What was Reinhard's tax policy?

What was Reinhard's tax policy?

Attached: Reinhard_8.jpg (635x478, 187K)

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Same as Aragorn

I've considered watching this show but it's faaaaaaaaar back in my backlog.
I don't know if you'd get many that know it here, but the sweet gentlemen over at /m/ might be happy to answer.

I tried looking up Prussian taxes, but the most I could find was that a) there was a tax on wigs and b) nobility was not exempt from any taxes.
Reinhard would have been ruined.

>Speaking of assets, there were whispers lately of an impending financial crisis due to the prolonged war and the chaos at court. But when Reinhard said, "The fiscal crisis will be resolved in one fell swoop," he wasn't simply shooting off his mouth irresponsibly. The imperial family's assets aside, there remained a vast source of untapped revenue: the assets of the nobles.

>Naturally, he would confiscate every last thing that Duke von Braunschweig and Marquis von Littenheim owned; nor would he spare those who had joined themselves to their cause. And once he applied a regime of inheritance taxes, fixed asset taxes, and progressive taxation to those nobles who remained, the treasury would overflow with monies easily exceeding ten trillion reichsmark. The trial calculations had been completed already.

>There would be a political necessity for gentler treatment of those nobles who sided with him, so from that perspective, the more nobles who made him their enemy, the better.

Squeezing the nobles dry would do more than simply meet the empire's fiscal
necessities. The common class had amassed a five-century store of anger and
hostility toward those who lived immersed in extravagant lifestyles and held vast
fortunes on which they paid no taxes.

They just came out of an empire that had a vast treasury and rich 0.1% and poor population, so naturally he spread that money out among all the people. His tax policy never really had time to settle down and become "normal" after that mass wealth redistribution, but presumably once things balanced out, he'd charge an expected tax rate.

Mary sues don't need tax

>Having a backlog

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tl;dr: space Obama

seriously someone posted the tax policy two post above you, do you even read?

>taxing the nobles to death
Never works longterm. You either actually kill the nobility (so no taxes) or you get the Byzantine situation where one or two competent Emperor's keep down the Dukes but eventually tarddumb mcstupid gets on the throne and 80 years worth of blue balls gets blasted right on his face (so no taxes because you're no longer in charge).

It wasn't meant to work longterm. It was just a stopgap measure to counteract the recession and problems that the government transition and wars would cause.

wtf I hate reinhardt now

>not having a backlog

Attached: dfg1.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Based user has my back.

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Eat the rich.

Not to mention there was no love lost between Reinhard and the stagnant IMperial nobility anyway. His reforms were meant to reduce the importance of nobles and focused on putting competent people into power. He was also perfectly fine with letting the empire die with him and having it become a republic should his son not be good enough.

Well user to tell you the truth logh is also on my backlog but my problem is getting the patience to sit down and watch it already

>He was also perfectly fine with letting the empire die with him and having it become a republic should his son not be good enough.
No he wasn't. Julian asked him point blank for smaller reforms than that, then he hemmed and hawed and passed the buck to Hildegardo.

The whole "confiscate the assets of the Lippstadt League" was just the short term plan. The long term plan was for Silverbirche to lead a process of reforming the economy to promote free enterprise + institution building using the future revenues that weren't going towards the useless nobles anymore.,

>retarded mutt conpletely ignores european history to force his retarded politics

At least Reinhard had policies. What policies did Yang have other than muh democracy? Reinhard was a true leader and statesman. Yang was just a propaganda symbol.

What was Reinhard's sex policy?

Heterosexual sex as punishment.

Attached: 1486432130621.jpg (1024x2300, 344K)

Yang was just a military commander, he let other people take car of politics because he wasn't a totalitarian egomaniac like Reinhard. Which is why Yang's state will keep existing after he died, unlike Reinhard's which will descend into civil unrest a second after the show's ending.

Yeah, Yang is a the typical muh freedoms revolutionery brainlet. If people are free everything will just work, right?

Way to miss the point, friend. Yang doesn't have any policies beyond supporting representative government because it isn't his job to craft policy. He is a military bureaucrat. His sole responsibility is to carry out the policies that have been decided upon by the representatives elected by the people. The last thing you want in your republic is for unelected swamp things like MacArthur to start running their mouths and contradicting people like the commander in chief, who IS elected and directly accountable to the people.

I'm sure you somehow believe that you personally would prosper in an autocracy, and that you wouldn't be in the first wave of people rounded up and exiled to forced labor camps. As if your bootlicking dictatorship fantasy would really tolerate the existence of degenerate 4channers.

Not him but I’m just sick of fat gay retard trannies

I think that's a big problem with a lot of my backlog shows. They aren't shows I can just put in the background. I'd want to sit and be able to give it my full attention. One day.

Not that I disagree with you, but why are you so bothered by it?

Well if the first intro is anything like the show I think we might be in for something good

Because it's wrong! It's a denial of science!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go vote for some politicians who say that man-made global climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Yeah, they would round up every single person and kill them like those evil nazis no positive sides at all, everyone just crushed and the people only followed becuse they feared death.
That's right nobody could possible want order and a strong nation over fags and other degenerates destroying everything.

Damn , that's pretty.

>What policies did Yang have other than muh democracy?
Yang didn't need one, that's what elected officials are for. It's been awhile since I watched the series, but if I remember correctly the democratic system of FPA never had a problem with creating wealth, producing goods, or collecting taxes. That was the whole reason a handful of planets could challenge the empire for hundreds of years. The issue was the generational war was eating up too much of their economy. If the FPA won, they would be able to redirect all the money spent on the war to other areas. Heck, this would have happened even when they lost. It's why Reinhard forces a punitive tax on the FPA to prevent them from rebounding and becoming a new Phezzan while the empire was struggling financially.

Haven't gotten far into LOGH but Reinhard kinda reminds me of Octavian/Augustus so speculating a little something along the lines
Having a version of the Proscription of 43 BC to get rid of incompetent/dissenting nobles and at the same time size their wealth for initial funds
Then go after the cashcow in the universe and fully incorporate it into the empire, for ancient Rome it was Egypt and if I had to guess what it it'll be in LOGH, it'll probably be a wealthy section of the FPA or Phezzan

>he actually believes that Yea Forums posters won't be the first against the wall after the revolution
Oh no no no.

>Which is why Yang's state will keep existing after he died
except it didn't.

>unlike Reinhard's which will descend into civil unrest a second after the show's ending
there's nothing to imply this would happen. the military is loyal to the dynasty, the nobles have all been neutered, the common people are happy with Reinhard's reforms, and Julian's reforms towards a constitutional monarchy will help ensure stability.

Reinhard was nazbol

>What was Reinhard's tax policy?
Well, he abolished the nobility and made a bunch of socialist reforms, so I imagine he was seizing a lot of assets from the nobles who died during that one rebellion as well as taxing the rich heavily.

>except it didn't.
Yang's ideals carried over to Julian, who was able to secure the autonomy of the Baalat Starzone through negotiations with the Empire. The successor state to the FPA was purged of the corruption that had taken root during the war and the empire was no longer subject to rule by a decaying aristocracy. Ultimately it was a good end for both systems.