What does Yea Forums think of Seikon no Qwaser?
What does Yea Forums think of Seikon no Qwaser?
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I miss Kaneko and am glad he's directing Nankoko. That being said, I hope he doesn't work on Dharani. I actually like the story of that one because the author is interested in a lot of stuff.
I have never fapped to another TV show more than this. The amount of times I have fapped to the BE scene from episode 21 alone is a countless number.
It's shit.
Dropped it way back when it was airing.
Just wanted jack off material but the "plot" was getting in the way.
I prefer Shinju no Nectar.
No, that looks like milk.
It's Kaneko shows or Queen's Blade for me.
I like Kai more than Sasha. Kai also has a true harem as opposed to Sasha having a de facto one.
it's the show that introduced me to inverted nipples so it will always have a special place in my heart
also reminder that inverted nipples are real
Masterpiece. My raging boner can attest to it's quality in GREAT length and girth.
Mediocre show carried by Katja
Does anyone have that image of Qwaser characters next to other roles their seiyuu have done?
Only worth considering for Katja-sama, honestly. 10/10 would be her slave/soma dispenser for life if given the opportunity
>Can't jack off to the plot.
There's a 2 hour long collection of every single fanservice scene from both seasons and nothing else on Nyaa.
literally the only good erotic scene in the show
is she sucking her dick?
Sasha also has a harem, only that they're not around him all the times. I remember that Teresa (the nun girl) and Aoi (the oxygen girl) are smitten with him.
The manga is legit good, while the anime is just mindless ecchi trash.
I'm kind of perturbed by how the Croa (tian) guy is described as the evil for evil's sake person who just wants to spread war crimes like he did in the Yugoslav Wars.
Sadly you are not a woman.
>her dick
Pretty accurate representation of balkanese people.
A fucking masterpiece.