why is HxH so good? Link and pic related
Why is HxH so good? Link and pic related
according to them amy schumer is dark humour, get your shit together
Why are you promoting e-celebs? Do you think this is Yea Forums?
if you're gonna try to fit in at least bother learning the right buzzwords
i love how consistently this is the first post now in hxh threads
Hunterniggers BTFO
Back to your cuck board, westernlet.
oh no no no no
>it's in the same advertisement block as teen titans go
>Bitch Hartman
God I hate huntertards so much
>24/7 hunting for the hxh threads
what a sad and pathetic existence
>anime for beginners
>pissfags still can't understand it
Should I watch the old series or new series? Or just read the mango?
Before getting into HxH, you shold read all the books in this list so that you'll be able to understand the series better when you start watching/reading it.
Thanks. I already read seven on them before
Well then you can start with the 2011 version because its more faithful to the manga and it adapts 3 more arcs. Then if you like HxH, you can keep reading it from chapter 339
Read the pirated Wiz ver. mango, the shit parts are all redrawn as they should be. Aggregators all have the old napkin scribbles, of course.
That’d cool of hunternigs actually read any of those.
Instead, they read this shit, thinking it was a masterpiss
I reccomend watching the old series. It's far better directed than its counterpart. Admittedly, the pacing is slower.
Watch the 11 version for a complete package and it's a bit more faithful to the manga. Also the pacing is better.
Read 1st chapter of the manga, watch first episode of 99, watch first episode of 2011. Then choose based on what you like.
>reading something written by a jewish woman
Read the first chapter of the manga. Then watch the 2011 anime. There are a lot of things that 99 does better but switching from one anime to the other is jarring.
Like you, spending 24/7 browsing Yea Forums