>finally find love
>finally find love
>Expecting mentally ill people to make proper decisions
>mentally ill dyke
>Doing anything right
Did the second volume get scanned yet?
Wanting someone to love you is very different form wanting anyone to love you, user. There's something called unrequited love.
All her problem could be fixed fuck with some proper dicking.
kill yourselves straightfags
user, this smelly fembot has genuine mental problems to sort out. Eating disorders and mommy issues out of the wazoo.
I'm not sure I want to read more of her story. I expected her to be on the road of happiness after the first volume, guess not.
Too real for me, anons.
It’s out?
Where do you read her trash online?
Back to tumblr with you. She's not even 2D every single 3D lesbos is fucking nutsy. Seriously go talk to one for 5 minutes.
Second volume ends fairly well user, the road to happiness is a tough one, you should give it a read when it's out in english
> redpilled incel
I see. Gotcha user, cheers.
any man who reads this is either a cuckold or a tranny. take your pick.
Fuck off, nigger.
Since last month. No idea about scans though.
Nah, dykes are almost guaranteed to off themselves. Like every mentally ill people that craves attention. Useless sack of meat.
Based, but bluepilled
Reminder that Yea Forums is a cute gay board.
better than all the straightshit out there
at least she's making money with her art, she's literally me but I'm stuck being a wageslave with a chronic stomachache
Why doesn't she just get a bf?
Honestly I stopped caring for the new story because the one thing that I can relate to is the job struggling and NEET life, and then I realize the meta that she's making a good living off the manga series itself, when it is no longer just a blogcomic anymore.
Can confirm, I used to have a dyke friend. She had deep daddy issues. NOPE'd the fuck out when I realized she was being unironical about munching carpets.
As opposed of being ironically gay?
Some girls play pretend to fend off creeps, then drop the facade when they meet Chad.
This. I knew a girl in highschool who said she was gay but bi only for black guys
Ok tumblr
These threads used to be a lot better even a year ago. What the fuck happened to this board?