ITT: Characters that make you want to eat ass

ITT: Characters that make you want to eat ass

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>eat ass
But that's unsanitary

True, not many people eat donkeys in the first place.

or camels, or bull dong

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I would definitely do it for Amano.

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Kirino has a terrible ass, it's bony as hell.

Big fat butts are for humping, small tight butts are for eating.

She gets digital clothes that can be changed via a remote soon. I bet that remote is gonna get stolen.

Even though author was telling us to look forward to her ass.


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>Kirino has a terrible ass, it's perfect
So which is it?

*sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF*

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This desu

Butts are only for groping. Buttholes are dirty. You guys are digusting.

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user, she’s 14 years old.

>shes 14
even better

Forgot to quote you

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I'd rather eat her tits

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Sauce, OP?

Everyone drawn by Namiroji

Don't know the name, but it's the new manga from Matsuena, the author of Kenichi

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You'll probably get diabetes from how much sugar her ass contains, but it's worth it.

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kimi wa 008

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that fucking posture is killing me

>that fucking posture is killing me
Yeah, I know what you mean. Her spine would've broken at this point.

In my case is more like I'd eat that pussy while she's like this, so I have her ass on my face

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Thanks brothers.

Nice thread

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She is trying to give you good access into her anus, so you can get your tongue in further. Come on, just stick it in for a little bit.

The art is superb for a thigh and ass man like myself

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Prime breeding material

Poo comes from there, ya know.

she looks so dumb here wtf?

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still better than the shit that came out of your mom's vagina

I want to taste that ass sweat.

Fine, but only if she acts all bratty and demanding about it.

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Everyone knows girls have an extremely efficient digestive system and their lower gastrointestinal tract is only used for ventilation.

>he's not a contortionist
lmaoing at your life.

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I know what you mean
>"Why isn't your tongue in yet?"
>"Come on, get it in deeper, jeez, what a loser..."
>"Look, I know you need air, but that's not important right now."

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for her, i'd be an assnivore for the rest of my life

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every day

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She's watching that petal on top of her breast

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Girls practicing gymnastics do it right, but this unnatural example shows a girl that has her spine bend at 90 degrees. How is that normal? Her internal organs would be a mess, not to mention her nonexisten ability to walk due to a broken spine.

H-holy shit anons, imagine the softness. It would be like touching the softest cloud. Surprised that he didn't push her forward.

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