Another month underway, a couple more ENG chapters of Danberu (Dumbbell) released! Here's Chapters 59 & 60.
-- As a reminder to anyone who may have missed the previous announcements: "Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?" has announced it will be receiving an ANIME adaptation from Kadokawa publishing via Doga Kobo studio! It is set to release this summer in July, mere months away!!
TL Note: the Japanese joke for their nicknames is a double pun. She's calling them "bald" and "chief bald" which can also be used to jokingly describe the head of a penis and also comments on how Jason is, indeed, bald, while Toyoda-san has a hairline that covers half his head. Given the Kure clan's business in assassination and Kure-sensei's pure-looking facade, the harsher nickname is expressed.
TL Note: the medical name for the 3 muscles in the forearm flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus were not used, it was literally just called "forearm muscles."
Sidenote: for those exasperated about the "romantic" elements surfacing more prominently in recent chapters, this chapter will conclude that for you 1st stand = Special/Takoyaki Fire/Special >2nd Stand = Fruit Stand >3rd stand = Fried Potatoes
This is NOT their hometown, Kubikukuri, they are visiting a nearby town's festival. >1st shop = Frankf(urters) >2nd shop = Chilled Oden >3rd shop = Castella (left side) >1st shop = (Fukuro)zuri Sake >2nd Shop (side only) = (Cold) Soba >3rd shop = Squid Balls "Castella" is a sponge cake and "Fukurozuri Sake" is also called shizukuzake or "drip sake."
>shop = Frankfurters
>shop = Yakitori >small vertical banner in back = Draft Beer
>In modern times, there's not really any strength stones you can train with. Author didn't mention it, but "Atlas Stones" are still used today in Strongman competitions and the like. Though, not many gyms actually have Atlas stones...
For expectation to reference, btw, we're still releasing the manga: >Raws are up to Ch. 70 (scripts almost there, too) >Volume 3, 4, 5 & 6 Extras+4Koma Omakes are also complete (just need to be typeset) >Rakuen Translations WILL NOT do the anime subs, though.
So, keep looking forward to chapter releases 'cause the next ten chapters at least are already finished on the Eng side, p much.
When she started @ Silverman's well over a year ago, she was at 40kg. They're all very likely well beyond that by now (especially during comic panels).
FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS A QUICK 300MB .ZIP FULL OF DANBERU IMAGES Here you go I really need to update the imgur, but for some reason that site is a pain in the ASS to upload images to, anymore, now. So, eh.
>there is a severe lack of Zina’s fit tummy in any of these pictures only this () This is an absolute travesty, I need to see more of that sexy toned tummy There is also just a severe lack of Zina in general
I mentioned that I have all the Volume art, too...but that's a half-lie: I ABSOLUTELY have the art that is combined into the Volumes, but I have very, very, very FEW of the signed art that is sold alongside the volumes (not included in the digital releases).
So, the PR art? That PR art that looks like pic related? I have, like, 4 of 28 of those. I do have the smaller, "SAMPLE" versions of ALL of them, sure, but not the clear scans :(
I'm sooooooo gonna exercise in front of the anime. Bought some starter dumbbells already (not that I'm completely out of shape considering my sport past before I entered the university). I need to get rid of my cranky joints.
Dylan Mitchell
It's time to start now bro, don't wait, start today. We're all going to make it.
Caleb Garcia
>60 chapters and none of them are any more muscular
Women don't visibly gain muscle very quickly and in any case muscle definition comes from eating less Abs in particular require rather low body fat. Lower than female bodies want (they always assume that as a female you might start doing your biological duty at any time and keep fat reserves ready for it), so you essentially need to starve yourself into it.
Brody Hill
I'll be disappointed if Hibiki ever actually gets fit.