How does he work Yea Forums? I'm genuinely confused.
How does he work Yea Forums? I'm genuinely confused
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It's just like how a set of all sets contains itself.
He's a lagswitch
>erases the process
>skips to the end results
But if you skip to the end result of the process you've erased nothing has changed.
the process did happened, except for anyone other than KG, their experience of the process is erased. So time = experience
The only thing that matters in this world are results
he looks autisric. i guess it's the far-eyes because of face 2.
Skips time. Only kc can act during skipped time
It's like time stop, but more complicated
He skips 10 seconds worth of events but no one remembers what happened within those 10 seconds except for Bossu, wherein he can move/re-position himself within that space of time.
But if he can only reposition himself, how did he kidnap Trish in the elevator in Venice during skipped time?
The limits of King Crimson's abilities are actually inconsistent but I did say
>he can move or re-position himself
As in he can do things in the space of time or simply re-position himself.
But that's wrong. When Bruno was fighting boss, Giorno handed Fugo a water bottle during the skipped time.
It's their awareness or memory of the skipped events was erased.
So King Crimson in itself would be pretty much useless as it doesn't give you an ability to, for example, dodge an attack that you couldn't otherwise. It's the timeskip with the combination of future sight - Epitaph, which allows Boss to become basically a discount Dio.
The little him on his head is the king and has the power to see the future, the big guy called crimson can put everyone in the fast foward state that works like the fast foward mode from click 2 made by Adam sandler and Jean Paul Sartre
Since you're all shit at explaining it, i'll do the honors.
> Epipath
Can see 10 seconds ahead of time of events that will undoubtebly happen unless King Crimson erases time
> King Crimson
Once it is activated, events happen within the time but in a way in which only the trajectories and theoretically movements of things can be seen, once the 10 seconds end and are erased, you will simply skip to no longer being tragectories and theoretical movements but simply conscious movements.
This can be confirmed when King Crimson defends against Narancia's bullets by simply erasing the time in which the bullets would have theoretically gone through him and simply de-activating once the bullets are no longer a danger.
Just to be clear, King Crimson doesn't simply erase memory of the 10 seconds, that stand would be useless and anyone who suggests thats how it works has got to read the manga asap. A better way to word it is, he erases the actions that WOULD HAVE HAPPENED within 0 to 10 seconds. This would technically allow him to walk through walls, simply by erasing the time in which he couldn't have done it.
But if it erases all actions taken during skipped time, then how did he kidnap Trish during it? And if King Crimson can't affect other people during it (ie Kakyoin them), then how could he kidnap Trish? And if it can, then why does Diavolo wait until time resumes to Kakyoin someone, like when he impaled Polnareff in the Colosseum?
Not only memory but also conciousness DURING these 10 seconds, since no one can react to Diavolo doing shit.
And it's not worthless since it has Epitaph built-in.
Eh, but then again this argument is shit because if it erases conciousness itself, how come people can complete complex actions during that time, like handing one another a bottle? It just makes no sense.
>Sees every process for the next X seconds
>Everything happens, but he knows what will happen during those seconds, this acting as accordingly
>Everyone but himself forgets wtf happened during those seconds.
I have a question Yea Forums, if the boss has two souls in his body, does that mean he has two stands in one? I always thought that's the reason King crimson power is complex and the two faces.