Which show will save the season?
Which show will save the season?
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Not this one unless you're excited to shitpost instead of watching it.
Ikuharas will probably be better but hyper gay and thus unwatchable for most of Yea Forums. C&T will be good but not special.
both will flop
screen cap this
>gay shit or gay shit
What a choice!
Hey now, Ikuharas no longer making deadbeat yuri shows and has sold his soul to the fujo, theres a decent shot Sarazanmai breaks out. Carole and Tuesdays fucked though.
[Hand wringing intensifies]
penguindrum was shit. if you think this shit will be good because the sexes are switched, you are delusional
>implying this season needs saving
>Hey now, Ikuharas no longer making deadbeat yuri shows and has sold his soul to the fujo, theres a decent shot Sarazanmai breaks out.
You want to pat yourself on the back for a self-fulling prophecy?
Daily reminder that we're dealing with two midgets of opposite sex here, that occasionally switch places, hence the confusion.
Normalfags will love the one with the nigger, will flop more in western, i blame youshitters
Thanks for the genitalia. Really clears up any confusion.
>bought by netflix
Normalfags will go absolutely nuts if Netflix shows the Carole and Tuesday trailer in their teasers. It's just the kind of thing they want. They'll think it's the next fucking Your Name, without ever knowing what kind of shit the studio is capable of producing. C&T has already won.
Fuck off shill
You're welcome.
the guy with the glasses is in high heels
Who said anything about quality? We're talking about financial success.
Anime with female leads or SOL don't do well in the west.
Does the truth hurt that bad, Anonymous? I'm just being a realist.
Seriously, imagine this trailer (youtube.com
>anime with female leads don't do well in the west
wasn't VEG fairly successful over here?
>normalfags watching anime thats not shounen
Look its retarded.
Since it has a White girl and a nigger with a yuri premise i think it will flop, don't underestimate Netflix normalfags
No? Not any more than seasonal shit. Theres a reason the biggest anime in the west right now are BNHA, AoT and OPM in that order.
If the only thing you can think of is a Ghibli movie, I think I've made my point. Honestly, just look at what dominates CRs most popular anime page every week of every season.
Aggretsuko is literally me enough for all of the normalfags to self-insert into, though. And it's basically a wacky Japanese take on American cartoons, filled with enough overt sexism for Americans to self-fellate themselves on doing better.
>what is VEG
The Japanese director of netflix specifically said they didn't want to fund too many slice of life anime because they weren't popular with international audiences.
>makes a claim
>gets proven wrong
>th-th-that doesn't count! I still win!
It was my fault for replying, I guess.
Don't kid yourself and pretend normalfags watched VEG.
Crunchyroll != Netflix
Fujofags will pile on the left one as always and "celebrities" will shill the right one and it will be the most talked anime by non-anime watchers
Meanwhile shounenfags thrieve with yaiba and opm. Both manimefags and moefags loses. Hard.
My normalfag parents told me they were watching "one of those japanese cartoons I like" and pointed me to VEG when I asked which one.
Don't kid yourself and pretend normalfags did not watch VEG.
>a 20 year old family movie made by the most popular anime director ever (which is not a slice of life) means that Americans love slice of life anime with female leads
I see
I'll tell you this, go into Hop Topic and see what anime are there and you can get a pretty good guess and whats mainstream. (Hint: its BnHA, OPM, AoT)
>a 20 year old family movie
Nice job proving you're a teenager who probably wasn't even alive when it came out. It's not like it won the oscar that year or anything.
>Hot Topic a good barometer of what anime normies are watching
It's a good barometer for 13-18 year old normies sure, but not anyone older than ~20. Aggretsko for example had extremely strong viewer data on Netflix among adults.
>thinking normalfags arent watching most seasonal shows
what year do you think it is teen?
Hint: the people watching those are the children of the normalfags.
VEG is a normalfag demographic show though
You must go to Hot Topic a lot. Tell me more.
Don't be mad because your counter example was retarded and you know it.
>y-y-y-you MAD!
We're done here.
See he is right
I havent heard anyone talk about hot topic since like 2013.
It won the Oscar because Disney literally didn't have shit that year of their own and it would be fucking embarassing to not push for it to be an Oscar nominee (they did own Ghibli licenses in the West at the time) given how well it did.
Alright I don't see the point in arguing anymore because you guys clearly really want this show to be popular but in 3 days when it airs and literally no one outside of Yea Forums and reddit cares, you'll know why.
go back to posting on twtter while you visit hot topic normalfag
I'm sorry it upset you that the only seasonal anime the west has ever or will ever care about is aimed at 14 year old boys.
Remind me, what were the CR winners last year again?
Last year was the BnHA awards.
But that's stuff for 8y.o. boys.
Long running shounen grows up somewhat with its audience.
The one without a nigger.
That's his point. Neither of them.
Sarazanmai will be more popular in Japan. Carol and Tuesday will be more popular in the west. Neither will be popular with normalfags.
It's still be lower than OPM
why is this season so dogshit?
>1 cour ikuhara show
It'll be shit just like dyke bears.
Sarazanmai and pic related will save this season
Fruit Basket already does. Saranzanai will be disappointment as Mawaru Penguindrum and Yurikuma and Carole and Tuesday will be /pol/ show of the season, a fight to the death between sjw racemixing 2dpd idol supporters and supreme white race Artificial intellegence music connoseuers.
rendai utena looks based. not even anime have religious themes nowadays. It’ll be best of the season I’m sure
Left will flop hard.
Right will do okay in the west because normalfag push and Flying Lotus.
I'm hyped for both regardless