Season 2 is in 12 hours. To remind you of what once was, here's the season 1 trailer.
>Garou will never be animated by the 2015 team
Season 2 is in 12 hours. To remind you of what once was, here's the season 1 trailer.
>Garou will never be animated by the 2015 team
Other urls found in this thread:
>12 hours
Oh fuck
I have to get the popcorn ready.
I'm ready
get your OH NO NO NO NOs ready
I'm not ready for this fucking trainwreck
Fuck yes I cannot wait. What if it's actually great and we get blown the fuck out?
Japan is used to garbage animation anyway so who cares
>muh sakuga
You people are fucking diseased, most shows these days look like trash because of wildly inconsistent animation and OPM s1 was no exclusion to that
At least it was once able to have a non embarassing pv.
Even without sakuga the trailers did not show any strong points to this new season. Not to mention how all the trailers were bad and episode needing fixing.
I want to watch it
I just want to see it animated
I doubt it'll be great but it wont be as bad as everyone's made it out to be
I bet the first episode will be a little above average for an anime, but the autists here will rage about every sloppy in-between
I found a King easteregg
Only one man can save this anime!
s2 opening leaked by chinese baidu site
is this real
Fucking kill me, some nice shots but the editing and amount of stills are fucking horrendous.
Most of it looks cheap while some parts look fine. Though Orochi jesus they fucked him up and a lot of the cast. This op is not good by any means.
This would be dope if it didn't suck.
Music's all good. Jam Project has never let me down.
It seems the editing was to compensate how most other shots look cheap. I do not like the gradient they are using. I don't know why but it's heavier on OPm than any other anime that used such gradients. If gives them this cheap toy looking coating and look that its so off putting. Though this does fully confirm were going all the way to Elder.
what the fuck is this, its 95% stills and shitty editing
did they not have a budget?
Like fucking unknown garbage like accel world had better OPs than this.
I can't wait for the 10-20 threads that will pop up due to the sheer drop in quality.
This is going to be a wild ride.
yeah, it's not happening
Cuts too much and is too janky at times. Sone of the action scenes are fine, but need polishing.
Who gives a shit about the anime? The manga and the webcomic are the only things that truly matters.
>who gives a shit about the anime?
People who don't want to read the manga.
Just as predicted animation is shit or non existent but the rest is excellent. Season is going to be great for anybody that likes OPM and isn't a whiny faggot.
>tfw deleted
For some reason I get an Oops message instead. Link doesn't seem to work for me anymore.
So lazy subhuman faggots? Why should I care about them, they wont change the reception of the manga.
anyone saved the video or
got screenshots
>got deleted
Dont have to care and never asked you to. Just stating most people don't read the manga for pretty much majority of series adapted on a manga.
>spoiling garou vs genos at the end.
It will be a lot of hype for normalfags.
I do, and I read both. Shame that S2 is pretty much guaranteed to suck ass, but at least S1 was great.
I just don't see the bad quality of S2 affecting the manga.
I missed the threads when the trailer was released. What was the concentration of OH NO NO NO NO's like?
Seems to help it more if anything. I already heard people say if the anime suck they'll finally start on the manga. Not to mention with the help of that app..even though sites already had OPM for free despite the licensening
Constant though not that much since other convos took over. It will be there once or twice. More or less its much filler postings and Garou arguments
Even if S2 ends up being tolerable, I do hope more people get into the manga.
someone pls reup on mega or something
how about you just shut the fuck up and wait a few more hours goddamn
what the fuck is wrong with you people, it's gonna be available to-day. impatient bastards, you waited years for this, shut up and wait a little bit longer
I never said anything of the sort. I'll be enjoying the manga and webcomic as much as usual regardless of S2 sucking.
How was the op?
I love the song for the new OP, even if it weren't a OPM OP I'd listen to it on loop for weeks
This shit is so good
Too much editing. That weird gradient is laid on thick that many including Saitama in certain shots looked like toys. Its basically a fan made op with a budget. Only a few good shits which were taken from the manga or its covers like Saitama and the milk.
Was the deal with the manga? Maybe it was the scans I was reading but the story felt so jumbled and felt like nothing was getting introduce or concluded properly. Like Saitama goes to the tournament and haves a conversation and the next chapter he’s fishing. Then Garou’s fighting but it gets cut off. Am I missing something?
Very good.
That fishing chapter is an omake. Some of the numbering for the manga is off so many omakes are mixed in with the other chapters.
user, I'm worried. Tell me something comforting about season 2.
bonus chapters always interrupt the story
Correction special chapter. There are many including the omake and that was one of them.
Nothing we can do. This was rushed.
It will end
They've pretty much got the artstyle, but because of the amount of detail they need to put into the shots they have to focus on stills more than animation.
The animation may be bad, but I have faith the still shots will look very nice, maybe even beautiful.
I also think the staff cares a lot and wants this to succeed, but unfortunately due to reasons outside of their influence, the season was rushed and their production is behind.
At the very least, the animators are trying their best. Especially THE animator-san that keeps posting updates.
Just go into it ready to accept whatever you get and be grateful we get to enjoy a series we love and watch it in motion weekly, even if it isn't as great as it possibly could be. We still have the manga and the webcomic, and most importantly, we still have these threads to have fun in.
This may make me sound like a faggot, but I remember during the airing of Diamond is Unbreakable, when the final episode finished running live and all of the previous singers of the previous OPs sang the final song, everyone in that thread got really emotional and started looking back at the journey we all took together and the sort of collective user brotherhood we all forged to create the thread environment every week. It was really nice. And I think as long as you keep that feeling in mind, the fact that we're all here, enjoying the same series, looking forward to the same thing every week, you can keep enjoying even the worst of the animation.
It's about the experience together with the people that like the same stuff as you, I think.
spoken like a true fagot
the point is it was up but none of the anons who saw it had the forsight to download it before it got removed
Which one should I believe
the very good one! GET HYPED!! FUCK THE HATERS!!!
the only faggot here is you. 1st come 1st serve, loser. you missed it because you didn't care enough to be here on time. now you can wait with everyone else.
This will be shit, and people will like it, and people will give their money to it, i'm sad.
I'm telling it like it is but you can see it for yourself when the episode comes
Can't wait for the CG Elder Centipede fight
For people that think it was real.
If Japan throws itself off a building, are you going to do it too?
Thanks user, I feel better now. Shame that it was rushed even though they had 4 years.
My nigger
is there any reason to watch this shit with the new artists? how are they supposed to compete with shit like the boros brawl
How far will this season get into the Monster Association arc? The op showed Gyoro Gyoro, Orochi, a bunch of other related monsters and the Garou/Genos.
It'll probably end with the battle with Elder Centipede.
Please, this season will end with Garou going home to rethink his life.
They showed two scenes with bang and bomb doing their special move, so yeah they'll probably end with the elder centipede fight.
>that scene in the OP showing Saitama bending over and spreading his butthole at the camera
What was JC thinking?
that this season is going to suck ass so they may as well condition the viewership to ass
I liked it because elder centipede burst out of his ass immediately afterwards
>To remind you of what once was, here's the season 0 trailer.
Without Yamakan, OPM has zero chance to be good.
Yeah, to signify that Baldy even shits enemies no-one else can defeat.
>tfw will wake up just to see the episode
Should I wake up at all? Good night.
Manga has too much filler side character shit. Every fight is taking 100+ pages
>Should I wake up at all?
No user
No one should
Should I stop waiting for the manga and switch to the webcomic?
>stop waiting for the manga
>switch to the webcomic
Not him but the point still stands that you're being a massive fagot. This place use to be the prime location for leakers and seeders and now fagots like you only know how to complain about shit along with your "first come first served" mentality.
Unlike you I've actually seeded shows hours and even days before they've been released anywhere else and that's all thanks to anons providing me raws sources and then me helping out the guys at horrible subs or other fan subbing sites.
(You) on the other hand sound worse than the typical leech who isnt even capable of downloading a video before its removed, let alone seediing.
Lurk a million years before ever posting again newfagot
quit being a pessimist, real life is full of possibilities
the most important thing about S2
is that we'll know who's VA for Sperm
You should read the webcomic regardless, because a lot of it is just plain better, thanks to resolving largely irrelevant and useless events that take multiple chapters in the manga, in a couple pages. The pacing gives the series much better momentum and focus, which then makes going back to the much more drawn out, fan service intensive Manga more of a treat and less of a trudge through the mud.
Unironically yes because there will be no anime anymore
>Black Sperm
We'll be lucky to get Elder Centipede.
Pretty sure there's a scene where he shit talks Orochi before the EC fight
Yeah he appears during Cockroach's death.
I always imagined that he'd sound like Dimple
Definitely will.
Reminder that Elder was in the OP and they did a good job blending him with 2D.
I wouldnt say good since we haven't seen the whole body but it wasn't bad.
Where can a eurofag such as myself watch this shit when it comes out? Don't really want to wait for illegal sites to upload it
Wait Elder Centipede really is CG? Fuck really? I thought they would have surprised us with animating it by hand. This really isn't possible huh?
> nobody took a single screenshot of that so called leaked opening
Who do you guys think you’re even fooling.
retard frog poster
lurk more
its shit
Unless you want lagging shitty 480p streams of TV Tokyo, it's better to just wait for fansubs, or even good raws. Good things come to those who wait
EP13 preview
nu-Yea Forums wouldn't know how even if it was real
something worth shitposting about
>the season was rushed
how many years did they have, again?
>what is iptv
About 4 but they started production on it very late and this why we have this mess.
Again writing nonsense.
>he's still hoping for the "it was all an april's fool"
I envy you.
Good luck finding a working link that is free
>literally nothing
Sasuga J.U. STaff
It's going to suck. SUCK. Goddamit.
I think I have one that works fine at 720. I'll post it later when the episode is close to airing
Wipe the tears, kid. Kino is coming. OP was great.
i dont think theyre capable of animating it by hand it must be super difficult
what channel is this shit on?
They're not capable of drawing anything in motion. Character stills look passable but that's about it.
Can't wait
Remember to blame her for the animation.
but are they capable of drawing 2d moving through 3d space so if someones running past youd see their front then their side then their back
fuck you stupid cunt
thanks for the shitty animation
But Fubuki is the Dimple of OPM.
The webcomic is going to all the wrong places.
King training under Silver Fang, a "new hero association" that springs up out of nowhere, the eyepatch-wearing Hero Association executive somehow being the leader of the new association, all seems to point to a Civil War scenario.
Don’t lie. King only awkwardly asked Silver Fang to make him stronger. We don’t know what happens next.
>being a big enough weeb to actually notice any "bad" animation other than the most atrocious scenes like saitama jumping off the building
holy shit, kill yourselves
most of what has been shown so far looks fine to anybody that's not actively trying to find something wrong with it
obviously some exceptions but not enough to sperg out like reddit
That chin, though.
Any person can see whether animation and art is off. Both trailers showed both and everyone noticed it. Only people who don't acknowledge it are the ones trying to be optimistic or others that don't care and just happy the show is back.
>Any person can see whether animation and art is off.
kek, no they can't. They were comparing animated scenes frames to manga chapters and sperging about lack of details.
The ones doing the manga panel comparisons I will say are over doing it but otherwise others have seen it looked off or noticed the difference in art style. Also there is no real excuse to how shitty both trailers have been and everything just looked or moved wrong.
It WAS real, though. And it looked like shit as expected.
Can some please fucking reupload this?
if it's something extremely shitty, like saitama's jump, then yeah, anybody can notice it since it looks so dumb
but a scene that's been commonly complained about is genos dodging the lasers. literally looks fine to anyone that's just there to watch a series they like, instead of trying to critique it. even if they do notice it (i admit that some probably would), they probably don't care, as you said
the only people that notice it/care about it enough to sperg out or let it ruin their enjoyment of the show are massive weebs that should probably find something else to do
It didn't let me download it, idk if it wasn't possible or if it was because it got taken down at that moment.
It is fake. Episode out in 6 hrs so leave Yea Forums and do something.
People are not stupid enough to not notice shitty stills. They've watched enough of Super to know what bad animation and animation shortcuts usually looks like.
Mostly mob fags.
>leave Yea Forums
Where do you think we are?
Out of the loop, so it's a new studio with shit animators and a lower budget so we can't expect it so be as fluid and fun as last time?
How do you know? Did you watch it?
We can't even expect it to be animated. Not by hand anyway.
It will still be fluid and fun, only fags will complain about everything like they always do
Yup, it’s a train wreck
New season is by based JC Staff, and not from makers of Mahou Sensou, Deadhouse - a meme bankrupt studio from which everyone ran to Mappa.
It`s gonna be times better.
It's not the studio that is inherently shit, it is just that they don't have experience in doing fighting sequences.
It is the same studio that did Prison school and that shit was fluid as fuck.
If you're a normal person that likes the series, you'll still enjoy it, even though the quality is definitely lower than S1.
If you're a pathetic sub-human that takes anime a little too seriously, then you may not enjoy it as much as S1.
Every characters face will be twice as long
what the fuck is wrong with genos?
>I don't want it to look bad
>you're a subhuman autist!
Really though.
The hasn't even covered all of Garou, S2 will probably stop at Garou getting one kicked to the wall
It will cover filler invasion arc.
My only experience with animating is making a few shit cartoons from Newgrounds a long time ago like a lot of people here, but what advantages are there even to doing it by 'hand' now anyway?
Isn't drawing it on paper and using transparent paper as an onion skin just extremely inefficient? Why do we care?
As long as it's not full of tweens and it has the budget to have some great frame by frame sequences digital is king.
JC Staff saving OPM. Nice time to be alive.
Because it doesn't look that bad to most people. Sure, it's noticeably worse than S1. But S2 is more than good enough to any normal fan.
Only a very vocal few of the fanbase thinks it looks bad enough to affect their enjoyment of it. So yes, you're a subhuman autist, who should find another interest.
Mob psycho Is 100 times better than one joke man
Anime isn't dependent on the manga though, the manga is just another adaptation, and the webcomic has gone long past that arc.
Why would they stop halfway through Garou?
Kill yourself faggot.
When I say "by hand" I refer to the method not the tool. Drawing on paper and on tablet are both examples of drawing by hand. I was implying that there will be shitty CGI (not just for big monsters but even for human characters whenever they're moving a lot).
same artist,hot damn
Mob what?
Oh, well that's a real shame and I hope there's not much CG, sorry for the confusion.
It’s going to be a rough couple of months, isn’t it?
Oh shit
Why do you feel the need to namefag? Not even being directly hostile to the idea it's just so strange to see happen in more than one thread
fuck me i'm gonna watch it but i fully expect another berserk 2016
Its ironic to see Deadhouse fags pretend that OPM S1 was greatly animated, when the only good animated parts were litterally Murata copy paste which he already "animated" in manga
berserk didn't even have good sound design
at least this will have good voice acting
Dude it still fucking hurts to know we wont get season 1 quality, since season 1 was just SO FUCKING WELL DONE.
Anything less than that feels like a loss. Because it is.
Why the fuck did they change Saitamas voice actor in the first episode when compared to the preview they released?
Anyone else not really feeling the "loss?"
S1 was mediocre and unfunny to begin with,the sakuga barely carried S1 from being worse then what it could've been. S2 will basically be just same unfunny shit just more stills and panning.
So will this go further than what Murata has done? It looks like they want to do all the Garou stuff but I can't see how they can really do that since there's so much shit between it and that in itself is long as heck
Your butthurt over Basedhouse is hilarious.
considering the anime is made it advertise the manga no.
Can someone please take that clip from a certain South Park episode where Spielberg and George Lucas are raping Indiana Jones and replace their heads with a J.C. Staff logo and replace the head of IJ with “OPM S2” ? That would be amazing.
I disagree about S1 being mediocre; I thought it was pretty great. But I'm with you on not feeling the "loss". Only ones feeling the "loss" are autists.
Shit hasn't even started airing yet, and the trailer, while worse than I had hoped, is not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Maybe later on, feeling the "loss" will be justified, but for now people need to chill.
This, somewhat.
Season 1 was overall pretty greatly animated, but there were so many bad parts as well. But of course, madhouse fanboys ignore this.
This. Make. It. Happen. Please.
>Actually. Fucking. Typing. Like. This.
The greatly animated parts made up for it. There’re no redeeming qualities to save S2.
Whether it's good or bad it'll be entertaining nonetheless.Even if it's bad we'll have a plenty of OH NO NO NO NO NO material and fun threads. The worst outcome is if it's just OK, not good not terribly bad.
Where can I watch the first episode if I'm in Japan? Do I just turn the TV on and flip to a specific channel or what?
Or any specific websites? Don't care if it's subbed or not. I know enough Japanese, so that combined with already having read the manga will be enough to understand.
So you’re the type that gets easily offended, huh?
Welcome your new anime overlords!
The fuck are you talking about
They specifically DIDN'T just redo the scenes that had already been animated
Compare this to how it actually looks in the show:
Yeah, true. They ruined Murata`s scenes. Stills. Speed lines. No actual animation.
Its embarassing to watch.
Please yes!
Holy shit I usually don't call out plebbitors, this is my first time actually, but god fucking damn my body tensed reading this shit.
What did you expect from a opm thread?
Can someone explain to me what’s going on?
Just people acting in a very cringey way, made apparent by the way they type. It's like something you'd see facebook cunts do but seeing it out of their environment throws you for a loop
They made those scenes worse, but they made other scenes better. Point is it's still a much better-animated show than average.
When does this shit actually air?
Hopefully never.
3 hours and 30 minutes from now.
upvoted thread
Eight days late, user.
What site?
Where did you come from?
Try again retard
The OPM threads have been bad enough already, I don't want it to get worse.
nice paint tool
Where did you go?
Are you fucking retarded? If I were to edit it I would just inspect element you god damn oaf. Go full autist and grab the two IP's if you want to try and prove me wrong
>god damn
idiot esl
As if it’s impossible to use different devices to hide your samefagging. I know it’s scary to be caught, but cope.
Only a guilty person would rage out like this desu
>gets called out
>"I-I'll point out one (1) blank space, t-that'll show him!"
>forgets to actually employ any capitals or interpunction
Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?
That goalpost moved faster than Sonic in the scene
Of course, here's the million dollar question
Will casuals give a damn this seemingly has lower animation or will they notice?
You gotta look outside here
considering dbs, I'd say that most of them wont give a fuck
It’s sad that you put a lot more effort into writing this than the amount of fucks people give
I'll watch it when I wake up. Gn 4channelers
Cringe picture
If you give no fucks, why did you reply?
Even paid attention to your writing this time.
Some will get triggered, others won’t really care.
Ign made a video about the bad quality
Never said that I didn’t give a fuck.
Most won't care. And they'll enjoy the series a hell of a lot more than those that do.
Why does the S2 opening look even worse than expected? God damn...
>Will casuals give a damn this seemingly has lower animation or will they notice?
No. Casuals do not care at all about sakuga.
feels good to see my boy Orphen again
That’s kinda sad and disturbing, though. It corresponds to people who eat shit. They might not care and actually find the flavor enjoyable, but fact is, they’re still eating shit.
They enjoyed NNT Season 2 and Gintama if OPM Season 2 is like those shows, they should be fine imo.
What's wrong with madhouse these days?
The quality of their work is declining pretty fast
Directing and writing are more important than sakuga animation.
Otherwise SAO would be a masterpiece due to having great animation.
Madhouse animation studio overworked their production team for over 200 hours in a single month. People were even forced to work on their off days. Someone also collapsed from overwork and had to be carried in an ambulance.
I still don't know why they just didn't give this season more time to animate it better
Chapter 110 baby!!!
It's been almost 10 years they went to shit. They have only one very good team left and it's Chihayafuru's.
Talented staff left Madhouse for MAPPA, WIT, I.G. NUT, etc years ago.
When a show done by Madhouse looks good it's either because of the Chihayafuru's team or freelancers.
It's no wonder people call them Badhouse now.
SAO's animation is not that good.
Even if we speak about A1 stuffs only, Apocrypha and Birdy beats it by a mile.
S2 will end with Garou vs Gatling/Genos/Bang and the Elder Centipede fight.
Where are people watching S2 anyway?
NNT S2 had great Sakuga in some places though. And Gintama is nowhere near OPM's popularity nor it attracted people for its great action scenes.
They use cgi pretty heavily, the only anime that I've seen which they didn't use cgi in is dororo.
As for WIT they also begin declining
I'll just wait for a torrent tbqh
On their televisions, in Japan.
I only remember NNT having sakuga scenes in Meliodas vs Gloxinia and Dolor
>mfw watching the S2 pv after watching how good of an adaptation MOB got
Literally everyone.
>there's people in this thread that think S2 will end in the middle of an arc
Except it isn't shit they're eating, it's more like Panda Express (S2) vs some high-end Chinese restaurant (S1).
One is obviously and objectively better than the other, but if you actually throw a fit over being given something decent and actually pretty good to most people, rather than being given something that's amazing, then you're probably spoiled.
We already know it ends after the Elder Centipede fight, which is a good stopping point right before the raid. So yes it'll end in the middle of the big Garou arc because the whole thing isn't even covered in the manga yet.
Which arc?
What channel?
It had great Sakuga in Diane's encounter with Gowther too.
>Garou arc
It's not really an arc. He's an antagonist in multiple arcs but the plot doesn't revolve around him.
>As for WIT they also begin declining
They're the same as always though.
Use of CGI is not a sign of decline in the age of digital.
It will.
How do we know it's gonna end there?
>anime is dependent on the manga adaptation of the comic it's based off of
No one cares what you think user. Nips and Murata call it the Garou arc. It ends with the final battle between Saitama and Garou.
Garou arc.
He pulled that out of his ass, user. He knows as much as we do. Less, I'd dare say, if he's that delusional.
Good evening in Manila... We will be relaying the simulcast of #OnePunchMan S2 later tonight (Manila & Japan local time), over to #TVTokyo.
Our pre-show programmes first, is ready to go.
NEW EPISODE for this 2nd Season PREMIERE at 1:35am JST / 12:35am Manila / 12:35pm EDT / 11:35am CDT.
We'll join #TVTokyo tonight... in a quarter minutes hopefully, for #onenightonly.
We don't "know" it's going to end there, but it's the most logical place to end
Might end slightly afterwards, though
The TXN network.
>Use of CGI is not a sign of decline in the age of digital
Use of horrible cgi is
>inb4 the animators are actually following the theme of saitama, which is to not expect anything at first glance, but then it's actually amazing
First key visual has Genos in his outfit from the Garou fight.
First teaser has Garou dialogue from right before he fights Gatling.
Animator has tweeted key frames of Genos firing missiles at EC.
>out of his ass
See the obvious as fuck clues above and lurk more you brainless mongoloid.
Another possible, but far less likely cutoff point is the hotpot chapter. This is pure bullshit theorising on my part though.
That is correct sir. TV Tokyo, TV Osaka & TV Aichi. The big three affiliates selectively, in Japan.
>that quality
What clues? You mean the part where they didn't show the entire anime in one trailer? Or the part where you put your head up the ass you pulled those "clues" out of?
We do know it'll end at the Elder Centipede fight at the very least.
Given that animator posted key frame in pic related, it could go even further.
Vinland Saga is looking fine though
>animators liked this specific outfit
>animators thought this dialogue was badass/more representative of the kind of character garou is
>he never fired any missiles in the first season, so they thought it'd be cool to show
You could be right, or you could be wrong. Literally all of your "obvious as fuck clues" is just you speculating.
Actually mad.
It's going to be weird having the MA arc as the first half of S3 if it happens
>when you can't afford high speed internet OR a good bitrate
How long do i have to wait Yea Forums ?
>Anime will end mid arc
Where are people pulling this shit out of?
Their asses.
The manga version of the MA raid takes up an entire cour if adapted.
You are retarded. We literally have Genos key frames that show him entering his missile mode that he only uses against Elder, posted by one of the animators, and specific dialogue from the teasers. It will end after the Elder Centipede fight at least.
The pace in itself is a clue. The first episode already fucking shows Garou's introduction and Fubuki. Stop being retarded, for once in your life.
>EP1: 0d 02h 07m 08s
>key frames
I thought those were storyboards for Genos taking aim at Phoenix Man.
>they animated up to that point, and didn't reveal anything later than that, so it MUST end there
>no way they could just be not throwing their entire project out on the internet for everyone to see
when is a s2 ever better than a s1? its going to be shit
Are you retarded? The post that we're all responding to is the one that doesn't say "at least". The dude clearly thought it would end WITH the fight, and we're saying we don't know for sure. Nobody is trying to say that it would end before then.
>Action scenes are conveyed through poorly drawn still frames and cgi-look-alike shaded characters
>Even the one and a half minute opening consists of mostly aforementioned
>Barely any animation at all.
You call this decent?
What a cute doggo
An S2 that outdid its S1 just finished. It was even based on another ONE comic.
Yes, because you're exaggerating. It wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. It certainly didn't meet expectations, but it wasn't bad either. You're just spoiled.
More like two cours at this pace.
Their peak popularity was way bigger than OPM's in Japan.
Yeah it was technically a storyboard. They're still working on the later episodes given their schedule. The season definitely covers the Elder Centipede fight.
No, you were responding to me and I simply didn't bother to specify it could go a little further, beyond the Elder fight. It's just gonna be the big finale fight, obviously. That's why I mentioned it, retard.
That's some real effort on the color.
what is Fubuki's expression supposed to convey here
> “Not as bad as you’re making it out to be”
> Literally just listing the facts
Nah, you just have extremely low standards, sir.
Holy shit! ONE has such a god tier coloring.
The only shit thing are some animations. The rest is completely fine. CGI coloring didn't fuck your mom, there is no need for you to hate it so much.
Who's the closest to being a main character, after the three actual main characters Saitama, King and Genos?
ONE is an absolute genius.
The absolute horror of witnessing the abomination that is S2.
Ya, not disagreeing with hand animation,but the chi looked bad in the pv
Fubuki is a pseudo main character
Or you just use disgusting and enjoy your crisp HD quality, (optional) danmaku and no delay.
No matter how genius you are. You will never top this colouring.
Hurry up already
Why are saitama and watchdog colorless?
Is he trying to say something?
Or someone who is sick of dealing with people that couldn’t even pass a Turing test
Fubukis face is the fan reaction after watching S2 episode 1.
watchdog has some gray shit around him you blind?
Is Saitama's hero suit still has the original color or it had changed now?
Even Sonic looks like "This is going to be ugly".
>main character
Common Core really just destroying any understanding of literary terms isn't it.
A show with a horrible production value doesn’t need to fuck my mom in order for it to be objectively horrible. While I will never agree with your opinion, and neither will the facts, I guess J.C. Staff can take some comfort in the fact that someone will like their show and give them a free pass. Have a good day, user.
I just hope the soundtrack is good at this point.
It's the same guy from S1.
Gee, I wonder if Genos will actually win against a major adversary or get his ass beat like he always does.
OST was made by the same composer and he tweeted he's created something great, which ONE retweeted. I trust him.
Why are you involving your mom in this conversation all of a sudden?
I’m not
That's good to hear.
I trust him too. The new track from the first teaser was fucking badass.
>huge text
>ignore opnion
Yea the ost is great
I'm gladly complain about the comparative lack of detail when all indications are that we are going to get a borderline slideshow.
Welp, too fucking tired to wait for this abomination.
Got to sleep now, cant wait for shitstorm tomorrow in Yea Forums.
Magalan and boros were downgraded too
good night user
Sleep well
Anime was a mistake.
If I've learned anything from DBS it's that secondaries don't give a fuck about animation quality, and will pretty much watch any shit you will give them.
It's OPM user, the show will success even if it was animated in Lego style.
For me I just want a decent animation
So, blackbeard?
Whining because you can't stand cgi coloring and shading isn't "facts", user. And we haven't seen yet enough material to determine how prevalent still shots will be. So please stop overreacting like a hysterical woman and fuck off until you have any real criticism to make.
Didn't expect more.
He rapes Garou tho.
He doesn't though. Genos barely does anything even though Garou can't even see fine by the time they fight.
Then Genos gets raped by Elder.
oh my fuck how did I not realize this
The only cares about entertainment, if OPM S2 is boring, then obviously they will drop it.
Genos holds dominance the whole time while holding back a lot. And then he outperforms Bang and Bomb against Elder.
The "Genos is a jobber" meme doesn't apply there.
>He doesn't though
Why are you in denial? Genos was going to kill Garou had Bang not intervened. Hell, Genos wasn't even going all out because by his own words, Garou is just some insignificant thug to him.
Will it be on 1212?
Well looks pretty good
My prediction is that they will keep Genos vs G4 short in order to cram Garou and Fubuki intro.
Your so called “cgi coloring and shading” is the least of the problems. Out of everything we’ve seen so far it’s more than evident that the show has a terrible production value and is below decent. All the stuff/lack of animation they’ve been afraid to show us before the premiere really says a lot, too. This isn’t baseless whining, it’s simply describing what’s all too apparent at this point. We’ve seen plenty already to judge user, and don’t worry, there’ll be a lot more judgement in a couple of hours. In the meantime enjoy your worshipping.
t. marvel fan
you mean 1313? I know he streams jojo but I don't know anything about OPM
dsgstng might stream it, but it's not loading for me right now
I talked to a guy who thought overlord season 3 and goblin slayer. The animation is so bad that there really is no point in watching it.
Having audio books play over still images that change every scene would be better than the god awful animation in overlord 3.
So yes people will obviously slurp this shit up and beg for more.
It was more of a back and forth with Garou also pulling out new stuff even when his body was not in a top condition. And Genos did not "outperform" Bang and Bomb. The two destroyed Elder's carapace in one shot, without using their best combo. Genos flew around and still got raped by Elder.
Why are you posting literal headcanons though? Garou was evading Genos' attacks, both physical and energy, when he could barely see and move properly, and he could still fight even when Bang arrived. Nothing impressive on Genos' side there.
Dont forget CGI bear in Golden Kamui.
It is 1:30am, I'm drunk and I'm ready for a goddamn trainwreck.
One user posted the links but his post got deleted for some reason.
1 hour to go.
It's not 1:30 AM in Japan, dude.
I have a couple of friends who only watch shonenshit, I showed them the PV and they thought it looked just as good as season 1.
You're not drunk enough if you can still type correctly.
It is here in straya, cunt.
One thing for sure is that normies hate CGI.
>there’ll be a lot more judgement in a couple of hours
Nah, its going to be the same as these last threads about season 2. Bitches whining. Nothing else.
You don't know how many times I had to backspace and rewrite words man.
Sorry, you don't get to pretend Garou would have survived when it's shown that at multiple points things intervened to either prevent his capture by Bang/Bomb, or his death at the hands of Genos. All of whom were holding back greatly as evidence by how they handled Elder Centipede the very same chapter.
Cope harder Garoufag. Your mutt wasn't on the same level of any of those three at the time.
It was a back and forth in which Garou was at the edge constantly and Genos was chilling not even using his big guns.
Genos went through Elder's defenses and incinerated his whole insides without help (Bang and Bomb needed help to land their combo). He outperformed them.
Yeah that shit was like 240p, looking throught he thread it seems disgusting is the way to go but its blank for me atm.
Normies ate the fuck out of Goblin Slayer and that was chock full of bad CGI.
But straya is irrelevant, friend.
>>Garou will never be animated by the 2015 team
There's always season 3, user...
Yeah, I know.
Why else do you think I;m drinking?
i thought normies hated goblin slayer
Garou never even touched Genos, it was a loss by decision.
He's just retarded leddit cancer desperate to feel attention. Just filter the trash.
Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about? There was a shitstorm surrounding GS among normalfags. Don't bullshit me with "hurr i am not going anywhere outside of Yea Forums" excuse. There were dozens of threads here about it when GS was airing.
Since they got JoJo sound director, watch Genos machine gun blows having Star Platinium sound effects.
Sorry but you don't get to pretend Genos did anything in the existing CANON fight with Garou when the latter was evading him and fighting back in a state where he couldn't even see fine. Then we saw Garou was able to fight and dash around when Bang arrived too.
Your headcanons are literally irrelevant, bitch boy. Fact is Genos' actual fight with Garou just served to show Garou's tenacity is insane. Genos himself ~going all out~ then proceeded to get raped by Elder and fall into depression until Saitama said something funneh and simple to him, as always.
If there's even a single frame of CGI in the first episode I'm dropping it.
The amount of people who decried the goblin rape scenes was incredibly small. Goblin Slayer was one of, if not the most, popular anime of the season among the casuals.
The thread was bad enough, but then the Garou fag entered
Garou did touch Genos though, in his fucked up state to boot, and the fight was interrupted.
CGI isn't a bad thing
hell, all fights would look great as CGI
keep the 2D for talking only
something seems quite right and quite wrong here.
That shitstorm was hardly related to the CG though.
Wasn't the shitstorm about the rape scene though? As far as I know people didnt complain that much about the CGI.
>evading him
>posts the picture directly after Garou was trapped by Genos' arm
You're not that bright are you?
>CGI isn't a bad thing
You're right but 95% of the CG studios in Japan suck donkey dick. Those 3DCG cartoons on Nickelodeon are a million times better than the usual trash CG we see in anime.
I would be fine if OPM S2 animation is like Re Zero(after all it was a good anime)
Is it starting today or what, can't find the episode anywhere.
Are you retarded? That's referring to the fact that Garou is fighting back. Garou evades him several times in the fight too and that's a fact. He even dodges a blast mid air.
Would watch only if the ones which did the Jojo OPs worked on it.
is it out yet?
it will air on japanese tv in like 40 minutes
>Are you retarded?
Do you not know what evading means? Getting pinned down isn't evading. The page you posted is the exact opposite of what you needed to post. But your point is still moot because the page that was posted above that shows Garou flatfooted and surprised while Genos charged his blast. Only Bang kicking him out of the way saved him. Them's the breaks faggot.
are you retarded?
You didn't answer his question.
The Jojo OP CGI looked like shit tho
Oh I see, thanks man!
The flipbook pages weren't in the physical releases. That's where they adapted from. The only one that was kept was the Serious Punch scene. Which is why the anime had it.
How does an anime get good animation anyways? It doesn't seem to correlate with budget or sales.
good scheduling
For what purpose was this picture made
Where can I watch the first episode as it airs? I'm in Japan, no Hulu, TV doesn't have access to TV Tokyo. Is there a website?
Time, effort and passion.
I'll ask again, are you retarded? Do you realize that the full sentence had not only the word "evading" but fighting back, and that's what the image is referencing. Garou plain broke the tree Genos "trapped" him to.
It's a fact that Garou evades both physical attacks and blasts from Genos too in their fight. He even does it mid air. He does it when he can barely see, faggot. Get over it, you have no point. You're just sperging because Genos did jackshit and his arms will now look ugly too.
Just talented people; that's what the director of season 1 said. The budget was fairly average, but all the animators were highly skilled.
It's pretty simple. You need talented staff members and as well as good scheduling.
Have connections to talent and enough time that said talent does their job.
fanficfags being cancer like always, it just so happened that one of them was good at drawing
Why does this image exist?
Watch it on the tv lol
Murata is just too good
I guess you could say it's a madhouse over there.
Didn't disgusting shut down?
they loved every second of working on that show
30 mins to go, im starting to get nervous.
dsgstng is fucking shit dumb russians
Does the author get offer from different studios with different contracts and he can then decide which studio is suppose to animate it, or does the author have no say in this? How does it work?
not shutdown just run by lazy Russians
Not that guy but isn't good animation = more pages drawn = which means more budget, for per page?
If anything Im expecting quite a lot of still frames in todays episode, people like stills(See Attack on Titans and JoJo).
If it's good you can bet all the faggots on youtube who talked shit are going to delete their comments and everyone on Yea Forums is going to backpedal as usual.
> legitimate criticism
> twists it to “bitches whining”
There really is no reasoning with delusional worshippers.
so, did the episode already air???
if so, was it really shit?
so, no subs then?
20 mins or so it airs
Why doesn't one piece have good animation
Yes and yes.
yes I fucking hated it
>It's a fact that Garou evades both physical attacks and blasts from Genos too in their fight
Except the attack that pinned Garou down to tree right? Or are you blind and stupid? Because you said "evading him AND fighting back" and while Garou does do that keep in mind he was pinned down, he was saved multiple times towards the end of the 1v1 and then saved again in the 3v1 precisely because while he's still standing, and he's clearly outmatched by all three fighters. Pheonixman tells him as much and there's no reason to doubt this because we see how Genos, Bang, Bomb deal damage when they go even harder. With Bang still holding back the last of his full power until the very end before things get ended by King and Saitama.
I don't know why it triggers you to understand this simple concept. Genos was too much for Garou at the time, and didn't even go all out because Garou wasn't worth it to him overall. That's why he doesn't look "impressive" because there was no reason to give Garou his best. but that gets rectified when he gets to square up against Elder Centipede who does get Genos' best. Or did Garou do "jackshit" when he lost pathetically to a bug, a walking pair of scissors, and a pile of mud? I'm being somewhat sarcastic as that fight was also really good Losing isn't an issue here retard, Genos bought valuable time to contain elder centipede, showed that in contrast to his fight with Mosquito lady he is no longer just going to self destruct when overwhelmed, and got to look great doing it even if he wound up being disabled again.
Of course that was a waste of characters for a garoufag.
For good animation, you need good animators, and they and their time is a very limited resource. Money is often not quite enough to get it, and of course no amount of budget will get you more than 24 hours in a day and more than seven days in a week.
because toei
it was pure sakuga kino. Best surprise of the year
We have all been bambozzled
Its movie quality
The thing is, budgets are pretty standardized and they don't vary much. Will a bigger budget help? Yes. However, the budget in anime is like a constant and the variables are the time and staff.
20 mins left. At least someone post a link please.
Absolutely blows my mind that the best selling manga has a worse looking anime than every single random Isekai that gets shit out every season
Everyone seems to act like this normal though, like there's no way an anime as long as one piece could ever look like anything other than trash
There's a lot of factors that make a good animation, the most important one is the skill of the animator obviously and how well the director can fix the mistakes of the animators. Budget doesn't matter much, animators get paid per cut.
seems like the op link got taken down
have it again.
it's not fake.
Basically, just time, JC Staff didn't had time.
nice virus
The first minute is pure ass and then the animation ramps up.
This is probably how the show's gonna be isnt it?
Because japan dont think
>Its popular = More Investment = More Sales = Profit
they think
>Its popular = Less Investment = It will sell anyway = Profit
Its retarded and a big reason why they cant get out of stagnation
Bros I'm scared...
>it's real
show dropped
IM SUPER ANXIOUS HOW MUCH IS LEFT? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH it? Holy fuck it's not nearly as bad as everyone claimed it to be. We did it, J.C. bros.
Please tell me this is fan made
What the fuck is with the colours?
Not as bad as I was expecting, still looks a lot worse than the first OP
cd1313 on
Oh shit this is good
god, those WorldArt text are disgusting
Starts shit ends great wut....
I don't know what to think anymore is this gonna be good????
Episode 870
Damn thats actually really good.
It's not completely horrible but editing is fucking garbage
Wtf is with all that ugly font though?
Absoutely meh
11 minutes bros
Where are we watching it?
There is absolutely no way this is real, I refuse.
>Gouketsu dies in OP
Unironically LMAO
>That sorry excuse for a punch animation 50 seconds in
The opening is going to grow on me like JoJo Vento Aureo Part 5.
The music HARD fucking carries this OP
Imagine how bad it'd be if it wasn't for the song
Song's good, the opening is so damn average and I hate the character names being placed in the opening so much.
Serious Punch was underwhelming in Season 1, In Season 2 it will depend on the sound effect.
Yea Forums gets absolutely BTFO by Sayszar the based
It's not listed in HorribleSubs' schedule; did they just forget to add it or what?
Try this one
I get your point, the character names being placed is something like Hero Academia would do.
>Serious Punch was underwhelming in Season 1
It's strange that the serious punch in the OP was so much better than the one in the proper episode.
They are muted so they are using the gradients as fill ins for coloring and shadowing. For some reason they laid it on thick on many characters giving them that CGI/plastic look.
Who the hell is that black fucker that stands close to pink gyoro gyoro?
6 mins
It's only what heroaca's SEASON ONE did, and that's about as passably acceptable as it gets.
First part 5 OP was okay but grew on you, 2nd one was great and grew even further. Best OP by the end of the part, calling it now
My coping mechanism is ready bros, let's do this.
This is a mess
Things just keep changing constantly with no cohesion, it’s a clusterfuck. Also the scrolling character names look awful too
do people honestly expect that level of detail in anime ? Not even a fucking movie would look that good
That OP is so shit holy shit
don't let the mobchads see the episode
Its the association guy who gets taken over by that parasite.
Impressive bait
I wont be surprised if they use the opening animation for the episodes ala Dragon Ball Super.
please no
2nd one, people in this site were complaining, calling it the worst since Great Days, it was funny. This OPM opening should grow on the fans.
subs when
dub when
subs out
Is the elder centipede CG? I couldn't tell.
Fuck niggers and sakugafags
blu ray when
I was thinking in a way to say this in a way that it didn't sounded like I was trying hard to critic the OP, but it just looks like shit, seriously, I guess that the music will grow on me at some point, but when the animation in your OP looks this bad is just, just jump to 0:50, what the fuck was that.
Sung Wen
The first thread when the english version came out early was really positive, but it's the same cycle we always get with new JoJo OPs anyway
webcomic update when
Everything is CG
it didnt looked like to me but honestly I'm 90% it will
I´ll be honest here....Red Eye Garou looks good, i like that shot.
It was
>Will have to endure months of mobfags being cocky
Sun Jian
Anyone expecting any anime to look exactly like the source material is a retard newfag, but they should at least still try to make it look good.
How much longer till it starts?
That was pretty damn good
It's already started on 1313
It's starting. Vaughnlive cd1313
Live thread
wake up fucking nigga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's so bad
>those still images mixed with shitty animation
jesus christ it's bad
I know S1 looked great, but as soon as i heard S2 goes to JC staff i just lowered my expectations and now i am just ready to have some laughs and enjoy the show whatever it looks like. I feel like being mad is a waste of time and health desu
based and checked
Wheres the fucking link?????????????????????
>it's 90% still images
Based coping bros
Why does that ""metallic"" texture looks so fucking bad?
i guess i am also lucky since i don't read manga so idgaf
Great OP.
Oh god this fight is gonna be so bad.
Fuck off frogposter
>JC Staff can't animate people walking
I didn't know to expect this.
with english subtitles in how many hours?
People are that stupid yes.
That actually wasn't bad holy shit, the king part was amazing too
You better not be lying bros
This looks pretty damn good
the punch looked shit, but the king freaking out scene was good
there's two faggots spamming the same shit over and over again, i bet they are from here
its alright
When can we expect it on nya ?
Wow it's....not bad....shit guys im enjoying
Yasumoto deserves a fking award for carrying the show.
That interlacing is pretty bad
Sub when
Looked lightyears better than the PV
So far, does the first episode of S2 come any close to the first episode of S1?
this is a fanimation right??
>that shading
nah, it just looks absolutely average for now.
For an anime that has no actualy itneresting story o characters and whose focus is the action this is bad
Its not the worst thing in the world, It's probaby around slightly above average
Why the fuck do the scenes that were in the PV look better here? What the fuck were they thinking?
This is episode 1, expect the quality to go down
They probably made a mad dash to fix them after the intense backlash.
What the fuck was that
wake me up when the subs are out this isn't fun to watch live
Kaiji S3 lookin good
people acting like the animation was good for comedy bits in S1 are pretty hilarious
The line art still pisses me off to no end, it looks fucking disgusting like pencil scribbles
thet lower the axpectation so now people can say this shit ias amazing even if it is just average at best
It's fucking great lol.
Saitama jump looked much better than the PV.
So, faithful to ONE?
Jump is still silly looking, less so but still silly
Did they fixed the jump or ti was just my idea?
Stage 1:
If it was an adaptation of the web comic sure, but the OP shows it's Murata's padded out Garou arc instead
This bothers me, why wasn't his robotic jaw moving when he was talking
It's not offensively bad put it that way
>i-it's not that b-bad
coping already huh?
That shading on the metal looks like ass.
This is worse than being bad, it's utterly lifeless.
Thought the same thing. That's really fucking lazy
The animation is average at best, the direction is bland and the pacing sucks as it's going way too fast. It could have been worse but there is no point in watching the anime if you're read the manga.
You're wrong though, you're just saying buzzwords to try and start something
>the teeth don't even line up with his lip
my wife is here!
This is going too fucking fast
kill yourself
god the shading is such ass
Say it with me. OH NO NO NO NO NO
Oh god the opening was real
to the one guy posting screenshots that isn't me, you can go on I won't be posting them anymore. just fyi
Yeah it does feel that way a bit.
35 minutes.
It's not good, but it's not outrageously bad either. Let's hope it won't melt later down the line
>Let's hope it won't melt later down the line
elder centipede will look embarrassing
Good, it will fix manga shitty pacing.
What's with this vaseline smear
she looks good in this shot
It's a thousands better than what everyone was expecting
can't wait to watch some youtube reactions to this
This episode gave me whiplash
Actually looked surprisingly good, definitely not the best, but nowhere near as bad as everyone thought it would be.
Yea Forums btfo again, like always
>For an anime that has no actualy itneresting story o characters
fuck off
It was my idea or they fixed her face too? I have the feeling they changed a couple of things, hopefully someone's autistic enough to make a comparison frame by frame.
Yeah the pacing is its biggest problem. Otherwise episode wasn't that bad. Sure some bad shots here and there and its not as robust as s1 episode but it wasn't the worst thing I thought it would be.
If you have to check whether or not the stream is buffering or if it's just a still you know it can't be good
yes, like Robihachi, I still dropped it
OP very average. I hate the text all over it for no reason. I wanna see the futaba reaction
Best anime since Kemono Friends 2.
They seemed to emphasize drawings more than actual animation. It barely moved at all. Boring
Let's see if it holds up throughout the season.
I never had to check any of that, so I'd say you're just retarded.
Yeah the OP would be kinda alright without that text
Yeah they did. They fixed even Genos grappling scene and edited out the slow one entirely. It seems they used the fast pacing to pass over some stuff they could fix like Saitama's jump and Genos still image of him and the laser.
Maybe you don't watch much anime then
Oh my god if you play the opening song in the first episode as the ending, you don't show the OP animation in a box
I wish an average anime studio with average output (one/two per season) was given this, they would make it their standout, instead we got JC Staff which shits out below-average rushed anime productions.
Subs are up on Hulu now
>all these newfags defending this trash
fuck off back to where you came from
how is this thread still even active
is this shit gonna be on HS or is someone else illegally uploading it
>being THIS mad that the episode was much better than expected and realizing just how dumb you are for getting upset before it even aired
kill yourself
I know we all saw it coming, but by god, it hurts.
you first newfag
the texturing feels so flat
Yea they really didn't actually animate much movement, was mostly just cuts between actions key frames and making sure they were passable and showed up for such a short time to give the impression of movement/animation. Some stills did look much better than expected though, just still not the quality it should be (as everyone is saying wtf is that shading)
-Way too many stills
-Art design would be great if not for the saturation
-Animation was...decent...I guess? Nothing really stand out
-Pacing is moving too fast
I dunno. This feels like a less passionate production compared to the first season. Its not bad but it was clearly made to get it out on time rather than because JC Staff was confident in the product itself and that's the difference between the first episodes of the respective seasons; one oozes confidence in its staff and production so much so that they made up an anime original scene just to show off while the other feels pressed for time and is less well-refined. Its definitely not bad but there's no reason to watch if you've already read the manga.
>responding to an illiterate baitard
Don't even waste your energy user pal
>anime is less animated than the manga
was actually expecting it to be much worse... its just mediocre
That was genuinely bad.
I won't be totally negative, there were a couple moments that were okay to look at but holy fuck.
If I wanted to look at stills with slight mouth movements I would just read the manga.
Get fucked JC Staff.
This is what I come to these threads for. Thank you.
Just think of it as an audiobook version of the Manga with some subpar visuals
The voice acting is pretty good
What japan's reaction to the episode?
This is good assesment. Its kinda static, outside Genos fight, it felt like series of stills tbqh. I dont want to shit on it (much), so I hope they get better.
CR simulcast is supposedly about 20 minutes from now.
It already obvious this sing a passion project like before but at least I will say they did try to fix their shit. At best this season will just seem to be mediocre and average.
non, same air time worldwide
That is what makes me more annoyed.
The VA, the soundtrack and even the OP song all have a lot put into them and are genuinely good. The fucking animation staff have really let the project down.
That was also decent but I will say OPM is better because some of the animated scenes were pretty well-done.
If they weren't doing so much shit, this season would probably had been almost as good as last season.
the japanese president is fucking dead
>big fella
Is that the real sub? If so, whoever did it should be fired.
more like fired at
ONE's reaction to the episode, "It was very good" though of course he ain't going to shit on it now is he.
Never saw a japanese author who didn't praise his adaptation despise how shit it could be
I wonder what the Train Wars guy thought since the animation studio told him to fuck off and let them pump it full of fanservice
>One Punch Man S2 - 01 [WEB 1080p].mkv
Can't vouch the quality but that's up.