>raws out long ago
>no english subs yet
>meanwhile there are already 2 versions of indo subs out there
Why are English-speaking anime fans so lazy? One of you should do it for Senko-san.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wheres horrible subs
>Why are English-speaking anime fans so lazy?
Why don't you stop being a lazy EOP?
user what are you do-
Wheres horrible dubs
>One of you should do it
Neo-Yea Forums doesn't deserve shit
why is it so low quality?
Isn't CR going to have it out tomorrow? Just be patient bro, or learn Japanese if you can't wait
if only
enjoy your funi dub script, lad.
I hate FUNi so much, and especially their new intro. At least they got rid of 80ies style hardsubs.
Fuck, I forgot they divorced, back to a pirate's life for me I guess
>back to
kill yourself CR shitter.
Spanish also
Where are the Spanish subs?
>spanish fans are too incompetent to find the subs of their own language
I only feel like using nyaa.si for my torrents, and I refuse to stream shit.
Thinking of it, I might aswell modernize that gif.
Old thread died so here is the tail fluffing webm once again.
Mofu mofu
How did they let this air on tv
>sexual intercourse from episode 1
What a slutty fox.
While you are at it we could use a modern webm of kons debut (where she drops her shorts to show how the tail works).
I am not home or I would do it myself.
>finally know enough Japanese to watch raws
feels good man
If I figure out what scene you're refering to tomorrow.
They're not even hiding the metaphor anymore.
So what, is a kemonimimi's tail simply some kind of penis-equivalent?
Do their videos still have fucked up color levels?
Wait, I thought this aired like a day later.
It has been accepted for about 20 years or more that kemonomimi ears and tails are well-known erogenous zones. The cat girls in 90s eroge and porn had very sensitive tails.
As a lolicon, one episode was enough to drop it.
Shit designs, the main girl is plain without any appeal or chance of fan service (but at least kids can meme about fluffy tail), lewd is reserved for big tits apparently.
Fucking boring too.
Kons first time appearing in episode 2 or at the latest 3, in his bedroom. He asks to pet her tail for the first time.
>he doesn't know about the other nopan foxloli who dresses and acts like an experienced prostitute at times
Ebin meme broski! Subscribe to PewDiePie!
I am expecting shiro to break Yea Forums when she first appears.
Just looked it up and apparently the official release isn't until tomorrow.
Carry on.
I hope there’s a doujin where she gets roped into being a prostitute
This is Doga Kobo, no Loli lewdness is guaranteed.
Also, this episode was already telling about how lewded they will look, that is too say, none at all aside from cow tits.
The anime makes the MC look like Shin-chan's dad after his entire family died.
Same for Sora honestly.
I put in the effort to learn jap, why would I do that?
Fuck you and the "English-speaking anime fans".
Why is Senko the only pure non-slutty kitsune?
Why is Dogakobo wasting time with male lead trash?
If the tail fluffing wasn't enough for you, there's no hope. You'll be fucking actual children within the year, if you don't kill yourself first.
Mya-nee is male
Her anime design is completely different.
I want to pump and dump shiro
>tail fluff so lewd
Okay, anti lolicon memespouter.
Historically the kitsune in this series seem to have been courtesans. Shiro and sora only seem to be familiar with traditional desires and methods of seduction and it was their default mode. Both became flustered when MC rejected their lewd advances and instead went after their tails.
I felt the same after trying the manga. Incredibly boring series.
God this season is horrible.
>post-ed super Senko time
Okay, I'm healed.
How so? Exact same outfit, same gloves and kneesox, same moon dress, same necklace, some nopan.
Don't you have wataten threads to shit up
It won't look like that in the actual anime, go watch the episode or the op.
That shat itself, but same anti lolicon studio.
She is barely in the OP a d I seem to recall she was sitting in a washing machine
I don't know. Do you have beer?
If anything just the slit in her dress does not go up as high so slightly less thigh/hip is exposed, but even in the manga this was inconsistent.
>only caring about lewd shit
This mindset makes people miss out on so much good stuff, and is why we don't get S2 of the good shows while haremshit and the like get so much.
That's on the level you see in children's shows like aikatsu...
friendly reminder that Indonesia's GDP is at one trillion and that we are going to take over at 2021
but episode is not out yet retard
>he doesn't know
That's hardly all I care about.
Just don't like anti loli shows is all. Would be fine if they, on the other hand, didn't shove those tits down or throats, while censoring out Shiro, mark my words.
Ok, bye.
Must feel so good not to care about lolis, like you.
Yes, and rock CDs
>watching the raw episode while reading the manga like subs
>clearly still light outside
>curtains not drawn
>magical floating futon
Beds are for sleeping in and absolutely nothing else
t. Virgin.
So, do we know if a sub group is doing this then? Are we going to have to get some user who actually learned Japanese to sub it for us?
It follows the manga scene for scene, except for splicing an explanation of the fried tofu (which she got as an offering at the shrine). This was a later chapter they used to pad the first episode runtime.
The only other scene not from manga was the mc visiting the fox shrine as a kid, with senko watching over him and him getting lost and crying to his granny. No subs needed for any if that.
Any mandarin subs out?
Used to be that the Chinese were the fastest subbers out there.
Where are the Arabic subs??
Good. Fuck off to your wataten thread.
Based Doga Kobo censoring lolis once again because ruinning UzaMaid wasn't enough.
Too hot for TV.
How would a mofu mofu tail feel like on an uncircumcised adult penis?
>Anti lolicons will defend this.
Buy a chinchilla and find out.
This is going to flop so hard.
Be sure to let the door hit you on the way out faggot.
As it should, disgusting small girl using adaptation.
Reminder that Rimukoro is a man (and later a kitsune loli) you can trust.
>Liking lolis = faggot
Fuck off
Doga Kobo found a way to ruin everything again so it hardly matters.
How long would it take to learn moon? I'm willing to learn if it means spreading fluff to my fellow Yea Forumsnons.
I wish she wasn't a loli
Literally would be better for everyone.
That's what Sora and neighbor-san are for. Rimu's smart enough to cater to a few different tastes.
But Doga Kobo isn't.
Why are anime studios so fucking stupid?
2 to 6 years depending on how lazy and retarded you are
You know, after all that boob jiggle physics, this is retarded to censor so hard
Already done.
That's what I mean, going out of there way for grotesque boob fan service, then censoring subtle but lewd, juicy thighs with modestly covered stick legs.
Not to mention it looks her character.
Koga Dobo did something similar with UsaMaid, It's liek they want to adapt loli themed manga to get money from the merchandise but don't actually like lolis so they censor them as much as possible.
More like they want to butcher loli material, even if it means it will sell 500 per volume, like uzamaid.
Didn't expect the "Super Senko-san Time" segment at the end. That was a pleasant surprise.
Was boring as fuck.
I think maybe you don't get the point of this series.
The point is that it's a precious of boring shit with horrible visuals?
Maybe STALKER will do it?
do i have to learn japanese again
>it's a precious
yes Senko-san is precious I agree
Fucking off memekid.
I don't know if STALKER has any experience in subbing. Type setting is actually pretty hard. Maybe she can find someone to help her out with it.
>phoneposters have shit taste
All these butthurt trolls.
'Cause they have no anime.
Lads we have arrived.
>Not liking anti lolicon = shit taste
Okay, faggot.
Wait, STALKER is a she?
I think so
It's not trolls that are butthurt, but lolicons. For a good reason, another adaptation ruins a series for them.
That would be correct
So you are a faggot unless you hate lolis now? The state of this board saddens me.
Do you even need subs for something as simple as this?
Only if you're retarded, but the subs will go when it properly aired, so people complaining about subs are retarded to boot.
Looks like this will be another anime to watch without Yea Forums.
Stop replying to LRD you fucking retards.
Every fucking season you guys keep replying to him, when will you guys learn?
Yeah, stupid LRD, what a troll, after all, the studio only completely removed any slight sexuality from a disgusting loli how dates he complain! We still had Dem boobiez, and tail meme!
Fuck off.
and she cannot wear a bikini at all
You sure shows him, arrogant satisfied loli hater.
Wow, why didn't any licensing company pick this up?
The first episode literally hasn't even aired yet. You're judging it based on 2 seconds in the OP. Try again in a couple weeks when she actually makes a proper appearance.
It pre aired, you know, and guess what, we already saw her anime redesign, and the willingness to show her as attractive (non existent) in the same scene though we immediately for the boob service, as well as in OP, and this won't get better, it's Doga Kobo, but you will say the same shit to me after the series ends without any lewd shot of her to anyways.
fukken saved
>Watching/Reading Senko for porn
>Because you're a lolicon NEET
>Not because you're a hard-working everyman who just wants to relax
Seriously. You've had your fun with your lolis and your /u/, but this show isn't that. This show is for me.
Fluffing is a euphemism for a happiness that goes beyond pleasures of the flesh
Did LRD multiply?
Just kidding it's sex.
Of course it's sex.
You aren't me.
I am thou.
>First episode already aired
There's one way to know anything you had to say was retarded.
Now I need a gif of just the shot of her with the lightning in the BG.
No, he's just had a lot of anticipation for shitting up these threads. He also has these same replies copypasted on other imageboards. He's that dedicated.
Imagine living a life so horrible your only pleasure in life comes from autistically screeching about little girl cartoons with an overly negative persona, and doing it for nearly a solid decade. This is the existence of LRD.
Senko is not for lewd because she's a literal plank with a tail
I don't understand.
How is this bad?
imagine being such an unimaginative faggot
Do not lewd the cute block of wood!
>magical floating futon
I think that's just a dark-colored rug underneath the futon, user. Also, what is a nap.
Not him but I have a pretty active imagination when it comes to divine retribution.
meant for
I haven't even got around to watching the show yet. First couple of weeks of the new season are always hectic.
It's not divine retribution if she invites him to do it.
What does that stand for? I only know of the the other 3 lettered psycho from the Gridman threads.
Mofu Mofu Don't click on link if at work.
Imagine fluffing her while fluffing her.
I believe it would be difficult not to do both.
Considering how magnetic that fluff is.
>episode 1 of 12 airing in 9 hours, 18 minutes
>nothing on Nyaa
What the shit is OP talking about?
I like this artist. Thanks.
Every time I see this I can't help but feel she's too fat.
Search harder
Thanks for the raise!
What the fuck, have I been living under a ROCK?
This got an adaption this season?
Haven't you been paying attention to the manga?
lewd edit when?
Staining the pure white Shiro with off-white.
lolis r dead
Someone needs to make Shiro wear panties and Sora wear a bra
Why are there raws already, you told me this was a Wednesday show. At least this gets the shitposting out of the way earlier I guess.
Very rude, but true.
/Mantap/ dan /cendolpilled/
I hope you mean Shiro wearing only panties and Sora wearing only a bra.
LolisRdead, he used to have a trip until it was permabanned.
No, they need to wear that in addition to their (ir)regular clothes
This is an exceptional idea.
I don't know if I've seen LRD before, but I'm well aware of the autism a dedicated tripfag can use to shitpost a thread. If it really is one super butthurt faggot, the best you can do is just ignore him; he'll make an ass out of himself and go away.
is this supposed to do something
Looks like...an account name character limit?
it's supposed to look like programming to people who don't know programming
Imagine getting a tailjob from Senko or Shiro
His (or his faker's) autism in this thread should more than enough proof that you need to completely ignore his existence if you want a decent thread, no matter how much bait he throws or if his gang shows up to support him.
>else {continue}
what? this has to be an inside joke or tongue in cheek from an animator
It searches an user input in an array. Returns array.
I don't know much about programming, but seems inefficient and pretty much an exercise example.
The comment says "I want to go home."
Maybe he's just looking busy.
An anti lolicon adaptation at that.
from what I can tell, its a nested for loop to compare each name in an array to all the local values of a struct/data object array, then returns the index of the name that matched a value in the second array. The main weird thing is that he gives an else{} statement to continue, which is completely useless since you only have to specify a break, a loop will continue on its own while conditions are met.
basically its a bit redundant
>His gang
You can just say "lolicons".
Just because you aren't one, it's not bait.
What the fuck are you doing here anyway, you don't even like lolibaba. Shoo shoo.
Fucking off making up bullshit.
wait, that's a j, instead it returns the index of the data object that matched one of the names in the first array that isn't shown
Well fuck me. Why do this. I'm not even a lolicon, but still.
That's the problem, he keeps doing it because anons can't resist arguing with him. He does the same thing on other, slower imageboards and you can watch entire threads turn into nothing but a back and forth between him and someone with similar autism.
Is this how these threads are gonna be now? It was fun while it lasted
Do you even have to ask after Uzamaid?
if checkData returns true then return the value of j
only problem I see is no return for if checkData never returns true
Just report and ignore the samefagging shitposter, shouldn't be too difficult.
Ignore and report the LRD posts. Even the faggot mods hate that fucker.
Like I said; I saw a similar, if not greater level of autism in the DMC threads. You just have to let people know, "Hey, don't feed the trolls" and hope for the best.
In the worst case scenario, I think we're waiting for the season to end and he'll latch onto the next show.
Man this shit is pure healing, even without subs I enjoyed it.
What is it you think he's doing? He dares talk about something that's a clean cut difference from the source, namely butchering loli fan service?
That's the most on topic thing in this Thread
Uzamaid was shit.
Once anons have more to talk about besides "subs when?" he'll fuck off to the shittier imageboards where he gets more (you)s. There are lots of shitposters with a theme/target, starve them of attention and they fuck off or just become background noise.
>that kaeritai comment
Kek I know this guy that made commit messages his personal blog, fun guy.
I thought "animeonlies" is just a meme but after Kaguya and Senko I'm not so sure anymore
Oh, how neat you, meta shit posters have built up your world to make someone who cares about lolis appear as some kind of super troll who is anything but sincere, and for some reason, he is out for (you)s, like some evil fuck, because despite there's no way a person could be that way, he still definitely must be, good forbid him being sincerely upset at how anime basically treats lolis the same way as a fucking cartoon.
This is for you user
This is so cursed man.
I'd still sleep in her lap.
I am going blind and too sleepy but what the fuck am I supposed to be looking at here? The fact she's not showing her bare hip or something because that could be done in the future when she shows up at MC's place.
I'd still fluff her every day.
You must control your fluffing friend.
So only fluffing at night?
Try 4 times a week. If you over-fluff it'll lose its flufficity.
Also consider that the manga page is from Shiro's proper debut several chapters in, whereas the anime is a shot from chapter 1 where she's basically in the background and wasn't even named yet.
Share your big brains with us user
What about bath fluffing?
But when they were talking about who would take care of MC they had all 3 of them on the table.
It's already too late so we can only hope and see how it all goes later on.
Post-bath fluffing is way better.
Joke's on you! I can understand almost everything they say although I can't read or speak it!
Yeah, but my point is that Shiro's debut and entry into the story will be naturally flashier than just talking about humans in chapter 1. So she'll probably have more flashy scenes when she shows up properly in the manga.
Not that it's a high bar; the manga isn't terribly lewd. Usually.
so now that the dust has settled, manga or anime?
God Senko's swimsuit is so casually attractive.
>Not that it's a high bar; the manga isn't terribly lewd. Usually.
And unfortunately.
This is why I don't mind, this is meant to heal you from all the shit you have to deal at work. I work nearly Nip Hours 6 days a week and just finally season is starting to slow down so I can finally start to rest but I know very well how MC feels because I too push my health to points that I've been hospitalized for it.
I hope I get my own fox mother wife soon.
A tail would be at it's most unfluffable during a bath. That's when all the fur gets wet and you can actually see and feel the spine bones within.
We already had a chapter about that.
It traumatized MC.
There's a manga chapter specifically about this. It does not turn out well.
Trying to fluff it would still probably make her moan.
For Senko that is.
Nope, it's actually annoying because it leaves lots of hair everywhere and it's uncomfortable for the animal as well, the only time it's fine to do this is when drying and even then one can only do it quickly.
Imagine Senko being still undressed there.
senko chan must be pure no matter what!
That would have been cold.
You are the one fag that is going to ruin this just because you want lewds aren't you.
my brain's not big enough for that
>getting mad at people who enjoy sexualizing (women who look like) little girls on Yea Forums
Come on, please stop trying to go that far.
If the official subs are so horrible that they basically need a complete retranslation, then you might get someone who's willing to do that early for those bonus popularity points that come from beating the delaycast. Otherwise, not many people are going to be willing to do it from the ground up when you can just wait a day and have the majority of the work done for you. Especially if they have to do it within the day every time or lose everyone to HS.
>Type setting is actually pretty hard.
Maybe if you're doing really fancy typesetting. You can make anything look pretty good with 5-10 minutes provided there aren't any really ridiculous visual effects going on. I'd say the difficulty level is about the same as redrawing manga.
It's not even strictly necessary in a speedsub release, at least none of the official translators seem to think so.
Fixed subs coming out a small amount of time after the official ones come out aren't a bad option anyway, it's happened plenty of times for shows with atrocious subs (Gabriel Dropout being one of the biggest examples). Let's hope Funimation doesn't shit the bed hard enough to warrant them.
It's Funimation, they're going to be shit.
Why the fuck did they come back anyway, did someone wish on the monkey's paw for Sentai to stop subbing so many things?
Because Sony bought them and they broke off relations with CR. Now it's like 2012-2013 again with CR and Funi fighting tooth and nail to get more shows than the other, except this time they have Netflix and Amazon to compete with as well.
Basically, CR fucked everything up, both CR and Funi got bought by big name corps, and now every "offical" sub platform is being ran incompetently and every season is now a four way shitshow between these guys.
If only we could have sub groups come back and not just sub the same 2 shows everyone else is subbing. I swear, every active group right now is subbing Bochi. That's just a but too much.
Funi ended their partnership with CR a few months back, this is the first season where we see the effects of that.
>If only we could have sub groups come back and not just sub the same 2 shows everyone else is subbing.
To be fair, that happened way too often back in the age of fansubbing as well.
what a horny fox
I'm sorry, but I have to be that guy.
Compared to other kemonomusume Senko-san isn't even that fluffy.
What am I supposed to be looking at here? The stockings are pulled up higher?
It's not even the same scene.
The secret to bath fluffing is that you need to do it during/in the bath, not after.
Obviously waterlogged fur hanging in the air isn't going to be fluffy, but fur suspended in water loses none of it's volume and instead spreads out and drifts around like the wisps of a cloud.
MOOODS! Somebody posted a wet pussy on a Blue board!
>shes about to say yes to motorboating her tits
What if the tail is moving back and forth in the water?
Episode 4 aparently. Will see what I can do.
>Comfy manga threads
>Anime airs
>Threads immediately devolve into shitposting and arguing
Every single time. Can't we all just get along like we did before?
Welcome to Yea Forums
>like we did before
It was literally just one guy samefagging to hell in case you didn't realize it. Stop giving him the attention he worked so hard for especially now that he's gone.
Senko chapter threads were pretty peaceful before the anime was announced. Check the archives if you want proof.
Just report and ignore, it's like one or two fags trying to make everything into arguments of het vs /u/ and trying to lewd the shit out of something not lewd at all.
Oh right, there.
Please don't start that shit either, you know that lewd comments about anything are commonplace on Yea Forums no matter how pure any series might be (except for an exception and that's only because she's the site's mascot) so anti-lewd behavior doesn't belong here.
Fuck off shitter. Senko is wholesome.
>sleep for 8 hours
>wake up
>still no english subs
Damn you guys are so lazy
I don't mind lewd behavior since I like lewds but acting like an autistic fuck on Youtube after seeing 2 frames of a chick's ass and begging for more is annoying as shit too.
It's better to just wait and see it come on it's own or if you really want it just search for it.
Imagine being an EOP and calling others "lazy".
Subs on Wednesday eventually.
Blame the Cartel for killing fansubs and unless we get Vivid or DeadFish or some random user picking it up and subbing it, you will have to wait for Horrible and expect Funi SJW shit possibly in the future again.
but I'm the indofag OP.
Or wait, the part right before it.
ESLOPs are both a subset of EOPs and 10 times their inferior.
Don't use Kaos
Official subs coming out soon so nobody bothered, that's what happened. Hopefully we'll get someone to fix the funisubs and release a better version a bit later in the day because you just know they aren't going to keep the nojya.
>aren't going to keep the nojya
I'm going to blaspheme with this question, but do you mean the verbal tic? If so, why should that be present in subs? Just like desu, no da, and other cute additions that don't actually mean anything, they don't need to be in the subtitles. It's not like we're in the 90's and early 2000's with 480p avi videos and yellow hardsubs anymore.
Have yet to see a good post with this incredibly gay buzzword.
nobody's going to keep the nojya.
Filler ending word like that works in some languages, but not English.
what buzzword? 'wholesome'?
Funi finally figured out how to avoid eye blasting contrast and hardsubs but their subs are fucking terrible. CR was shit but Funi coming back into the picture is deeply troubling. Not to mention a lot of people in their company have a boner for identity politics, and I don't think they're professional enough to keep that separated from their work.
>Hopefully we'll get someone to fix the funisubs and release a better version a bit later in the day because you just know they aren't going to keep the nojya.
Weebs are so fucking sad, man. It's like the only verbal tics you guys can actually notice are gobi.
>Just like desu, no da, and other cute additions that don't actually mean anything, they don't need to be in the subtitles. It's not like we're in the 90's and early 2000's with 480p avi videos and yellow hardsubs anymore.
I miss how relaxed subs were back then, fuck those tryhard faggots who wanted to turn fansubbing into a serious localization effort and then died because CR took over.
You mean "low quality".
You can always make one yourself instead of relying others.
If you could start killing crossboarders, then yes.
Tora is a idiot, news at eleven. Nice Kon butt though.
Exactly, fans making things for fans and putting in as much effort as they could or were willing to (which often wasn't enough but ended up well enough most of the time).
The first fansubs I had were VHS and LD, and they took a fuckton of work and expensive equipment to make.
Hm. It somehow claims to be 11 seconds long when only 7.
what was with that weird ass self insert moment after the credits?
you have to fake a filename at least
spic subs are awful late too, is fansubbing dead?
I tried to do portugese to english google translate subs for somehting but the BRs only released in compressed to shit embedded flv videos on their homepage. Heaps of tables and plaintext adfly links. Plus the usual Naruto One Piece background.
My only real concern is how they deal with the bath scene. It's not like you got any nipples or anything and it wasn't particularly lewd, but it was still naked Senko.
I'd be willing to edit and typeset if someone would be willing to translate, but there are too many wannabe editors and typesetters out there anyway.
Plus, while everyone says, "i wan new sub group that is actually good" no one wants to actually do it because, "Oh wait, fuck it, el oh el horriblesubs".
The days of afk et al are over. Unless there's a translator in the thread who wants to start something new (there's not) fuckin' uh... Deal with it, I guess?
>no subs
>only show I was looking forward to
Life is suffering.
Where's stalker-san
I'm getting nam flashbacks of gridman threads, I mean, I'm not from /u/ but that dude killed every fucking thead
>because that could be done in the future
This is Doga Kobo, user.
Don't lie to yourself.
A smart man would not even speak of these events. All too often words make real the demons that are meant to be ignored.
I don't know if the anime is airing on like a daytime/kids' channel or something, but since it's not lewd I doubt they'd alter it. It and the beach episode are the most explicit scenes in the manga and even then it hasn't got anything particularly lewd; Senko just is not an ecchi manga. I mean you might count the incredibly explicit fluffing, but we both know by now they dumped their entire budget into the fluffing scenes.
You took subbing for granted and now it's gone. Enjoy being irrelevant EOP.
Who the fuck is subbing it? I thought it was being released on CR or some shit, where are the subs
Unfortunately I think Funi is subbing this.
That sucks, CR may have meme quality subs but at least they don't take 12+ hours to sub something.
I'm actually worried about fumimation getting back into subbed anime, out of all the stream companies they're by far the most cancerous.
Will anyone volunteer to take the Funi subs and fix it when they come out?
Yeah. They're subbing 10 (TEN) anime this season. that's ten anime ruined.
That would involve OCRing every line of dialog. Part of the reason Funi takes time may be that they burn the subs into the video. Where CR and basically all fansubbers the last ten years can encode the video in parallel to writing subtitles.
Funi is using softsubs now.
The censorship makes this dead on arrival.
something something Daiz
something something CR
something something fansubbing is dead
How much longer is it
lol EOPs, desu
an hour
What are you doing seeing a lolicon series by a lolicon autor then?
He's being like Doga Kobo and hoping for it to be censored, probably.
>mfw subs in 2021
Now that we had sechigarai nojyaloli, time for a healing the sechigarai nojyaloli... Yeah, sign me up.
Funi simulcast supposedly in 30 minutes from now.
IF only silverlink did this show, we could have nude loli fox
Thank goodness they're not, for the past few years their production level was absolute garbage.
Nah as much as I love SL Godakobo is where it's at for this show.
is this a "TV on the left BD on the right" comparision pic?
imagine working years on a show just for people to not sub it
So they can keep censoring loli manga when adapting it to anime? no thanks.
Almost every studio nowadays unfortunately censors loli fanservice.
There are limits to what you can show on TV even late at night.
Damn, could it be that lolis, truly R, dead?
They have been dying slowly for a long while but the olympics are coming soon so...
Yuck. "realistic" loli body is just disgusting and creepy.
It's not like they removed the censorship of the loli's butt in the UzaMaid BDs, everything that Doga Kobo censors stay censored sadly.
Fuck off.
Senko is for healing, go complain about your censored loli on another thread.
>lolicons turned out to be the most annoying faggots on Yea Forums
>funi subs
Suffering incoming
Are they really that bad? I haven't followed anything done by them lately.
You don't seem to watch a lot of anime newfriend.
>one shitposting retard represents the entire [thing I hate] fanbase
Not how it works.
Same user here, good news. I might have time to translate and fix the funi subs. If you guys are willing to wait for my unreliable time for the script, mainly finished 11am-6pm on wednesday.
If you want, I can pass you a pastebin of the corrected script for you to typeset/upload to nyaa.
It all depends on how truly horrific the funi subs are.
>Simulcast Premieres April 10 at 9:30am CT
Rips when?
Don't be surprised if they're an hour or two late.
Nah, I do. I just haven't watched anything done by them in a few years.
I love you
You're lucky then. At least now they don't have hardsubs and fucked colors.
mofu mofu
Erai is up
Get on it fag thank you
>[Erai-raws] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 01 [1080p].mkv
HorribleSubs when?
Imagine coping this hard
>Why are English-speaking anime fans so lazy?
You do it, retard.
The fuck is wrong with you? Just go with Erai
Horriblesubs doesn't actually sub, you know.
>9 seeds
>85 leechers
What the actual fuck is wrong with you faggots?
Why do these threads attract so many Crunchyroll newfags?
Silverlink doesn't like providing nipples though.
Do you guys want the verbal tic in the subs too?
Funimation sucks ass if they can't get subs out for this yet
maybe if there was more nudity
Erai font looks bad on my player
CR is by far the best official subs provider compared to the others.
Sure but I mean these threads have a high concentration of retards who actually pay for and use CR
Who's the artist?
Of course
>He thinks Funimation subs anything
They need time to write their dub script, and then they slap that on the show and pretend it's subbed.
how is this legal
How is her tail so fluffy?
This ammount of fluff shouldnt be possible!!
CR does the same shit
do they ? i thought they actually made an attempt to sub things , even if they do occasionally have a memesubs problem , depending on who they get to work on it
Everyone but Senko sounds perfect
This is a crime against humanity
I mean I know they are incompetent. but they seriously don't have the manga translation lying around? From what I've heard episode 1 was somewhat close to the manga anyway.
CR uses subs script as dub. it's the reverse. I can't confirm this but aren't they using chan san and kun in their dubbing? it's pretty bad.
16 minutes ago
>1:37 Holding darkness within brings one's world to ruin.
>Scans: The world of man will come to ruin by the darkness in their heart.
>kokoro no yami ga Hito no yo wo horobosu
Depends on your definition of close enough.
Can't wait for to see how badly Doga Kobo censors the bath scene.
>first person senko healing is at the end of every episode
I don't know if I'm gonna make it bros.
My boss complimented me on my taste and now invited to the next business conference at Las Vegas. Thanks bro.
>why are you fucks so lazy, why won't someone do it for me so I can get my animes without any effort
Maki hitsuji (巻羊)
Twitter: twitter.com
now he just needs to take pictures of her sleeping
>blue ribbons
S-Stay away from me!
>[Erai-raws] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 01 [720p].mkv
>full length episode
I'm sleepy already.
All of them are shit and the original line was chuuni as shit.
Man, that was comfy.
Comfy and cute, pretty much what I expected.
That was great.
Idk how im gonna live after this ends.
we better get a season2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and Senko forever!
I don't speak Japanese or nuthing, but the Funi script seemed fine.
Opinion on the funi subs? I'm only finding nit picking things here and there.
That's Player 2, not the maniac.
Can I get one with sound?
Seems like changing typical japanese custom lines to a less awkward english equivalent. No total script changes like in Dragon Maid yet.
Does Yea Forums allow sound in webm now?
Nice fox titties.
I didn't notice anything outrageously wrong. Like you said, just minor nitpickings here and there. Kinda sucks that we don't really have an English equivalent to translating "talks like an old man" accent, a lot of the charm of onushis and ~no jas are lost.
No but you can cross link from a different board.
this nigga fizzbuzzes
Just put it there.
Post it in /wsg/ then link it here.
>being this slutty on the first day.
No but people can link them from other sources, or something just make a youtube video of it I guess.
This is more to imoutowife than motherwife.
Alright, I won't waste time fixing these subs.
When they try to do "ye olde subs" or worse dubs, they always ending up sounding like an 18th century prospectors, or thor.
Sora better get a ton of porn when she shows up
What a hero.
Animals not allowed.
Word of warning to all that this is one of those series like Goblin Slayer that starts off extremely strong but then gets boring and generic very quickly.
cutest OPOTS
And then he took it a step further and became the nojya loli girl.
Wait a minute.
True. But it's not bad like GS, it just gets old really fast.
Whats with the fingers
Assuming it stays relaxing I don't feel like I'll mind that.
It's ogre, axed and shut down forever.
What is this codemonkey's salary?
It's a fox head
"Getting an anime doesn't ruin threads."
your scale is backwards, "1" is a great rating.and is higher on the scale
It doesn't. Dickweed.
Who are you quoting?
>baka gaijin doesnt understand how ratings work
Said no one ever.
Hang the 1.0%
just passionate fans trying to beat Arc-V
code monkey like tea and fluffy tail
>implying goblin slayer started good to begin with
>works ends with a click on an IDE save icon
>not "git push" on the CLI
Not a real programmer. Dropped.
I was wondering how they would do this show for 12 episodes without it getting boring/repetitive but we need at least ONE comfy show a season, so I can overlook its flaws.
How the fuck is this "starts out extremely strong"? This is the most generic pandering I've seen. I like it a lot, but I don't see how it could possibly become more generic.
I take it back, he's a real programmer.
> yfw when you get manhandled
>that opening
The little fox hands was cute
IMAGINE getting manhandled by a salaryman two heads taller than you, and bent over various pieces of furniture.
>90% got healed.
>1% still feel like shit
I feel bad for those bastards.
su-pa eacon anime-shon
This is turning into garbage as soon as they introduce the other foxes, isn't it?
you don't push just because the shift ends. you push either when you reached a new working state or when you're done with changes and want someone to look over them.
Reminded me of this desu
>Implying a real company wouldn't be using an old, outdated, proprietary system for no discernable reason other than those with seniority don't want to learn something new
It's like you've never had a job before.
would have been better if he shut the door on her tail
Do Not
Wishing harm upon the tail should be a criminal offense.
I've seen pieces of the ED and I can't wait to get home and watch it even if it's the raws.
God I wish that were me. I really mean it.
Which one?
It might just be the equivalent of sweets or pills to make me smile but I'll keep watching because damn I love it.
I thought it was a pretty good "set-up" for the concept overall.
I wished someone did that to me again. My grandmother used to let me rest my head on her lap and stroke my head till I slept.
I miss her a lot.
pls do the needful and merge pls
It's cute
>there are already 2 versions of indo subs out there
God I fucking hate tractors.
can't wait for Saiki S3
based netflix
This kinda reminds me of Video Girl Ai, desu.
This is a fluff manga, not a loli manga. Loli lewders can fuck off to their CGDCT threads
kill yourself
Its alright, might be too long of a runtime for me.
Why do they always say this?
cute feet
This 800 year old little girl is psychologically manipulative.
What? No, you ALWAYS push before leaving work. What if you're off sick the next day and someone needs to pick up your work?
>breaking the 4th wall
She knows!!!
>someone needs to pick up your work
Look at this user well managed company.
Nakano is a smash player
>someone needs to pick up your work
unless you're pair programming, in which case the absence of a push would not be an issue, picking up your work after a day of absence simply isn't worth it, unless it's some really urgent shit.
I mean, sure you can have a branch on the git for every developer involved, but nobody will look at what everybody else is doing in their respective dev branch unless someone falls sick for a week or so.
>adding self insert segment
Damn, i hope they wont do this again.
Erai's subs don't even show up on my player.
the ED is cuter than the OP
Do they have the sexs?
What shitty player are you using? The Windows default?
Imagine being homosexual.
works fine with with MPC-HC
VLC and I'n also a mac bastard.
I forgot how garbage male leads are.
when you reached a new working state is a good moment to stop and go home. If you work at a shit company where you have no flexibility, you push to a branch as backup, in case the office burns down.
What else can I use on OSX?
I love it. Based Godakobo
They're literally the same. Their subtitle converter defaults are slightly different.
Don't get me wrong. I do love fluffy fox, but self insert is beyond me.
>super senko-san time
my heart
Suck my dick noja
like many japanese, kuroto is not entirely flexible in his transportation, as he is bound to the train schedule. In that situation I'd get to a presentable state ahead of time, push that and then dick around in my local branch for a while until I leave for the train. The //I wanna go home comment wouldn't make it into a commit. I Don't want shit like that to come up during a code review.
When will people learn that THIS is all i a mean truely wants in life. Throw in a kid once he gets a house for good measure
I have a partition, but no space. I guess I'll invest in a hard drive one of these days.
It grew on me throughout the episode, i think i can let it go
>When will people learn that THIS is all i a mean truely wants in life
Couldn't agree more, user.
Many cases the police have chased people for aproaching a girl and asking if she needs help.
Same bro...Same
I did not mean to add that second post please disregard
Me on the left.
Wasnt the point you animal
This is about healing old folks who remain in the circle of
>wake up
>work most of the day 6-7 days a week
>sleep 2-4 hours
If you were expecting Senko to do sexual favors then you might as well not come back.
Fuck off /g/
>The //I wanna go home comment wouldn't make it into a commit. I Don't want shit like that to come up during a code review.
Normal programmers dont jump in front of trains to end it all, but in Japan they do. The whole point of that line is that he was losing the will to live and work. He is long past the point of burnout.
Think back to the moment of your life at work or college, that one week of hell where you put 100 hours into a project in 6 days and then just crashed emotionally and physically from exhaustion. Now do that every week of your life for the next 30 years while also being harassed constantly by a boss who is less talented then you are and is frequently wrong, but you have to do it his way. Even when you do nothing wrong, the boss will chew you out and make you work Sunday doing busy work, simply because he is trying to suck up to an even higher level manager and he needs to demonstrate his resolve. Demand 60 hours of unpaid overtime and then punish people when they get sick.
Uniquely Japanese.
Fine adaptation so far.
your friendly reminder