Jojo part 5.
How do I get this in my life?
Jojo part 5.
How do I get this in my life?
Why is this part so good?
Because you have low standards.
Post tummy.
Because there's a focus in story, the stand fights are decent (except for the final one) and the stands themselves are really good.
Vento Aureo is a fine part, but I think the pacing is bad.
>Giorno joins the gang
>over the next few days he helps defeat two literal whos, kills an entire assassination squad, turns against the boss, kills the boss' assassins, and takes over the gang
The story needed a bit more down time to breathe.
Trish's tummy.
I too find the pacing a bit forced, but I don't think that it's that off, especially if we consider that this is supposed to be a mafia war, I think that if we had a bit more scheming and plotting by the Gang it would have been better, but if we take into consideration the side stories and light novels (especially PHF), we get a decent picture of what Giorno had to go through in order to take control of Passione
spice girl finger wang make by peepee big peepee
because Giorno's theme is a bop and a half
fuck off faggot
Did some faggot report the other thread for spoilers or what
post yfw your bruno-shitter friends see him drop like a rock
Because it's like a better Stardust Crusaders
But Bruno doesn't drop like a rock... Johnny does
Yotsuyu Yagiyama too
Is it BucceLLati or BucciRati?
Up until the anime came out with official subs I always thought it was Buccellati
It's Bucciarati
>female character gets a fight
>almost gets her bra ripped off by a tentacle monster
Every time.
This, honestly. I see a lot of praise for this part but whenever I try to ask people why the results are very unimpressive.
Every JoJo is like this though. Is time to breathe and slowing down the pace ever not an issue in all of Araki's work?
What happened to Santana btw?
What if someday the power is cut on the uv lights, or someone insane just turns them off? There are no more hammon userss anywhere.
They probably just sent him into space to suffer the same fate as Kars
>Every JoJo is like this though.
No? Every other part is weeks or even months long. Part 5 is like one week.
Probably got reset by a gay priest
Buccellati is a real Italian name, but Bucciarati is used in all official merchandise and shit and also it's closer to the Japanese spelling
Yeah weeks and months of continuous fighting and no time to breath besides the occasional goof off comedy part.
I think you may have misunderstood the conversation.
Animated Marilyn Manson when?
Why, that was a shitty fight. Animated Planet Waves when?
>female character gets a fight
>almost gets rocks shoved up her vagina
Every time
What we actually need is Jailhouse Rock animated
What the fuck are those things on the top of bruno's head?
its supposed to be a braid, the anime just made them weird ovals.
Why is he so perfect?
those fucking clothes are way too retarded to be ignored. what the fuck?
Ok, hear me out here: Technically Giorno x Jolyne is not incest. Inbreeding cuts off after third cousins. Giorno is Jolyne's half great great great granduncle, and assuming his dna is about half Jonathan half Dio, he's only one quarter of a Joestar. If I haven't made any errors this means that they are distant enough that inbreeding would cut off and their children would be normal. Keep on writing those fanfictions and drawing that fanart jobros.
you could say that he makes you happy
Great, now there is no more reason to ship these 2. Thanks faggot.
you mean you dont go around the prison you guard in pierced stockings and pink miniskirt and a orange sweater ?
Threadly reminder that pink Doppio is confirmed
He never fails
wrong picture dummy
Gappy Stu
Reminder Doppio is the original personality.
wouldn't giorno be her great great grandfather?
Then why is it Diavolo that has the more similar soul to Trish?
Get your votes in
Diavolo was the one to impregnate her mom
Jojolion, Diamond, Steel Ball Run were at a fine speed
jojolion is slow as fuck, the opposite of 5
It has a lot of world building and story to go through
Part 5 could use more story in-between 8 consecutive fights
I thought there was two the entire time
Polnareff implies there was a split
Diamond had poor pacing
Reminder that both are different sides to the same personality.
Doppio is hands down the best thing about Part 5, prove me wrong
Prove yourself right
See the response just before mine and also iyou have to ignore fact that Giorno exists.
Green Day and Oasis exists.
>Brown eyes
Fancy way of saying you value your personal opinion among others, user.
Wow you're so original and deep, what an intellectual.
it is it is
only contrarian part4fag butthurt are still seething because their part was garbagely animated
His character design is the best of the whole part in addition to pic related
Pesci and Prosciutto were the high point of Part 5.
Nah, Pesci ruined it by being a bitch.
What world building? It's just the Gappy and Rai show now.
Which Speed King do you prefer?
This so much.
Does anyone have Spice Girl finger sass gif saved? Please share
Little Feet was unironically better than Grateful Dead and Beach Boy imo
t. manlet projecting onto Formaggio
anyone have the pic where every squadra member merch is sold out and Formaggio sold nothing?
This is the most QUALITY thing to happen in the entire anime. That includes every other part
Except when he lost the branch, the most important thing in this part...
t. incel projecting Prosciutto as a father figure
what do you mean?
thanks pal
I'm a girl, so no.
It looks like shit
He's also losing Yasuho's trust
reminder that Jolyne is more Italian than Giorno
>mfw even when the personalities are switching during the Metallica arc they just give Doppio's VA all the lines to pander to his fans
>I am a girl
>Yea Forumsermin
>it thinks I'm from Yea Forums
Maybe you are a girl after all, with you being this stupid.
tits or gtfo, sweetie
>retard Illuso sold out
>based manlet cheese boy didn't
what the fuck is wrong with nips
This wouldn't actually have worked with how Giorno chugged that cup of piss. He would've gotten a lot of it in his mouth.
it doesnt retard
this wouldnt work because thats not how jellyfish work.
What was the more retarded Gold Experience asspull, piss jellyfish or anti-venom?
In other words - you drank piss.jpg
coco jumbo clone
can you explain to me how Dio converted Johnathan's testicles to be half his?
I want to lick up all that sweat
Im a girl too
I think Risotto would have noticed if his voice kept switching
Unless the body starts physically changing then it's Doppio's voice
Risotto notes that Doppio's appearance and personality was changing so his voice probably was as well
show boobs or fake.
I'll post tummy if you want.
Nice tranny legs
I'm not a tranny.
Eat a burger
Delete this post.
You mean Bruno. Doppio is barely in 5
I'm European.
Can't wait for DP to btfo the feetfags in this fight also by censoring it!
God I wanted the dark blue color scheme, I'm sick of seeing the bright pink, hurts my eyes.
>in his final moments, Risotto found out the scary Boss is the split personality of a cowardly dumbass
>and jobbed to him
Based. Squadrafags btfo.
Best piece of Western JoJo fanart
It's not bright pink
Pink> blue
No mention of voice changing
the nips are basically la squadra; they think formaggio is useless because he dies first, when he's actually one of the most based assasssins
The Gon-san of our times.
I'm just tired of seeing him in that color.
I'm all for unconventional colors, for example this color looks killer on Gappy, but bright colors on Giorno is making him more boring than he already is.
I hope the 27th episode starts with a flashback to the assassin team, just like the cover of the manga.
Hes just ugly so the fujos dont want him.
>hates pink giorno
>likes orange gappy
How the does pink make him more boring? Also even purple gappy is better than orange
Pesci and Illuso are uglier
he's more attractive than pesci
Ghiaccio's ability is to make things cold, to the point where air freezes solid and reflects bullets.
So how did he teleport the disk inside of his suit?
The only appropriate Josuke is white
It's a fucking sailor outfit nigga why would it be orange
Also why is Koichi green but Josuke and Okuyasu blue? Don't they go to the same school and same age?
But Shigechi is also green but he's a kid?
Did they think Koichi is a kid because he's short?
He made ice over it and incorporated it into the suit, it was to demonstrate how he could breathe without a hole.
>Also why is Koichi green but Josuke and Okuyasu blue?
Kakyoin was also green and Jotaro blue.
How he breathed is he got air in his airhole and then liquified it inside and closed the hole
But then he teleports disc into his suit and that is never explained
He could just make a lot of tiny holes instead of one big and bullets wouldn't do shit
Ghiaccio big retard
The same way except replace air with disc encased in ice
So his ability is to teleport ice around? Why didn't he use that in the fight?
Why ship them when you can ship DIO x Jolyne instead?
>tfw no DIO x Jolyne porn
It didnt teleport it went into his suit.
Motherfuck nigga watch the anime
He holds it in his hand and then it disappears like magic
Wym user? It goes into his suit. Whats so hard to understand?
He's her adoptive great great grunkle
Not alright
I consider intercourse between any sort of relatives incest no matter how far
Josuke spoons with Daiya? Well he's technically Kira and Kira is a Joestar so he's her something something cousin so NOPE
Also she was kind of raping him but women can't rape so
It doesn't go into his suit
It teleports into his suit
Do you understand the definition of teleport
It's when an object traverses some distance instantly without actually moving from point a to point b
As you see in the anime, it does exactly that
Why and how
Post the cover
Do you actually need an explination for this? Sounds like you might be pretty autistic to me
Kakyoin was a transfer student and that's his old school's uniform.
that is one spicy gal if i do say so
yes it does retard. it's so out of place
>7 day ban for saying Giornofags are r*dditors
>this tranny can post selfies and attentionwhore and get away with it
>cuck janny probably gave her Yea Forums pass too
So Tusk 4 can move in stopped time but Johnny can't, could he beat Jotaro?
show feet and also tummy
>roastie/tranny comes to attentionwhore in a fucking jojo thread of all places
we come to jojo to avoid women. fuck off
Be more respectful.
>arithmetic signs everywhere
good work
>we come to jojo to avoid women
And then you read part 8 and self-implode into a rainbow mushroom cloud from all the girl boobs and ass shots
Araki is based
Wow, m*noids sure are delusional.
He can't even beat DIO
looking bad/unappealing and being QUALITY are two different things
idk but can anyone tell me why Gyro never acknowledges his stand?
But he's a man
If he got a shot off before Jotaro stopped time it's likely the bullet would continue moving after and Jotaro would eat it
So Johnny would win but only if he gets the first shot off.
He doesn't know what a stand is
He just knows that he got a super cool infinite horse power rotation and it shaved Valentine's hair off
report and ignore until mods wake up
shut up I wanna see her cute feet
>He doesn't know what a stand is
But this is demonstrably false. He can see and interact with stands. He sees Tusk plenty of times too.
But when he used the upgraded rotation that broke into Valentine's gap, it turned into this like little green stand, yet he didn't even notice it
Can he just not see his own stand?
is this like how he could see the potential in johnny but not in himself?
Jotaro would stop time and grab the bullet like an autist and be infinitely spun
Actually now that you said it, Gyro noticed and acknowledged Tomb of the Boom too.
I think stand rules are just thrown out of the window for this part and this part alone.
I made this thread.
And thread literally says
>how do I get this in my life
Kill yourself tranny
You'll never be a woman, but now that you ruined your body and mind you'll never be a man either
You're just a deformed mistake now, and it'll only grow worse with age
This shit part needs to hurry up and end so DP can start working on the anime for the best part.
where the fuck are the fucking mods
Preach, nigga, preach...
No one can divide a prime number...
you from the future? we still have stone ocean left
Fair enough. I admire your dedication to your morals.
Shut up, m*noid.
get new pictures atleast
I hope Versace gets voiced by someone with similar energy to Takehito so he can scream ANDA WARUDOOOO!!! and steal that nigga's disc
>that bulge
mods sleeping
Can't wait for SBR too
So did araki get lazy with King Nothing? Great design, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty much just a less accurate Moody Blues
Jojolion though
cgi horses
Moody Blues replays what happens to a person, King Nothing follows scents automatically, which outs Jobin as Rokakaka smuggler
If you think that's too similar wait till you see Doggy Style
Pucci's hair is so fucking retarded. A ponytail is literally growing out of his neck here.
did he actually name a stand after a fucking snoop dog album named after a sex position?
the maddest of lads
were already in part 2
for brief Colosseum battle
SBR horses are pretty much in 80% of the scenes
Absolute fucking yes.
A Snoop Dogg-themed stand belongs to the character referred to as "Plant Appraiser", trusted member of the thot patrol.
Can Araki get any more based?
CGI strings
Rai is based, it's a shame he arrived so late.
And then madlad that is Araki baited me into thinking he died
cgi fest sbr >>>>>>>>>>> well animated so
footfags btfo
It will
CGI rods
What's this?
If you'd rather that SBR be tarnished like fucking Berserk was then you're not even a true fan.
SBR is boring shit aside from Sugar Mountain
This and the finale. The beggining is utter garbage and the middle is mostly a slog. At least the main villain battle is one of the better ones and even that is later undermined by shitty za warudo fanservice.
Hey, you already got first 3 parts done in glorious beauty and high quality. That's where series was supposed to end.
Now all you get is good sound design and voice acting slapped on inconsistent ugly eye-bleeding garbage. Somebody give nips some fucking money. Clash and Talking Head episode killed my firstborn, then I came back and looked at episode 1 and thought what the fuck went wrong there
This is how Emporer Red works
I thought the whole part was really good and fresh. It's more exciting to see horse riding than ghost punching now, because there was too much ghost punching in parts like 5 (16 fights in 5 days or something like that? what the fuck, do they not need to sleep and eat and piss and shit wtf)
Less is more
High Voltage is bad though
At least let Johnny win against Diego wtf
He just falls and infinitely spins and cries while Lucy goes kill Diego for him?
That's not very nice to protagonist you know
>season 1 done in glorious beauty and high quality
please tell me youre joking
>the begginning is utter garbage
not true at all, it's a breath of fresh air after constant monster of the week stand fights
Still better than SO which is utter garbage and a slog from start to end.
At 0:45 he holds disc, there's a stand colored aura magic whatever around disc and then it disappears
He can teleport things
>At least the main villain battle is one of the better ones
imagine unironically believing this
rent free
Take any frame from 1-3 and compare it to any frame of 4-5
Barring Ratt Hunting and GW episode 1
Difference is night and day
Also openings are now the same quality as episode itself, whereas 1-3 had super detailed 3d model just pure kino art
Okay and?
Pucci is a contender for worst design of all time.
Part 1-2 are the worst looking parts.
Still has more detail than anything from DiU and GW
And colors are actually reflecting the environment and lighting as they should instead of always being the same eye-bleeding rainbow faggotry
t. was touched by Paper Moon King
Making Dio a side character was a great choice and his stand is one of the best in the series.
>Also openings are now the same quality as episode itself
The current opening's animation is better than even high budget movies get these days. It's far and beyond better than anything the episodes will ever get. You're completely blind if you think it looks anything like the episodes themselves.
>close up shot vs far away shot
-4/10 not even remotely good bait, just straight up retarded nonsense
call an ambulance, you may have had a stroke
The first half of requiem for a traitor is literally frames from episodes, redrawn
It's a recap
The GE beatdown from Fighting gold was reused in an actual episode 2 times by now, and probably not the last
That's not the purpose of the fucking opening
First 4 openings are all out marvels of creative visuals and animation you fucking retard contrarian
Not really, Stone Ocean gets good immediately. Visitor arc is hype and sets the high stakes. Meanwhile in SBR at this moment in story Johnny and Gyro are fighting such amazing enemies like Pork Pie Kid and Tomb of the Boom and also that guy that had bugs inside of his eye. So fun!
How does it feel to have your favorite part adapted when studio is lowest on their budget?
I know it will hurt me too, because by the time they get to Jojolion they'll draw it in MS paint
But until then I'll make fun of people like you who try and pretend that 5 doesn't look like golden piss
There is a fucking race going on and we're getting Gyro's backstory and worldbuilding of kingdom of Neapolis and America
Why do you care who they fight?
Absolute state of villain of the week retards
There is a story to tell, this isn't a beat em up videogame its a fucking comic
Meh, didn't feel anything. Part 2 looked dumb in the manga too anyway.
Not to mention
Tomb of the boom fight is intense especially when Mountain Tim rolls in and he's misinformed on who to attack
Pork Pie guy was scary until Johnny actually confronted him but that's when his stand awakened and hype was had
You can't appreciate anything that isn't ghost punch ora ora ora because you're used to one thing because you're a small brain faggot
This is why we can't have nice things
I guess when you read jojolion you just can't wait until Soft & Wet starts pummeling some guy with its fists, and everything else in-between those moments bores you to tears
Fall of your horse and break your neck
Also SBR early fights are better than SO early fights too. Can't even remember any memorable early SO fights besides little feet and darby ripoffs and a floating keychain.
why is he liked again
>The first half of requiem for a traitor is literally frames from episodes, redrawn
It's a recap
>The first half
You mean six seconds?
>How does it feel to have your favorite part adapted when studio is lowest on their budget
Not my favorite part, but I can still admit it looks good
and yes
>The first half of requiem for a traitor is literally frames from episodes, redrawn
Again, blind. They're from completely different angles from what was in the episodes. There's not a single reused frame for the recap in the OP. The only one I might think could have been redrawn is Giorno holding Mista but it still looks a lot better than in the episode.
>GE beatdown
Which part of the opening is this? When the characters and their stands are flying by? If you think the opening looks like the episodes (maybe there is a small amount of reused stuff, I'm not going to claim it's all new stuff without going through every frame myself, which I'm not going to do) then you have no business judging animation or art because you have no idea what you're talking about.
>First 4 openings are all out marvels of creative visuals and animation you fucking retard contrarian
The first 4 episodes are terrible looking CGI compared to TR's great 2D animation. The fact that people were begging for more CGI openings just shows how shit the anime industry and its fans have become.
Do animeonlys think highly of Giorno?
Imagine if the whole episode was of this quality
You know...
Like SC was.....
And also every episode was of consistent quality and we didn't have clash and talking head moments...
Wouldn't that be gureito daze....
>not knowing how many fujos the jojo fanbase has a whole, especially on Yea Forums
it's almost like you don't orbit e-girls on /trash/ /fujojo/ generals
pretty sure an animeonly created an entire thread criticizing giorno once
SC looked consistent I agree, the first season was a disaster though.
Clash and Talking Head is an exception, not the rule. Most of Part 5 has looked great.
A braid. It's supposed to look like a zipper, same thing with the broaches in his hair.
I literally said in the very quote you're using that they are redrawn, not reused. Yes they are from different angles. That's still the same visual.
GE beatdown when the first "Fighting gold" is said and everyone attacks with their stands
It's reused when Giogio attacks Ghiaccio in the trunk of the car and his hands freeze, and also somewhere else that I don't remember, probably babyface
>terrible looking CGI compared to TR's great 2D animation
Lol ok retard
The fujos there are ugly and have bad personalities though :(
Yeah that would be something wouldn't it
do you want:
>both clash & talking head and KC vs metallica to have average quality
>clash & talking head having bad quality, but metallica being amazingly animated
he wants everything to look like shit just like the first two parts.
asuka poster and fugonara are based
Why do you always fight?
Both to be amazing please
Like SC
>I literally said in the very quote you're using that they are redrawn, not reused
Oh no, they took scenes and made them look better and animated them better. I don't see the problem.
>That's still the same visual
They look and are better animated than anything in the series. They may be the same "events" but they definitely do not look the same. You've just deluded yourself because you don't like how the opening shows past events, despite the fact that I saw tons of people complaining that La Squadra wouldn't be in an opening.
>GE beatdown when the first "Fighting gold" is said and everyone attacks with their stands
What does this have to do with Traitor's Requiem? I'm not talking about FG (though I still like having 2D animation better than CGI), I'm talking about TR.
Stop. Do you want me to post the DIO's world collage?
Pork Pie and Tomb of the Boom are some of the worst fights in the series. Have decency to admit that.
t. asukafag
They were always going to like Bruno and Mista more, but I expected them to shit at Giorno much more than they actually do. The voice acting has helped.
4channel is a site made for image posting and discussion. why are you irritated by people discussing subjects
Literally the worst and cringiest fags there
Because the discussion is uncivilized.
she spergs out and dumps her folder when people post or talk about fugo and narancia with characters that arent each other
Oh hey, it's you again. Bet you're gonna try to convince us that Joseph (the Yea Forums appeal JoJo) is "Reddit" with your cooked up Reddit stats that only a Redditor would have access to in the first place.
You’re cringe.
Anyone with taste that shit cannot be based.
But they're not animated. They're still images of Abbacchio staring at Zucchero, Prosciutto screaming holding onto beach boy string, Giorno holding Mista, etc. Still images sliding through the screen.
Yes I don't like that opening shows what's in the episode already, in the same style and color and quality. I liked when openings were grand, over the top animated with weird, highly stylized visuals and symbols. Here, it's characters as they are in the episode itself, attacking air with their stands over and over again.
Even non-3D openings of Diamond had everything that I just described that makes them stand out. Vento Aureo openings are just not creative, especially requiem. fighting gold had the chains and the statue breaking down and the sand glass and that other shit. And only then, when the chorus hits, it shown stands attacking air. Requiem is basically the latter third of fighting gold but the whole thing, and also a short recap, and also Doppio. Couldn't even be bothered to obscure or hide Spice Girl before her reveal. Fucking uncreative man.
Music is very good though
I haven’t seen her in months.
>n-no u
The other crew members did most of the work.
I don't feel like the pacing was bad probably cuz im an anime only and i watch it once a week.
Those are far away shots.
part 5 has ugly even in close ups now.
How is it possible to have your head so far up your ass you still dont change your mind after having proof spoonfed to you? you are in serious denial
Don’t you dare talk back to me.
Post one from the most recent episode
>The other crew members did most of the work.
>thinks it's a good thing
Do you know what the word "protagonist" means
This series is not called fucking 'Mista's Bizarre Gunventure'
He's the most boring guy in terms of fighting, with literally just one way of attacking that barely even involves his stand, and he gets more action than titular character
the fuck
For you.
Here's Abacchio who looks like he underwent Content Aware Scale in photoshop.
I'm not the orbiter here.
In fact, everyone in this episode has had The Hand erase space between their upper lip and nose.
>But they're not animated
Bruno freaking out at Trish's hand and the group walking away without Fugo are both animated really well. I guess I understand what you're talking about with the stills now that I think about it but those still scenes are still better quality (art-wise) than in the episodes. The non-recap stuff like Doppio and the stuff with Diavolo and Giorno are also really well animated and the episodes won't be anywhere near that quality. I do think the visuals could be better (in their topics) but I don't dislike it and I think on the whole the quality of it is great.
You do know it's been like that since episode 1 right
That's just how they're designed
He switched personalities during sex
The previous 2 replies to this post came from one guy, who has a Redditor IP.
>gets spoonfed proof that reddit loves Joseph
>"n-no they don't, they can't like him, I like him a-and he doesn't respect wamen, you must be reddit if you disagree with me"
you're pathetic
Post favorite stand designs.
>Yeah this show is dedicated
>to abbachio who said I would never amount to nothing
>To all the people that would snitch around on gangsters, selling drugs to kids, abbandoning and trying to kill their daughters
>To all my people who thought VA would never make it
I think Giorno should have had more character developpment about his relationship with the other Jojo.
Like making Jotaro a bit more relevant, at least for 1 arc. The thing I would really like to see is how giorno feels about Dio, or seeing him learning about Jonathan.
It's just really uncreative and unsubtle. Even compared to Fighting Gold/
The recap is what was in the episode but stills, then the leg shot shows them walking away like it would be animated in the episode, then Doppio sees the vision and it will probably look exactly the same when he does it in the episode.
Stands fighting air is the same as episode, but with abstract backgrounds.
The scene with guy kissing Giorno's hand when he becomes boss will probably just be reused from here or at least be very similar.
It's half recap half spoiler.
Remember when Josuke was walking from the sun-shaped clock compass thingy while leaving dark silhouettes behind? Remember when Kira exploded the screen and rewind time, but all the characters behind him turned to him? Remember when Kira broke the heart symbol in Chase and then Crazy D repaired it back in Great Days? Remember Okuyasu's shadow morphing into bow and arrow and Keicho symbols without showing Keicho himself and shit like that? Remember the basically all the weird awesome silhouette shit that is shown in Bloody Stream and all the major plot points but highly stylized in Sono Chi No Sadame? The stars flying through the sky in Stand Proud? You don't see those in the episode do you?
Traitor's requiem is essentially a montage of what happened and what will happen, it's fucking boring.
Aside from Polnareff's dripping blood and skipping time, there's no subtle creative visual hints at anything. They just show you Doppio right away, they show you Spice Girl as she is. Fuck you. Look at them.
Spice Girl is hot as fuck in the anime
No more jotaro please, josuke would do. but i agree with the rest.
Literally all of this.
What if 32 year old Josuke appears in Fading Lights
He's now more mature and is like a mentor type like Jotaro in 4 and 6
And he's no longer as much pissed when someone mentions his hair he's learned to be more self-contained but still just as virtuous.
I wanna reread steel ball run but I don't want to read it on some shit manga website, where do you guys get your shit now that mangatraders isn't around?
if youre the same dude from the other threads, dont get so hyped about this since its possible something could go wrong.
Stop shilling your fanfic.
Spicy guru
Weak point : it can cancel your boner
Strong point : it can make condoms out of anything.
Sorry for being optimistic for once, I guess I'll go wait for new jojolion chapter and fuck myself
see you in 2 months or however long Araki's break is
Take your time Araki-sama that's why 7 and 8 parts are good in the first place...
just go read the novels or something, jesus christ
i didnt mean any offense bro. Ive just been dissapointed a lot of times by fan works.
What novels
Why do you call them novels if they're still comics
Or manga
They're not text
It's the same thing as jojo manga but short
Speaking of that why do they call animes OVA sometimes
It's the same thing but like not different at all
I'm so confuddled by the japs
I mean the panels they posted look competent. Even if they don't focus on story like 7 and 8, it probably will still be a fun fightfest like 3 and 5
Mista is fun but I never understood why everyone loves Bruno. I mean, he's all right. He has some excellent moments but no personality
the pages looked good, im more worried about drama and the artist not being able to keep up.
>essentially a montage of what happened and what will happen
Good. Fuck animeonlies.
But you have to do it REALLY slowly.
read jorge joestar its kino
The anime did a really piss-poor way of visually demonstrating it, but it works like this: with Gently Weeps activated, Ghiaccio no longer needs his airhole to breathe. He just freezes air on the surface of his suit and pushes the frozen air into the suit by freezing more on top and melting below it, which allows him to get fresh oxygen with no holes in his suit. With the disc, what's supposed to be happening is that he's integrating the disc into the suit in the same fashion, freezing air on top of it and melting below it to get it into the palm of his hand inside the suit. I agree that it looks like it's teleporting in the anime, but that's because DP is dumb. It looks better in the manga.
Bruno is just Jotaro
>now I have a tooth made of piss
Great plan Giorno
Post the manga version
Finally someone explained
The last couple of fights boiled down to the gang getting their asses kicked and Giorno asspulling their way to victory with spare parts.
I'm tired of the two part episodes where every detail of a fight has to be explained in order to understand what's going on. I thought it was cool at first how intricate the stand battles were in this part, but now I miss the earlier fights. Sometimes less is more.
>Like SC was
My favorite fight in Part 5 is Doppio vs. Risotto and I think a big part of that is because Araki couldn't just go ham for a couple chapters and have Giorno asspull a victory in the last chapter.
Me too. Even Giorno "no personality" Giovanna can be interpreted as smart, scheming, ambitious and ruthless, but Bucci is mostly just a nice guy. The only moment I enjoyed his character was in his backstory.
all of the fights from now on are top tier.
This might be the most disappointing shot in all of part 5.
Not the worst shot, but definitely the most disappointing. They couldn't have reserved just a little bit more of the budget for a high-quality reveal shot for the most unique stand design in the season?
Have we ever had an on-screen kiss in jojo?
Aerosmith is RIGHT there.
What is the point of GE touching plane gently and saying "no life here boys"
Just to invent more fucking abilities for it?
Jotaro, Josuke and Jolyne didn't need to invent new shit to keep up, they used what was there in a new way to their advantage.
Johnny's stand evolved together with him and his mastery of spin, so not an asspull.
Jo2uke's stand actually devolved in abilities so that can be called an ass-insertion (inverse of asspull)
ONLY Giorno does this. He gets more and more different, loosely-connected with life-theme abilities just to be interesting because otherwise no one would care about him in the shade of Narancia, Bruno and Mista's awesome fights and character moments. He's that boring.
GW is the only manga part I haven't read just so I could watch anime, and after the frog and the snake with bread and the fly and the jellyfish, I thought he would create more and different animals to overcome his enemies. There's so much creative potential for Araki here, so much creatures in the animal kingdom that are unheard of with weird and otherworldly abilities. So much more room for creative attacks and defenses than any other stand protagonist so far.
Why do you need to do this shit?
dio and erina
>dio x erina
Yukako and Koichi.
Or was it only in Koichi's words? Can't remember.
Is that supposed to be bad?
I don't understand, what's wrong with it?
I meant the light novels, what are you smoking?
Dio and Erina
Jonathan and Erina
Caesar and the random woman
Jotaro and the nurse
Koichi and Yukako
I think while his motivations are interesting, he's just bland. We don't see enough of his interests outside of being a gangstar. Even Jotaro drops hints about what he likes to do in his spare time, like watching sumo and marine biology. His screen presence at the moment is mostly tied to his stand battles.
Aerosmith can't detect everything.
It's a little wonky and flat-looking, and it's not incredibly detailed. Look at the eyes and the simplistic shading in particular.
It's not terrible, it just doesn't do the manga panel justice. For a spread that iconic, you'd think they'd try a little harder.
I like how its literally integrated into Jolyne. She doesnt summon Stone Free she makes with her string body
Agreed. Giorno could be seen as not having much of a personality but there are quite a few smaller characterization moments that are pretty interesting. Bruno's liked because... He has a cool stand and nice design? The only thing he did that was really all that interesting was "Arrivederci", but even that pales in comparison to the seven page muda rush. He is more expressive than Giorno, I'll give him that.
But what does that mean
He spread his genes throughout all of jojo's body until it reaches the balls.
Why are you posting the same comment over and over
Depends. Animeonlys on Yea Forums or Reddit and other sites?
Yea Forums rightfully finds him dull and second fiddle to best boy Bruno
Other and more retarded communities think he's the best JoJo because the first like 5 eps were really well animated
Mista and Trish soon
Stone Free was basically a prototype Steel Ball Run stand before Araki decided to give it a punch ghost form.
The snake killing Melone the issue after the fight with baby face because Araki set up precedent with Polpo that killing a ranged stand doesn't also kill the user.
Gyro's stand was 'Scan', it let him have a third mobile eye that he could see inside things with. The gained this in the 'Scary Monsters' arc. He lost 'Scan' when he lost his Corpse Part.
The stand that shows up against Valentine is not Gyro's stand specifically, its more the stand of the spin, or perhaps the stand of his Steel Balls.
Gyro seeing the 'Tomb of the Boom' was meant to show that the spin could effect stands, and that it was in some way related to them.
Because he has nothing better to do
Giogio looks kinda boring in blue compated to pink.
Why does it seem like some stands have their own personalities?
I understand Spice Girl is just Trish's subconscious emboldening her to overcome her fear and fight for herself.
But White Snake is literally a completely different person from Pucci
Not quite, SBR stands give a power but dont make the user the power. Also Jolyne uses strings way more than the punch form of SO. Many of Stone Ocean's stands grant an ability or characteristic to the user, in Steel Ball Run its a more straightforward superpower
On any case I do like the ghost's design. The sunglasses, the way the strings are incorporated and slender form are cool
Thank you for this explanation. What I've seen on reddit made it look like they love him, which I thought was bizarre.
>best boy
He's a stu.
It's really inconsistent though
I really hate that Scan wasn’t named after a Led Zeppelin song like Communication Breakdown or Heartbreaker.
But hey, at least we got Poor Tom and Ozon Baby.
Araki be like that always in every part
Yeah he's a stud ;)
How long can you endure it at that pace though
>implying you wouldn't risk Notorious so you can rero
>Stone Free
literally when
Whitesnake goes again on it’s own and walks the only road he’s ever known.
Best villain soon, also wacky as hell fights are my jam
Can't wait for Valentine too
I guess I can understand that. I personally think it still looks pretty good for one of my favorite stands and VA characters, but to be honest, I'm pretty fine with 90% of the stuff in the Part 5 anime after the DiU adaptation.
Bucci being a better character than Giorno is a fucking meme.
Literally every time it shows up.
t. faggot
aren't you confusing SF with Gold Experience
Why there was a lot of tension and fear in both. In Tomb of the Boom we saw how scary fighting against a stand user is, even one with a poor stand. Pork Pie Hat was worse but worked as excellent development for Johnny and showed that the Johnny-Gyro relationship was one of equals, not Gyro always being the mentor.
t. even bigger faggot
Whether or not she has to unravel herself
Pucci is more memetic, Valentine is gonna spark an annoying amount of discution about how he did nothing wrong. Both are fucking great anyways, and the fights with them are the best in the series
I wonder how will they manage the fat/fit valentine.
Will they have him fit from the get go or keep him fat and make him suddendly fit with no explanation like in the manga?
Why does Jolyne have craft singles nailed into her legs
They're both bullshit asspull stands.
that is insignificant. tell me once where that single thing was decisive in a fight
Whitesnake is the asspull stand from part 6 not stone free.
What does that matter
You only started questioning jojo fashion by the time Jolyne showed up? And she isnt even that odd by jojo standarts
Araki just have a really weird sence of clothing
Stone Free, Weather Report, Whitesnake, Kiss, Foo Fighters, etc they're all asspull stands.
>Stone Free can do the ORAORAORA rush like Star Platinum, turn itself into string like Hierophant Green, smells like soap and is the stand of Jotaro’s child
And to top all of this off, Jolyne’s mother is a redhead.
name one asspull by foo fighters or kiss
Please learn English before you ever post again
It's a valid criticism of the Part.
Fights have been the same formula and it got stale.
alright, let me see...
Stone Free asspulls:
>Moebius strip
>wait, that's it
Gold Convenience asspulls
>damage reflection
>that purple haze venom bullshit
>giogio discovering out of nowhere that he can replace body parts with objects
>coco jumbo clone
>that tongue thing in Clash & Talking Head (how did narancia even knew that was a tongue? how did he even used it with giorno pretty much unconscious?)
>there are probably more because that stand is absolute bullshit
you people are just finding excuses to shit on Stone Ocean
Kiss having asspull stats and not doing anything with it for the whole entire part and Foo Fighters being a healing stand yet being the first to die. Asspulls.
Doing the ora is basic bitch for stands, pretty much every ora stand has other abilities. SO's string is way more prominent than the ghost punch form
Yeah but Giorno is gay
There's literally nothing asspully about the Mobius strip
What do you think an asspull is?
haha egg baby
Stats are basically complete bullcrap that Araki decides by looking at a random number generator. Kiss is very consistent in what it does in the whole part
only two of the things you posted is an asspull for GE
So what is Fugo doing now?
Since he was working under Bruno does he have a way back into the gang or does he have to become a NEET
is Giorno x Jolyne just a thing because of the sexual tension in their interactions from the games?
Yeah but Stone Free copied Jotaro’s ora before every main Jojo and Gyro started doing the ora.
Stand cries were much more varied before Steel Ball Run.
No, Whitesnake is a remote controlled stand
Pucci speaks through him like Akira does with RHCP
Both of them did this for anonimity purposes
He plays piano for a few months then when Giorno is the new boss he sends him to kill the drugs division
Who the fuck cares about stats
They literally do not mean anything at all whatsoever
based araki shipping jotakak
Doppio or bossu voice for this and the stairs speech?
You forgot
>string printer
>a range bigger than a highway intersection
> still having the power to kill someone instantly while being so far
>can hear private convos
>string nets somehow don't cut through people even though it can easily slice through flesh
>string net can also sense people
They have quite the sexual tension in the Araki’s artwork and the games.
CLAMP's egg baby thoroughly convinced Araki into shipping it.
No, there's a part where White Snake and Pucci literally have an argument when White Snake is looking for a gun to shoot Jolyne. And then during the FF fight, Pucci has to tell white snake what's going on behind him. No other stands act like this
Moebius Strip isn't even an asspull. It's a thing you can do with strings. So she did it. Because her power is strings. It's well defined and makes sense, as opposed to Giorno's LIFE.
We got it the first time
SOtists on suicide watch
its lmplied at the start of SO that Stone Free can manifest itself in a string that has more range, making more than a half of the asspulls of that list fake.
i dont really remember the Jailhouse Lock fight, but she making a print of the enemy with her string still doesn't breaks the stand's rules
Isnt Echoes Act 3 like that too?
How is the range thing an asspull, its stablished as long ranged in like its first fucking apperance, before even punch ghost form
Printer is stupid I give you that
Second half of that list are things strings can literally do: They transfer sound, and ofc she can sense people with them the string is literally her body. Also she can modify the density and width of the strings so be more net like instead of a cuter.
Healing in jojo is all round bs, from SDC to SBR
If anything it was a really fucking clever way to fight off c moon
>>string printer
>>a range bigger than a highway intersection
It unravels itself, the whole stand cant get too far but if it becomes a long piece of string it can
>> still having the power to kill someone instantly while being so far
See above, and she caused a car crash, she didnt kill the lawyer with her stand, retard
She can only heal herself cause she sews the wounds together
>>can hear private convos
What are tin can phones
>>string nets somehow don't cut through people even though it can easily slice through flesh
What is pressure being relative to area
>>string net can also sense people
Literally every stand can sense other people
>it doesn't break the rules because i say so
Jolynefags really grasping at straws right now.
You forgot:
1. Created animal returns to the 'owner'. So Bruno's tooth returned to him, but Koichi's suitcase came to Giorno as frog. But then Narancia's shoe was following his body in Soft Machine, but Babyface's parts somehow found Melone to kill him as snake. But animeonly scene where money came to Giorno as butterflies? But brick-snake didn't come to anyone, instead it acted like a natural snake and slithered towards Illuso? Was it because owner of the brick house was dead because it was some ancient Pompeii citizen? What? How does the animal decide who it belongs to?
2. Gold experience makes the tree wither and die like Grateful Dead this one time and never again
3. Scanning for life the airplane even though Aerosmith does that already
4. Giorno explicitly tells Mista that he's not actually healing, he's merely turning bullets into Mista's flesh. Okay. Then, King Crimson punches a hole in Bruno and slices another one in his shoulder. There's no inanimate objects stuck in Bruno's body, yet Giorno then touches him and he's cured. How?
5. Giorno can track where his creations are (the turtle broch on Boss's buttcheeks), but he doesn't do that with Soft Machine fly, Koichi frog, Melone snake...
6. Just your sense will go berserk. Used on Bruno successfully, tried on Black Sabbath didn't work, never tried that again.
7. Hand emerging from a broche
8. Piranha hand, Brick snake, Burning Melone snake, Broche-hand and Broche-tongue are merge of object with creature, but everything else just turns into creature completely.
Was it an argument? I always saw it just as Pucci commanding Whitesnake verbally, like a lot of other stando tsukais do.
She wasn't healing, she just sew wounds together. Foo Fighters is healer of the part.
Also first three parts had Hamon for heals, the only part without a healer is Jojolion.
Alright then that's more convincing than the gun thing.
Guess Whitesnake is the new Spice Girl then.
>>string printer
Jail House Lock.
>SOtist doesn't remember O MY STRING PRINTER
That's a new use of the same ability, not a new ability invented like Giogio's Purotto Konveniensu
Nigger Giorno invents a new ability not connected with other abilities other than "life-related" in literally every single fight he's in
And you complain that strings do things that strings do
Why does Giorno feel like a plot device in his own Part?
>VAtard prefers attacking the single stupid asspull that jolyne does (which, by the way, still doesnt surpass the abilities of Stone Free) instead of trying to defend GC's dozens of asspulls
his stand handicaps him.
He is. He only exists to aid the autonomous characters of Bruno, Mista and Narancia. His investment (or dream as he put it) into Bruno's mission comes out of nowhere in the stupidest way possible and makes no sense.
At least Josuke's stupid inmotivated goal was clearer - punish the guy who exploded your friend and dozens of innocent wamens.
The only time I got this feeling was when Giorno's requiem stand just so happened to be the only thing that could really counter KC. GER doesn't even feel like a logical progression from regular GE. Maybe if it was Crazy Daimond Requiem or something. Really weak ending.
Part I taught me how to find the good in people
Part II taught me how to expect the unexpected
Part III taught me how to fight my fears
Part IV taught me how to love again
Part V taught me how to be a dreamer
Part VI taught me how to face religion
Part VII taught me how to fight adversity
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
SCR isnt exactly a logical evolution from the normal Silver Chariot either
Tsuguri licking Yasuho's feet.
Requiem stands have the ability necessary for the current situation and their power is not related to the original stand.
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
It's Modern Stardust Crusaders Alive
Is Bites The Dust logical evolution from First Bomb? Because it metaphorically explodes time?
Nah, arrow stabs are asspulls by design. Evolution is for Echoes and Tusk.
Part VIII taught me how to get pussy
Requiem stands are what the user absolutely needs/desires at the moment.
Chariot is the ultimate defender of the arrow, GER is the ultimate killer. Neither is a normal progression of the original stand
Yeah but I just kind of gave that a pass because it wasn't the ending battle to the entirety of the part. I guess they don't have to make sense but it's still just too convenient to be satisfying.
Part VIII made me happy!
What if Enrico Pucci used Pale Snake on Tomoki Wu and removed Dr.Wu from him then put Dr.Wu in a normal man human? Would that work?
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
when will we start gassing all footfags
Jolyne is hot desu. I'd suck her girlcock.
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
Before reading part 8:
>what the fuck so many similar names what the hell is rokakaka what is going on Kira is Jotaro? And Kira is Josuke? Koichi and Okuyasu are girls now? the heck
Reading part 8
All of you didn’t understand that i wasn’t being sarcastic.
I never doubted your honesty, dear.
Johngalli A was the prettiest boy of the series.
you wont change my mind
that ass is shit though
1. It said the snake tracked body heat and Illuso was the only one there. The suitcase and money was stolen property of Giorno now.
2. There was no need to ever wither a tree again.
3. Aerosmith was sensing bigger threats while Giorno was sensing smaller ones. He says something about there not even being a roach on the plane.
4. He could've just used his dried up blood.
5. The shoe fly couldn't deflate itself to go between the boats. He didn't need to track the suitcase frog because it came back to him and the Babyface snake was going back to Melone.
6. Didn't work on Black Sabbath because it's a remote controlled stand.
7. Gave life to his brooch right before he cut his hand off to get rid of B.I.G.
8. Brooch hand and tongue eventually became complete. The others didn't need to be completed.
Tooru reminiscing of how he fingered Yasuho's girlhole.
And then he spooks Josuke with his dark scary stand and he's most certainly enemy rock man and will die at his jealous hands within next few chapters, giving head doctor time to get away and progress the plot
You don't understand why I brought those scenes up, do you?
less than 2 weeks until new JJL chapter!
im excited! those threads are always so comfy! :DD
The debt collector was literally like the best fight in the fucking part along with jailhouse lock
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
>then the leg shot shows them walking away like it would be animated in the episode, then Doppio sees the vision and it will probably look exactly the same when he does it in the episode.
This is what I'm saying. The walking part was not the same as it was in the episode. These two parts are movie quality animation. They look miles better than the show does or will look.
Shit! Really!
Where do you get the times?
I thought Araki was on a break though
I thought Horus was a cool ass design.
Not true, chariot requiem is summoned once before when Polnareff uses chariot to grab the arrow from behind a cuboard
this but unironically
how many episodes until best boy polnareff show up again?
How come still no Jojolion.
It's the most girl tits and girl ass part
Araki is so fucking weird
You were trying to list asspulls were you not?
i enjoyed Manhattan Transfer, Highway To Hell and Dragons Dream
Interesting taste, user
I said they were both bullshit asspull stands, SOtist.
Yes, and inconsistencies. You just explained them further, proving my point.
Have you ever felt so horny reading the manga despite Araki's shit anatomy?
For me, only that time Dio took his shirt off against Jonathan. Fuck me that was hot.
but user, thats gay...
Bossu for that, transitions from doppios to bossus for stair speach
no, but jolyne makes me feel things now
I had a rough time reading Part 6 since I couldn't stop fapping to Jolyne.
and literally everyone else in the thread showed evidence that SF never breaks its own rules, concluding that the stand isnt bullshit.
What point? I gave reasons as to why they weren't asspulls/inconsistencies.
Jotaro and Josuke had great chemistry for an uncle and his nephew.
MT and HtH are pretty cool, but I think Dragon's dream had too much exposition, also, I didn't like its user. The dragon itself is pretty based tho.
Completely necessary Jojo scenes that had to happen.
I want to bury my face in Yasuho's flower skirt.
Assuming she smells like roses too.
Forgot pic.
Kaato literally didn't even do anything wrong.
She's just a really really good mother.
post underrated antagonists
She smells like Hiroses
Read more western comics.
Kaato Higashikata has to be youngest looking GILF i’ve ever seen.
I sincerely hope they make Hermes more attractive in the anime, she looks like ass in the manga.
oh, she smells like overrated annoying midgets?
I've been trying to get my hands on this one Yasuho MMD model but the creator has it locked behind a link you can only access if you're twitter mutuals
Necessary scenes that needed to happen.
Official and definitive JoJo part ranking: Battle Tendency>>>>>>>> The Rest
This is a fact and you all know it
Is there a bester girl?
Hot pants
Too manly, boring death.
That fight was stupid. All Diego had to do is become dinosaur. If Valentine moves - dinosaur death. If doesn't - Hot Pants gets him.
Mary sues of each part:
part 1: Dio
part 2: Joseph
part 3: Jotaro
part 4: Koichi
part 5: Giorno/Buccellati
part 6: Pucci
part 7: Diego
daily reminder Joseph is best JoJo
>part 7: Valentine
You're too manly
Not saying that you're wrong (or right) but can you please really briefly define Mary Sue?
part 1: Dio
part 2: Joseph
part 3: Jotaro
part 4: Koichi/Kira
part 5: Giorno/Buccellati
part 6: Pucci
part 7: Gyro/Valentine
Only beta faggots dislike masculine girls. Hot pants can crush my head with her muscular thighs amy day.
part 1: Dio
part 2: Joseph
part 3: Jotaro
part 4: Koichi/Kira
part 5: Giorno/Buccellati
part 6: Jolyne/Pucci
part 7: Gyro
I hate feminine boys just as much.
Stay in your sex, you nature's mistake.
he's literally just a healbot
Part 1: Dire
Part 2: Esidisi
Part 3: Iggy
Part 4: Okuyasu
Part 5: Polpo
Part 6: Emporio
Part 7: Blackmore
emporio is a good one, didnt think about him.
>tfw manga has trained me to read from right to left so i have no idea wtf is going on in american comics
All jojo characters are Mary Sues
Fuck, I wasn't supposed to have an accurate one in that list.
Youll die a coward user
Are you suggesting that Jojolion has no Mary Sues or that you haven't read it? Because if it's the latter, then:
What happened to Jobin's amnesia
He remembers about the branch and shit like that
Was he cured?
Okuyasu is kind of a Mary Sue too
im waiting for it to end to judg, rai looks like hes going to be the sue right now.
Still haven't defined Mary Sue.