Everything this dude says is true.
Everything this dude says is true
anyone who says someone is nice doesn't care about him either
He a redpilled incel.
It's not niceness but the fact that you can't think of any less generic adjective
But she wants to fuck him so he is wrong.
>aaaa I am so nice! please fuck me!!
Incel mentality
yet he still gets a harem, face it this series is absolute garbage.
I don't think two girls are enough for a harem.
But he's saying the exact opposite?
That being nice is a worthless quality, as anyone who is labeled 'nice' is only being labeled as such out of politeness, because you can't think of a real compliment for them but can't afford to insult them.
Not really. Most of the online incel community hates that mentality. Nobody the believes anybody should be nice to get a fuck and those that do are the ultimate cucks who should be shot.
i want a gf with Yukino brain, Yui body, Iroha gf attitude/behavior, Saki thrift&housekeeping traditional mindset, Haruno araara, Sensei matureness, Yumiko caringness, Ebina otakuness and finally Saika cuteness
Only in the anime.
hachiman is /fit/ as fuck, even slutty yui is mirin his wide alpha shoulder.
post mirin
When you're 15 years old.
Who else thinks Hiki's design is better in S2 than in S1?
It was really cool for a few eps, he was based and redpilled, but then slowly everyone falls in love with him, he starts whiteknighting for everyone and the jokes disappear leaving only teenage angst. Much better than the generic harem anime but that's not saying much.
i see it as grow sprut, you know how teen grow up from boy within the small timeframe
its better. Helps you see that he isn't an ugly dude but just has a really bad attitude and aura
He is right. Take his stance on imoutos for example
He is right though.
everything that dude says is cringe
Unironically right
Anyone who unironically thinks "Women like nice guys but the so called nice guys aren't nice enough" is delusional
And what when the girl kicks you in the balls?
cum buckets
>dude what if we made a story about a bitter loner who magically gains friends and girls who love him
The wish fulfillment was a bit too much for me.
he maybe a bitter loner but he is alpha in disguise, he is smart and handsome
Literally rejected throughout middle school because of his cliche sanpaku. Oh but I guess he magically becomes handsome when the wish fulfillment begins.
That's why Hachiman should be my girl instead
I think nice can mean nice, or "ugly beta boring faggot".
Disagree. Hachiman is more fuckable in S1
his man gene set in highschool and transcribe the manly proteines for manly metamorphosis . In LN, he smarts in literature, he is number 3 after Yukino and Hayama
I too want to fuck him
>irowhore a shit
I mean he was basically forced to interact with people by being made to join club, it would be magical if people flocked to him while just brooding in class.
Yui? More like ewwy.
He was still constantly called gross in highschool. If he was actually handsome he would have a reputation of being a cool lone wolf type who girls want to know more about, not some loser in the corner.
And we get the perfect waifu for hachiman
In reality his personality would put everyone off and they'd all stop talking to him after a while. However, because this is wish fulfillment, he can act as unsavory as he wants (even canonically destroying his own reputation for some of the requests) but everyone magically reads his mind and understands that he's a truly nice guy.
Volume 14 never ever. Oregairu fans = cucks.
Why does Hayama keep saying he's not the nice guy everyone thinks he is?
Guys, what about a person who is nice but crazy or nice but does things the way he feels is right and not how society dictates?
That's either an autist or chad.
Well, I'm at least one of them I'll give ya that
Minna no Hayama does not brag.
Sauce? It might improve me as a person
8man basically says the same thing in one of the episodes.
She was calling Tobe and the other two guys in Hayato's group "nice", not 8man.
He is literally me
This, minus the friends and love interests.
Who is 8man? I have a big gap ever since I became a workslave
dont reply to obvious bait retards
8 = Hachi in Japanese
I had a boss once who didn't have any kids or gf/wife but lived with his sister and nephew and was basically part of their household. He seemed satisfied with the situation, so I don't think situations like in your pic are totally out of the question. On the other hand I'm fairly certain he was gay, so that may have played a part in it
Is pic related boogiepop?
>fans of this show will argue over who's better when in fact they're all worst girl
He figured out he was in a ln and protagmaxxed
yukino is actually a good character, so no
What's so good about yukino?
I'm not sure if you should be taking life advice from a chuuni.
a lot, her convictions, her beliefs etc.
Ok thank you. Well what separates her from the rest of the girls in the story?
are you kidding? have you read the LN? yukino is the only one that actually has a backstory and has things going on for herself besides lusting after MC's dick. she is also the only one to ever have tried helping hachiman.
user, he is the most reddit of protagonists.
How would you know,unless you are a redditor?
So she doesn't want to fuck you, so you can't be friends with her? Literally incel logic.
user, I...
and he is my friend
>everyone magically read his mind and understands that he's a truly nice guy
this is the worst offender, there's nothing more wish fulfillment-like than other people noticing your "hidden intentions"
8man is the hero Chiba deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
So they'll ostracize him
Because he can take it, because he's not a hero.
He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a snark knight.
Yui for one, and then Saki.
This guy is like so literally me
Because his entire persona is an act. All of his niceness is self-serving, as demonstrated when he supports keeping the status quo in his social group rather than supporting his supposed friend's attempt to confess. He's nice because it's easy to be nice and get along with most people, not because he genuinely cares about others.
i agree. I like her a lot. Another wrinkle I appreciate is that she isn't part of the romance shit and lusting for the MC altogether.
real talk. To women you're only a person if you're rich or have an obvious 6-pack. Everything else is just ambulatory talking furniture to them.
>in b4 sit on me jokes
>Series about guy who starts off as depressed loner who sabotaged himself but learns to have self esteem and be more open as time goes on
>Yea Forumsnons identify with how he acts before he grew the fuck up and suck him off because he's "redpilled."
Every time lol
Everything about s1 is better. S2 is for brainlets who are easily distracted by pretty colors and sparkles.
>mfw reading vol 12 and 13
Why are they all being so autistic? For fuck's sake you've been friends for like 1 year already just admit you like to hang out together and have a good time in the club. Then Haruno comes and blurts out whatever and suddenly they all go full retard. Goddamn this is so painful to read.
>you've been friends for like 1 year already just admit you like to hang out together and have a good time in the club
>missing the entire point of the series
ah, typical Yea Forums brainlet as always
>starts off as depressed loner
He wasn't depressed though, he was only ever cynical (in the true sense of that philosophical tradition, being disappointed in the artificiality of people) but in the LNs it is clear that he still has interests and feels fulfilled despite being a loner. The anime makes him seem a bit more dead inside due to cutting things like his spontaneous rants about Chiba.
His mindset doesn't actually change over the course of the series, at least up through the end of the second season material (fuck if I'm going to continue reading it after it became generic dramatic trash). He was repulsed by artificiality from the start and what happens in the pivotal Christmas arc is that he is made to confront his belief and own up to it, thus his request to the whores that they go against their nature and act on genuine intentions, which they promptly fail to do in the very next volume. Self-esteem doesn't even play much of a part either. He has a fair sense of himself in terms of his capabilities and appearance while being realistic about his non-place in the social structure with which he refuses to participate due to his distaste for its falseness.
>reading light novels of harem anime
What did you expect?
>retarded secondafry that doesn't know what he is talking about
fuck off back to your cancerous discord soubullet
>My romcoms were wrong, as expected
>Literally becomes a textbook example of one
>He's nice because it's easy to be nice and get along with most people, not because he genuinely cares about others.
Not exactly. He is nice because he wants to answer to everyone's expectations and be the Hayama Hayato everyone wants, deep inside he thinks that's the only thing of value he has to offer to others. It's also a way of punishing himself because he feels very guilty from the time he tried to selfishly help Yukino but ended up making everything worse in the past
I honestly find it fascinating how after 4 years people still don't understand what this series is even about.
>season 3 announced
>nobody cares
I guess he achieved his goal with those constant delays.
I like Yui, she is a very trustworthy, honest and nice girl who cares about friends above all else.
>nobody cares
>daily threads up
Imagine so braindead you think your shitty opinion that is not bounded on fact is true.
He's only right from his perspective.
Stop lying YPF
>bunch of autists on Yea Forums
What's it about?
I was really suprised with season3 info. Will it lead somewhere or end in fucking annoying nothing like s2.
Oh you have statistics outside of Yea Forums huh? See I assumed you were talking about us since so many of you idiots hate on normies.
Show me the statistic.
Did you miss the part about him not playing for the home team?
user, the whole point of the development of 8man and Yukino's relationship post-field-trip-fiasco has been for them to stop being so autistic and obtuse (trying to explain every single thing by logic and building walls around their hearts, looking for a "reason" to act because they can't just accept that they want to do something because they care about others, etc) and develop their emotional sides, starting from the muh genuine speech.
Then we jump to the last chapter of vol 13 and they are back to right where they started, just that now Haruno meme'd them to believe their relationship has become unhealthy.
>Yukino ends the club because for some reason she's convinced that asking 8man or Yui to pick up her fucking eraser (figurative example) means being dependent on them
>8man concludes that now he has no "reason" to spend time with Yukino because no more club, no more requests so the logical conclusion is to throw their friendship to the gutter and cut contact
>Yui has been going in circles for like 3 volumes already and just can't decide herself
I guess Yui's case is understandable because if she actually got serious about the 8bowl Yukino is too busy being stuck on her own ass to do anything
go back to your cancerous discord with all the other brainlets that don't know what they're talking about
Say what you want about him but he has a good handle on the story and Yukino's/Yui's character.
You're not fooling anyone.
Yui has been in a holding pattern for far longer than that and the reason is because the author can't have either of the two act genuinely because it would bring the story to a rapid conclusion. Given their author-induced inability to stop being retarded whores, the logical conclusion for Hachiman really is to drop them.
Yukino isn't a retarded whore you mong. She is working on bettering herself. Miura, Yui and Iroha are the retarded whores.
Yui isn't. There is more to her than getting the cock.
that's literally her entire character YPF
I can how you could think that if you're a speedreader.
>I can how you could
>calling someone else a speedreader
Still, the point is you don't understand anything about the story and read at the speed of light. Hell, you probably don't even read anything outside of Yukino scenes seeing how bad you misunderstand and dismiss Yui.
>please let me and yukino end our relationship properly so I can continue riding hikki dick
>calm down YPF
Only 9 more days.
I understand that you want your (you)s, but he's saying literally the opposite of that
She meant with 8man since she is selfless and is under the impression Yukino loves 8man. She is a good friend so she is going to try and support those two.
>he doesn't know
And whenever a man tells to a woman that she is anything but "beautiful", "sexy", "cute", that's pretty much the same thing.
Feel free to stop lying anytime you want to YPF
I'm not even him.
Oh look, it's retarded diehard OreGairu fan duo that claim there is deeper meaning when there isn't one. How does it feel to get cucked but Wataru again? Enjoy volume 14 two years from now, retards.
literally what the fuck are you talking about. fuck right back off to whatever facebook shithole you crawled from
It got delayed again, this time "indefinitely" which probably means until the 3rd season ends so watari can milk every last penny out of it.
Keep waiting for volume 14, cucked bitch. I'm sure Wataru enjoys having you wait like the dog you are. All to see the conclusion of a shitty melodramatic teen romance story. Kill yourself.
>all this projection
seek professional help or follow your own advice
'literally me'cucks are fan of this trash
He's not wrong in this case, if someone describes you as being nice it basically means that you're boring
Hachiman needs a tsundere-senpai
teen thread
I was calling you teens like 5 years ago when this aired
commit suicide user
You could try your "no u" defense if you weren't in every single OreGairu thread. Regardless of what time of the day it's posted.
>no she is shit
>x is shit, y is shit, ftfy
>sensei fucks dogs
>haruno is a fucking shit
>but user, yukino is a best
every. thread.
maybe stop making threads every day
This show would have been too embarrassing for me as a teen 10 years ago. It's pure, concentrated teenage edge.
I can't imagine anyone over the age of 17 defending this shit without severe autism.
Can we post lewd now?
do you have aspergers?
then feel free to fuck off and watch whatever trashy shounen or fapbait show you enjoy
That's nice dear but did you notice we did a chain of 4 dubs in a row?
im not making threads every day nor do i like this shit series but its fun popping in to recognize the same sperg posters who care about teenage romance this much.
>stop liking what I don't like
how are we know so sure it's not (You) that is sperging here everyday?
too busy jerking off to pay attention to it, sorry
iroha fucking best girl
yukino is a fake bitch who want copy his sister
yui is a bitch that want big hayama cock
sensei is too old so iroha is the perfect choice for hachiman
during the ddeclaration to hayama she discover that love 8man
she cant stay without hachiman and he love have iroha near
so is the perfect couple
yukinofags yuifags KYS iroha have fucking win
iroha is a the fakest bitch in the series that only uses hachiman dumb secondary
fuck off cuck
iroha is the only truthfull girls with hachiman and she is the only who doesent want big hayama cock
if you love yiu or yukino you are a NTR lover
yuki is fake she only want as his sister
yui is a fucking normie
so iroha x 8man is the perfect couple
>iroha doesn’t want hayama cock
why are irohafags always cancerous ESL posters?
It's all one retard's doing. That's the worst part.
I'd ask you the same if the answer wasn't obvious. Do you even have a job? Waiting for an OreGairu thread to pop up doesn't count.
Then stop doing it faggot
I’d ask you the same question if it wasn’t obvious.
fake image made by yiu fags like you
iroha is an angel who want only 8man
she didnt fall in love immidiatly like yui
>muh save my dog
what a fucking motive his
or yuki
>muh insult my sister
fuck off cucks
iroha fallen in love with hachiman because they pass time togheter become friends and they understand that toghether they are happy
so this is the perfect couple but you fucking reddit shit hate iroha because she isnt a big tiddt idiot or a emofag lord
so fuck off
long life to iroha
Would anons be interested in an english summary of the latest volumes? I read the russian translation and wikia is missing some details
no, fuck off
Your retardation is more severe than I expected. Not that surprising since you're so invested in such a shit series.
Yes, don't listen to the resident retard.
>Your retardation is more severe than I expected.
Yes, your retardation is more severe.
No. Yea Forums is full of retards that can’t read for shit. The volumes have already been translated. Now fuck off.
Keep replying, dog. Technically, you're sub-dog. They have some originality. You can only repeat.
I wanna go back to the time when "beta" was the buzzword for a pathetic guy that couldn't get laid.
Fuck off to your discord retard.
On the real though, what is wrong with you?
i tried
could say the exact same thing about you
Some seething autist. Ignore him.
t. Facebook retard.
Keep barking, dog. I don't let you stop.
I want to go back to a time when it was "wizard"
Is this the legendary zoku discussion?
>posting that for the wrong poster
Tee bee ach, 8man should just mating press Yui or Yukino and stop being a stupid faggot. Everyone gets rejected in middle school.
You're retarded. Its "white knight" or 'nice guy' or 'feminist ally' mentality.
Incels think women are shallow greedy whores, that only care about money and physical attractiveness.
kinda sad
When is the vol 15 release
But yui doesn't have any genuine feeling for hachiman
Nice edits
Is he talking to tobe here?
when is vol 14 coming? Is there another delay wtf
Why 8man is batman?
Yet he cared enough to talk about them.
It still is wizard. "incel" is normalfag lingo, just like "normie" is.
I agree
He has a point and i agree with him
Nice is the default thing to say about someone you don't care about but don't want to hurt your reputation. I find it odd that something as universaly known as that makes it into a show as some sort of profound truth.
I'm gonna start reading the LN, but I'm confused with the book order. The wikipedia article for this thing says vol 6.5 was released after vol 9. Am I supposed to read vol 6.5 after vol 6 or after vol 9?
Also, where does the side story fall chronologically relative to the main story?
Is the VN worth buying? How far was the anime, in volumes?
Wataru wanted to milk more money out of the series. Instead of progressing the story he wrote bullshit half volumes that happened earlier in the story. He also wrote an alternative ending before the main story ended.
>makes it into a show as some sort of profound truth.
Its not presented as that, its just a throw away line in an episode. Unless you're talking about LOTGH.