
Subs for the first two UNCENSORED episodes of Araiya-san are out on Sukebi.
This is basically just hentai in short form.

Attached: [Non Nobis Translate] Araiya-san! Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de! - 02 (Uncut).mkv_snapshot_00.55_[2019.0 (1280x720, 384K)

>Looked it up
>Girls look meh
>art looks meh
Why care about seeing puss and titties of mediocre girls? that's the exact reason I don't do 3dpd in the first place.

I at least expected it to have better animation than your average hentai but no, complete waste of my time

Super interesting show.

Damn that was terrible.

Honestly there were hentai releases in the past month with better animation.

Looking through, and I don't see anything that actually looks any better

How the shit is this supposed to be uncensored? It's pixels everywhere.

I know no one cares when it comes to a show like this but the subs are basically written from scratch and you might as well be watching it raw.

Are you new?
The censored release had footage axed and nipples covered
Nip shit won't ever have uncensored genitals unless it's oficcialy released on the west

Isn't this from that vertical webcomic (toon?) thingy? Also apparently there is a more normal paneling Chinese scan (like Kaiduka's two sisters webtoon), how do these work?