What will happen in 3.0+1.0?

Place your bets

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I'm betting they'll make a shit movie

it will be just a 2h footage of Shinji and Asuka having anal sex

>What will happen in 3.0+1.0?
Anything other than what was in the preview

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Deconstruction of all anime and anime culture.

3 hours of live action Anno wearing an ultraman costume hiding behind the door of the Eva store then jumping out and punching everyone who enters in the dick .
The ending theme will be Anno singing about how much he hates Rei

Would honestly be better than whatever Anno comes up with.

I think they leave shinji in a camp that has little humans and learns what it means to be happy blah blah blah, while Genso moves forward with his final plan.


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Hey friendo
It seems you missed the entire point of one of the main characters of an iconic series.
Asuka is completely worthless with one exception.
She can have children.

Asukas preferred positions are the starfish or the beached whale, positions that encourage impregnation

Whatever happens it's gonna be disappointing. I've learned my fucking lesson, not holding my breath anymore

>anime will be changed forever
>at least 1 riot cause the ending
>asuka vs rei will go on for 100 years
>someone might actually try to kill anno or physically hurt him or it will be discovered someone tried it
>seasonal anime will try to become more like eva for a decade ( not that it isn't already, there has been at least a few anime in recent years that were very eva heavy)

in the movie
>biomecha gore

Honestly would watch

Anno gets a lot of money

pic related

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Some bullshit tainting the original series by linking it with the Rebuilds.

It'll be a live action Ultraman fan film shot on handheld. All the roles will be played by Anno and there will be no relation to eva whatsoever.

It will (not) end

This is a safe bet, especially considering the hole they have to dig out of from the last movie.

This isn't the early 00's. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, otaku will just go back to isekai of the month until the next trend kicks off.

I'm sticking to my guns. I don't think some isekai will distract from the upcoming storm.

Also I forgot to add, the anime won't be out at 2020. They just finished the damn script and anno isn't gonna let fans make him rush the film. it might be a few years.

his isn't making it is he?

the real Eva 3.0+1.0 is the phantom pain of it not existing, it's like metal gear solid 5

Anno still a shit head for taking this long, if anything he has gotten spoiled off the royalties of his series and seriously needs a kick in the nuts.

I wish mgs5 didn't exist

If you want a finished eva just watch NGE and forget the rebuild even exist until 4. It may seem frustrating but the meaning of eva rebuilds is not to be a finished product quickly, but are anno's redemption as a changed man. It's him setting the record straight making evangelion exactly how he wants, even if he has to look over every frame. It's probably not the most satisfactory answer for someone who just wants to watch the films, but that's the reality of that project.
The good news is that we get one of the most director heavy series of films ever made, and he does some side project every single year so he's fairly active outside eva.
>2013-15 JAX
>2016 Shin Godzilla
>2017 miyazaki film
>2018 Franxx

You're using a lot of words to tell people that Anno is just remaking Eva to make everyone waifu Asuka this time instead of Rei

It will be just Otaku no Video played in reverse

> Rei gets rejected and sacrifices herself so shinji could inevitably be with rei but have a life
Rei was always the endgame, he just wanted to make the endgame more interesting this time.

Disclaimer: I don't actually care who wins the shinjibowl, the only girl I care for in eva is yui.

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Giant naked Shinji. Asuka and Rei on the beach at the end. Asuka says "I feel pretty good actually".

Shinji will choke Asuka

picked up

Entire team of the original TV series stands naked in frnt of white screen with their backs turned towards the camera. Loud fart sound is playing. For 90 minutes. The only action is that by 74th minute one old guy nobody outside animation industry knows leaves and returns by 81th minute.

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2 hours of Mari spinning with her EVA and shooting at nothing,

>Reiwa era
>4.0 coming soon

Mari, Rei and Asuka having steamy lesbian sex.

It alternates between showing those confused and disgusted audiences in a live stream right from other cinemas around the world showing that are showing the same movie and sex scenes with asuka from shinjis perspective while during all of it shinjis voice is heard monologing about meaning of life and love.