats

Just to clarify, Sanji is in there twice cause he's with and without the suit right? (I think he should be once, it doesn't seem like he's gonna be waiting for the last second to put it on so it should be treated like Luffy's G4 power-up)


Look the fight against katakuri, rage makes you lose the CoO


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tell me about enel
how does he die

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user that made that included Sanji, Chopper, Nami and Franky twice under the same powerup logic.

Still the chart is somewhat accurate, the RS is there to showcase the difference in power before and after use it

This is how non-devil fruit users compete with the top. Katakuri has advanced observation + an amazing Devil Fruit. Big Mom has a powerful body and DF but no signs of future sight. Kaido and BB could be the same. But someone like Shanks with extremely little options to fight has to have both forms of advanced haki. There might be very few people with both advanced forms in the series.

which also explain why luffy didn't sense pedo in zou's forest while fighting the bull

The hierarchy is accurate at this point but the naming is wrong. New World Supernova and Vice admirals are about the same and the weak trio is below them all. It was stated that all Vice admiral know CoA and CoO. That puts them a level above Usopp, Furry and Nami

>how come he didn’t use haki
>because of this
>here we go with excuses
How about you fucking argue what he said, shitposter

That was a special case, minks know how to hide the presence to CoO instinctively

what subs are these from?

It might be just my weirdness but General Franky, Zeus and Awakened Furry are all kinda sorta used as last stands because of how destructive they are. Raid suit is something I feel Sanji will use all the time from now on and it's a general stat boost, not just a mega destructive secret weapon.

Granted, I was only pointing it out, I also had failed to see the two brooks, wonder what’s that powerup about.

Yeah I agree, it's surprisingly sane for this board. I'm basically just nitpicking for the fun of it.

Actually I wonder about that too. I think its a joke tbqh

make this chart for one piece

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My head canon for powerlevels is
Yonko >= Admirals > Mihawk >= Garp/Rayleigh > Higher Yonko Commander [Kata/Marco/King?] > Luffy >= Higher Shichibukai [Doffy/Weevil/Jinbe] >= Mid Yonko Commander [Cracker>Jozu] > Supernovas > Zoro >= Soba Mask >= Lower Yonko Commander [Snack] > Lower Shichibukai [Fat Moria/Boa] >= Vice Admirals > Franky/Zeus Nami > Monster Chopper > Brook > Robin > Ussop

you make it

Well, at least you admit it's your headcannon.

i could, but it's gonna take a long time since i'm a lazy cunt to data the characters and feats.



BTW isn't One Piece perfect for a great CCG adaptation? Yu-Gi-Oh style? The world is so fuckin large you could keep adding cards forever and it has counters, stats, powerlevels etc. I think it deserves a proper CCG at some point.

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Better... until she turns your dick to candy and starts licking it.

what is a CCG?
card card game?

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Think I've got it fairly accurate, would say luffy hasn't broken the higher yonko commander tier yet but hell probably be ennis lobby level zenki boosted to it, same with zoro and Sanji moving up the tiers

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>That Chopper

you could google it but it's a "collectible card game"

Nice, personally wouldn’ve changed 1# for 4# but whatever

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>hit series

Bruh, look at dis dood.


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Zeus it at least Zoro/Jinbe tier.
No doubt about it. I can't see anyone but Luffy tanking him.

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Brook is most definitely a white black guy

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I don't like the part where "it turns out the old person was actually the master i was looking for the whole time!" story.

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rewatch the thriller bark laboon part, the rumbar pirates. he's pretty white

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Snack break

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Oda doesn't know shit. He's the same guy who when asked "what the straw hats smell like" he has no imagination and instead writes shit like
Luffy: meat
Nami: money
Zoro: sake
Chopper: medicine

He also writes One Piece, not you. So this shit is canon shit.

>Oda doesn't know shit

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So, how is the game?

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Luffyko is for Zoro. Sorry Hanpussy.

>Oda doesn't know shit.
history sure is doomed to repeat itself

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>Oda can't name a country in Africa

Why the fuck did Oda give Nami Luffy's ugly round eyes?

Is there really that much of a culture difference within Africa?

Attached: The 4 Aces.jpg (1080x595, 450K)

the bottom 1/5th around the coast is white, but that's it

Keep telling yourself that. Luffy already surpassed top commander level.

You got most smells wrong

Attached: Fuku & the Lamp.jpg (1080x540, 410K)

Greenbull undercover in wano

The Ace of...being dead?
ace of farts
ace of non canon character
ace of immeasurable trunks-level love despite doing nothing

I guess you would source the manga if I had mentioned pre TS Robin as black, anyway, brook still retains the features of a black person anime or not, only laking the darker tone in skin. But maybe you are one of those mutts that think races are determined exclusively by skin tone?

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skin tone is what matters. since he's not a big lipped monkey he's not black. japs don't know political correctness yet

we are so prolific we have many

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You seriously don't know Kids Next Door?

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At most he drew with Katakuri who disabled himself. If oda didn't retcon his character it would be the year of Luffy dying

Attached: OP thread derailing WCI edition.png (661x717, 273K)

do your boobs hang low
do they wobble to and fro
can you tie them in a knot

this is like 15 years old

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The what it is now for OP should be luffy alone

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Luci should've been clubs- Just look at the shape of his goatee.

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Male Hancock makes me wonder how an island of men would be written in. Would they be oblivious to Luffi's body or collapse from nosebleeds?

at least post the updated one

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Is there one about Zorofags vs. Sanjifags?

I miss him...

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Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu fruit

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It's based off of these cards

Attached: 1549988976070.jpg (1920x1080, 773K)

Why didn't you just make the post you lazy fuck

Zoro shitting on Momo

Attached: D333f9ZXsAAwnI3.png (1200x886, 340K)

based old manlet

Attached: MzyXQ8RL_o.jpg (563x364, 78K)

... Why?

Hiriluk has never been more punchable

why the hell does Luffy and Law get a card together while also having individual cards? the same goes for Doflamingo with Rosinante

I really hate this character, can't him and Law die already

Never fprget

Attached: Cute couple.jpg (1280x519, 76K)

>that zoro

>hating based Hyo
what shitty taste

The problem is the average VA is weak there are a few who are literally admiral level so it’s more like an average VA scale

Most of these cards are so random, who are even club 4 and 7?

Zoro and Sanji never interacted during these last, what, 5 years? so that shitpost wasn't that annoying

Lawfags, answer me this
What are those jobbers good for again?

it's the most voted in the latest poll, 4 is Farafra, 5ch meme. I think the other is some non canon character from a movie

I know 7 is Ain from Z. I'm not sure about the guy

Bullying and abuse

Would Luffy respect crocodile after the events of marineford?

>Yakuza good boy trope
>Zero likeable personality traits
>Conveniently good at the thing luffy wants to learn
I don't know how anyone would like this cardboard cutout of a character

>Yakuza good boy trope
>Zero likeable personality traits
Pick one.

he's single handedly making wano not as good as it should be

Rate my top 10 favorite characters:

Mr. 3

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>Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young

Fuck off with this shit, how can a money laundering, drug pushing, woman and child trafficking gang not be "that bad"

There's this one

Attached: whentheZolofagsarrive.jpg (498x927, 173K)

Hyo x Nami IS CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

When something interesing is going to happen on this manga?

I still hope Hyo can use Seimei Kikan and turn back into his bara form.

>loli Hiyori

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Indeed, i feel sorry that she had to become a prostitute.

In term of pure RAW power Nami + Zeus is M3 level
Problem is that Nami the ultimate glass cannon, making her good for ambushes but shit at 1 vs 1

I can't wait for her to be a badass gangster bitch in the epilogue.

Why does Luffy always have to be the center of attention?
I find Law should defeat Doflamingo like Shikamaru vs Hidan
He defeats almost in every arc the main villian
Big Mom was the bird cage in WCI!!

The Kid has fled.
He won't get a fight.
Luffy will later fight Queen and King
I don't want the supernovas to become Luffy cheerleaders.

I bet she doesn't even have sex but is payed anyway

Law Crew has no Plotarmor like Luffy
If Jinbei did not rescue Luffy and Nami, Nami would be tortured and raped by Opera


Kill yourself shonentard

Fuck off Lawfag

Nami could at least assist Luffy during his fights, most notably against Cracker
Oda is a bit too lazy, he hasn't shown us anyone of Laws crew doing anything at all

Agreed. Luffy shouldn't be the only one scoring victories.

>Oda is a bit too lazy, he hasn't shown us anyone of Laws crew doing anything at all
Because they're trash, Lawfag

Jinbe is also part of the crew though, elevating the utility of the Strawhats even further.

they made it to the new world

True, I can't bring myself to give a single fuck about any of the Kouzuki. Oden sounds like a total Gary Stu nip wank self-insert, Hiyori's character is all over the place and was better as a cold femme fatale, Momo is shit and uninvesting, and Toki is just a plot device.
Wano's biggest flaw is that it didn't manage to make me care since its secondary cast is boring outside of Toko and Kyoushiro. The nippon wank with Wano being home to everything relevant is annoying too.

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Luffy is a failure of a character

>Oda apologists will defend this
Honestly fuck this reddit invade place


>coincidences shouldn't don't happen
back to kindergarten with you


What a coincidence it just happens to have the power to break dragon scales.

Evening chaps

Here are some ideas we will all agree about:

1. Nothing happens in wano and it's shite so far
2. Gear fourth looks terrible and Oda should stop using it
3. Carrot is not part of the strawhats
4. Zoro > Sanji
5. Basically any character > sanji
6. Oda is a HACK
7. Kaizoku oni ore wa naruto

Thank you for your attention

Attached: flanders.png (442x341, 182K)

nope you a fag

I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.
You see, eat shit you cunt

>In term of pure RAW power Nami + Zeus is M3 level
Yea no it's way above that. No fucking way any attack from Sanji comes close to the amount of power Zeus has.

You're one dumb nigger

Not in Whole Cake, but he got some nifty tools during the timeskip.
>Conjuring ice from the underworld
>Can detach soul from his own body for reconnaissance
>Can transmit his soul power into his music, which can put others listening to it into a trance

And Brook's DF has a special potency against most of Big Mom's Homies.

Brook isn't a head-on fighter; he is indeed utility like Robin and Usopp.

Dead men can't be crewmates

That's just a tryhard meme. And unironically pretty cringe.

I don't see the problem. It's not convenient because Luffy had to earn Hyogoro's respect, and they still have to fight their way out of the prison.

>Old guy that has survived through Kaido’s prision for years cause he was strong enough to be the leader of the Yakuza of the entire country for years.
>country where we’ve seen people master haki enough to atleast master black armament.
>retards get assblasted by the reveal of him having a haki skill that even Sentomaru showed.
I don’t know if I should laugh or feel sorry for you.

>>retards get assblasted by the reveal of him having a haki skill that even Sentomaru showed.
>the weak old man who's being bullied in the prison turns out to be rayleigh tier

Luffy haters get out

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Cause the festival will go to shit. During the attack they are going to get fucked by the BM pirates and Olin will recover her memory. The alliance will lose and Kaido will confront BM but they will eventually ally against the fleeing remnants of the alliance.

Maybe because at his prime he was Rayleigh tier and age doesn't mean you forget how to use Haki

Luffy carries the whole fucking crew like he usually does.

SHs in a nutshell:
>World-class pirate
>3 mid-tier New World pirates
>3 low-tier New World pirates
>3 Paradise-level pirates

keep being proud to be gay

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He could fight several powerhouses before Luffy, that way he would be somewhat hakispent.

Asspull Academia wishes it was half the story Chad Piece is.

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Why are people complaining about Luffy hogging the all the spotlight so far? He's eventually going to get completely cucked out of the series finale, since he absolutely cannot fight Blackbeard or he'll immediately be killed due to exactly how his Gears work.

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It was never foreshadowed, the story for OfA was clearly never thought off before the manga was started since all the plot holes with all might are just brushed off as "lol I never got that deku, just use it :)))))))))))))"

I've been triggering herobabies lately in their threads. I guess they missed me and came looking. Apologies all around.

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You must be 18 years or older to post on Yea Forums

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True, but the attack against Orochi didn't seem as strong as the one against Big Mom. Though I guess it depends from the number of balls he has eaten

what were the spoilers again?

>bnha tard thinks the 7 quirks are bad for being an asspull
Kek’d how can you be so fucking oblivious?
If Luffy suddenly developed the ability to turn anything or anyone into rubber it could be argued that it was retardly foreshadowed but it would be shit writing anyway, handing your mc an ability to make irrelevant any other character is dumb.

I sometimes wonder if Oda himself is aware of this

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Why won't he shut the fuck up?

Read the thread, user.

Luffy is a Gary-Stu

-strong bloodline (D clan)
- friends with gold roger son Ace
-Rayleigh as a mentor
- learn future sight in 12 hours
-Hancock the most beautiful woman in the world loves him

Look forward to the updated results of TalkOP's popularity poll. They will be posted here tomorrow

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He absolutely is. Usopp will most likely be the one to taken down Blackbeard, and end up dying from his wounds.

Keep crying

Following the rest of the crew gave a better view of the environment and gave more tension to the arcs since you didn't know how their side of the developments would play out and have them time to grow which in turn altered and shaped luffy as a character and his leadership of the crew. Taking away the crews viewpoint of Wano just makes it seem empty apart from where luffy is and makes Wano feel small

>Chinks poll

Winnie the pooh

>Crocodile concerned for her son


I think the real question is: will Luffy be able to penetrate Kaidou's haki-coated butthole?

Thanks, user. It's hard to find the right posts when 90% of the threads are shitposts.

Cursed image

cant wait for Luffy third Rayleigh flashback that'll really be convenient to the predictament he's in

If he uses Gear Third on his penis he will.

Fuck you I'm picturing it now
>NOOOOOOOOO *braaaaap*

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Why is this always the weakness now? Might as well go for the balls.

I don't like how you pointed 'even Sentomaru'

the goverment its exactly the same you dumb retard

>Speedreaders actually exist

just because you know how to fight you don't go and start fighting the police when its better to just ignore them
not everyone is luffy retard-tier

Those types of characters aren't portrayed as good guys though. The closest yous get is sengoku being an absolute cunt pre timeskip then being a nice old man post time skip and I fucking hate sengoku too if that makes you feel better

I think it's pretty accurate. Precious few anons make OC in these threads anymore it's mostly just avatarfags posting the same buzzwords every thread now.

One Piece Fags are joking about this for years.

The balls are a quick and cheap victory, conquering his ass by sneaking his snakeman in there takes longer and is more commandeering. It's a power move.

>It's really accurate
No, it really isn't. It's just a sanjifag taking out his anger and trying to show "hurr bad guys vs good guys". It's not supposed to be a meme about the both sides being retards.

Forgot Pic

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>I think it's pretty accurate.

Not really

This would be more accurate

a fucking retard can make that in 5 minutes with ms paint

Is oda the master of samefaces?

holy shit western com*cs are a fucking joke

> weak old geezer is actually a badass

This trope never gets old.

t. user who made the image

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>This meme sucks why does it shit on only Zorofags?
Zorofags shit up threads with spam way worse than Sanjifags though.
Also I think it was meant to be a joke and assblast the Zorofags which seems to have worked since you take it so seriously.

>go to new location
>local old man conveniently teaches you how to defeat local villain


Lobo is fucking awesome.

Are those chinese subs? It reminds me of that horrible subs from the Yugioh anime, back in 2004.

Inuarashi and Ashura Doji have already been confirmed to be about even, and presumably Kawamatsu/Denjiro are the same level as Ashura (obviously Neko is equal to Inuarashi)

Does this mean Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku are all Inu/Neko tier as well? I don't see it for any of those four, least of all Kiku

If it was shitting on Sanji Zorofags would be calling it based and jacking each other off I'm 100% sure

The best example is Aokiji participating in Ohara, giving Spandam the golden Den Den Mushi, killing Saul and letting Doflamingo become someone else's problem. He's just on the better end of a morally gray scale.

>local villain
>literally a world villain

>>This meme sucks why does it shit on only Zorofags?
>Zorofags shit up threads with spam way worse than Sanjifags though.
No, I don't need to reply to you anymore. I think it's pretty obvious you're the guy who made it.
Go out of your house once in a while, this much anger against a group of people who like a character is embarrassing.

Actually, I'd pay to see you back up your arguments and see the "spam" you're talking about.

i like animes :')

Attached: LDN.jpg (960x910, 95K)

>Luffy spends 2 years training with one of the strongest characters in the series specifically to prepare for the New World
>Surprised the training is convenient for the New World
Are all MHAfags this bad at reading?

Fuck I started to read this from right to left.

Im not MHAfag, I think both are shit desu. though I'll admit MHA is worse

Am I supposed to care about your hate for Zorofags? All I know is that is far from accurate and only a newfag would make that meme.
>people barely like lawfags
>namifags rarely interact with other strawhatfags
>sanjifags have been shitposting luffyfags and zorofags about "AAHHHHH SAVE ME _" a fuckload recently
>robinfags getting laughed at by everyone
>connecting fightfags with shipping
it does not represent the threads at all, which is why the other one makes sense

Nope I just can see how much it truly makes you seethe. Bless the user who created it. Everyone who has been in the threads for the last few weeks has experienced the Zorospam I'm not gonna go screencap hundreds if not thousands off posts from the archive for you.

>Hates OP
>Comes to OP threads and starts complaining
Are all [your favorite series here]fags as retarded as you?

but I dont hate OP. I just think it has become worse lately. lately been past few years.

>spent 2 years training with one of the strongest characters in the series
>isn’t stronger than he should be
Was Rayleigh a hack?

>doesn't back it up
>inb4 "heh i know ur seething so i don't need proof seeth more"

So I'm guessing the answer to my question is a yes

>p-please hate zorofags for me
This is just sad. Reminds me of when that dude lost his shit over the chad meme.

Attached: luffylaugh.gif (320x232, 74K)

>training = experience

That's a pretty autistic post you made user. Only someone who got BTFO by the meme would try this hard to poke holes in it.

Care to tell me where I'm wrong?

Why would I even get BTFO by a post that just wrongly represents these threads?

I don’t know if this bait set by Kizaru, but Rayleigh taught Luffy the basics for one and a half years and left Luffy on his own for the last six months. Gear 4 was the peak of what Luffy learned, now he’s trying to push himself further with a technique he didn’t learn.

have a pity (you)

Attached: zori.png (138x312, 58K)

Kek. Zorofags absolutely hate this image.

>some guy is this angry people find his lame oc unfunny

Does anyone have the pic of Sanji kicking the door

They've come to take back husband

Attached: 20543.jpg (1076x784, 640K)

Luffy in real life

-bad in school
- lives in children's home
-Garp arrested for child abuse
-Dragon is a deadbeat dad Antifa
-Women hate him
-is a beta

>Lawfags and Robinfags are shit too and Namifags are antisocial fuck this meme for only shitting on Zoro

Imagine being the loser who eats the genie fruit. You're excited to get stronger but all that happens is a genie comes out of you and fights for you while you order it around like a goddamn Pokemon trainer.

I'm glad they care so much for Pudding's happiness.

Lel, every single one of them would or have fucked his ass.

>B-b-but Llamaman is toptier!!
Hows it feel to get BTFO, llamafags?

Attached: aquadepressed.jpg (225x225, 14K)

>Lawfags and Robinfags are shit too
That's just your opinion, we're talking about the general behavior in these threads. Not thoughts or opinions.
>Namifags are antisocial fuck
Learn to read. There's a long difference between not interacting with general strawhatfags and not interacting at all.
>fuck this meme for only shitting on zoro
Im targeting your "yay everyone gets along bit".

Like I said, I'm trying to ignore your hate for zoro because that's not the thing I'm talking about here.

>still playing this garbage game

Urouge is what really sells it

I just realized, the hole that was left and the amount of damage is comparable to Enel's Judgement.

So, could Enel be stronger than Big Mom's commanders, excluding Katakuri?

>muh pace
Why do these niggers think they know how to critical analyze literature?

Are you dumb? Didn’t you see the entire panel they dedicated to the rules? What makes you think Hyo is not just waiting for the Kozuki or some shit, stop being a retard.

dumb aqua poster

>Praline's that big
It will be extremely painful

>I'd like to have a little talk about why Zorofags aren't the only ones who don't get along with other characterfags

I really don't quite understand why the sanjifag wants everyone to believe that everyone in these threads get along while zorofags ruin the thread.

Pic related is pretty contradictory.

Attached: IMG_20190411_214629.jpg (717x1239, 124K)

Im not talking about zorofags at all you paranoid retard. Stop embarrassing yourself.

What the shit, what issue is this?

Nobody was protecting pudding.
They have never comforted pudding and said that she is pretty despite her 3 eyes
Sanji a stranger has given her a compliment

Attached: 1551645738470.jpg (286x176, 19K)

It’s because charactefags are turboautist, they fling shit at each other and make everything worse for pretty much anyone else that’s not autistically obsessed with one character over the others.
This can be seen by that sanjifag’s pic, and by the several zorofags replies.

Sanjispics have been trying to get (you)s for a while now, please be patient with them.

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It's literally just a joke to trigger the Zorofags. Instead of just making a ms paint meme about Sanji like anons would have done back before the reddit invasion these fags want to deconstruct it and bargain with the thread about why they really aren't the worst. Sad.


>it's supposed to be a joke
People are arguing against the fact that you or someone said it's accurate. Quit changing statements in a forum like a retard.

Injustice 2

It sucked, but I read it for Lobo.Literally the only good part

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>its accurate! fuck zorofags! they ruin my fun and threads!
>i-i was trying to trigger them
Another day. Another sanjifag embarrassment. Really, just stick to getting bullied.

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Sanjitards killed the hype

Imagine getting as triggered as these Zorofags are right now over a ms paint meme. Amazing.

Attached: inliueofentertainment.gif (500x288, 3.95M)

Why was not Big Mom named the strongest woman in the world?

-Whitebeard was the strongest man in the world
-Kaido the strongest Beast

God, Zoro is such a chad. Imagine if Sanji had taken that sword wound, he would have died.

Oh, I thought it was an old GL run. I stopped reading Injustice after how dissapointing was Year 4.

we're reaching Yea Forums levels of cancer

Maybe she isn’t, makes sense considering how much help she needs

Unironically based and 300 IQ take user, thanks a bunch for that one. Thats totally something Oda would do, makes sense.

Its crazy how it only takes one post

we've cross that shit bridge a long while ago right around that whole shit island arc


>i was only pretending to be retarded and joking
It's hilarious how sanjifags are just a bunch of pansies that hide behind a wall after throwing shitposts.

Whitebeard: strongest man
Big Mom: strongest woman
Kaido: strongest creature
Shanks: strongest man w/o devil fruit powers
Blackbeard: new strongest man
Mihawk: strongest swordsman

>implying Hyou isn't even topper tier

>Mihawk is the strongest swordsman yet can’t even match up to any of the above

shounen threads are always full of crossboarder Yea Forums shitposters
especially the dragon ball super ones

It is a joke. But it's funny because it's true.


All the "Gohanchads" came here. They call themselves Zorochads now.


Embarrassing user. I hope I can trigger you again sometime in a younger thread.

Dragon: most wanted man
Weevil: son of strongest man
Hancock: most beautiful woman

too busy running the world from the shadows

Funnily enough, you've ran away embarrassingly from every post disproving you or asking you for proof like

shitposting aside its pretty fucking weird how inconsistent oda is with sanji and zoro.

Zoro tanked an entire building and took point-blank two sawblades from mr.1 and STILL just walked it off till crocodile ate shit from luffy. Now, even after 2 years of grueling training from mihawk he faints from one scythe wound?

Then you got sanji, who used to have the best plans and then in whole cake the best he can come up with is run out in the open and hope for the best? Nevermind his weird situational color of observation haki that triggers from a bean but not by the giant hulking black steel ball in front of him in the sky.

Shit's weird, I think Oda has forgotten just how stupid tough and smart his characters used to be thanks to all the splitting up.

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>younger thread

>from one scythe wound
For fucks sake. His stomach was growling. At the very least, this can be explained with the fact that he's been eating poisoned food and water for weeks.

>I demand that you prove to the thread that this joke is accurate
It's so lame how you think of the threads as some kind of popularity contest. You really want to prove to everyone Zorofags aren't like that don't you?

Luffy is the same as goku. He doesn't teach others.

>but it's true
>but it's a joke