Do you think Lovecraft would enjoy watching anime based on his works?

Do you think Lovecraft would enjoy watching anime based on his works?

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This is it, this thread is the peak of Yea Forums

no because non-Anglos made them

But only if there weren't any black people or niggers as I like to call them

What anime,Ika musume?

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He seems like a guy who would enjoy some cgdct

Didn't he only hate niggers though? Also I heard later in his life when he was dying of cancer his racism calmed down a bit.

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Dude hated his own works. He refused to let his works become radio drama even if he was a poorfag and needed the money. He despised the horror movies of his time.

He was also very racist, both against black and asian people.

And you think there's even a chance he would let Japanese use his works for their anime?

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during his time all non-Anglos were niggers

fuck off

I think he would be very confused if he watched Nyaruko-chan.

He was a prude so he'd probably hate anime in general.

Read Against the World, Against Life
he feared and hated everything that wasn't him

Absolutely not.

>Didn't he only hate niggers though?
you should actually read his works instead of parroting memes

All of the anime are shit but there are like three good manga

>based on his works
Hell no.

>enjoy watching anime
Perhaps. Maybe he'd enjoy something like shirokuma cafe.

>hell no
He liked reading fan fic though

No. There's only one good anime since the medium's inception.

He disliked non-Anglos. Though yes, after he lived in New York for a time he softened his opinion on others.

But he loved it when people added to his works?

Would he post on /pop/ if he was born today?

Yeah, but anime Lovecraft is nothing like Lovecraft. You think he'd enjoy fucking Demonbane?

>"What the public considers 'weirdness' in drama is rather pitiful or absurd... They are all the same - flat, hackneyed, synthetic, essentially atmosphereless jumbles of conventional shrieks and mutterings, and superficial mechanical situations."

- H.P. Lovecraft

Holy fucking buzzwords
He sounds like he would fit perfectly here

do you think he wants his grave spat on?
he might actually like this one though


He loved the written word. Dude wouldn't like TV let alone anime and certainly not the anime "adaptions" of his own work.

He would watch Evangelion 14 times and end up a Reifag

Fucking rude

He would adore catgirls, and wonder how civilization ever survived without them.

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better question is what would he think about his anime version

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He would get upset and then jerk off like everyone else.

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Lovecraft watching his first anime and slowly devolving into otakudom could be a horror book in itself

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that's why he asked, faggot

After he lived in NY for a while he was horrified by immigrants and wrote a story about yet another cultist group of immigrants ruining it for everyone in their stupidity.

He said that if nonnegroes (unsalvageable) took on Anglo world values and culture they can stay. Current japan, especially anime side, is very westfag. And they are being dunked in USA bucket for almost a century now. Good enough.

This is actually a neat idea, I like it.

>Implying Lovecraft wouldn't just find Japanese to be creepy, occult worshiping tehnophiles that are using electronic media to brainwash the masses to fall into Yog Sothoth's control

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I'd hope the last episode would be him declaring Chino as his wife.
The OVA could then be the spiral down to futa or guro.

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Is this pic supposed to make me feel horny, hungry, or racist?

>bc it's working

He was shit

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If anything I think anime is the perfect medium to deliver Lovecraftian cosmic horror.

technically anyone who's not from america is a nigger

Name one. Nyaruko is not.
Video gaymes does a much better job at portraying cosmic/lovecraftian horror.

>tfw lovecraft would have been a shitposting /pol/,/x/ NEET if he was born today

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It certainly could
His manga adaptation has already done it but as far as anime, not yet

MiA is unironically a great Lovecraft adaptation

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it makes you feel like a fat hairy gay bunny?