Dragon Ball Super

Jiren the Grey. The strongest in the multiverse.

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for chadly

The CHAD of Chads.
The ultimate alpha male.
The apex predator of the multiverse.
The peak of masculinity.

Jiren the Grey.

Attached: jiren meditating.jpg (750x616, 134K)

Attached: Dragon Ball - Jiren rekt.png (1920x1090, 2.05M)

>Harder, better, faster, stronger, bigger, thicker neck, more respected, bigger harem, leaner, bigger fanbase, higher IQ, Chadder, manlier, better posture, better fighting skills, wiser, more aesthetic, taller, higher deadlift PR, cooler aura, prettier eyes, better teeth, better breath, more charisma, Goku likes him more, Ribrianne wants his dick more, goes out with more dignity, exists in the manga for more than 1 panel, better clothes, more friends, sadder and better background, more money, bigger dick, lasts more in bed, cums more, more canon, higher in polls, higher in power charts, better job, rapes Frieza faster, has better jawline, makes bejita cry faster, defeated more asspulls, more threatening and imposing, better physique, more stamina, manlier voice, better health, older, more successful, benches more, scares Goku & Beerus more, gets more praise by Whis, Zeno likes him more, pumps out more content, better person, more charitable, higher post ToP power boost, more fanart, more shitposting OC


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Based Thread.

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> Imagine, you need 2 power-up for beat an enemy
> You have to nerf Jiren in his own arc


>Hello, you who have assumed the name "Grey"

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>beaten by base goku




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Which character in the series do you hate so much that you want to seem him/her/it erased and retconned from all of Dragon Ball?

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All the angels honestly
every kai after king kai

the only pride trooper that matters

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Zeno. A retarded kid is the ruler of the omniverse, like what the fuck? I get that db has a quirky side to it but zeno is too much

>Jobly's SORRY state


Is this the pinnacle of Mexican Dragonball?

The most based fucking posts on this site.

Uh guys...


>The CHAD of Chads.
>The ultimate alpha male.
>The apex predator of the multiverse.
>The peak of masculinity.

>Jiren the Grey.

What's with all this massive Jiren support?
I mean yeah, he's a big guy, strong and somewhat good at fighting?

But is he really that great? What are his fundamental features that appeal to you anons?

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He's STRONGESTINTHEMULTIVERSEren. That's all CHADS who seek nothing more than to cultivate their maximum strength through decades of intense meditation, self-discipline, and intense training need.

Well-spoken, warrior.


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why do jirenfans type just like gohanfans?

So did Goku die in GT? I know the writers wanted to keep it vague, but it really looks like Goku fucking died.


Same trash

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>So did Goku die in GT? I know the writers wanted to keep it vague, but it really looks like Goku fucking died.
I assume so user.
This is why I say that Pan should have taken Goku's place as MC and carried on the DB series.

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KEKza vs BULKren

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>Toyota logo

holy fucking BASED

Take the Jirenpill, friend.

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holy kek


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>cuckren gives up

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>CHRISTren is victorious as usual

Holy fucking BASED

CHADren is literally poetry in drawn form.

>jobza eats shit

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fucking BASED posts

shut the fuck up retard spic

>Take the Jirenpill, friend.
Just read it user
I can't, I just can't say anything about Jiren.

Apart from Jiren



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Don’t worry. You’ll be panpilled soon enough.

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>shut the fuck up retard spic
One day Pan will rise from the ashes and become MC of DB series.
What will you say then when Pan is canon

(based on you're definition of canon)

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>tfw UNDEFEATED against the MC

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>BASEDren converts another doubter
How fucking BASED can one bAYYsed LMAO be??? Holy FUCKING FUCK

Are Brolyfags beaten?

I can hardly believe they could come up with such a great and strong character. Remember they are the same people that came up with SHITly. Guess they poured all their talent on Jiren they were left with nothing left

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Cope harder about your literally irrelevant character, pedospic.


Fight you? No, I wanna kill you.

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The new-Broly fags? Utterly.

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>you're definition
Quiet, my Mexican pet.

Literally WHO?

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>lose to literally everyone else

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What are your thoughts on the fight anons?
Was Spopovich in the right?
Or was Videl too stubborn to amdit defeat to the superior fighter?

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Like 16, he isn't in the afterlife.

no one cares. cope.


>COPING spicgetajobber

Just a thought, if Vegeta had of worn sunglasses on Namek. Then he would have been more approachable and the Nmekian's would have gladly handed over their balls to the fellow with shads.

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>you're definition
>Quiet, my Mexican pet.
Upon closer inspection user. I begrudgingly accept, that my grammar is (your instead of you're) is completely incorrect.

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There’s no use, Panfriend. I don’t even have hope she’ll be anything more than background noise.

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Even background noise would be nice if it meant we got more Yuko Minaguchi

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>tfw your 2018 reboot turned you into a complete bitch

>There’s no use, Panfriend. I don’t even have hope she’ll be anything more than background noise.
This is saddening and depressing. I just can't believe the wast and total disregard of potential for a new DB series MC.
Lets wait and see what the future brings.

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Is it time for Pan lewds?

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I agree.

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Leave Jiren to me

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That's what I like to hear.

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>10 years old

Based CHADly poster
Does anyone else want to see Jiren fuck Cheelai in front of Broly? Just to see how he would react.

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I see the samefag schizo continues to demonstrate why Jobhantards and Jobrentards are sub-human mongrels, carry on!

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Pan is NOT for lewd.

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She's 9 years old

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>myskiniscoldlets still alive in the year of our Lord Super Broly
enjoy jobbing to a SS

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but es true


Was android 18 handled well in the ToP?

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Jobhantards seethe the moment they get exposed!

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Better than Tien

On the contrary, she was literally only in the show to be eye candy and be saved by Goku.

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he will come from ANOTHER time line

That's even better!
But you need to stop that.


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>Chichi-sama, B-Bulma-sama..... Bejita-dono and Gohan-kun are dead. Which means that Buu guy must be really strong! I envy the kids and Piccolo-daimao getting to fight that monster!! Just thinking about fighting him again has got me really fired up! Oh well, see ya later when you're all dead !

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It's a bad habit.

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Attached: 2303876 - Dragon_Ball_GT Pan.jpg (960x1020, 821K)

>"Legendary" super saiyan form
>literally isn't even as powerful as Super Saiyan
>Gets literally obliterated by a single punch from Chadku

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>his aura and color scheme wasn't black and blue
damn boomers thinking zoomers only know good and bad through red and blue

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Yamero! Kizama!

Old news jobber.

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“This thread has been pruned or deleted.”

>anti-Chadren poster so triggered he's dumping his pedophile folder
yikes, begone from Godren's thread

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well in his defense, he was kill by his own power, the "shell" broke and all his energy get loose.

>jirencuck starts a thread
>it goes to absolute shit
Go figure.

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im shure is only one guy.


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These are the Jobhan/Jobren threads.

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samefagging gtspic friezacuck toeipaco from hiatus x hiatus threads

No wonder it's such shit.

Is is time to abandon ship and start a new thread?

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>hxh boogeyman again

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>pedoxpedo can't help revealing himself
Oh no no no

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Remember to report all Pan porn posters. I’m out.

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>gtspic pedo goes full retard
>this is the fault of CHADrens

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>mfw I see a brown spic

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the anime is not canon, but i love how Jiren destroyed Goku, Vegeta and Freezer there

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>Panpedo is also a Vegetaposter

color me surprised, he really has a thing for small people

hunterroaches OUT

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Shut up FAGhan

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post chads who haven't been erased by zeno

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>got erased by Zeno in Trunks' timeline

He was dead in that time line

that's even worse

This thread is slow

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Mods are asleep today


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She better be at least 16, then.

I hate western portrayals of Chinese cartoon characters.

Gross. Get out of here.


Don’t worry. They can’t hurt you anymore.

>this thread

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>tfw bejita sama still hasn't kissed your wife

>dead show
>dead thread

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Kill you? Okay then, wish granted, Jobhan!

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Oh you poor Gokek.

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Cope more. NuBroly a shit.

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Well, at least the strongest in 8 of the 12 existing Universes. We still don't know what sort of characters we have in the other 4.

More like Jiren the Gay!

The other universes have a high mortality count meaning they are highly advanced in technology, not stronger. CHADren is the strongest there is.

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