Are you guys excited for both the third season airing and manga reaching it's climax in October?
>2 games
>each one is a best of five
you mean ready for hyakkunin namek?
Oh shit finally, I loved the show, completely forgot about it, thanks OP
No, the author shitting Taichi too much
Still upset at madhouse for delaying it
>the author shitting Taichi too much
How so? Cause he got rejected by Chihaya and lost to Arata? The rejection led to Taichi going his own way for a bit and growing into a great character while the match with Arata, despite his loss, was the first time karuta felt dear to him. Now we're left with a Taichi that has gotten over his huge complex, and is no longer pitying himself because of Chihaya. He also always wanted to be someone that wouldn't run away, and he achieved that.
It's been a while since I watched the first two seasons, but I am certianly looking forward to the new one.
>implying the anime will get that far
I doubt they would be making a 3rd season now, 6 years later, if they didn't plan to finish it.
I'd love to see a full adaptation.
Shinobu x Arata is the endgame
As for Chihaya, she's karutasexual.
Don't think so, Shinobu is the one that is truly karutasexual and has no romantic attraction toward Arata at all while Chihaya goes dokidoki all the time.
Chihaya will be murdered by her sister before the end.
Imagine being this delusional and dumb.
Madhouse don’t make another season unless it’s one punch man
Based true Taichifag
But S3 is already announced for Fall.
Cry more. Karma is a bitch.
I've been out of loop ever since season 2 ends. So what's the status of chihayabowl right now?
It's still on but I only say it because the manga is still ongoing. Based on the set up it's either Arata or no one but who know if the mangaka asspulls something.
Taichi has pretty much given up.
What's the context of this?
Chihaya got into social media since Shinobu did. People start to connect that her and Chitose are sisters due to the last name, and they go crazy for Chihaya. Chitose get's angry because she's been working non-stop in order to have her name/face known only for Chihaya to steal the spotlight without even trying or meaning to.
Both boys have confessed, but Arata basically proposed as well. Chihaya rejects Taichi, and has yet to give Arata her answer. She tells him in chapter 173 that she wants focus on karuta, and he completely understands. Shinobu and her mom accidentally eavesdrop on them
It only means Chitose didn't suck enough dicks.
Chihaya doesn't even feel the slightest bit of jealousy when Arata & shinobu have private sessions broadcasted online. Even as she's watching them she's only focusing on the karuta. Chihaya is entirely karutasexual.
Because there's nothing to be romantically jealous about. Arata and Shinobu have a purely karutasexual thing going on.
they are 2 compatible weirdos to be desu
Sure, but they don't get any romantic scenes unlike Chihaya where she blushes and more over Arata.
>Chihaya isn't into Arata
Taichifag please. This was shown long ago in her own thoughts.
>Chihaya doesn't even feel the slightest bit of jealousy
Why would she? Arata confessed his love, and literally proposed. Something Kana picked up on right away, because she know's a line like "lets play karuta together" while bowing and following a confession from one karuta idiot to another could only mean "let's spend the rest of our lives together". Then you had Arata reaffirm his feelings in 173. Keep reaching.
i don't give a fuck over taichi, he got what he deserved
i wouldn't mind the series to keep on going further during their university years, but the atmosphere of the series with the other members really feel like the bittersweet nostalgic end
The feelings seem mutual to me and always have been throughout the story. That's just me though.
Wait why bittersweet? Other than high school life ending it's nothing major to be bitter over. It will get the moving on with life happy treatment.
don't know, maybe it's that atmosphere of "we were together and now we'll go our separate ways"
That's pretty normal after high school, the manga doesn't exaggerate it that much. Chihaya wants to be queen, the goal will carry on even after high school.
threesome ending
I don't think it'll be a bittersweet end in terms of romance. The groundwork for Chihaya x Arata is there, and has been from the very beginning. Arata in is love with Chihaya meanwhile Chihaya states in one chapter that despite not knowing these feelings, she knows she will always love karuta and Arata. She has always been different with Arata (getting worried at the thought of him finding a girlfriend, crying when she reunites with him despite not reacting that way when she reunites with Taichi, wishing he was at the new year party, wondering if he hands have gotten big etc.) and we see this from the very beginning and even Taichi picks up on it which plays into the complex he had towards Arata. But due to not having any experience with dating or romance in general, she didn't know what those feelings were. Then you have to add into the mix how hyper-focused she is with karuta. I feel like the reason Suetsugu is stalling her answer to Arata is because that's going to end the romance storyline. She's probably saving it for the last volume, especially with Taichi being so popular. It's better to have one volume possibly sell worse than the others instead of having multiple volumes decline in sales cause she decided to make Chihaya x Arata an item more early.
No, it won't be completed without Harada sensei's VA.
And Chihaya has already stated she's waiting until she gets strong enough in karuta before she does anything regarding romance with Arata in ch. 93 when daydreaming and when she's talking to the other girls at the camp. Also in ch. 173 when talking to Arata. Should have been obvious at the time of those chapters that being strong meant being at the top or at least near it, and that'll be near the end of the story.
Exactly. She wants to be able to respond to his passion so it makes sense for Suetsugu to wait until they both become Queen and Meijin to be able to take their relationship to the next level. In chapter 166, Chihaya wants to have another match with Arata that day, but it doesn't happen. I can see the two of them having another match near end after they secured their titles. After that match where both of them gave their all and were on the same level in terms of passion, she is able to give him her answer no matter the outcome. I feel like a lot of readers tend to overlook the possibility of Chihaya not being able to find happiness with a romantic partner that didn't love karuta the way she does.
>The countryside poorfag defeats the rich shoujo price character
Has Suetsugu revolutionalized the genre?
Taichi doesn't love karuta the way the likes of Arata, Chihaya, and Shinobu do. His character getting the Meijin title makes no sense unless Suetsugu found it important for Suo to be dethroned by his pupil.
I agree, I never got why some made it such a big deal. Like I can understand why a fan would get invested in his relationship with Chihaya since it take a big focus for his story-line but training with Sou came late in the story and it was about Arata and not about taking over from Sou.
>it was about Arata and not about taking over from Sou.
Exactly. His need to get better was more connected to Arata than the title. He wanted Arata to take him seriously as a rival, and his wish came true as we saw with the match. A big chunk of Taichi fans tend to forget that this isn't his story.
Looking back on it, it's a good thing that the match between Chihaya and Arata in ch. 166 wasn't as great as some wanted it to be. That would have been way too early for such an important match.
Yup. Since the beginning it clearly says it's a story about Chihaya and Arata.
>that the match between Chihaya and Arata in ch. 166 wasn't as great as some wanted it to be.
It didn't happen in 166, it happens before that, but I understand why the match played out the way it did desu. Chihaya had the heavy of responsible of carrying the club on her back due to Taichi's sudden departure plus there's also the fact that her and Taichi were in a rough spot. Him leaving the club left a huge hole not only in Chihaya who had regarded him as a dear friend, but the other members as well. Chihaya simply wasn't in the right state of mine during that match until Taichi arrives showing her that he's returned to the sport that brought our original trio together and then she realizes it's the three of them again hence why we see them as kids in the next panel. The fact that Suetsugu has Chihaya mention another round, only for it to not happen just points to it eventually happening, but of course not now since the Meijin/Queen matches are the main focus.
>Since the beginning it clearly says it's a story about Chihaya and Arata.
I'm pretty the title itself supports Chihaya x Arata as well.
Looks worried about Shinobu and Arata visiting each other often, turns off her phone when Arata is about to pat her head, heart thump when imagining Arata with Shinobu, and lastly, looks pissed off.
There's no reason to look pissed off if she was only worried about not reaching Shinobu first. If anything she would be happy that Shinobu has another friend. Maybe it's just me but she sure looks jealous to me.
>Looks worried about Shinobu and Arata visiting each other often, turns off her phone when Arata is about to pat her head, heart thump when imagining Arata with Shinobu
I felt these were clear signs of jealously too that had more to with the romantic feelings she holds for Arata and not that she isn't the first person Shinobu let into her world. It could certainly be a mix of feelings.
>If anything she would be happy that Shinobu has another friend.
No. You see, Chihaya thinks that Shinobu is feeling isolated and alone like she does and she basically made it her mission to save Shinobu and become the first person to walk beside her as an equal/friend, but then she's hit with a vision of Shinobu walking beside Arata thus showing Chihaya that she isn't actually alone. Though Shinobu does seem to get on well with Arata, I don't feel she'll ever open up to him the way she could with Chihaya. It's pretty that clear that Suetsugu is aiming for Chihaya to eventually break down her walls, and become her closest companion/friend.
I remember when Taichi left people kept saying this is when Chihaya will realize her feelings for him because he won't be next to her anymore and she’ll for some reason develop romantic feelings towards him. That would be so cliche and unoriginal.
In one of Suetsugu's earlier interviews she says "I’d like to be able to convey the sense of ‘a love that cannot be undone’." I guess this could apply to any of the main characters, but I think it applies mainly to Chihaya because obviously she's the heroine, but also because the Chihayaburu card. After all, the Chihayaburu card should mainly apply to Chihaya since it's her namesake card. Episode 25 of season 2 clearly illustrates this when Suetsugu decides to have Chihaya say, "For the rest of my life, I'll always love karuta, and I'll always love Arata" while flashing us the Chihayaburu card. Taichifags like to say that Chihaya is confusing her love for Arata with karuta, but I look at it another way. Chihaya is so sure that she loves Arata that she can make the claim she'll love him forever because we all know she'll always love karuta as well. That sure sounds like a love that cannot be undone.
I see what you're saying about becoming the first person to walk besides her, but I don't think Chihaya's pissed off face makes any sense here if that were the case. That's no reason to get so upset over, or at the very least, to make such a face.
I forgot to add to that we already know that her feelings are romantic in nature towards Arata at that moment too because she wonders about "sharing the same feelings with the one you like" in the following chapter.
>I remember when Taichi left people kept saying this is when Chihaya will realize her feelings for him because he won't be next to her anymore and she’ll for some reason develop romantic feelings towards him.
If a Taichi ending was possible then I do think that his departure would have been the moment for Suetsugu to open up the path to such an ending by having Chihaya realize she feels more than just platonic love for him, but it didn't happen. I don't even think she ruminates the confession during his absence. Even when Taichi does come back to the club and they reconcile, there's still nothing on her part. Sure there were a few blushes here and there, but they simply do no compare to how she reacts with Arata. Those blushes felt more like flimsy bait for the Taichifags to eat up.
>but I look at it another way. Chihaya is so sure that she loves Arata that she can make the claim she'll love him forever because we all know she'll always love karuta as well. That sure sounds like a love that cannot be undone.
Yes. As long as those two love karuta, they'll always love each other because it's so tied into their connection and I don't see that as a bad thing at all! I mean this is literally a manga about karuta and every single relationship that Chihaya has outside of her family is rooted in karuta, from Arata to Taichi to Harada-sensei to Shinobu to the Mizusawa club. Sure some are more deeply rooted than others, but it's still there as a foundation. I feel like a lot of Taichifags tend to overlook how her and Taichi were just classmates/playmates as kids, it's only when Arata enters the picture and they form the trio to play karuta that Taichi gets to bond with Chihaya on a deeper level and we see this when they're older as well since what allowed them to spend a lot of time near and with each other? Building the KARUTA club together. When Taichi confesses, where does he do? In the club. When he comes back to them? It's during an important match.
Karuta is very much the center. If a relationship is deeply rooted in karuta due to the shared passion towards the game in a karuta manga then how exactly is that a bad thing? Suetsugu stated in an old interview that Shinobu would be the person Chihaya would spend her life alongside while they dedicate their lives to the card game. If she's aiming for Chihaya's closest friend/companion to be Shinobu which it seems like going by the recent development, a relationship which is deeply rooted in karuta, then why wouldn't she feel the same way about a romantic partner? I mean am I really suppose to be believe Chihaya won't end up the guy that taught her what passion was, and told her that she needed to find her own dream? Arata introducing Chihaya to the card game completely changed and expanded her world.
>If a Taichi ending was possible then I do think that his departure would have been the moment for Suetsugu to open up the path to such an ending by having Chihaya realize she feels more than just platonic love for him, but it didn't happen.
That was the window in the story for something to happen and now it's closed. If anything happens now it's going to feel like an asspull with the manga ending soon. Considering so many Taichifags were expecting it, that would have been a uncreative route to go on.
>Those blushes felt more like flimsy bait for the Taichifags to eat up.
Yeah it wouldn't be good for sales if the other fanbase felt abandoned.
>If she's aiming for Chihaya's closest friend/companion to be Shinobu which it seems like going by the recent development, a relationship which is deeply rooted in karuta, then why wouldn't she feel the same way about a romantic partner? I mean am I really suppose to be believe Chihaya won't end up the guy that taught her what passion was, and told her that she needed to find her own dream?
It's perfectly reasonable for Chihaya to end up with Arata as a romantic partner through their connection from karuta. Tsukue and Kanade are a good example of this.
fucking finally
akashi with full emperor eye and zone would beat all of them
Shinobu, Oe and the teacher were best girls.
I love the manga, it hits tons of emotional points really well as well, side characters are great and motivational aspect/sport psychology is really good. That being said, not that hyped. I'm a huge Taichi fag and was extremely hyped through his whole journey and love his relationship with Suou but I don't give a shit about arata. He did some interesting things like forming a club but he is not that interesting to me. Shinobu and chihaya are karuta autists but they constantly move and grow and have their own shit, Arata has his "omg the pressure it's like ur under water!" to various degrees in all the matches, he doesn't care about winning or losing because it's his destiny to be a karuta god. Also social media shit was in the focus a little too long but it's minor thing.
As for anime i always found that it looked really beautiful with it's saturated colors and i love the main theme but I can always revisit the story through manga so not that excited.
Genuine question: what is there to be excited about in the manga? Personally i want to see Suou's healing and what Taichi will do with his life in the epilogue as well as other side characters but other than that : we know that chihaya and shinobu will continue their fuckery in the later years, shinobu will obviously succeed in her career, arata will hopefully become the face of nippon autismu awarenessu and, i just don't feel the tension.
karuta < KARUTAADO