
Just finished episode 11

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uh huh, sure
she'd beat the SHIT out of YOU

She upheld the law like she was supposed to.

>Begs a criminal to stop doing a crime he's obviously going to through with
>Can't even a hold a fucking gun straight without shaking in her boots like the dyke she is

She is the best wagecuck

It's like I'm really in 2012 again.

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The epitome of cuckoldry

Your post went through mere seconds before mine.
Too bad I couldn't get it a millisecond faster. We'd have posted at the same time.

I wish I could go back in time and enjoy this show again

Sasuga niggerbutchi
She was a whining slut though so kinishinai de

top fucking kek

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I want to slap Akane's ass!

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What are your expectations for season 3, anons?

>We must kill her even though she hasn't commited any crime because her psycho pass is high to a point where nothing can possibly bring it down.
>Akane saves her
>Her psycho pass drops to normal

Fucking really? They were gonna kill her for this?
I hate when characters do obviously stupid shit. Dropped it after episode 1. The ED is pretty good though.

>Fucking really? They were gonna kill her for this?
yeah, it's pretty obvious the brains were the true evil

I'm going to enjoy having Pizza Parties with Yea Forums again.

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Hyper Hall

Does anyone have the gif of the old man in season 2 who took people hostage beating up a hostage in QUALITY animation?

I'm not sure what the issue is here. You're not supposed to agree with the system.

>Why does this cyberpunk dystopia have a justice system that flies in the face of modern ethics?

I got your back, kyodai

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she needs more porn

Finger your prostate or fuck off

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I'm saying the system is retarded. Why'd they assume weeks of therapy wouldn't help while just not shooting her did the trick?
It shows that the whole psycho pass thing can drop easily and fucking shooting people is retarded in that case.

They DO have mandatory therapy, though. If you watched more than the first episode you'd see that they have therapists and therapy programs for the general populace to help reduce psycho-pass levels. The problem is that sometimes people experience things in their lives that they can't recover from. The system is flawed in that it thinks anyone who experiences anything traumatic can't recover and integrate back into society.

My worst fear is bringing back Makishima


>It shows that the whole psycho pass thing can drop easily
not necessarily, and actually having to blast people to death is a rare enough occurrence that there's usually not a significant societal cost to just blasting the high PP people
the system isn't designed to have the best outcome for the individual, it's designed with the society as a whole in mind

Kougami's voice is just unfair. TOO HOT

I don't think I've hated so many characters from an anime before

Akane a shit. Mika a best

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What, didn't you like christmas?


Watch the whole anime. Calm down and watch. She will get better.

>Implying that she would've been able to actually aim and hit him at that range
Are you retarded? If she had fired at him then the girl would've probably got hit as well
>Hurr durr but she was still too weak to hold up the gun
Probably partially because of the reason I already brought up
>Hurr durr why didn't the show say that then
Because the show doesn't want to have to spoonfeed the audience. Otherwise people complain about it

You're a massive retard.

She actually never has a major impact on the plot at any point in the series.

>No argument but still has the balls to say that
Suck my cock you dumb faggot

Except she failed to fire not because of that determination, but because she was emotionally overwhelmed by the situation. She failed to act out of fear and uncertainty, and now has her friend's dead body to answer


Yeah I fantasise about her taking her shoes off and watching me masturbate like once a day

Lol look at this mentally defect cuck replying to evryone. Go back and take your dad's cum more. 4ch is too much for you virgin anus.

If you're only going to have explosive diarrhea that makes everyone lose their chromosomes for you to steal, then get the fuck off this thread. Dealing with smelly sewer rats is embarrassing

Hello, speedwatcher

what else could she be doing in that situation?

Akane is the best-written Lawful Good character of all time.

i wouldve found the series much better if they actually gave good reasons for why some individuals arent correctly judged by the system

That's literally what the point of the whole show is? Did you even watch it?

They did, their thought processes are different enough from all the criminals incorporated into the system that they aren't recognised as malicious.

they cant differ that greatly between humans, everyone has roughly the same emotions and thoughts when hes about to kill someone

[citation needed]

I could've sworn she was more well-endowed.

Here's the Psycho Pass redpill: Akane isn't the main character.
She's just a "relatable" Mary Sue moeblob that's supposed to get you into the show, which features mostly cold, somewhat psychopathic characters otherwise.
She doesn't do anything that important for the plot and the antagonists' conflict isn't even with her.

you guys seen the new movies?
i cant wait to see kogami again

How? It's not out yet.

Unless you are in Japan and saw it in theatre. Theater. Idk how to write this whatever

Can't wait to see them. Hopefully they will release them on blurays before S3

I'm glad I stopped at season 1

Literally who?

That scene was peak Psycho-Pass.
It's going to be shit like s2 and I won't bother watching it.

The best inspector

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She needs porn.

she doesnt, she can find a man that satisfies her

S1 Akane > S2+Movie Mary Sue Akane

Never saw past S1, was worried they'd fuck up her character with how low quality the new stuff was. Sad to see I was right

Gino is our only hope

how comes makishima wasnt recruited into the world government earlier?