Fairy Gone

So dead on arrival? I really wanted something cool or at least passable but they took a massive dump on it with giant CG witch and wolf. It looks like fucking ass. Why do they keep doing this? Just write a story without giant CG monsters you fucking retards.

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Yeah, but Free Underbar is a handsome.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Fairy Gone - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.51_[2019.04.07_20.39.01].jpg (1280x720, 49K)

he'll dick some sense into those two dumb bitches

Its better than Revenge of Bahamut or whatever that anime was called. But worse than Persona.

eh thought it was okay, not like there is much else worth watching this season
will see if it improves or becomes a dumpster fire

I can't believe they decided to shove 3 fucking tracks from the band in the first episode alone

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Yea it's shit, the MC is lame too. Dropped

The chi wasn't even that bad. What is is the QUALITY animation.

Three episode rule. There isn't enough to know if it'll be good or shit, so magic alien persona pokemon is still in the air.

Should have gone in medias res and show a typical Dorothea case first, then bring up the childhood friend and special snowflake stuff.

why do some shows do this thing where some characters have normal eyes while others have big amine eyes? I guess the ones with big eyes are supposed to be more youthful/innocent?

3 episode rule is bullshit waste of time.
1 episode rule is good enough. then you watch two more episodes if the internet leads you to believe your impression might be incorrect (which never happens).

Fuck you, I liked it.

After DiTF and Mayoiga, both rules are bullshit.

Generally when shows try to have "cool" music to compensate for lack of anything actually interesting happening, like pretty much everything Sawano has done, they usually end up being pretty shitty.

The CG is decent. It's everything else that's shit.
That moment when the girl with the knife stood in the middle of the opera room doing jackshit I opened a new tab and started browsing Yea Forums to start shitposting about it, it was more interesting.

>3 episode rule is bullshit waste of time.
fucking this
been watching anime for 20 years and have yet to see a case where the anime improves drastically 3 episodes in
you watch 1, maybe 2 episodes and you know exactly what you're in for

i know this is going to be shit from the trailer alone, just look at the CGI

Seems fun to me

Show seems kinda shit, but i want to cum inside maria or marlya or something

I watch all anime originals

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>Just write a story without giant CG monsters you fucking retards
you either get CGI monsters or you get no monsters, which is not happening cause there's no such thing as an action anime without monsters and magic

>worst than Persona
So literal shit still

Marlya is a cheesecloth in Russian

Is it the lips, the eyes or the hair?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Fairy Gone - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.27_[2019.04.07_20.20.10].jpg (1280x720, 64K)

mc worse than deku

I woudnt call it dead, it still can get somewhat interesting, though main issue is writing and i am not very optimistic about it.

Rage of Bahamut had much much better first few episodes. It only went to shit after zombie loli appeared since it litterally was outsourced to chinese at that point.

thing is rage of bahamut was not only already popular because of the mobage. but the mc was kinda different instead of just plainly retarded

I rabu Veronica

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>I woudnt call it dead, it still can get somewhat interesting, though main issue is writing and i am not very optimistic about it.

It really feels like a bog-standard opening episode with your naive girl and the experienced not-quite stoic dude as partners

If it can actually elevate itself beyond that in the course of the series, I will be impressed

Not even a remotely interesting show. Its also hard to believe that this is a P.A. Works show considering how shitty it looks.

>bog-standard opening episode
It was a hell of a lot worse than bog-standard; it was a horribly directed mishmash that threw everything in.

>both fucking garbage
Way to prove him right

it felt like they jumped the gun with the plot reveals way to early.
Why are they already doing they,
"that's my childhood friend from 10 minutes ago, omg!"
Without giving us any reason to care, this felt like a random episode somewhere down the line and not a good opener.
It even looks incredibly mediocore in terms of animation and shit, feels like episode 4, instead of what episode 1 should be like.

The main female is an annoying cunt and it feels like this was written by the west

>Its better than Rage of Bahamut

>Its better than Revenge of Bahamut
What the fuck? You're out of your mind, faggot.

They ain't even trying to hide the bloodborne inspiration

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>Bitch can't even follow a simple order of go back to her post as security
>touches things she's not supposed to, waking up and letting animal escape.
>Shoots at you because you're not allowed to hurt someone who has already killed several people
>Lets said criminal get away
>invite her to join your organization

It's stupid.

There is some faint hope in me that they wanted to get over as much necessary plot, backstory and world-building as fast as possible and will spend the next episodes with something fun instead.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Fairy Gone - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.32_[2019.04.07_20.13.35].jpg (1280x720, 73K)

> They wanted to blow through the story
That's not a good thing.

>it felt like they jumped the gun with the plot reveals way to early.
Most animes are like this, because otherwise ADHD kids may become bored. Or, god forbid, they may even start crying from not understanding anything.

Same. Fuck light novel adaptations in particular.

Generally, the younger/cuter someone is, the bigger the eyes. It's ingrained into every human.

i hope this will be at least passable, this season is lacking in shows to shitpost about

>worse than Persona
Worse than THIS

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not really

I think he means it the opposite way, as in those shows became absolute irredeemable dogshit halfway through anyway even though the first few episodes were funny/interesting.

>bloodborne inspiration
Yea Forumstard pls
Don't talk shit like BB was original and didn't take architecture, clothing, basically everything from already existing designs.

Big Order by PA Works?

>Thought the guy was the MC
>It's actually the cardboard cutout teenaged girl with an IQ of 80

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Is this better than sirius the jaeger? Because I can't be disappointed again

fuck off crossboarder trash

>Is this better than sirius the jaeger?
No, its way worse. Don't waste your time.

No enough sausage for you?

As anime-original first episodes go, this was decent enough. We'll keep watching a least for a few more episodes.

Sirius was a huge shit. FG seems that will be better than that garbage for autistic

Both had bad first 3 episodes though. I don't see the contradiction.

I'm fine with the MC being a woman, my problem is that they made her a dimwitted child with a weak personality.

It's too soon to claim that. She seemed proactive enough. A little naive, sure, but that can be easily fixed with some character development.

>Its better than Revenge of Bahamut
You mean Virgin Soul right? Because if you're referring to Genesis then you're out of your fucking mind. The first few episode of Genesis were fucking amazing. Hell even Virgin Soul had a strong start before going full retard at the halfway point. Get better standards.

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What was the point of doing a P5 anime?

Its more like the Witcher saga monsters

>The main female is an annoying cunt and it feels like this was written by the west
This, literally virgin soul 2.0
watch the based male MC be sidelined for her dyke lust

>if you like male MCs who are based you're gay
kill yourself yurifaggot cuck, I bet you like this garbage because of the dumb bitch femc lusting after the other bitch
Literal trash taste

worse so far, the MC is fucking garbage and yuricucks are already defending her and shitting on people who like the male MC who's actually got a personality

>trying to find a friend
Only lust I see here is yours for the sausage.