>notices ur spaceplane
Notices ur spaceplane
Other urls found in this thread:
this could unironically happen thanks to those retarded Indians blowing up an old satellite last month
quads confirm
That is some tough aluminum plate. It would be shame if something happened to it.
t. piece of plastic
Most garbage in space is American. Once they actually dumped hundreds of thousands of needles into space just to see what would happen.
Nice digits, but get real.
We have no idea just HOW MUCH fucking junk accumulated in low orbit over the 60 years we've sent stuff up there.
But we know it's a fucking lot.
Realistically speaking, commercial low orbit space flight would be much riskier than ordinary planes, you don't need a fuck off huge piece of shit, just your pic related hitting your craft at effective velocity of 30+ times the speed of sound is going to turn you into confetti.
>pic related hitting your craft at effective velocity of 30+ times the speed of sound
>posts a picture of Earth
Yeah, that will do in most spaceships.
poo in loo detected
You might want to re-read what you tried to quote and the kill yourself, retard-kun.
Fucking speedreaders, I swear...
Just need much better debris tracking and space navigation systems to provide guidance information. Orbital debris follows known paths so you just have to make sure your path doesn't intersect. Or hire some space garbage men who would probably use laser sweepers and other techniques instead of actually picking up garbage. Only real role for a space garbage man is to deorbit objects that have ability to.
Kraut, actually.
most garbage in space is Chinese
Tanabe would be fucking pissed
they track all that stuff down to something the size of a screw depending on where it is and the mass it will all de- orbit and burn up on re-entry eventually space is a big place
also the speed of that stuff travelling in space means when it collides with anything it more or less just vaporizes itself rather than punching through a spaceship
Care to point me to the part in the text that I missed?
You missed the
>...your pic related hitting your craft...
>...YOUR pic related hitting your craft...
he was talking about the OTHER user's pic, reading comprehension much?
>mfw barely any hard sci-fi anime, or any media except for old books
>we have created an actual celestial trash-field around the Earth
Welcome to planet fucking Pigpen.
Hard scifi takes actual scientists to write it. Of course there is not a lot of it.
>barely any hard sci-fi anime
iktf. I like mecha, but there aren't many hard sci-fi that don't include it.
>Space Dandy
Even then I feel like Dandy and Bebop only half count. What else even is there?
>>Space Dandy
>hard scifi
most of those isn't hard sci-fi. the only ones i can remember right now are Planetes, Oneamisu no tsubasa and GitS. Also stuff like Sidonia no Kishi has at least some proper mechanics in it, with the turning/shooting stuff and what not.
more like anything Chinese in space is garbage
>300km indian test
almost all of that debris will have fallen to earth in a few months time, only posing a remote danger to the ISS.
>865km chinese test
stupid chinks
>/sci/niggers on Yea Forums
I'm happily surprised
Forgive me for my ignorance, but isn't there an interval missing in each section of the x axis?
I count 9 lines, Given that we use the decimal system. should there not be 10?
Dude, fucking moe pirates is more hard sci-fi than any of those.
wtf is china doing? holy shit
I still think it's cheating, to use sexy girls to stimulate the plot into getting hard and erect.
they shot one of their old satellites with a missile in 2007
add another 800 to india
Declaring all their death ray satellites to be inactive space debris.
Now adjust for people/satellites in space. It's the chinks.
>Now adjust for people/satellites in space.
What are you trying to say?
>create a ton of death ray satelites to burn capitalist scum from the Earth
>they don't work
>blow up the remaining 10% of them that didn't already immediately explode due to China quality
>Debris now acts like a billion little death rays that indiscriminately destroys capitalist scum space vehicles
KEIKAKU DO- I mean Zhèng rú wǒ suǒ yùliào de nàyàng
Kirk is rolling over in his priceline hotel at you
I'd say Planetes is not just one of the greatest anime out there but also one of the greatest sci-fi works out there.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't
Most garbage on Earth is Chinese
Nah, it's log scale.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 etc
: no 0xx to make the tenth interval
user you can't just call 1.3 billion people garbage. that's 1.4 billion people you just insulted. the earth's population is 7+ billion anyway, so the 1.5 billion chinese still don't add up to a half (what is 1.6 billion / 7 billion anyway? 17/70 ~= 0.2?)
anyway, India should overtake china's 1.8 billion people soon, and all 1.9 billion chinese people will immediately poof into irrelevance anyway.
>/pol/ actually think they are good at memes
Don't anthropomorphize screws, they don't like it.
Trying to catch up fast and succeeding.
Why don't we build a giant net to sweep up all the space garbage?
Can't they just vacuum all those junk, and, idk, throw em into the sun?
> throw em into the sun
It might be counter-intuitive, but getting into sun is much harder than getting to farther planets. As the spaceship needs to counter-force earth's energy.
Damnit, it was so obvious. I should have just thought about it a little more.
nope and we want the crap to burn up in the atmostphere anyway
Why are Chinks so intelligent?
Problem 1: Space is HUGE. The amount of resources needed would be enormous.
Problem 2: The speeds involved are enormous. Unless you are catching pieces individually and adjust your velocity accordingly, your net is going to be blasted to tiny pieces and become space debris. If you catch the pieces individually, why use a giant net at all?
What you want to use is mostly lasers, and potentially electromagnetic fields if you can find clever applications for it.
>capitalist scum
You do realize that China is state-capitalist, right?
>The sun.
You can't vacuum em if they're flying at 10.000+ km/s.
Although, you can push them or drag them down, with laser or flying robots, just enough that they fall from orbit.
>Once they actually dumped hundreds of thousands of needles
Probably to see the effect. And also because they can.
Came here to post this
Why not just build spaceships that aren't made of glass and that don't get vaporized by some small fucking bolt?
The only legitimate reason to dump shit into space is to snipe satellites. Things will get easier once there's a proper planetary laser death grid to zap everything into space dust.
>Most garbage in space is American
The faster an object is moving the more force it will exert when it collides with something else. Even reinforced hull sections can be pierced by a small object moving fast enough, and objects in earth's orbit are moving very fast.
Small punctures can be catastrophic in space or could make re-entry dangerous.
It's all about speed, not size.
Pic related is a result of a railgun test against reinforced 1/2in steel plates, where the projectile traveled at ~7 times the speed of sound. Objects in low orbit move MUCH faster, and if you happen to hit that shit head on, you can functionally say it's twice as fast on top of that.
I understand that space is very big, so the chances of two objects colliding with each other is relatively small, even with all the garbage going around.
But still, how do you avoid this from happening at all if if it was bound to happen? It would be sorta fucked you only rely on chance saving you.
Space is big but orbital space is finite, especially LEO, especially in common used orbital inclinations and everything where most stuff orbits at the almost the same plane seperated only by distance.
>vacuum them
Space is itself entirely a vacuum already.
they don't pierce just disintegrate on impact
>catastrophic in space or could make re-entry dangerous.
it's not the movies, there was a hole on an ISS module last year they found and plugged, it's only dangerous for re-entry if it's in a spot a heatshield where it can build up
you might be thinking of the space shuttle tiles and even then one mission landed safely after some tiles were damaged
>even then one mission landed safely after some tiles were damaged
And one blew the fuck up, causing them to can the whole shuttle program, despite initially wanting to hang on to it for 10 more years.
What are they doing
It was actually hundreds of millions. The idea was to use them as satellites and reflect radio waves off of them.
Shortly after they were dumped into space, somebody had the clever idea of modern satellites and so the bits of copper have been useless ever since.
Because we don't have magical unobtanium that can withstand an impact of metal piece flying at 30000 Km/h++ at you and we don't want to launch few hundred tons of shields with 200 Kg of well protected cargo. It's not really useful.
Planetes was amazing in the first cour, but really disappointing in the second cour. What a letdown. '
Can't they just throw some mile long piece of bubblegum on the orbit and have it gather up as much shit as possible?
Read Last and First Idol. It's a parody of Last and First Men but as an Idolm@ster NicoMaki fic with the names changed for copyright purposes. The other two stories in the collection are a crossover between evolutionary biology and gachas, and a what-if story where ether theory was real. It may not be quite hard sci-fi, but it does have a hell of a lot of fun with abusing hard science concepts like a cartoon dominatrix.
(shill alert)
Greentext summary
>A failed idol kills herself
>Her best friend is a doctor and swears to use medical science to bring her back to life
>Removes the idol's brain and freezes it in liquid nitrogen
>Suddenly the sun has a massive solar flare
>Rips the ozone layer apart, everyone either fries under the sun's harsh rays or gets cancer
>All electronics fail, including nuclear power plant systems
>Nuclear power plants explode, everything is nuclear wasteland now
>Humanity has no choice but to create genetically modified flying jellyfish and spiders to act as a living ozone layer to survive
>The jellyfish and spiders grow too strong after absorbing the sun's UV rays and they start attacking and eating humans
>Everything is a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland filled with roving bands of cannibals and monsters
>Doctor has been Frankensteining together a replacement body for the idol this whole time
>She herself has reduced herself to a living corpse in a wheelchair, her failing organs attached to massive life support systems in a trailer
>The idol is now just a brain and a digestive system that floats in mid air. The stomach doubles as an air bladder and the lungs have been grafted on, to help fill it with air
>Together they do idol things
>Idol things means eat people
>Doctor later gets eaten alive by a gang of otaku cannibals wearing waifu t-shirts with AK-47s
>Idol swears revenge, kills humans and takes their body parts to evolve herself
>Becomes a sphere of human brains, surrounded by a network of arms and legs.She rolls around while holding weapons, ripping and tearing humans apart
>Big enough to take down the giant spiders now, gains their body parts
>Uses ability to make spider webs to stick to giant jellyfish and eat them, gaining their body parts
>Now she's like a giant blimp made out of jellyfish, spiders, and humans
>Travels around the world to eat everything and grow bigger
>All humans are now dead, either succumbing to the wasteland or eaten by the idol, the jellyfish, or the spiders
>Idol realises she can't be an idol with no fans
>So she must force the jellyfish and spiders to be her fans
>Spends 3 million years carefully breeding and combining jellyfish and spiders together until she creates a giant neural network that covers the entire planet
>She's basically made Earth intelligent
>Earth sees the idol as a threat and tries to kill her
>The idol is upset that the Earth won't be her fan, so she kills and eats it to become even more powerful than ever before
>But this takes so long that life has started evolving on Earth again
>She decides to carefully guide evolution until the dominant species shows enough intelligence to worship her as idol and god
>Then another solar flare kills them all
>Idol realises that the chance of life occurring on Earth again is too slim, only choice left is to fly into outer space and find aliens to be her fans
>Every alien she meets is either too unintelligent enough to be a fan, or treats her as a monster. Either way, she kills them and eats their entire race and planet
>Eventually the idol becomes this giant fucking eldritch THING of epic proportions, dwarfing planets and stars
>Descends down onto alien worlds, forcing them to worship her as an idol until she tires of them and destroys them
>Eventually, it's time for the heat death of the universe
>Idol doesn't care. If this universe has run out of fans she'll just go to the next universe
>Using her unimaginable elder god like strength, she crushes stars until they form black holes, them smashes the black holes together to form a new big bang and a new universe
>The idol doesn't just travel to the new universe, she BECOMES the new universe
>Even cosmic background radiation is the idol
>She soon spreads her influence to all universes, taking over the multiverse
>And it is now that she finally has a fan
>The idol has become everything, and so everything loves herself. She is her number one fan, and so all of existence is too
>This includes this universe
>Our universe only formed to allow the existence of idols
>Our planet only formed so idols could stand on it
>Humans only evolved so they could become idols
>Consciousness is created by idols
>Everything that has, does, or ever will exist does so because of idols
>Even you
>Especially you
>Because you too are part of the idol, and so you too love idols
>By loving idols, you love the idol who became everything
>Because idols create consciousness, you are now the only conscious being
>You must now become the idol
>The Last and First Idol
This unironically won a Seiun Award, no joke.
dont you be worry senpai
Even in space, chinks gonna chink.
Per capita is what he's saying or something like that. It makes sense that USSR and US are leading because they're the first and oldest space endeavors. China is relatively new to it but has already contributed that much. Not to the satellite to debris ratio.
>Not to the satellite to debris ratio.
Note the satellite to debris ratio.
Does yukikaze count even though it has ayy lmaos?
>As of October 2016, a total of 3,438 pieces of debris had been detected, with 571 decayed and 2,867 still in orbit nine years after the incident
So basically almost all of the Chinese debris tracked in is from that single ASAT test. If the PLA weren't so desperate to show off their magnum dong to the Americans then their ratio wouldn't be that terrible. And now India did an ASAT test too because they have to show off to the Chinese. Basically what I am saying is that we really need to stop it with the ASAT meme, if a war ever breaks out between the major powers the first thing they'll do is shoot down all of each other's satellites and then we'll have full blown fucking Kessler Syndrome and we'll be locked to Earth for generations to come.
>and reflect radio waves off of them.
yeah that seems like it would work...
Who gives a shit about going to space, winning domination of Earth is what matters. If we wipe out the enemy's satellites, then we're more likely to take over the world
Do the gacha one now, I want to relive that madness.
If you're sure, user.
>A woman called Youko becomes addicted to an evolution and biology-themed mobage called Evo Girls where you roll for outfits and biological characteristics to customize "Girl" characters
>She becomes a whale and eventually mobage consumes her whole life, destroying her health, her work, and her finances
>It's all for naught when she gets trucked.
>After dying, she wakes up in a mysterious darkness. A mysterious voice commands her to roll, and when she does a gacha rolls and grants her a few N rarity basic ceullular component cards, including mitochondria and cell membrane, to become a simple unicellular amoeba Girl in the world of Evo Girls
>After wandering around the ocean using basic chemotaxis while engulfing other bacteria who are themselves Girls, she discovers that she can gain gacha points from killing and consuming other Girls
>Feeling that she needs some SR and SSR rarity cards to evolve further, she goes off to search for the legendary premium gacha.
>After fighting for her life and surviving against a multicellular Girl, she discovers the premium gacha only to find that she lacks sufficient points for a 11 pull
>The best way to gain lots of premium gacha points is to spend her own health, lifespan, and existence to purchase gacha points
>With no other choice, she whales and spends her own lifespan to pull the SR components necessary to become a multicellular organism.
>Youko continues the cycle of murdering and eating other Girls and pulling the gacha, until she eventually evolves into a caterpillar-like organism with an exoskeleton legs and basic photoreceptors.
>Along the way she runs into and adds two other Girls as Friends, since they can gather points more efficiently by supporting each other to kill and consume other Girls and by sending Likes to each other.
>One day she also rescues an electric-producing Girl from dying, who tells her about the Girls gacha where it is rumored that you can roll to bring dead Girls back, and that she plans to roll the Girls gacha to pull her dead Sensei who helped her in the past.
>Eventually they all roll the components that they need to evolve from ocean-dwelling creatures and finally set foot on land.
>Once they reach land, the cycle of fighting and killing other Girls to gain gacha points continues, only more complex and dangerous now.
>Two of Youko's friends have evolved into a symbiotic pair where one of them is a massive dinosaur-like Girl with a hydrogen gas-filled ballast tank shell on her head to counteract her massive body weight that can also be used as a flamethrower, and the other minmaxed to use all her bioelectricity for electrolysis to produce oxygen for herself and hydrogen for her friends.
>The third friend is now a flying bug-like organism that swoops around with Youko on her back, who stretches her neck out super long and bites Girls' heads off with poisonous super mandibles.
>Using these traits, they continue to hunt other girls in a pack and gain points to keep rolling
>One day they run into a Girl who has evolved herself into an organic shinkansen of death that runs around at high speed waving knife claws and shooting bone missiles and cluster bombs and making fucking choo-choo noises.
>The hydrogen dinosaur Girl gets completely destroyed by the living shinkansen, then the electric Girl electrocutes it to death.
>Flying Girl gets massively fucking pissed and tries to murder electric Girl for failing to save dinosaur Girl
>Is killed by the Youko instead, but not before electric Girl is left on the verge of death.
>Youko absorbs electric Girl into herself and swears to find the Girls gacha to roll for electric Girl's Sensei, as her last wish.
>Left alone, Youko continues to hunt other Girls and evolve herself solo as a giant modular multi-segmented organism.
>Evolves a rocket engine for flight by filling her excretory tubes with hydrogen and oxygen from electrolysis and exploding it for propulsion to outfly and outspeed other Girls
>Evolves mortars and EMP bombs by shooting explosive electrified excrement out of her anus to destroy other Girls en masse for consumption
>Evolves nuclear pulse propulsion by absorbing lead to line her organs, splitting her brain into multiple internetworked units and eating uranium to create a nuclear reactor in her guts
>At long last, Youko finally launches herself into space with her nuclear pulse propulsion anus, searching for the legendary Girls gacha.
>Now in space, Youko continues hunting and eating space Girls
>Evolves into a 5km long space whale covered with carbon filament ceramic exoskeleton, laser nuclear reactor gut engine powered by liquid hydrogen and huge wings for heat radiation
>After countless years of hunting and rolling, she hears rumors of the Girls gacha orbiting a gas giant in another star system
>Begins a solo journey into deep space in search of the Girls gacha
>Countless centuries of deep space isolation later, she finally arrives at the legendary Girls gacha
>She's been saving her points for this gacha, and it's time to roll
>trash roll
>trash roll
>trash roll
>nothing but trash rolls
>millions of rolls later she's out of points, and there is no option left but to whale.
>Youko didn’t hesitate. She immediately whaled. What value did her life hold? Her mind had long since died. Not the day of the accident and her reincarnation, but the day her friends died. Death had led to Youko’s rebirth, and death had led to her dying once more.
>Before coming to this world, in her time spent under the control of the mobile game, Youko had been dead. But meeting friends had brought her back to life. And then Youko had died once more. The only thought remaining in her mind was to save her friend.
>Her health, lifespan, volition, and existence drained away.
>trash roll
>trash roll
>trash roll
>nothing but millions of trash rolls as her entire existence is whaled away
>Finally, when the last piece of her existence is spent, the universe seems to warp.
>And then Youko realizes the truth of the soul, and the truth of mobage.
>Souls are linked to the 11th dimension.
>Consciousness and awareness of the world is made possible by the soul comparing its universe to other universes via the 11th dimension
>By searching other universes for infinite possibilities, culture, science, logic are all made possible by the soul, therefore humans with souls have free will and can escape determinism, unlike inanimate objects like computers which have no soul and are bound by determinism.
>When the soul was born, evolution, a basic system bound by determinism, recognized the threat created by the soul as rendering evoltution obsolete
>In order to survive, evolution itself evolved.
>Dinosaurs evolved into birds. Monkeys evolved into humans. What did evolution evolve into?
>Evolution evolved into mobage.
>If the gacha is birth, and the normal and premium gacha are asexual and sexual reproduction, then whaling is the process of spending free will to bring about evolution
>By evolving into mobage, evolution is able to drain free will from souls, luring them in with the promise of success and taking all their free will away
>By playing mobage, souls lose their free will and determinism returns to ruling the universe
>At a speed unanticipated by the operating companies, mobage eventually consumed all of society and all of humanity, and humanity itself evolved into Girls, whose right to exist and evolve was determined by rolling the gacha, creating the world of Girls that Youko found herself in.
>This is the truth of Evo Girls.
>The souls, however, created a countermeasure to mobage - backing up souls of the dead in the 11th dimension with their free will energy intact
>by backing dead souls up in the 11th dimension, the souls can accumulate free will energy to resist the mobage.
>Youko, as a soul who had been consumed by mobage more than any other, was chosen as a soul to be reincarnated back into the main dimensions to fight the mobage.
>Linear time does not exist in the 11th dimension.
>By using free will, we can create a future that does not exist, unlike a deterministic universe without free will where all points in time exist simultaeously.
>In the deterministic world of mobage, travel to the past does not create paradoxes.
>Using this, Youko travels back into the past and reincarnates again as a different Girl, undergoing adventures and building up a little free will energy before dying
>She repeats the cycle of reincarnation millions, billions, trillions, uncountable times, reincarnating as a different Girl each time before dying, including having once reincarnated as her friend's Sensei
>At last she embarks on her final reincarnation - a drop from the Girls gacha itself.
God, i remember reading the summaries of these things months ago. What a fucking trip. Anime adaptations when?
Sounds pretty retarded
>As the gacha is pulled for the final time, Youko uses all her accumulated free will energy over infinite time loops to hack the gacha and change the drop rates for a guaranteed God Rarity pull
>receives GR card - God Rare Card - Graviton Body
>Gravitons, the one particle aside from the soul able to access the 11th dimension.
>Using her new body of gravitons, Youko manipulates gravity and destroys all mobage at every point in space and every point in time simultaneously, collapsing them into micro black holes.
>All mobage are destroyed, having now never existed at all
>Free will is released
>The shackles of determinism are ended
>As Youko's timeline fades, the true future begins
>In a new multiverse, where mobage no longer control the people's souls
>All are reborn into the new world of possibilities where man is no longer slaves to the gacha
Imagine being so angry about otaku trends that you write a 260 page long shitpost
J-Novel Club are printing it, I assume as some kind of performance art shitpost. Maybe if it wins a Hugo award it could get animated.
Is this what going crazy looks like from the outside?
>mobage exist to destroy souls
Sounds legit.
>wins a fucking sci-fi award that almost no one ever wins
Must have sucked some immense editorial dicks.
There's also an essay included in the book by a prominent and respectable sci-fi journalist trying to make some sense of why a man would write something like this and why on god's green earth people would want to read it. Paraphrasing,
>Otaku shit is mainstream
>Everyone is watching anime/reading manga/playing vidya
>Hence bad otaku are on the rise
>Normal people have multiple interests e.g. liking military hardware, liking history, liking animals
>Bad otaku want everything to be anime girls
>i.e. military hardware anime girls, historical figure anime girls, animal anime girls
>so the author decided to write sci fi horror anime girls
>but not moeshit, serious sci-fi horror anime girls
>it's not new, people try to twist cute anime shit into dark stuff all the time as a joke, but they're usually limited to 140 characters on twitter
>for actually writing over 260 pages of this shit, turning a harmless prank into the real deal, the author was called a dastardly villain
So, the entire thing started as a joke to see who would stop it and in the end no one could stop it?
The joke is he originally wrote and submitted it for a LoveLive (not idolm@aster, user got it wrong) doijinshi contest, where it was called "the most problematic submission in the contest's history). He just changed some names and filed off the serial numbers and then put it in for the Hayakawa Sci-Fi Contest, where it won an award, then it got nominated for the Seiun in the short story division and won. The Yukikaze author Chohei Kambayashi is quoted as saying “Honestly, when I saw it was a candidate for the final round, I thought there must be some mistake."
This sounds eerily reminiscent of "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs"
Pretty much. It's half shitpost half love letter,
since madness grade can only come from a man who drowned so deep in these things that he lives and breathes it even as he loves and hates it.
It was his debut work. It's the first debut work to win the award in 42 years. He hadn't even had the institutional time to suck any dicks. They were just that blown away by his lunacy.
*madness of this grade
OP, the better question is:
I can already hear his catchphrase.
>You are sooo screwed.
Don't they accelerate all the way to the enemy for a few hours at one point? Without ever decelerating? It's as soft as it gets.
Guess how I know you never watched Planetes.
Did this gacha shit win any award?
In the original where it made sense (a Jew demanding more and more money) it was an OK meme.
The gacha one was written later for the purpose of including with the idol story in a published collection of three stories, it was only just published last year and I don't think it's been submitted to any awards yet.
Shhh, no tears now.
>collection of three stories
There are three stories? What the fuck, how crazy is the third one?
>what is kinetic energy equals one half mass time velocity squared
It's less fullblown insane than the other two IMO, it's about seiyuu with psychic singing powers being used to navigate spaceships in a universe where the ether theory en.wikipedia.org
He's just published another anthology where the cover story seems to be some sort of l yuri death game time travel youth drama set in North America 8 million years ago
Eventually a nation is going to have to invent a way to easily deorbit space trash, maybe with laser ablation or something. It just takes one mistake to Kessler syndrome us considering the amount of crap up there. Then we'd have to live off of our geosats until the near earth orbits are safe again.
Not as mindbendingly crazy as the other two, but still pretty far out. It's all in the link here
Is that the true great filter to solve the Fermi paradox?
No, kessler syndrome isn't impossible to solve or anything. You just need lasers and maybe spaceplanes to clear it out. It is very limiting though.
I'd bet more on every civilization just preferring to live in a simulation.
>Hard sci-fi
It might have had the episode about warp and the various spacial dimensions, but it's ultimately not a hard sci-fi series.
It would be hilarious if that is the reason we haven't found any other alien civilization, they all end up trapped in their own planets thanks to universal dumbassery
I can only imagine that J novel club licensing it in the first place was an IRL shitpost against idolshit, the isekai genre, gacha games, and seiyuushit.
It worries me that Space Dandy is the only anime you call out as soft among the bunch.
Kemurikusa is one of the most original sci-fi series I have seen in a while.
It's easily the most alarming. The others kind of tried to have some hard sci-fi here and there (keyword being tried), but Dandy is lightyears away from hard sci-fi.
Not hard sci-fi though.
Exactly what they are doing on earth. Trashing wherever they can
Ironically enough, you can't vacuum in a vacuum.
>And now India did an ASAT test too because they have to show off to the Chinese. Basically what I am saying is that we really need to stop it with the ASAT meme,
That's precisely why India did it. When we start talking about ASAT non-proliferation they'll be grandfathered in as an ASAT-capable state.
>if a war ever breaks out between the major powers the first thing they'll do is shoot down all of each other's satellites and then we'll have full blown fucking Kessler Syndrome and we'll be locked to Earth for generations to come.
long live Belka
quality Yea Forums posts as always
what? of course you can
That reminds me of AKB0048, the 2nd season one.
>We have no idea just HOW MUCH fucking junk accumulated in low orbit over the 60 years we've sent stuff up there.
We actually do though.
Honestly after all the shit Mir went through, there's no way a screw could stand up to its immense power.
You still need a physical infrastructure to support that, which would result in Dyson swarms, which aren't exactly hard to miss.
Much easier to miss than an outward expanding civilization though.
You're going to need more stars for more processing power as your simulation expands. Even before you deplete the energy of your star, it still has a bottleneck on power. You also might want to doomsday prep for the heat death of the universe.
Couldn't you just match the rotation of the earth when leaving through the atmosphere so the relative velocity is negligible?
objects are in different orbits, at different velocities, going in different directions.
Would the simulation necessarily have to expand? What if they're all doing renaissance-era roleplay simulation or whatever?
what's this?
The new black hole is already in use I see.
It would unless they're constantly purging data. Even so, all it takes is one digital person to decide to expand to make it happen. Assuming every single intelligent individual ends up as a digital nonexpansionist existence is a massive leap in logic, especially considering the types of individuals that would be required to fulfill the conditions to permit digital existences in the first place.
You're assuming they want a 1:1 simulation of reality. They could easily enough establish any sort of cosmology they wish within the bounds of the simulation, such as a flat planet on top of a turtle. That would provide a rather limited existence.
I'm not. The physics inside the simulation are irrelevant. All systems generate more data over time.
>electromagnetic fields
Forgive me if I am but I thought EMI was crazy high near orbit height due to solar radiation. So it's not going to work if you try to use electromagnetic wave (Im guessing some form of Lidar technology )to identify debris