>anti-JC BTFO
>yonkou BTFO
today is a good day
One punch man
>yonkounigger SEETHING on twitter
are you implying the episode was good?
where is garou tho
He's getting BTFO left and right
I told you idiots he wasn't gonna appear in the fucking first episode.
In the manga he doesn't appear in this part.
And then you faggots "Hurrr but he's the main character" no he is not. You are a fucking idiot.
Who the fuck is yonkou? One of your e-celebs, kid?
The episode was shit, just like everyone with eyes and minimum animation knowledge knew.
You are just a kid and any turd would have been good because OPM is so ebin
Not great but pretty good
Hey man you're really angry about something
Is that what happen when you COPE ?
>somehow does not prove niggayonk
the absolute state of opmanbabbies
Hey nig
Mob Psycho 100 > OPM
dumb ninoposter.
What is that?
i'd say it was ok
the animation was alright, the fightscenes a snore fest and everything felt like it was way too close to the screen...BUT to be fair it was epiosde 1 and there wasn't any big fight scenes
im just scared of what's going to happen my favorite fucking fight
Garou vs Heroes in the woods...i love that shit
Based NinoCHAD
It will be an average anime, some anons said me included that won't be the same quality as the first season
Remember, this was the 1st ep It was supposed to be the best JC staff could do.
Everything else from here will be even worse.
It looked really fucking weird, but it's passable I guess.
Toei doing season 3, one the other hand...
to be fair, toei has unlimited money
>the amount of projection in single timeline
>to be fair, toei has unlimited money
now if only someone would tell them that Dragonball does not have to be 100+ fucking episodes
I actually used to think this way, but with the shit show that was that last arc of S2, I really have to disagree.
holy kek
1 money < 2 moneys
it makes the money
Aside from really shit OP, it was serviceable desu. The decline from 8/10 (production wise) to 7/10, maybe 6/10 at worst isn't that bad, I've seen worse downhills. It won't be as good as S1, but it's not Ghostbusters 2 either.
The problem with the OP is that I feel like they tried to mix gag art style with Murata's highly detailed art style, but there is not even minuscule transition between two styles so that's why it feels off. Aside from literal still images floating in the air. If transition from gags to serious shit was smooth like gif related it'd be ok OP, but they keep switching them like on and off switch so even nice looking moment don't really work.
mobfaggots and Yea Forums BTFO too
Genos looks like shit. The fuckers actually used CG on him in episode 1. This is going to only get worse
>all the youtube and internet pseudo-intellectual who have spent these past few weeks preaching us about muh bad no good animation studio rn
This episode was a 5/10 at best. It had headache-inducing editing that tried to distract the audience from how NOTHING MOVES. And beyond that the gradient shading looks stupid half the time and I hesitate to call the direction rudimentary because that would imply it was competent.
Why does every other scene in this show look like some intern just discovered the dodge/burn tool in Photoshop?
The last arc was top notch though. Elder god-tier animation with episode 11, really great character development for pretty much all the supporting cast and a finale that showed just how much Mob had developed from the start of the show. I'll never understand the people who overexaggerate the last arc of S2, what, just because it had fights? It still kept fully in touch with its themes and wrapped up everything in the series' usual light and meaningful way.
Why are the colors so fucking awful? It's not even just the metal.
Mob Psycho is all over the place, manga was better
>I-it's not as bad as you thought it was, even if it's still pretty bad! B..BTFO!
Because some intern just discovered the dodge/burn tool in Photosho.
who is this yonkou faggot and why is Yea Forums full of 15 year olds and ESL goblinas that give a shit about this literal who
This is what you get when a show you like also appeals to normalfags. Just tell them to fuck off.
at the end of the episode, nigga
Shonenfags won the instant naruto ended, they make up the majority of the board these days
I don't disagree with you. It's just that I don't like it because I've already seen it countless other times and Mob's way of going about it isn't even in the Top 10 of good executions.
Eh, the fight was a bit uninspired? Not really badly animated but it doesn't flow naturally. Too many unnecessary cuts just to adapt the manga 1:1 and bad perspective.
I liked the first episode im just fucking annoyed hulu for whatever fucking reason has rights to it in the USA. It actually made me re-download bittorrent to fucking pirate it because Im not going to be assed paying for Netflix, CR, Amazon, Hulu. I actually just got around to cancelling both my CR and Netflix accounts today because im done doing this fucking dance of exclusivity. I'm not sure why I stopped pirating in the first place.
waifu claimed
He's just a nigger who thinks he's hot shit so it's fun to laugh at him when he's wrong.
>haha yeah the new ep was so epic! anti-jc fags BTFO
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. You're no better than a nigger saying stupid shit.
Uh ? Why ? This episode was absolutely mediocre. Litterally 15 seconds of correct animations in the entire episode (the webm you posted). Everything else in the episode is absolute shit.
Watch again the first episode of Season 1 and make the comparaison. It's depressing as fuck.
>unironic eceleb twitter posting on Yea Forums
So these are the OPM redditors huh
So it's not total shit? I wasn't planning on watching.
-Oh no Jimmy... how many times did I tell you not to mix play doh with your mashed potatoes
-I'm sorry mom
Were all the characters in this show always this good looking?
Yeah that's my biggest problem. Their skin looks gross
The claw arc was a drag in the mango
Anime is better with better art
same faging in the other opm thread what a beta
its what newfags do
Its average so far
Don't compare it with season 1, season 1 is a huge outlier
based and redpilled
who? what happened?
Seriously, what the fuck went wrong with the first half of the OP? The very start is awful, with stills coming and fading like a powerpoint presentation when it could have at least been a continuous animated shot, then the ugly names in big ass letters taking a chunk of the screen, which only have the very little payoff of the "Charanko?" bit.
Overall I simply expected better than old "let's just present the cast one by one then show parts of what's gonna happen in the season".
Hey niggas where do I watch this?
the internet
>People this fucking stupid that they don't understand the first episode always looks the best
I know most of the oldfags have left this site, but this is fucking ridiculous. JC Staff has had major production problems, they had 3 episodes done and nothing else for a long period of time.
The episode was fantastic, but people predicted wrong and can't admit it. Why? Is an anonymous board retards. Also, every animation it's better than what One draw.
>they had 3 episodes done and nothing else for a long period of time.
That's no surprise. OPM S1 was a pocket miracle because so many major freelance talents in the industry were willing to open a big spot in their schedule to contribute to it. It was known from the beginning that S2 would be a long time coming because of the scheduling nightmare involved in getting work from so many different top talents like that again.
We won't know if they succeeded until the 4th episode, but at least from the first episode we know that they tried, which is more than many were willing to hope from JC.
Art was good, but everything else was bad
Could barely understand what was going on on the fights
And they really fucked up with the sound you should be able to hear the king's engine throughout the whole time he was freaking out... but they had it playing in the background for a couple of seconds while people were talking about it and then it's gone on the next scene and you never heard it again
No satisfying punch sound when Saitama kills the giant bird
Could barely hear the soundtrack during the fight, couldn't get hype
Same here. I think they are going to end up fucking it up, unfortunately
I remember watching a youtube video that a guy made with the comic and some anime music on the background and it was pretty good (got taken down by jewtube though). Don't think they will be able to top that
For the best quality download the episode from nyaa and watch it using the VLC player
People give Madhouse a lot of praise for S1, but if they had gotten S2 without the freelance staff, we would easily have a Overlord S3 in our hands.
Yeah and its only get worse as every major broadcaster aims to launch its exclusive streaming service.
They gotta save the budget for Garou down the road
Just a taste for now
I had to turn down my display saturation just to make this shit watchable
>they really fucked up with the sound you should be able to hear the king's engine throughout the whole time he was freaking out
Why? It'd get in the way of the voice acting and other sounds so best to acknowledge it for a laugh and a callout for those who read the comic/manga and be done with it before it got annoying. Gotta make cuts to stay appealing on the screen and not overshadow everything else.
>No satisfying punch sound when Saitama kills the giant bird
It's the first ep. Saitama will get plenty of big punches in. That scene was also to show how in awe King was of Saitama's power because he defeated it so fast. Remember King was like "wait where did the bird go?" It was better that Saitama didn't have a big punch, was funnier and proves how strong he is.
>Could barely hear the soundtrack during the fight, couldn't get hype
I'll give you this one. The fight was a slop of noise and was mostly just a bunch of blur and lines.
Not amazing but not terrible. It was good. I think they'll do a good job. I have to see more Garou before I make a final decision though.
I keep seeing this "only 3 episodes" done, and no one has been able to cite a source. Where is this rumor coming from?
You can't really say this after one episode. They will definitely fuck this up at some point.
why tf did they literally show the worst shots in the fucking trailer like Saitama just floated away in the trailer but with context it looked decent
As long as it's not Index level animating or Yumekui Merry level directing, it should be fine.
don't listen to him. unless you'd like a virus,i'd stay away from torrents
your favorite streaming site ( i recommend kissanime ) would be your best bet
So, since OPM2 is half way decent, does that mean we all have to pretend it's terrible? Got it, thanks for the memo.
>haha it wasn't total shit everyone BTFO
Huh, ok.
you just keep pretending youre part of this "we" you speak of
It was solid. A clear drop in quality but not as bad as most of you nerds thought it would be.
Once again JC Staff prove they're the best in the business.
So Genos is the crazed cyborg who destroyed his own town, right? This seems to be what the story is foreshadowing. Kuseno reprogrammed him to give him purpose and drive to become a hero.
>ninofag is the mob shill
> yonkou
why are you lying
why are you an underage crossboarding reddit nigger
OPMfags confirmed to have really low standards
Yonkuck BTFO again, animeonleys BTFO again, OpmCHADS win again, based JCHAD Staff.
thought this ep was pretty good but then again i dont remember much from season 1 so its like watching something new rather than a continuation
daily reminder, Yoncuck defend black clover animation.
I enjoyed it too, but I'm glad I didn't rewatch OPM1 like I planned to.
It has a bit of Fubuki, that's enough for me.
This Ninochad had the NERVE to say something so controversial when everyone was having a good time!
Where are people seeing the OP? The terriblesubs upload didn't have it.
Heh, so this "Yea Forums" enjoyed this blatant chimpish "earscratcher".. Sad, really. I thought, silly as i am, that perhaps on this site's board, i would meet intelligent fellow humans...
But alas, i see only beasts of burden. tsch tsch, oh well, what did i expect from this "white" society?
lay off the weed stoner.
Up to what part will the anime cover? Garou's abduction?
here's a preview of season 2 episode 2
I think it looks fine.
Where was the CG? Didn't notice it, which usually means it wasn't a bad use of CG.
It was a shit episode my boi read the manga