Lewd tickling edition Mostly a fight-based chapter. Chidori is one of the best girls in the series, but it isn't apparent for now.
Link to previous thread: Nomura: >"Uugh.." >"Teacher," >"Am I even making progress?" Tsukuyo: >"If you feel like you are, then yes." >"For example.." Girl: >"Hey!"
Girls: >"Kyaah!?" >"Hey!" >"Where do you think you're looking at!" Nomura: >"… and Mickey." >"So?" >"What's wrong?" Girls: >"That's.." >"How should I put it…" >"Here." >"You brought it with you!?" >"Yes." Nomura: >"What is this…" Girls: >"You're going to get sick!" Nomura: >"Is this me?"
Tsukuyo: >"Could you explain to me what it is," >"My student?" Nomura: >"Yeah," >"I could do that, but…" >"That said, this is.." >"Hmm…" Tsukuyo: >"Student?!" Nomura: >"It's faster to draw it."
Nono: >"From such a deeply sunk position, to be able to…" >"Such quick body movement from a low position" >"Changing the course of that movement in mid-air" >"A characteristic of some unique footwork not found in Japanese martial arts!"
Girl: >"Her attacks are relentless.." >"We can't even intervene!" >"She's being overwhelmed…" Chouka: >"No!" >"She's focusing on defense," >"And analyzing the pattern of her enemy!"
Chouka: >"But in contrast to that, the way that Chidori-san exposes her palm," >"Is like she forgot that I'm here as well." >"You could say that Nono-san refuses to allow Chidori-san to go easy on her.." >"It makes me think that she has some sort of trump up her sleeve.." >"Be careful…!" Nono: >"I'm fighting!" >"With the Jikishinkageryuu techniques which I polished with Big Sister," >"I'm able to fight with someone who's on the same level as our leaders…!" Chidori: >"Ugh." >"Guess there's no helping it," >"I'll show you."
>"Using the umbrella instead of the feet-" >"An irregular "Tripod Step"" Nono: >"There!" >"When she misses," >"She uses her rotation techniques to accelerate and pursue me," >"Because of that, she's vulnerable for an instant so I can strike her from here!" >"Take this!"
Probably not, at least right now. I’m going to be busy until friday, but the chapters following this are relatively short, so maybe I’ll do some on thursday. I’m pretty sure I won’t have time for one tomorrow.