She's a loner just like you!

>She's a loner just like you!
>gets a friend on the first day of school

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Other urls found in this thread:

>hitori bocchi
>stops being hitoribocchi before the end of the first episode

hitori bocchi starts the episode with a best friend already, surejan.gif

Get good, dork.

that's pretty sad

>vomits first day
>get a friend and not bullies

>tfw you'll never be a clumpsy, 'friendless' anime girl who gets a friend on her first day of school.

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The mangaka is trying to tell you something.

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>"He's a loner just like you!"
>People start clinging to him from chapter one
>It doesn't matter, because he doesn't need them to be truly happy anyway.

Attached: Best loner.png (865x1400, 594K)


>She's a loner just like you!
>she is
>but then she randomly got a harem

>She's a loner just like you!
>proceeds to punch everyone in Gensokyo

>he's an autistic loner just like you!
>actually a god at mahjong

What's wrong chump? You don't like deconstructions of the loner archetype?

>gets a friend on the first day of school
The word "friend" belongs in inverted connas. Let's face it, it's not really a friend. It's someone who thinks your introversion is cute before they abandon you after a week because you're like talking to a wall.

That's how middleschoolers work lol

>I'm actually a loner because I keep things real unlike those sheeps btw I get a harem anyway

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many people got bullied non-stop in middle school...

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I fucking hate Yahackri.

This image makes me homicidally angry.

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>tfw ywn have clumsy consensual sex with that friend you met on the first day of school

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>He's a loner just like you!
>Is handsome, strong, talented, and every female working set of ovaries that he's ever interacted with wants to fuck him
>But he's just so dog on shy

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Like anyone would care if she wasn't so cute.

>get house burned down by drunk bitch
>become hobo in a sunflower field
>everyone forgets you exist
>drunk bitch occasionally stops by to beat the shit out of you on her way to grind her snatch on vampire lolis
being yuuka is suffering

She's been a playable, and is one of the most popular characters despite appearing in only one non-PC98 game. No grounds to complain.

Not my problem youkai scum are also dumb

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Why is Reimu such a Chad?

>manga premise is that a shy girl makes friends
>friendless faggots are confused when, surprise, she makes friends
How many more times are we going to hear this shitty joke?

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Can she even talk?

>dog on shy
>dog on

My wife talks to me everyday.



>implying women can be loners

This. There's no such thing as someone cute who is also lonely. Unless you happen to be on some island, space, or some other horribly isolated space. It's just basic science.

true. shit was crazy. once the mob starts picking on you it's over. good thing i had autism and wasn't afraid to use it.

You can feel lonely shoulder to shoulder on a crowded on new years day

If you're pathetically uncute, perhaps.

You boys don't know how loneliness works

user, making an acquaintance isnt a hard thing

Acquaintances user

based autism king

> He doesn't have many friends.
> He really doesn't have many.
> Just Yozora, Sena, Yukimura, Rika and Maria.
> He's such a lonely guy.

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Bocchi actually tries to make friends instead of moping about how lonely she is like your miserable ass

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>this thread


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She's poor so she has nothing to lose.

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>tfw never got bullied
And i to this don't get it. I was perfect target but none of bullies in school cared.

it's in bad taste to pick on autists, user.

>hes just like you
>has friends and family
>has a job
>passed uni
>isnt a 23 year old virgin