ITT: Characters that make you want to eat ass
ITT: Characters that make you want to eat ass
>eat ass
But that's unsanitary
True, not many people eat donkeys in the first place.
or camels, or bull dong
I would definitely do it for Amano.
Kirino has a terrible ass, it's bony as hell.
Big fat butts are for humping, small tight butts are for eating.
She gets digital clothes that can be changed via a remote soon. I bet that remote is gonna get stolen.
Even though author was telling us to look forward to her ass.
>Kirino has a terrible ass, it's perfect
So which is it?
*sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF* *sniff* *SNIFF*
This desu
Butts are only for groping. Buttholes are dirty. You guys are digusting.
user, she’s 14 years old.
>shes 14
even better
Forgot to quote you
I'd rather eat her tits
Sauce, OP?
Everyone drawn by Namiroji
Don't know the name, but it's the new manga from Matsuena, the author of Kenichi
You'll probably get diabetes from how much sugar her ass contains, but it's worth it.
kimi wa 008
that fucking posture is killing me
>that fucking posture is killing me
Yeah, I know what you mean. Her spine would've broken at this point.
In my case is more like I'd eat that pussy while she's like this, so I have her ass on my face
Thanks brothers.
Nice thread
She is trying to give you good access into her anus, so you can get your tongue in further. Come on, just stick it in for a little bit.
The art is superb for a thigh and ass man like myself
Prime breeding material
Poo comes from there, ya know.
she looks so dumb here wtf?
still better than the shit that came out of your mom's vagina
I want to taste that ass sweat.
Fine, but only if she acts all bratty and demanding about it.
Everyone knows girls have an extremely efficient digestive system and their lower gastrointestinal tract is only used for ventilation.
>he's not a contortionist
lmaoing at your life.
I know what you mean
>"Why isn't your tongue in yet?"
>"Come on, get it in deeper, jeez, what a loser..."
>"Look, I know you need air, but that's not important right now."
for her, i'd be an assnivore for the rest of my life
every day
She's watching that petal on top of her breast
Girls practicing gymnastics do it right, but this unnatural example shows a girl that has her spine bend at 90 degrees. How is that normal? Her internal organs would be a mess, not to mention her nonexisten ability to walk due to a broken spine.
H-holy shit anons, imagine the softness. It would be like touching the softest cloud. Surprised that he didn't push her forward.