OPM S2 Webms

Since people are incapable of maxing out the bitrate of webms, cutting an action scene correctly, or even using the proper resolution I'm making some for the episode.

If you have a scene you want let me know

Attached: OPM S2 Genos.webm (950x540, 2.99M)



Attached: OPM S2 Genos 2.webm (950x540, 2.93M)

Genos vs Tiny Robot

Attached: OPM S2 Genos 3.webm (950x540, 2.95M)

Attached: OPM S2 Genos 4.webm (950x540, 2.91M)

I can't believe J.C Staff were the good guys all along...

the few seconds of animation where the robot moves is good but that's it

What's with all the smearing at 0:06

Man, this fucking sucks
Toei Animation tier

Reminder that the first episode of DB Super didn't look half-bad either. Wait until the next episode.

is this truly the shit people are impressed by these days?

yes, my good user, i would like a webm from episode 1 season 1, when saitama has that dream about fighting giants from the underground, just so we can compare animatin

Meanwhile last season

Attached: 0456ecbd2d5f5b0768336ac188ca5f01.webm (852x480, 2.77M)

For whatever reason they decided to smear certain scenes when they could have keep it alone and it would have come out just fine, this is really obvious when Genos "lightning" comes on screen.
It's part of the reason I had to cut the webms the way I did.
That's a sakuga scene, and as far as I can tell this episode had no sakuga, just mid tier fight animation. When we get sakuga then it be a fair shake to compare the two.

Attached: OPM S2 Genos 5.webm (950x540, 2.98M)

why would you compare a 2 minute sakuga fight scene to mid tier 30 second fight?
we should wait and see if this season even gets sakuga

Shit that ends up on sakugabooru

Shit that ends up in a toilet

Look at that camera. S2 is all flat shots, fake zooms and pans. Nothing'll top the Boros fight either at this rate.

Animation looks really good but choreography was very dull.
Still, A LOT better than everyone was expecting. It won't be better than S1 but it might be decent at least.

Nothing has the scale of the Boros fight until Garou vs Saitama, so ofc S2 aint gonna top that.

And? Compare it with Genos vs Kabuto for example.

It's not a train wreck but it's also not up to the standards that S1 set. It's just extremely mediocre in the animation department

Not as bad as the PV led me to believe. It still looks kinda awkward but it's not too bad. Until next episode.

A glib facsimile. Kek

>why compare episode 1 of season 1 to episode 1 of season 2
Gee user I wonder why people are doing this. Really activates the cranium.

One the monster invasion happens and almost every scene is an action scene this will be a shitshow

pretty much yeah, I'm reserving judgment until next episode with Garou

Toei can do great animation though.

So it's not as bad as it could be but it's also not great. Will we just seen an entire season of mediocrity?

We're not getting to the monster invasion this season, most people think we'll end around Elder Centipede fight with Saitama's one punch and the last few episodes bein Garou fighting the Class A and B red shirts

It was shitshow in the manga.

Unlikely, season will be mostly average and the fights that matter will good but not great/amazing like S1 was.
No anime will ever live up to S1 OPM, too many freelancers and favors were made to have the animators it had working for the little money they did at the time.

Dude, this .webm looks like shit

Watch the anime instead of these shitty .webms

I already watched it

The very next episode is gonna have three fight scenes. That's when these threads are gonna explode.

that smearing is built into the 1080p rips of the episode, that's the way it got released

can't help it if the source is bad, the smearing at the end reaches some really bad levels on their end so the bitrate can't handle it

I mean the invasion of the monsters during the tournament

It did

what is this DBS and OPM hate?

opening visuals are pretty bad
like, what the fuck are those giant letters? looks bad

If you teach a man to fish...

DBS sucks cocks, are you serious?


It's a big disappointment. They couldn't think of anything better than showing us literally every single character who will appear in this season? It's so generic.

fuck off

>still not good enough for sakugabooru contrarian niggers
These threads are going to be full of painfully dull posts the entire season

this thread wouldn't have been made if crossboarding Yea Forumstards weren't trying to start a fucking studio war by purposly making shit webms then putting them in the OPs of threads

At least it looked amazing. That's not gonna happen here so the """plot""" will have to carry the show.

>Better animation than OPM1
>Better animation than Mob psyco

Based animator-san saving the day

Yes. The post-moe generation will swallow pretty much anything.

This season will have no sakuga at all because JC seems to be completely incapable of it. They couldn't even animate the giant robot stomping properly and there was no camera work besides panning and zooming.

>stomping properly
How did it look in the manga?

Look that part of the scene again.

Robot is about to stomp the ground > cut > robot has already stomped the ground.

And that's with all the fight scenes on this chapter. Every time a charater is about to perform an action, there is a convenient cut and the action is already performed. It's a cheap way to save money, but it means we never get to see any action, any weight or any complex movement and there is no reason to be that cheap on every single fucking scene.

So yes, it is as animated as the manga is.

It's the big letters that ruins it for me, at least the song it's pretty good


Like wtf were they thinking with the opening? Literal slideshow coupled with a garbage song

>Season 1 OPM had Saitama killing a bunch of unnamed monsters
>Season 2 could have had Garou hunting unnamed martial artists and heroes

>instead we get whatever the fuck that was

Why did it have to be this way bros?

Attached: D3pjd7UWsAEppOh.jpg (1024x996, 94K)

I actually think the song is okay but the OP does need work with the animation

>ban all cutscene's

Based and one-shot pilled

o so youre the biggest loser....gotcha

They should have opened with Garou kicking everyone's ass at the Hero Association in a long, drawn-out animation heavy battle

THEN on episode 2 you have saitama and king

Starting an anime that is all about its flashy fights, with a battle-lite episode is dumb as fuck

Honestly this could look worse

Should've not skipped from spinning high in the air directly to landing otherwise it's good.

yeah I noticed that too, hopefully they don't keep that up

>For whatever reason they decided to smear certain scenes when they could have keep it alone and it would have come out just fine
That's not how it works. TV anime is forced to dim flashy scenes to avoid seizures. The BD will have a clean version.

dimmed/darkening is different from smearing that is used post process

>comparing seasonal anime to a long running series with only 2 months of preprod
The absolute state of Yea Forums animatione X-perts

Genos rocket punch is very clearly dimmed though.

You’re like that retarded violetfag

I need OCTOPUS CLAW MAN webms.

Attached: latest.png (767x801, 348K)

Luckily we have attack on titan for sakuga this season, a lot of well written and constructed action set pieces coming up.
I would include kimetsu in the sakuga for the season tier as well but the computer generated shit and direction is fucking terrible, it’s a step behind shakers tier but still pretty bad.

No, you’ll see an entire season of horrid garbage. This mediocrity in episode 1 is the absolute best animation they could’ve done

Mob psycho s2 had consistently insane sakuga I’d say more so then OPM s1.
And no I’m not a mobfag that show is a terrible patronizing pretentious mess, it’s just easily the prettiest tv anime ever.

That being said the mouth breathers who watch OPM are the same people that sat through all of dbz super, so I doubt it will be too unpopular

The ending of this season is going to be very action packed, from the fight at the cabin to genos vs garou to bang and bomb vs garou then straight to elder centipede.

If they don't deliver at least when Garou is deflecting the bullets to defend the cabin or when he is making his last stand vs Bang then there is no point.

>post yfw when "baka omae king baka omae"

Attached: smiletoro.jpg (344x374, 45K)

Jokes aside I thought it was pretty good. Whether they can keep that quality up past episode 3 will be the deciding factor. They did start late after all.

Hopefully the key fights get sakuga

Attached: OPM Garou vs Metal Bat & Genos.webm (640x360, 3M)

Attached: smugfart.jpg (285x283, 14K)

Can someone post a scene of him jumping from the room again

Only if you ask nicely.

I always found this nartuo style of fight animation to be kinda gay looking. Other parts of S1 were good though.

Please father, may I have a webm of the jumping scene?

No. This is a house of tough love!