What are some gay characters in anime?

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I legit thought at some point that they both going to end up together.

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Rin is a bisexual icon

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Reminder that MIX aka MIXY has hole filling powers.
>Andy W. Hole.
"He" doesn't recover from the cursed of eve dimension.

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Andy also has hole-making powers. So theoretically he could make any "man" a woman. But Mix-y isn't down for that because Mix's disgust of the opposite sex is relative and still present in Mix-y.
But at least this way, Mix-y can "evol" Andy.

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Some people think these flowery types aren't actually gay, it's just Japan's interpretation of French Aristocrats, that then gets interpreted as flamboyant. Kinda like how Stewie in Family Guy was British and posh, that then dips into homosexuality for comedy.

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Armstrong was the same way.

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and James.

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Aquarion also had Jun and Pierre. Or at least, there was a gay moment between them. Jun asks Pierre to show him how to be more assertive and Pierre pushes him back onto the bed with a rape face.
I don't think there was anything suggestive in their powers. Jun could see through walls and Pierre had fire kicks.

Anyone who's seen Aquarion knows that when they combine their zoids-or-whatever they're basically having an orgy. So whenever there's more than one guy it's always a little gay.

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>Why won't Gin-san accept Madao's feelings?

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Pierre had merging addiction and was essentially going through sex withdrawals.


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